posted September 21, 2010 03:42 AM
DD,I bought about 8 numerology books in both Pythag & Chaldean. I also noticed most numerology experts tend to use Chaldean most--except Glynis McCants.
It seems, Pyth & Chald interpretations of the single digits 1-9 are pretty much the same.....
Also in Pyth, there's only subtle differences between say, btwn 3, 12/3, 21/3. Chaldean would interpret each of these 3's differently. Chald gets more intricate with double digit #'s.
Personally I find Chaldean works better than Pyth, especially for name vibrations. I've checked my advanced numerological chart before...of course there's some minor 6 vibrations here'n there but no major 33/6. My full name's expression is 33/6 (chald), but in Pyth it's 10/1.
My lifepath is already 1, so it's easy to assume my Pyth-expression of 1 fits. However, nowhere else in my chart would 33/6 show up asides from my Chaldean expression...but I find 33/6 quite fitting according to how my life is in general.
Anyways I find Pyth expressions to be like a secondary vibe & Chaldean the core.