Topic: conjunctions to your IC in synastry
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 01, 2010 05:33 PM
i've gotten to thinking that maybe the reason this guy has such a profound effect on me is because his venus, mars and mercury all straddle my IC (also his juno sits exactly upon it) -mercury and mars both at a two deg orb and my IC is their midpoint. the sense of bond i feel to him is akin to that of family- it's like he's in my BLOOD. i never see much on IC synastry and i'll i've ever really heard about it is that the person who touches your IC feels like 'home' to you, or reminds you of your family somehow. i would LOVE to know more if anyone cares to share what their experiences are with this aspect, whether you are the IC person or the planet(s) person.. i'm also wondering if the planet person feels a similar sense of 'family' and how it feels to them? IP: Logged |
belgz unregistered
posted November 01, 2010 05:41 PM
My ascendant on my exes IC and his DC on my IC felt that way too. It definitely felt that way.IP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2010 05:50 PM
The IC is your innermost "core". Someone touching your core, touches you at your deepest self.IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 01, 2010 05:56 PM
belgz, so he was the IC person and you felt that way?? feel free to be liberal in your description, if you care to leave one venusingemini, but what IS that core? your soul, or just sense memories and associations to your place in the fam? and how do THEY experience that touching-of your core? IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted November 01, 2010 05:59 PM
I think the IC stuff goes both ways, and it can feel like a moon connection. I had a sun/moon 4th house conjunction with someone btw and hated it because it felt like they were in my blood and i did not like them LOLIP: Logged |
venus in gemini Knowflake Posts: 883 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 01, 2010 06:19 PM
This is from "The Twelve Houses", Howard Sasportas.What we encounter when we withdraw our awareness from the transitory objects of experience and reconnect with the underlying "I", which is the subject of all experience, is designated by the sign on the IC, and the planets in the 4th. The sense of "me-in-here" provided by the IC and 4th house lends an inner unity to all thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions. In the same way that we are biologically self-maintaining and self-regulating, the IC and 4th house serve to maintain the individual characteristics of the self in stable form. The 4th house represents where we go when we settle back into ourselves - the inner centre where our "I" returns to rest before launching into activity again. It is the base of operations from which we meet life. For this reason, the 4th house has been traditionally associated with home, the soul, and the roots of the being. The American Indians believed that you opened your soul to someone when you invited that person into your home. As opposed to our public face, the 4th house describes what we are like deep down inside. The IC and 4th house signify the influence on us of our "family of origin", the family into which we were born. Planets and signs in the 4th reveal the atmosphere we felt in that home, and the kind of conditioning or "scripting" we received there - the psychological family inheritance. IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted November 01, 2010 06:22 PM
"Planets and signs in the 4th reveal the atmosphere we felt in that home, and the kind of conditioning or "scripting" we received there - the psychological family inheritance."Well, that makes sense. I have Cancer on the 4th house cusp and it opposes Uranus only, and I was raised by a very erratic Aqua mother and grandmother, but they aare certainly my base lol.
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Nadiya368 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Richmond, VA usa Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 01, 2010 06:41 PM
I never knew this about the IC, this is very interesting. but my ex boyfriends sun was conjunct my IC and my venus as well..all in gemini. His venus and mercury was also conjunct my sun as well, both in taurus. We dated after about 10 days of knowing each other, it was the kinda of relationship they make movies about. The most amazing thing i've ever experienced, so the break up like being dropped off the edge of the universe. (literally) or you could interpret that as having to "leave home" or "fly the coop".
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Nadiya368 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Richmond, VA usa Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 01, 2010 06:45 PM
oh and also his moon was conjunct my MC too, and my mercury was conjunct his ascendent and marsIP: Logged |
Nadiya368 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Richmond, VA usa Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 01, 2010 06:49 PM
sorry i keep forgetting all these synastry aspects, my mars was conjunct his IC and moon was conjunct his midheaven. IP: Logged |
Purple unregistered
posted November 01, 2010 07:00 PM
Well even though it was just his ascendant I always felt like he was my family. I don't know if it's because we were together ten years but even in the beginning I always would say I don't feel like your my bf you feel more like my family. You feel exactly how you do with your brother or sister lol not as in incest You feel the bond is the same like you grew up together. We have moon trine moon too. We were this way when we first met. He was my best friend a year before we dated and we were inseparable always ditching school to be together. IP: Logged |
Lara Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted November 01, 2010 07:04 PM
beware: rat infestationsIP: Logged |
Nadiya368 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Richmond, VA usa Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 01, 2010 07:05 PM
I'm typically very reserved and it takes a long time for my to trust people (cap moon/saturn in the 1st)...but with him there was a comfortability there, I never once felt like i couldn't trust him or couldn't tell him anything. It did feel pretty family like when I think about it, I always told him my family would love him cause he'd fit right in!....and I meshed so well with his family too, they loved me when apparently they didn't like/respect many of his friends IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1995 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted November 01, 2010 07:08 PM
Feeling like family sounds a bit incestuous, lol! But I just started seeing someone who's moon is conjunct my IC and Mars in Aries. The IC is potent with natal Mars conjunct, so whenever it is activated a primal sexuality is revealed. I suppose the IC is far more sexual than has been assumed in western astrology. I've read that that the moon/ lunar energies describe our most natural sexuality, so why doesn't the IC suggest this as well? Plus the IC is the most lowest point in the chart, Lending to the id tendencies? IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted November 02, 2010 02:45 PM
wowza.. yeah i'm not really sure, but that sounds totally plausible, a la id, verviter. he's the only boyfriend i've had on my IC as far as i can recall (i've been with two mooners who were 9 of orb, but in my third. something tells me that doesn't count). but this guy is DEFINITELY affective in that sense. it's like he's my BROTHER but i feel deeply compelled to be united with him, on all levels including sexually, MINUS the incestuous way that sounds! i've known him 15 years and throughout my life i've thought of him and worried about him the way i do my brothers. like, that feeling registers in my heart in the same way as they do: odd. thanks venus in gemini. i'm trying to imagine him with my family (we're estranged, sadly; they're all alcoholics and abusive and extremely dysfunctional people), or see how he might 'remind' me of them. well he IS extremely assertive (aries venus and mars) and my IC is aries, so this represents a loud childhood environment with agressive energies (true). maybe he links me back into that feeling, but in a more positive sense (since i am a pretty quiet person, having not wanted to be a part of that energy), and thus maybe i feel re-energized around him?? hmmm.. purple, that's a tight bond!! yeah, we lived together for about a year and were pretty much inseperable too. interesting that my first bf and i lived together at such a young age and his stuff's on my IC. IP: Logged |
GrlyGirl20 Knowflake Posts: 410 From: USA Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 02, 2010 11:51 PM
quote: i would LOVE to know more if anyone cares to share what their experiences are with this aspect, whether you are the IC person or the planet(s) person.. i'm also wondering if the planet person feels a similar sense of 'family' and how it feels to them?
Oh boy…I think if anyone read any of my past year posts you would have seen that I dated an Aqua, I broke up with him twice in January and then he didn’t want to get back together. From then on until he graduated in May we dealt with each other in a back and forth of not being friends, etc. I’ve had the hardest time getting over him, and I’m not 100% over him now, but as long as I act like he doesn’t exist I’m good (as in not looking on Facebook…deleted his phone number which I’ll admit is really sad I’ve done that lol…I’m a 25 year old woman). His Moon was Conjunct my IC, Jupiter was Conjunct my MC, Asc was Conjunct my DC, Venus was Conjunct my DC, and finally an out of orb Conjunction from my Moon to his Venus and Asc. Plus we had Trined Moons by sign and aspect, two Grand Trines (one in Water the other in Earth), plus we had some icky Pluto DW stuff going on in both the synastry and composite. I also think there was some mutual 4th house stuff with him as well but I’m not 100% sure I have his birth time, as his family became a bit of a focus as well, plus I was the only other girlfriend his sister had added as a Facebook friend besides an ex of his from 3 years ago. I still miss him actually which I feel horrible saying, and since him I haven’t dated anyone officially (because I’m not over him, and I’m moving across country two months from now…which I was supposed to have done in August lol). He felt like home, and I also know off the bat I loved him, and if things would have continued well I would have wanted to marry him (even though I’ll swear up and down to anyone now that I never loved him and what we had wasn’t that deep or intense, and he meant nothing to me). But I also knew that being with him would have meant that I wouldn’t have moved to California (which I’m doing so in two months). Plus based off of what he said he didn’t want anyone to influence his decision on where to go or anything prior to finding a permanent job (who knows with him though…he was a Pisces Mercury). We are currently on non speaking terms, he actually hasn’t spoken to me since June when he found out I was moving away. Earlier that month I told him I planned on going to school in the area (we go to school in the South) and I wanted to get back together. Later that month a friend of his told him I was moving, and that’s when he deleted me from Facebook. In late July he came to my apartment when I was out (but my mom was there) and I missed him. Since we haven’t spoken other than a two emails (lol one angry on my part about him having added his ex and a friend of mine (he didn't even know) when he didn't add me, and then another when I told him I was officially moving in late Dec as my lease runs out on Jan 1st). I will say regarding IC stuff is even though I’m a typical Cancer and hold onto people, I’ve never held on like this. Usually when I hold on I stay friends and don’t go back to them as far as a romantic relationship (I have Venus in the 11th),so its people NOT the relationship that matters. But with him its terrible. I felt horrible when we finally broke up…it was like I felt my heart breaking in many pieces. So overall he and I are done speaking to each other as I don't think he ever cared as much as I did, nor even enough to just clear stuff up. I will say though that a big part of me is hurt...I hope at the end of the day that I meant even a smidgen to him what he meant to me. Even though I don't think I did/do. Nadiya368: Why did you guys break up? And are you guys still in contact? Or is it too painful to be? IP: Logged |
electricmind Knowflake Posts: 981 From: Registered: Dec 2009
posted November 03, 2010 07:58 AM
the current interest and i have mucho angle contacts. as far as the IC is concerned his moon/mars conjunction stradle my IC. my jupiter/ascendant conjunction conjuncts his IC. his is IC ruler (saturn in cancer) is conjunct my descendant. and my IC ruler (mars in scorpio) conjuncts his sun.we all but moved in together after just a week of knowing each other. we have been inseparable ever since. (we r still working out the details of how to live together without actually living together. we have composite uranus exactly conjunct our comp ascendant so our relationships is very quirky, startedly unexpectedly and refuses to be defined) he definitely feels like family. he is 10 years my senior so there is a nurturing element where he feels responsible for me. i am the strange, rebellious aquarius with an aries moon. his mars on my IC magnifies that. he makes me feel more of myself. i feel free in his presence as if i am safe to be all of me. i know that he feels that same sense of familiarity and safeness. with my jupiter on his IC my values and beliefs are a great point of compatibility. they match who he is at his deepest core. and he loves to have me around his home. i've helped organize and clean up some years of stuff in his apt. his moon on my IC i think that really explains our mutual desire to make some kind of home together. only time will tell as it it still quite early. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2010 08:31 AM
Great thread! I am very much with ViG on this one, IC is the core of the soul, where you are most naked and vulnerable. It relates to the hour of and shortly after midnight (on a normal day, not when you are out partying ). Take your time somenight, at around midnight to 6 a.m. (preferably clearly before the sun comes up again). Sit down in your room with NO distractions, no music, no TV. How do you feel? Whom would you allow to share this space and time with you? Who are you at that time (as opposed to your busy day-Self)?
THAT is our Immun Coeli.
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DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2010 08:31 AM
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Cynnared Knowflake Posts: 1074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2010 09:06 AM
My youngest daughter has her Sun sitting right on my IC. Her Asc in Aquarius conj my MC and opposite my IC.My boyfriend has Saturn squaring my IC, but then I have that aspect too. IP: Logged |
DiandraReborn25 unregistered
posted November 03, 2010 09:10 AM
DDthat is so interesting....i´ll try that. i think VIG´S description feels like a glove. John has his Isis/Osiris/Juno/JonnhPaul cj my IC and my Antivertex cj his IC. of course that with these...i always felt he was my perfect soulmate partner.even before i knew about astrology...he really feels like my One and Only. and...the sense of familiarity was enourmous and huge since the very 1st moment we met. in Draconic my IC cj his DSC.and in our composite Aura and FElicitas are on our IC. IP: Logged |
DD Knowflake Posts: 7072 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2010 11:23 AM
oh btw, IC_connections may be indicative of soul-connections, but not necessarily in a romantic sense, you`d have to check other aspects for that.IP: Logged |
Nadiya368 Knowflake Posts: 52 From: Richmond, VA usa Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 03, 2010 12:44 PM
Grlygirl20: We both knew going into it that I had to leave at the end of the summer, we had about 6 weeks together. We knew at the end we'd have to make a decision to either break up mutually or stay together and do long distance....I wanted to do long distance, the thought of us breaking was too much (I expecting that we'd never break up)....his venus in taurus, I trusted him completely, very stable relationship.A week before the summer ended I went back home for a few days to take care of some business, but it was a kind of trial for the distance, he would text me "how are we going to do this for an entire relationship?" etc. ....and after that things started to fall apart. We both didn't want to end it, but towards the end i think we both got too scared and subconsciously sabotaged it but before we got together we'd both gone through hard break ups right before the summer started.
There's a lot more I could go into detail about, but that'd take an entire book haha......the break up was the most difficult thing i've ever gone through, we both cried and for weeks i was in pieces. We kept in contact for a little but things got weird, too impersonal for me I could handle it. And its 2 months since we broke up and we don't talk really but I still love him. Best thing that's ever happened to me, and I still miss him terribly. It was like the notebook, but minus the happy ending.... IP: Logged |
oceaneyes9 Knowflake Posts: 139 From: missouri Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 03, 2010 01:30 PM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 60698 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 03, 2010 01:42 PM
That is really cool, Electric ------------------ Pluto conjunct Dejanira, Girlfriend. IP: Logged |