Topic: Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady!
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 04:02 AM
Here are Synastry Charts as also Composite Chart between fresh married Gisele and Tom.Synastry !: Synastry 2: Composite Chart: Now, if somebody wants to explain, welcome (I don't byte)! Bobbie IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 04:30 AM
12th house rulers are conjunct - this stems from the past. This conjunction happens in his 11th and her 9th house - so there will be a strong friendship-vibe, too.Her Mars in his 12th house, his eptune on the cusp of her 12th house. Maybe they have been "spiritual warriors" in this past life. Anyway let`s focus on some other connections: her Pluto conjunct his ASC and NN - this looks extremely fateful to me, for better and for worse. She must have a tremendous, nearly hypnotizing, power over him. And his lifepath will be strongly influenced by her. her PoF on his SN seems to be a lucky connection from the past (again). her NN conjunct his Saturn - extremely binding. Wow, Pluto-NN AND Saturn-NN? Looks like mutual fatedness, no matter if this will last, they will probably change each other profoundly and will never be able to forget each other. his Uranus on her Moon might be emotionally exciting, but maybe she will also think that he is too unpredictable at times, too exciting, too unstable, something that her Scorpio-Moon cannot deal with easily. Uranus rules his 5th and Moon rules her 7th house - so this is actually very romantic, happening in the angular houses, 1st and 10th.
her Moon on his IC - very deep emotional connection. Again probably a pointer towards a past life interaction, too. Also, her Moon rules her DESC and sits on his IC - THIS is the connection I have found most often in soulmates or at least close-knitted couples, a strong interaction between DESC and IC or the respective rulers.
her Venus trines his ASC- she probably really likes him. his Venus is unaspected though, which is not really a dreamy thing to have in a love relationship. Her Mars opposes his Moon - this could be at first very stimulating, but over time it might get annoying; with her being Mars she might turn out to be too independent, too strong, and too much in the public eye (with her Mars on her Midheaven) for his liking. His Moon is in Aries, so he probably likes strong fiery woman, but he also likes to be "the master of the house" (especially with his Moon in 6th house of everyday life).
His Mars square her Jupiter- maybe a little bit too much energy and enthusiasm?
his Sun is unaspected, which is not an easy thing for a Leo Sun. Her Sun is also unaspected. On top of that; her Sun and Moon are in water, his Sun and Moon are in fire. Coupled with the unaspected Suns, they may seem at times like fire and water and like they don`t really get each other. So to summarize it:
° heavy fatedness, probably stemming from a past life connection ° deep, though not always smooth (Moon-Uranus, Moon-Mars) emotional connection (maybe soulmates) ° Romance is there (ruler of 5th conjunct ruler of 7th; ruler of 7th conjunct IC), sexual attraction might be strong in the beginning, but probably cannot be maintained over a longer period of time (especially with his Venus being unaspected) ° they are somehow living in two different worlds - pretty incompatible Sun-Moon-blends. It will not be easy to understand or "get" each other. additional: Amor conjunct Saturn: fated and lasting love (but amor does not need to be expressed in a partnership; it could also be in a friendship) Eros conjunct Mercury: his thinking style or even his voice might be a "turn on" for her Where is Karma for them? IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 04:43 AM
DD, You are fantastic! When I have read that Gisele has married, I thought she has married Leonardo di Caprio. After that have seen Tom Brady and found his birth data's. Here is the Chart with Karma (how can I forget "my Karma"?) WL, B. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 04:52 AM
Thanks, B,Isn`t Leo with Bar Rafaeli? Anyway, the Karma positions seem to emphasize my initial interpretation. Her Karma opposes his Moon - there IS a karmic emotional bond, but in an opposition it might be part of the lesson to pull apart, cut the strings, which will be very difficult with Pluto and Saturn on each other`s NN. I hope it will not become a push-and-pull relationship. Then we have Karma conjunt Amor, though it may be a bit on the wide side - but it would strengthen the Saturn-Amor-conjunction. They probably are really fond of each other, maybe owing each other "love debts", but I doubt that this is a "happily ever after"-story.  Of course maybe Valentine is strongly placed? Would be cool if there was at least one conjunction of Valentine to Sun, Moon, Venus, ASC, NN, Amor, Juno or Valentine.
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bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 04:58 AM
Without Asteroids there are too many planets unaspected: Tom has Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune without aspects. Gisele has Sun and Saturn without aspects.I use by all couples 65%, but have never seen so many unaspected planets. Sometimes is enough to have conjunctions between AC-IC and DC-MC, what is also good combination. I wonder if they will stay together! WL, B. IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 05:03 AM
DD, I don't know number for Valentine. I think also like you: it is not some Synastry for ever or until the death. We (or somebody) will see, how will go on. About Leonardo di Caprio I read so little and don't know, who is his next flame. B. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 05:14 AM
Number of Valentine is 447.And I agree, unaspected planets in synastry, especially personal ones, are quite tricky. Then you NEED very strong aspects (read: conjunctions) to the ruler of the associated houses. For example: if Sun or Mars are unaspected, you need conjunctions to the ruler of 1st and 5th house, and even then I am not completely sure it will be enough. There will be a "blind spot". But if a Leo Sun is unaspected - oh my, I can`t imagine that he appreciates that! And an unaspected Venus in synastry is really difficult to navigate around - Venus IS about relating and that is the core of a relationship. There are some cases when Venus was unaspected, but in these cases you find: ° Venus in contrascion / antiscion (which is a VERY strong aspect actually, though a bit more hidden and a bit compulsive actually) ° conjunctions to the DESC or ruler of 7th house ° conjunctions to Valentine or Juno (Amor is not necessarily romantic, though loving; Eros is not purely romantic either, more to the erotic side). ° conjunctions to 5th house ruler sometimes can bridge a lack of Venus-aspects, too; but if they are the only thing, there might not be enough drive to "commit romantically" ° no antiscion / contrascion to his Venus ° his DESC-ruler squares her Jupiter, but this is not a personal planet; anyway Jupiter rules her 12th house of past lives, so maybe a past life marriage / love gone wrong? or facing obstacles? ° his 5th house ruler (Uranus) conjuncts her Moon ° his other 5th house ruler (saturn) conjunct her NN - so it seems that romance is written into the "script", but the question is if it is enough
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bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 06:31 AM
DD,Sorry but maybe there will be good sex life and each is going to live his own life. We have many couples, even in an every day life, where is free marriage: they live together, but each can have relationship with other person (very liberal). Gisele and Tom really have something from the Past life. The question is: who knows exactly about Past life, does it exist or not? B. p.s. something else: there was Anquete (Questionnaire) in Germany few years ago, what is the reason that two people get married? Believe me, love is on 11th place!
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DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 07:02 AM
Yes people marry for other reasons than love. But nowadays the expectations are very high, and the questionnaire, did they do it BEFORE the marriage? Cause a few years into a marriage people may already have been a bit disillusioned. But I agree some people really marry for different reasons. And then, what is loveŽ?On past life, who can say? I believe in their existence, I have seen personal evidence in my own case. And that`s enough proof for me. IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 07:52 AM
The questionnaire was after people married. You know better than me, that people marry even because they pay less tax in the case they are married. We don't have it, but in Germany was in that time. Here the link (hope is going): IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 07:55 AM
There are really some stupid reasons for marriage. I think if people would marry only because of pure love, there would be many, many single people. B. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 08:11 AM
Though I believe this is true for some people, I see the answers may have also been based on their experiences within marriage, the experience that love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship. Most of the reasons there could be seen as an expression of love or intimacy though. Which brings me back to the question: What is love? How do we define it?
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Ami Ann Knowflake Posts: 2763 From: US Registered: Dec 2009
posted August 06, 2010 09:00 AM
DD You need a bowing icon  You are SO good. Can I ask you a question? If YOU were gonna get married and you could only do ONE chart ---would you do synastry or composite? Why? If you care to explain.Thanks so much for any help x o x Ami ------------------ Shake your Pluto. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 09:17 AM
Synastry. Synastry. Synastry. Why? I am still not completely convinced about composites, though I am slowly getting there. What about Davison though?
But what I am interested in is seeing the intermingling of energies. Two people meet, their energies mix, harshly or smoothly, attracting or repelling each other. You have to understand each one`s individual energetic matrix to understand why they clash or why they attract each other. And that means relating. I am relating my energetic matrix to this of another person. That is natal comparision and synastry. It is always the ground of a relationship.
Though I know others see it differently. Thy use composite as a stand alone chart, but that is not how I believe it works. If composite works than only on the ground of the natal charts. I find aspects of composite to the natals very interesting though; but yes, until I really am convinced of composites, I stick with my synastries.  IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted August 06, 2010 09:20 AM
Ami Ann, I am far away to be soooo good with Synastry (even if I have some Blog about that), I would do the Synastry Chart. Composite Chart can only make confusion. Bobbie IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Knowflake Posts: 2763 From: US Registered: Dec 2009
posted August 06, 2010 09:23 AM
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DD Knowflake Posts: 5387 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 09:28 AM
Ami,sure. My email is IP: Logged |
Ami Ann Knowflake Posts: 2763 From: US Registered: Dec 2009
posted August 06, 2010 09:30 AM
Thank You DD Is there a period at the end? I just sent one without a period at the end to see if it gets through lol Ami
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 1531 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted August 06, 2010 11:53 PM
My lord these 2 look like brother and sister.IP: Logged |