Topic: Moon-Conjunct-Venus Synastry (and Other aspects between)
letram Knowflake Posts: 1131 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 10:29 AM
whats this aspect considered to mean between two romantically? what should it offer? i don't see this one pop up often compared to venus-pluto/venus-mars, moon-mars, sun-mars synastry aspects, is this one significant?would anyone like to share their experiences with this aspect? or any aspect between these planets in romantic synastry? (COnjunct, square, opposition, trine, sextile) IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl20 Knowflake Posts: 410 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 11:25 AM
Hey,I've had this aspect (as the Conjunction) both ways. Where I am the Venus or the Moon. In all three cases (two where their Venus Cap was Conjunct my Moon in Cap. One of those guys Cap Rising was also Conjuct my Moon...I ADORED him completely, and if you read any of my posts I found it VERY VERY difficult to get over the Aqua that had this placement. Currently I'm very into a Cap who his Sun and Venus is Conjunct my Moon...and it's proving to be difficult to get him to be loving towards me...his Venus is ALSO Conjunct Saturn/Uranus/AND Neptune lol), and the other was my Venus in Taurus Conjunct his Moon in Taurus (he was a Virgo)...all three I have been romantically interested in...however only the one with the Asc Conjunction actually became something. Basically overall I just LOVE being around them...and no matter how bad things get I just can't stay mad at them at in all three circumstances being phycially close was something that I loved...being affectionate or even being loving towards them was impossible to avoid. And generally we tended to be affectionate...the Virgo because it was in Taurus...and we LOVE touch lol...the Cap because obviously he was my ex...but so far with the current Cap we've only touched a few times...and the few times we have touched I've almost melted lol. I have more experience with this aspect, and have to say overall it is a VERY sweet, and lovely placement...however for me it makes it impossible for me to stop caring. I am a Cancer so being the Moon is easiest for me, plus I think that my Cancer stuff opposes the guys Venus so I end up being somewhat an ideal/anti ideal lol. I could answer more questions if you have them. GG IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43591 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 17, 2010 01:12 PM
Hi Girly Girl  ------------------ Pluto conjunct Dejanira, Girlfriend. IP: Logged |
Dolphin07 Knowflake Posts: 246 From: United States Registered: May 2009
posted October 17, 2010 01:35 PM
I have this with someone. His Moon conjunct my venus and my sun and my moon trine his venus. We have a sweet closeness with each other. It is a very loving aspect. We care about each other deeply. We also have his psyche conjunct my moon and my psyche sextile his moon. IP: Logged |
Peri Knowflake Posts: 1848 From: 49N35 34E34 Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 02:25 PM
quote: We have a sweet closeness with each other. It is a very loving aspect. We care about each other deeply.
yes that's exactly how synastry Venus/Moon conj felt for me  IP: Logged |
letram Knowflake Posts: 1131 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 02:33 PM
is this aspect powerful and significant? people don't talk about it much,but i see it by description touted as a real love aspect in the composite description on astro IP: Logged |
Geocosmic* Valentine Knowflake Posts: 1228 From: New York, NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 02:41 PM
In synastry the conjunction of Venus-Moon makes both people feel like they want to be married - yes - married, marriage, matrimony, bride-groom, both for the man and the woman, the whole shabang. It's not a guarantee but the feeling is there strongly.Venus-Pluto and all the other Venus aspects can make you feel the same thing, but there's some kind of extra-special punch with this one. It's beyond good sex or soulmate feelings because there is an innate feeling of the "business" side of marriage as well. You both feel like you can handle the nuts and bolts of the "institution" of marriage, the "care" (Moon) and Maintennance (Venus-Taurus Version) of marriage. There is emotional love here, not just sexual attraction, there is genuine caring. IP: Logged |
Dolphin07 Knowflake Posts: 246 From: United States Registered: May 2009
posted October 17, 2010 03:00 PM
Letram I think it is a real love aspect. Ours is in Scorpio which is passionate, but a very loving aspect. I am the venus and he says he feels really loved and nurtured by me. I seem to know what he needs emotionally and how he needs to be nurtured. It just comes natural.IP: Logged |
letram Knowflake Posts: 1131 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 17, 2010 03:07 PM
thanks for the replies everyone! just seems this aspect isnt spoke of much, maybe because its not a frequent aspect (pluto for example is the slowest moving, everyone born on a certain date of their year(s) group will have this aspect with people involving pluto) i think ones like sun-moon and venus-moon are less frequent.dolphin, i can certainly relate, as we have the mutal reception/dw aspect as you do - even the same way round, her Venus in Aries Conjunct my Moon in Aries her Moon in Capricorn (28/29th/critical degree? 0 orb Aqua maybe) is trine my venus in Libra. we don't have a Sun-Moon conjunction though (that is sweet ontop of moon venus i would imagine!) her Sun is conjunct my NN and both rest in my 7th house. her sun tightly opposes my sun (my sun is conjunct my southnode) we also have Venus-Opposition Venus, and the marriage thing is definitely strong in ours, cardinally it is strong.. because we have this moon-venus aspect double whammy, but we also have Saturn-Square-Venus double whammy! the marriage-long term desire is STRONG. my saturn conjuncts her DSC also, and her saturn trines my Sun! our DSC rulers are conjunct EXACT. seems to be some cardinal -ping-pong thing going on between all the cardinal planets except mars (venus/moon/saturn all aspecting eachother except for saturn-moon aspects)
our venus-venus opposition is tied by our saturns squaring them each, and our moons aspect eachothers venus mutually (though her venus is conjunct my moon which is the stronger aspect, by 1 orb, the trine is 3-4 orb.) there is the dsc rulers conjunct exact, and also the MC rulers trine by 1 orb. i will be back with more questions! gotta run IP: Logged |
Intensity Newflake Posts: 20 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 17, 2010 07:31 PM
Dolphin07I share the same thing with my significant other half in scorpio .. me being the moon though not the venus .. So my question is what does your partner the moon in scorpio do to you to make you feel the way you do ... maybe I can learn from him lol .. thanks! IP: Logged |
Dolphin07 Knowflake Posts: 246 From: United States Registered: May 2009
posted October 17, 2010 07:55 PM
Intensity, I feel like he understands how to love me and what makes me feel loved. Since my Venus is in Scorpio and His Moon is in Scorpio he can get really deep with me and not feel afraid and I also don't feel afraid to go deep with him. We can talk about some 8th house issues and also deep seated childhood issues. Things that help transform, grow and heal the other person. IP: Logged |
glamgem25 Knowflake Posts: 795 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted October 17, 2010 10:35 PM
My moon in scorpio conj his venus in scorpio to the's very loving, sweet and tender. We are only friends but I notice even when he's dating someone he might tease them and is not afraid to hurt their feelings but with me (only a friend) he's sooo sweet! Will go out of his way to compliment or make me happy! Wish he was mine lol IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 18, 2010 12:04 AM
So guys do you see sexual attraction with this aspect, esp for the Venus person, or more the sweet caring side? I've seen it be an indicator for attraction, but usually the Venus person being attracted initially, instead of the other way around, and with the Moon person being in need of the care of the Venus person, feeling finally comforted when around Venus, and Venus just has to *be*, she doesn't have to do anything special it's just how she is that comforts the Moon. Thoughts?And GirlyGirl, whatever else you want to share feel free This is one of my favorite synastry aspects, too. IP: Logged |
Dolphin07 Knowflake Posts: 246 From: United States Registered: May 2009
posted October 18, 2010 05:58 AM
LonakeI am the venus and I do think there is a sexual attraction maybe because his moon falls in my 5th house. We both find that it is a deep bonding. Maybe because ours is in scorpio. I have my moon in his 7th house and conjunct his 8th house ruler too. I definitely feel the sexual attraction. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl20 Knowflake Posts: 410 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 18, 2010 06:06 AM
"and Venus just has to *be*, she doesn't have to do anything special it's just how she is that comforts the Moon. Thoughts?"I agree on this...although I will add and say that I think Venus when in this aspect loves the attention they get from the Moon, almost to a territorial extent. Looking at the guys with Cap Venus that I had dealt with tended to not take me showing affection or attention elsewhere well if at all lol...even the Aqua who had some emotional placements as well didn't really take well to me dealing with other people. I also noticed this with me being the Venus, and my Virgo guy friend being the Moon. I really got hurt when he focused on someone else lol. Its actually quite horrible haha. I think Venus is at its best being loving and loving the other person, and when the Moon does ebb and flow (ie show attention else where even if for a little bit) it can cause a very hurt Venus who needs to be loved. So they may turn else where to seek attention, while this creates a very hurt Moon. In my experience in Taurus its a little too sweet lol. NO ONE wants to initiate ANYTHING. In Cap it is a little cooler, with me as the Moon the guys tend to be dramatically more warm to me than most people. And I tend to see a different side to them, more loving and more open and vulnerable. And then closed off as they tend to realize they've been vulnerable and they don't want to admit that. IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted October 18, 2010 12:01 PM
Just another reason to want Moon or Venus in Taurus...LOL. It just doesn't feel as nice when its in Virgo or Gemini. Or what I mean to say is that its all nice at first, but then it turns real critical/hypersensitive. That's alright, I'll just settle for the trine. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 43591 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted October 18, 2010 12:20 PM
Benedict  ------------------ Pluto conjunct Dejanira, Girlfriend. IP: Logged |
glamgem25 Knowflake Posts: 795 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted October 18, 2010 02:12 PM
I do believe the sexual attraction is mutual for us and being friends it's also that forbidden fruit kind of thing. I agree that the venus person feels it was brought to my attention by several friends/family members about the way he would stare at me or do things for me but not others. IP: Logged |
dinobleue Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted October 18, 2010 08:00 PM
I'm very often attracted to Moon in Capricorn, with my own Venus being there. I have found I'm attracted to these people even if there isn't a conjunction. Is just being in the same sign a strong enough pull?IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl20 Knowflake Posts: 410 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 19, 2010 07:25 AM
"I'm very often attracted to Moon in Capricorn, with my own Venus being there. I have found I'm attracted to these people even if there isn't a conjunction. Is just being in the same sign a strong enough pull?"I would deff say there is a guys would have an affinity. I know some people would say you wouldn't feel it persay...but based on my own experience (a friend had a 3 degrees Cap Venus...and I have a 24 deg Cap Moon) I still felt that and it was quite strong. But based on who you ask they might tell you something differently. "Just another reason to want Moon or Venus in Taurus...LOL. It just doesn't feel as nice when its in Virgo or Gemini. Or what I mean to say is that its all nice at first, but then it turns real critical/hypersensitive. That's alright, I'll just settle for the trine." Lol I agree, Moon and Venus in Taurus is LOVELY...but then again I'm kinda biased haha. Even relating to other ppl with Cap/or Virgo they wonder how is it possible I can be so simplistic about so many things lol. It kinda sucks though because so many times I would LOVE to be a typical Cap Moon and even be obsessed with hard work or staying productive, and be a task master, but most of the time I tend to act like my Venus and prefer being comfortable...and getting to things eventually haha...doing things when I want to do them...and being VERY VERY VERY SLOW to get angry and finally be done with someone. So BM I actually love the Virgo ability to be decisive, act quickly, and want to get things done. My Aqua ex with Virgo Moon used to get soooo angry at me for not having to stay productive...and he would claim up and down I'm lazy. And of course I would come back with he's just critical, and needs to chill out. Then he would come back with the typical Virgo response of if he didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. So I deff would love to be the type to stay busy a good chunk of the time. "In synastry the conjunction of Venus-Moon makes both people feel like they want to be married - yes - married, marriage, matrimony, bride-groom, both for the man and the woman, the whole shabang. It's not a guarantee but the feeling is there strongly."
Wow, I actually kinda agree here, it deff makes me (even in a more traditionally colder sign, Cap) be VERY focused on fixing and maintaining a relationship. And no matter who is what sign we tend to be very focused on relationships ours and others. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 19, 2010 03:29 PM
I think the Moon person is in admiration of Venus too, it's not just one-way..but for Venus it's more attraction-based.Moon admires the looks of Venus, maybe like a child would with a doll, seeing them as needing care and special handling, something very precious. And Moon admires any artwork of Venus too, the way they decorate, etc. because Moon will feel nurtured by it, it will seem like the perfect song or environment, it will feel simpatico to the Moon, like being back in the womb, completely safe. I agree, too, that they don't need to be conj for the feeling to manifest, but the closer to conjunct the more immediate the feeling would be, but same sign, sure, there will definitely be shared values/interests. Even the opposition, that would be the next strongest to the conjunction, would work here. The square would have a similar feeling in the beginning, but the more you get to know each other, the more you see that the feeling is just on the surface and that you're really very different, so the Moon/Venus sq in synastry is disorienting. The trine is seductive, sextile is friendly. IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted October 19, 2010 07:35 PM
quote: It kinda sucks though because so many times I would LOVE to be a typical Cap Moon and even be obsessed with hard work or staying productive, and be a task master, but most of the time I tend to act like my Venus and prefer being comfortable...and getting to things eventually haha...doing things when I want to do them...and being VERY VERY VERY SLOW to get angry and finally be done with someone. So BM I actually love the Virgo ability to be decisive, act quickly, and want to get things done. My Aqua ex with Virgo Moon used to get soooo angry at me for not having to stay productive...and he would claim up and down I'm lazy. And of course I would come back with he's just critical, and needs to chill out. Then he would come back with the typical Virgo response of if he didn't do it, it wouldn't get done. So I deff would love to be the type to stay busy a good chunk of the time.
My issue is that Virgo Venuses are critical about the shallowest crap (eg. 'why didn't she lose weight for the wedding?') and Gemini Moons are so flippant about certain things that its a complete turn-off. The funny thing is that its always very nice and admiring in the beginning ('Oh, you're so pretty and blah blah blah), but when the good feelings wear off....its not so nice anymore. I guess its that constant conflict between my Moon and Venus. I like Taurean placements alot (especially Venus)....must be the trine to my Moon?
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 20, 2010 12:36 PM
Seen from the basic meaning of the planets, I would say that Venus feels the attraction more strongly, and Moon the caring. BUT it depends which house is being ruled. In my case Venus rules the 5th house and Moon the 8th house. I haven`t had this aspect very often though. I remember one time, when my Venus was exactly conjunct his Moon. I was initially drawn to him, but he didn`t like me. He actually liked my friend, which was pretty okay with me. The attraction was not that strong to begin with (Moon-Venus is probably too soft for me to really notice. lol). I wished though I wouldn`t have had that soft spot for him, cause it made me go completely blind. Otherwise I would have been able to warn my friend of him. He turned out to be a real psycho.IP: Logged |
venusinpisces Newflake Posts: 1 From: little elm, tx, usa Registered: Dec 2010
posted December 02, 2010 08:25 PM
I met a guy with my birthday only 11 years later. I have moon in Aquarius he has Venus in Aquarius.He has moon in Pisces. I have Venus in Pisces. We both have sun and Mercury in Aquarius. I was actually engaged when I met him, but have since ended my 8 yr relationship. I've never had an attraction like this before. We've communicatec via email since meeting and were going to get together but he backed out. It feels so fated and once in a lifetime. I don't know what these aspects are called but I am so curious I've never met anyone with a chart like this! I would appreciate any feedback. I am heartsick, but why wouldn't I be with a Pisces Venus? IP: Logged |
Got Gemini?? Knowflake Posts: 906 From: The Planet Mercury Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 03, 2010 08:24 AM
I was dealing with this aqua girl once who's Moon in Cancer conjunct my Venus in Cancer less than half a degree.Its a VERY beautiful aspect to have with a person. On top of what everyone else has said here already, I feel it is also the aspect of forgiveness. No matter what happened, I could not stay mad at her and vice versa. Better yet, it was very hard for me to get mad at her and vice versa. We are still friends to this day. Mind you, we also had other harmonious aspects too like and exact sun trine sun and sun trine mercury and mercury trine mercury so I'm sure that helped. ------------------ Gemini Sun Libra Moon Gemini Mercury Cancer Venus Virgo Mars Virgo Asc And yes, I'm a guy! IP: Logged |