Topic: Mercury Rx
StarrofVenusGirl Moderator Posts: 1302 From: Down the Rabbit Hole Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 09, 2010 12:56 PM
Uh oh! It's that time again!::runs around screaming:: Something bad always happens to me during a Mercury Rx. Usually I lose something. Usually a cell phone LOL. I've lost 3 this year. Smartphones. Expensive phones. Unmoved made the astute observation that I lose something whenever any of my personal planets go Rx. What happens to you during Mercury Rx? Anything bloodcurdling? I am particularly prone to this one as a Virgo, I think. So, Virgos and Gems everywhere--hide your phones! Use spell check! Double and triple check! Think before you speak! No job hunting, contract signing, or "talks" with the love in your life. Pay your Internet bill!  Etc. etc. etc. Does a retrograde Mercury get under your skin? IP: Logged |
raspberri Knowflake Posts: 2550 From: venus Registered: Jan 2010
posted December 09, 2010 01:01 PM
When does it turn?IP: Logged |
blugrey Knowflake Posts: 164 From: Portland, OR USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 01:02 PM
No.. actually I've never felt the effects. Possibly because my own Mercury is retrograde in my natal chart. IP: Logged |
StarrofVenusGirl Moderator Posts: 1302 From: Down the Rabbit Hole Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 09, 2010 01:02 PM
7:04 AM EST tomorrow.I can feel it already LOL. ::clutches phone:: IP: Logged |
StarrofVenusGirl Moderator Posts: 1302 From: Down the Rabbit Hole Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 09, 2010 01:04 PM
Blugrey I think you might be slightly immune due to your natal retrograde, several people were discussing that during the recent Venus retrogrades (which kicked my butt by the way). In fact, it might actually be GOOD for you. IP: Logged |
blugrey Knowflake Posts: 164 From: Portland, OR USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 01:07 PM
Yay!! Yeah, I felt the Venus retrograde myself too. Bleck! Glad that's over, seriously. IP: Logged |
Diana Knowflake Posts: 2394 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 09, 2010 01:07 PM
I usually find something out that I didn't know before. Happened the last three rx's and they were big things, not small insignificant things, so I'm noticing a pattern. They've been in my 12th and 8th/9th houses the last three times, so it does fit. IP: Logged |
lechien Knowflake Posts: 631 From: my 30 cubic square meter room with a rat! Registered: May 2009
posted December 09, 2010 01:17 PM
my Mercury is natally retrograde too. things always go absurdly wrong for me, even double with my Virgo stellium partner with also retro Mercury.but in the end, they always miraculously work out without any loose ends. it's trying while happening, but makes funny story later... but i just wonder what comes this time, i had plenty of Mercury retro-esque problems with my mail during Venus retro last month! every single mail got lost. IP: Logged |
Swift Freeze Newflake Posts: 19 From: Plymouth, Devon, United Kingdom Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 09, 2010 01:21 PM
I also have Natal Mercury Rx and I can't say I've ever been particularly frustrated during a Rx. In fact I usually find it easier to get my ideas and thoughts down and out of my head.IP: Logged |
soulful122 Knowflake Posts: 260 From: Where I want to be.. Registered: Jan 2010
posted December 09, 2010 02:33 PM
Same here Swift  IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 342 From: Needles, California USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 02:56 PM
My youngest son's gf is a Virgo with her natal Mercury in Rx....I have warned her to be My biggest concern however, is what is coming next month, with Saturn in Rx...Oh Lord Help Me! My bf, and both of my boys, have their natal Saturn in Rx...last year in January, my youngest and his girl split for a few months, my bf and I split in Feb, for 3 months or so...I also thought I read somewhere that during that time period Taurus comes into play as well? Myself, and my son's girl, are both Taurus moon...any help or suggestions on how to handle this? I am scared! lol------------------ Kat IP: Logged |
Diana Knowflake Posts: 2394 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 09, 2010 03:08 PM
People with natal rx planets aren't in any danger during that planets rx. I don't think the saturn in libra really affects taurus. I can't think of anything entering taurus or squaring it soon at all except for the fast moving planets in aqua during jan/feb which aren't a big deal.
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blugrey Knowflake Posts: 164 From: Portland, OR USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 03:56 PM
I have Saturn Rx too! Sweet! So for every planet we have retrograde.. we don't feel those? IP: Logged |
Crona Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted December 09, 2010 04:00 PM
I have natal rx planets, I feel them, but not to the extent other's feel it.Mercury RX, is when I feel more communicative in public.
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blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 342 From: Needles, California USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 04:13 PM
Diana...this is what I was referring to with Taurus... ..And with Saturn in retrograde Perhaps I read it wrong...I am a newbie to serious Astrology, and have much to learn. That is why I am here, and I rarely get a response, so whether I am right or wrong, I am learning, and I appreciate your response very much. So please answer bf has his moon in Aquarius, and Cap in his 3rd house. My boys don't seem to have anything that will really affect them as far as Sun/Moon/Rising, although one does have Cap in his 7th...will it affect them, or not much? Thanks for your time.. ------------------ Kat IP: Logged |
LuvinU Knowflake Posts: 158 From: NJ Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 09, 2010 04:20 PM
My mercury, mars, jupiter, and saturn are retrograde natally.When mercury is retrograde - I find that a lot of things that were burdens the rest of the year, are lifted during the retrograde. Granted, I do get hit with some mercury retrograde issues too in relation to dealing with others but for the most part, I call mercury retrogrades, my time of smooth sailing. I communicate better, I'm much more sure of myself, and I tend to get a lot of things done while getting the chance to start on new things. When mercury is direct, I feel so unsure of myself and what I do and oh so confused about so many many many things. Mercury retrogrades are a relief for me. IP: Logged |
blugrey Knowflake Posts: 164 From: Portland, OR USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 04:24 PM
I have Merc, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto retrograde. But the only retrogrades I've heard of causing trouble are Venus and Merc.. Do the other planets just not matter as much because they aren't personal? IP: Logged |
PlutoSquared Moderator Posts: 2517 From: Mars Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 09, 2010 04:32 PM
When does it end, this time?
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BearsArcher Moderator Posts: 441 From: Arizona with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2010
posted December 09, 2010 04:48 PM
Ugh.. I feel your pain Star! I knew it was RX before I read it.. I was supposed to receive a very important e-mail about my clearance and it didn't show up until I got the 5 day warning yesterday. Niiiiiice (apparantly the original one was sent out last Friday). My Kindle went bonkers and the connection to our Wi-fi is having a few fits. I have a Virgo rising and definitely do not like Merc Retro... Booooooooo IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 342 From: Needles, California USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 05:05 PM
Saturn rx ends May 31, the day my son and his gf reunited in person last year, and the day before my bf and I started to 'hang out' again....we reunited on 6/11..lolHere is link that may be of some help... My boys each have 4 personal planets in retrograde...I, thankfully, have none..  Since we are on the subject of retrogrades, how do asteroids in Rx affect us? If Rx planets are associated with karma, and we have connections between personal planets, asteroids, and our personal houses...with 1 deg orb, and less, does that point to karma with those particular asteroids? Are you with me? lol  Just a newbie.... ------------------ Kat IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 342 From: Needles, California USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 05:05 PM
Saturn rx ends May 31, the day my son and his gf reunited in person last year, and the day before my bf and I started to 'hang out' again....we reunited on 6/11..lolHere is link that may be of some help... My boys each have 4 personal planets in retrograde...I, thankfully, have none..  Since we are on the subject of retrogrades, how do asteroids in Rx affect us? If Rx planets are associated with karma, and we have connections between personal planets, asteroids, and our personal houses...with 1 deg orb, and less, does that point to karma with those particular asteroids? Are you with me? lol  Just a newbie.... ------------------ Kat IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 342 From: Needles, California USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 09, 2010 05:06 PM
Saturn rx ends May 31, the day my son and his gf reunited in person last year, and the day before my bf and I started to 'hang out' again....we reunited on 6/11..lolHere is link that may be of some help... My boys each have 4 personal planets in retrograde...I, thankfully, have none..  Since we are on the subject of retrogrades, how do asteroids in Rx affect us? If Rx planets are associated with karma, and we have connections between personal planets, asteroids, and our personal houses...with 1 deg orb, and less, does that point to karma with those particular asteroids? Are you with me? lol  Just a newbie.... ------------------ Kat IP: Logged |
PlutoSquared Moderator Posts: 2517 From: Mars Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 09, 2010 06:28 PM
Wow, this will be a long retrograde period. From now until then, should be interesting.IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 4246 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 09, 2010 06:33 PM
Nothing generally happens to me. My chart ruler is Mercury, and mine's not retrograde.Mercury is currently conjunct my Sun. IP: Logged |
StarrofVenusGirl Moderator Posts: 1302 From: Down the Rabbit Hole Registered: Jun 2009
posted December 09, 2010 09:05 PM
PS, it ends on December 29, which is my son's birthday. I have to send out the party invites this weekend!!!! This is terrible! Last year's party was a catastrophe, it had to be rescheduled 2x due to snow (it hardly ever snows in December where I live). I am hoping there are no serious issues this time. IP: Logged |