Topic: The Twelve Signs and the Four Goals of Life
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 29, 2010 04:38 AM
This website is pretty incredible. It's astrologer, vic dicara's blog. Check out this interesting article. URL is at the bottom. The ancient seers of India described human life as having four stages, each of which has a specific goals. Within and beyond them all is a fifth goal. Each of the five elements propels interest on of those goals. Ether, which everything is in and which is in everything, interests one in the fifth goal. The other four goals belong to the four elements used by the planets to cultivate their signs. The element within a sign determines what goal it proposes to the planet that inhabits it. The first thing I need is pleasure. I am not alone, all life has this basic underlying motive. Air creates sensations and is responsible for making us desire pleasurable ones. The air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius mark the way points along the evolution of this goal of life. Gemini gives new ideas of fun, Libra attempts to realize those ideas, and Aquarius tries to transform them into something better. Next, I need stability and security. Lollipops are great, but when I get one I start to worry about where the next one will come. So I want to save money or make a lolli-stash so I can get one whenever the desire hits me. The earth element in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn promote this goal of life in various ways. Taurus gives the fundamental impetus for economic security, Virgo helps work out how to accomplish it, and Capricorn tries to transform it into something more significant and lasting. People with stability become targets. As soon as I get a stash of lollipops the neighborhood bullies try to take it by force. So I become interested in the third goal of life: morality. Fire, which brings order to chaos, facilitates this. Aries gives the inspiration to fight against cheaters who would take away what I worked hard for. Leo grants the actual authority to enforce and enjoy a moral existence. Sagittarius tries to transform morality into something even higher and broader. Now that I have my block in order, behaving like good moral kids, my lollipop stash is safe. OK, what next? The pause gives me time to reflect, “What is all this fuss over lollipops in the first place?!” Water, as you probably guessed, enables us to ask if there is there something deeper than all this elaborate civilization we have built around, basically, candy? Water inspires the fourth goal of life: enlightenment. Cancer gives the impetus to look within. Scorpio enables the process of self-realization. Pisces tries to transform it into something greater. What could be greater than enlightenment? The fifth goal, ether’s goal, which is in no sign, but in all of them; which is beyond all the other goals yet includes them all. The fifth goal is the supreme pleasure of air, the supreme treasure of earth, the supreme moral of fire, and the supreme realization of water. It is prema, absolute selfless divine love for the Supremely Intimate Being. -Vic DiCara
Full url is here: IP: Logged |
Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1206 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 30, 2010 03:27 AM
Cool stuff!IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted October 30, 2010 03:51 AM
Yep! I have the missions of each sign saved somewhere. I'll have to post that, too.It's called The Legend of the Zodiac IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2011 06:09 PM
From linda's love signs bookThe evolution of the soul through the signs. She gives a complete story as to how the soul learns to behave differently as time goes by, and why it takes up the characteristics of its sign as a result of being bored of being the way the sigb that came before it was. The wheel switches from the soul wanting freedom and play to wanting security and taking things slower this time around. Read the book! It's great! Aries - the infant - "i am" to teach that love is innocence and learn that love is trust Taurus - the baby - "I have" to teach that love is patience, and learn that love is forgivness Gemini - the child - "I think" to teach that love is awareness, and learn that love is feeling Cancer - the adolescent - "I feel" to teach that love is devotion, and learn that love is freedom Leo - the teenager - "I will" to teach that love is ecstasy, and learn that love is humility Virgo - The adult - "I analyze" to teach that love is pure, and learn that love is fulfillment After repeatedly going through these first six stages the soul passes through the final six initiations of love to discover deeper spiritual meaning. Libra - Marriage - "i balance" to teach that love is beauty, and learn that love is harmony Scorpio - Sex - "I desire" to teach that love is passion and learn that love is surrender Sagittarius - Knowledge - "i see" to teach that love is honesty, and learn that love is loyalty Capricorn - Experience - "I use" to teach that love is wisdom, and learn that love is un-selfish Aquarius - Idealism - "i know" to teach that love is tolerance, and learn that love is oneness Pisces - Submission - "I beleive" to teach that love is compassion, and learn that love is all IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2011 06:22 PM
The life lessons of the polar opposites IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2011 06:28 PM
Does anyone have the link for the evolution of the soul through the signs? Super interesting as well. You know, that Aries is supposed to turn into Taurus and so forth.IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted February 24, 2011 06:41 PM
This is cool and insightful! At first I didn't understand why it was associating sensation with air, but I read further on. Interesting tidbit, overall. IP: Logged |
blugrey Knowflake Posts: 1006 From: Nowhere Registered: Nov 2010
posted February 24, 2011 07:25 PM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2011 08:26 PM
The air signs connect people by being all about fun and pleasure.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted February 24, 2011 08:27 PM
The Legend of the Zodiac...And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive the appointed gift... "To you, Aries, I give the seed first that you might have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you plant, one million more will multiply in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for everything you plant creates more than must be planted. You will be the first to penetrate the soil of men's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea, nor to question it. Your life is action and the only action I ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of My Creation. For your good work, I give you the virtue of Self Esteem." ...Quietly, Aries stepped back into place. "To you, Taurus, I give the power to build the seed into substance. Your job is a great one, requiring patience, for you must finish all that has been started or the seeds will be wasted to the wind. You are not to question nor change your mind in the middle nor to depend upon others for what I ask you to do. For this, I give you the gift of Strength. Use it wisely." ...And Taurus stepped back into place.
"To you, Gemini, I give the questions without answers, so that you may bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer, you will find my gift of Knowlege." ...And Gemini stepped back into place.
"To you, Cancer, I ascribe the task of teaching men about emotions. My Idea is for you to cause them laughter and tears so that all they see and think develops fullness from inside. For this, I give you the gift of Family, that your fullness may multiply." ...And Cancer stepped back into place.
"To you, Leo, I give the job of displaying My Creation in all its brilliance to the world. But you must be careful of pride and always remember that it is My Creation and not your own. For if you forget this, men will scorn you. There is much joy in the job I give to you, if you but do it well. For this, you are to have the gift of Honor." ...And Leo stepped back into place.
"To you, Virgo, I ask for an examination of all man has done with My Creation. You are to scrutinize his ways sharply and remind him of his errors so that, through him, My Creation may be perfected. For doing this, I give you the gift of Purity of Thought." ...And Virgo stepped back into place.
"To you, Libra, I give the mission of service, that man may be mindful of his duties to others and that he may learn cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere there is discord and, for your efforts, I will give you the gift of Love." ...And Libra stepped back into place.
"To you, Scorpio, I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many times, you will be pained by what you see and, in your pain, will turn away from Me. You will forget that it is not I but the perversion of My Idea that is causing you pain. You will see so much of man that you will come to know him as an animal and wrestle so much with his animal instincts in yourself, that you will lose your way. But, when you finally come back to me, Scorpio, I have for you the supreme gift of Purpose." ...And Scorpio stepped back into place.
"Sagittarius, I ask that you make men laugh, for amidst their understanding of My Idea, they become bitter. Through laughter, you are to give man hope and, through hope, turn his eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives...if but for a moment...and you will know the restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Infinite Abundance, that you may spread wide enough to reach every corner of darkness and bring it light." ...And Sagittarius stepped back into place.
"Of you, Capricorn, I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work. Your task is not an easy one, for you will feel all of man's labors upon your shoulders...but the yoke of your burdens contains the Responsibility of man, which I put in your hands." ...And Capricorn stepped back into place.
"To you, Aquarius, I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness, for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But, for turning man's eyes to new possibilities, I give the gift of Freedom. That is your liberty and you may continue to serve mankind wherever he needs you." ...And Aquarius stepped back into place.
"To you, Pisces, I give the most difficult task of them all. I ask you to collect all of man's sorrows and return them to Me. Your tears are to be ultimately My Tears. The sorrow you absorb is the effect of man's misunderstanding of My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this, the most difficult task of them all, I give you the greatest gift of them all. You will be the only one of my twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces, for when you try to spread it to man, he will not listen." ...And Pisces stepped back into place. ...Then, God said: "You each have a part of My Idea. You must not mistake that part for all of My Idea, nor may you trade parts with each other. Each one of you is perfect, but you will not know that until all twelve of you are One. Then, the whole of My Idea will be revealed to each of you." ...And the children left, determined to accomplish the job assigned to the best of their ability, that each might receive God's gift...but none fully understood the task undertaken or the promised gift and when puzzled, they returned, God said: "You each believe that the other gifts are better. Therefore, I will allow you to trade." And, for the moment, each child was elated, considering all the possibilities of the new mission. ...But God smiled as he said: "You will return to Me many times asking to be relieved of your mission and, each time, I will grant your wish. You will experience countless incarnations before you complete the original mission I have prescribed to you. I give you countless time in which to do this but, only when it is done, can you be with Me." IP: Logged |
Mblake81 unregistered
posted February 27, 2011 07:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: From linda's love signs bookThe evolution of the soul through the signs. She gives a complete story as to how the soul learns to behave differently as time goes by, and why it takes up the characteristics of its sign as a result of being bored of being the way the sigb that came before it was. The wheel switches from the soul wanting freedom and play to wanting security and taking things slower this time around. Read the book! It's great! Aries - the infant - "i am" to teach that love is innocence and learn that love is trust Taurus - the baby - "I have" to teach that love is patience, and learn that love is forgivness Gemini - the child - "I think" to teach that love is awareness, and learn that love is feeling Cancer - the adolescent - "I feel" to teach that love is devotion, and learn that love is freedom Leo - the teenager - "I will" to teach that love is ecstasy, and learn that love is humility Virgo - The adult - "I analyze" to teach that love is pure, and learn that love is fulfillment After repeatedly going through these first six stages the soul passes through the final six initiations of love to discover deeper spiritual meaning. Libra - Marriage - "i balance" to teach that love is beauty, and learn that love is harmony Scorpio - Sex - "I desire" to teach that love is passion and learn that love is surrender Sagittarius - Knowledge - "i see" to teach that love is honesty, and learn that love is loyalty Capricorn - Experience - "I use" to teach that love is wisdom, and learn that love is un-selfish Aquarius - Idealism - "i know" to teach that love is tolerance, and learn that love is oneness Pisces - Submission - "I beleive" to teach that love is compassion, and learn that love is all
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Mblake81 unregistered
posted February 27, 2011 07:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: The Legend of the Zodiac...And it was morning as God stood before his twelve children and into each of them planted the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive the appointed gift... "To you, Aries, I give the seed first that you might have the honor of planting it. That for every seed you plant, one million more will multiply in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, for everything you plant creates more than must be planted. You will be the first to penetrate the soil of men's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea, nor to question it. Your life is action and the only action I ascribe to you is to begin making men aware of My Creation. For your good work, I give you the virtue of Self Esteem." ...Quietly, Aries stepped back into place. "To you, Taurus, I give the power to build the seed into substance. Your job is a great one, requiring patience, for you must finish all that has been started or the seeds will be wasted to the wind. You are not to question nor change your mind in the middle nor to depend upon others for what I ask you to do. For this, I give you the gift of Strength. Use it wisely." ...And Taurus stepped back into place.
"To you, Gemini, I give the questions without answers, so that you may bring to all an understanding of what man sees around him. You will never know why men speak or listen, but in your quest for the answer, you will find my gift of Knowlege." ...And Gemini stepped back into place.
"To you, Cancer, I ascribe the task of teaching men about emotions. My Idea is for you to cause them laughter and tears so that all they see and think develops fullness from inside. For this, I give you the gift of Family, that your fullness may multiply." ...And Cancer stepped back into place.
"To you, Leo, I give the job of displaying My Creation in all its brilliance to the world. But you must be careful of pride and always remember that it is My Creation and not your own. For if you forget this, men will scorn you. There is much joy in the job I give to you, if you but do it well. For this, you are to have the gift of Honor." ...And Leo stepped back into place.
"To you, Virgo, I ask for an examination of all man has done with My Creation. You are to scrutinize his ways sharply and remind him of his errors so that, through him, My Creation may be perfected. For doing this, I give you the gift of Purity of Thought." ...And Virgo stepped back into place.
"To you, Libra, I give the mission of service, that man may be mindful of his duties to others and that he may learn cooperation, as well as the ability to reflect the other side of his actions. I will put you everywhere there is discord and, for your efforts, I will give you the gift of Love." ...And Libra stepped back into place.
"To you, Scorpio, I give a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the minds of men, but I do not permit you to speak about what you learn. Many times, you will be pained by what you see and, in your pain, will turn away from Me. You will forget that it is not I but the perversion of My Idea that is causing you pain. You will see so much of man that you will come to know him as an animal and wrestle so much with his animal instincts in yourself, that you will lose your way. But, when you finally come back to me, Scorpio, I have for you the supreme gift of Purpose." ...And Scorpio stepped back into place.
"Sagittarius, I ask that you make men laugh, for amidst their understanding of My Idea, they become bitter. Through laughter, you are to give man hope and, through hope, turn his eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives...if but for a moment...and you will know the restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Infinite Abundance, that you may spread wide enough to reach every corner of darkness and bring it light." ...And Sagittarius stepped back into place.
"Of you, Capricorn, I ask the toil of your brow, that you might teach men to work. Your task is not an easy one, for you will feel all of man's labors upon your shoulders...but the yoke of your burdens contains the Responsibility of man, which I put in your hands." ...And Capricorn stepped back into place.
"To you, Aquarius, I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness, for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But, for turning man's eyes to new possibilities, I give the gift of Freedom. That is your liberty and you may continue to serve mankind wherever he needs you." ...And Aquarius stepped back into place.
"To you, Pisces, I give the most difficult task of them all. I ask you to collect all of man's sorrows and return them to Me. Your tears are to be ultimately My Tears. The sorrow you absorb is the effect of man's misunderstanding of My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this, the most difficult task of them all, I give you the greatest gift of them all. You will be the only one of my twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces, for when you try to spread it to man, he will not listen." ...And Pisces stepped back into place. ...Then, God said: "You each have a part of My Idea. You must not mistake that part for all of My Idea, nor may you trade parts with each other. Each one of you is perfect, but you will not know that until all twelve of you are One. Then, the whole of My Idea will be revealed to each of you." ...And the children left, determined to accomplish the job assigned to the best of their ability, that each might receive God's gift...but none fully understood the task undertaken or the promised gift and when puzzled, they returned, God said: "You each believe that the other gifts are better. Therefore, I will allow you to trade." And, for the moment, each child was elated, considering all the possibilities of the new mission. ...But God smiled as he said: "You will return to Me many times asking to be relieved of your mission and, each time, I will grant your wish. You will experience countless incarnations before you complete the original mission I have prescribed to you. I give you countless time in which to do this but, only when it is done, can you be with Me."
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Lyra Knowflake Posts: 305 From: London, UK Registered: May 2009
posted March 01, 2011 11:42 AM
I nearly wept as I read this one (Moon/ Venus/ Jupiter in Pisces) quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: "To you, Pisces, I give the most difficult task of them all. I ask you to collect all of man's sorrows and return them to Me. Your tears are to be ultimately My Tears. The sorrow you absorb is the effect of man's misunderstanding of My Idea, but you are to give him compassion that he may try again. For this, the most difficult task of them all, I give you the greatest gift of them all. You will be the only one of my twelve children to understand Me. But this gift of understanding is for you, Pisces, for when you try to spread it to man, he will not listen." ...And Pisces stepped back into place.
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 01, 2011 02:25 PM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 01, 2011 02:36 PM
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Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 01, 2011 05:26 PM
This reminds me of one of the most painful differences between the element of fire and that of water. I know we all have these elements present in some way in our charts, so I am not referring to Sun signs. But it is also a problem that comes up in synastry when a water planet is touched by a fire planet...The difference is between the watery - emotional approach to the world.. and the fiery moralistic approach to the world. These elements will take this dispute to hell and back before anyone sees a grey area of resolution.. and usually that never happens. Often I see it when the same planets are involved.. e.g. Mercury in Cancer with Mercury in Sagittarius --- or Venus in Aries with Venus in Pisces... and so forth. IP: Logged |
Mblake81 unregistered
posted March 01, 2011 07:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: This reminds me of one of the most painful differences between the element of fire and that of water. I know we all have these elements present in some way in our charts, so I am not referring to Sun signs. But it is also a problem that comes up in synastry when a water planet is touched by a fire planet...The difference is between the watery - emotional approach to the world.. and the fiery moralistic approach to the world. These elements will take this dispute to hell and back before anyone sees a grey area of resolution.. and usually that never happens. Often I see it when the same planets are involved.. e.g. Mercury in Cancer with Mercury in Sagittarius --- or Venus in Aries with Venus in Pisces... and so forth.
Look to nature, Wolf packs. The Alpha, And Omega energies. They are not exactly suppose to co-mingle like that. Both exist together however. Fire starts and water ends  Earth and Air are mixed up in the middle, Usually trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Humans are not wolves, we have brains and can use reason. So we can grow beyond always. But it is helpful to remember the natural order of things from time to time. Alphas do not always stay alphas, Omegas do not always stay omegas. Long periods or shorter ones, it always changes by what is needed to evolve or by what is needed to survive, and sometimes both. It helps to know which it is, and what is going on. We need smart people? ok nature will do it, We need strong people? ok that will happen. Whatever. Hopefully on the other end of all this, When giant men are needed to push evolution to a new height, they will have the benefit of mankind going through the stage it is in now. Good for them. Really smart, Really big guys/ or women for that matter. Anything is possible if it can be reasoned out enough, oh and time, lots of time. IP: Logged |
lalalinda Moderator Posts: 3651 From: nevada Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 24, 2011 01:03 AM
terrific thread  The Legend of the Zodiac is actually Martin Schulman's Allegory I mention this only to give him proper credit. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2011 05:48 AM
Oh wow. Thank you! I'd always wondered who wrote it.And thank you . I really think this topic is fantastic and more people should know what they're here for, don't you think? IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 25, 2011 09:00 AM
Cool stuff but honestly it's really just poetic sun-sign astrology. You really have to take the entire chart into account.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2011 08:49 PM
Regardless of whatever your other placements are, your sun sign still describes how your father taught you to establish your identity in the world, and that's a pretty important thing, now isn't it?IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 25, 2011 09:08 PM
Wow, this is a great string...I volunteered with wolves in Alexandria, NH... Wolves are smarter than a human could ever conceive...they take you traveling and show you things, when a wolf misbehaves, the pack shows that wolf it was wrong, they are amazing! WOLF=FOWL=FLOW O, they know...and when they Howl..the Earth Vibrates in Harmony... To my wolves, Max, Snowblind, and Rockie, O yes and SilverMoon, I am still with you! ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 7833 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2011 10:50 PM
That sounds amazing. Now I wanna go volunteer with wolves. Lol.By the way, I'm not sure just because it's a thread, you can aslo call it a string ^_^ But creative play on words there, nevertheless. Haha. Just sayin. IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 25, 2011 10:53 PM
You can volunteer, look up wolf sanctuaries in your area, volunteers always needed!------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged |
Emeraldopal Knowflake Posts: 2065 From: U Registered: Apr 2011
posted September 25, 2011 11:01 PM
here's the link from the forum Heathcliffe's Corner... ------------------ All my love, with all my Heart lotusheartone IP: Logged | |