Topic: Aging and Astrology
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 474 From: CA Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 31, 2010 12:01 AM
Where in your aspects would it mention how well you age? not just physically but the youthfulness you carry on into your old age?I hear Capricorns age almost in backwards,being born an old soul and gaining more youthfulness in their prime and on. any truth to this? IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2010 12:06 AM
It could be, if there was emphasis on those signs/aspects.In general Mercury and its signs are quite youthful. You could say the same of Aries and Leo. Saturn/Capricorn can do the reverse aging bit, as a matter of easing up with the way they see the world and their comfort in it and in themselves, thus appearing younger as they get older. The way you age, it could be seen by the Asc, h1 planets, its ruler, its aspects..... They say you stay young by keeping mentally agile and creative in a childlike way, staying curious, so anything that would point to those qualities in a chart would help. Gemini is very curious Leo and Aries are very childlike and playful and creative IP: Logged |
starfox Moderator Posts: 922 From: London England Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 31, 2010 07:18 AM
I am a Capricorn, I've heard this too. It could be quite true? I am certainly becoming sillier as I get older.IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 31, 2010 01:27 PM
House 1 ruler for physical change, and also personality/character. Can also coincide with different looks. The slower moving planets would tend to keep their looks.IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4856 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 31, 2010 01:30 PM
My 22 old friend,virgo asc and 1st h mercury often gets:„darling,when u turn 15...” IP: Logged |
CosmicKarma360 Knowflake Posts: 773 From: here and there Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 31, 2010 03:49 PM
Taurus Ascendant, Mercury in Taurus, 1st house, conjunct Asc. Jupiter in Taurus, 12th, conjunct Asc. I'm constantly told I look younger than I am, but I always thought it was the Gemini Moon that did it.IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 31, 2010 04:43 PM
I'm not ageing badly, Scorp asc nep in 1st, i have a friend who has aqua asc and chiron in 1st and she's doing okay toooddly one of the people i thought was older than he is has scorp asc and venus in scorp in the 1st? IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4856 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted December 31, 2010 04:52 PM
Chubbyness hide true age as well,and it's youthfullness of heart... So,i'd look 4 jupiter/asc contacts!IP: Logged |
Lotis White Knowflake Posts: 1088 From: USA Registered: Dec 2010
posted December 31, 2010 06:11 PM
.IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 474 From: CA Registered: Feb 2010
posted December 31, 2010 07:27 PM
Also am a Cap,and very young at heart.I am 23 but still feel around 12. Any fellow Caps find it hard to settle down and marry? feels like such a grown up thing to do,and like i am giving my youth away.Also i am very nostalgic and think about my childhood,almost long for it again.haha IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 42648 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 31, 2010 07:29 PM
If slower moving planets keep their looks, I lucked out with Pluto  ------------------ Jesus never put his trust in man cuz he knew what was in man. Pluto conjunct Deja ,Bruh. IP: Logged |
PlutoSquared Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: May 2013
posted December 31, 2010 08:11 PM
I've got Aries sun (in 9th), Libra Moon (in 3rd) with a 3rd house stellium, Leo Ascendant...I would say that most people are struck by my immaturity... haha. Seriously though, it's just natural. I feel young, still... Granted, I do have a Saturn opposite Sun transit right now, and I think it is somewhat moving me forward in the "maturity" direction? Not sure though... Physically, I feel pretty good. I try to take care of myself. Skin, Diet, Emotions, Spirit, etc... I don't take my health for granted, and don't party like a rock star, anymore. IP: Logged |
coconutcancermoon Knowflake Posts: 494 From: A Place of Pure Love Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 31, 2010 08:13 PM
I'm Leo sun/Cancer moon Gemini Asc, I'm 30 but look about 23-24, but I'm chunky though, so that may be why  IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3181 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted December 31, 2010 08:23 PM
people with a smile will always looks like younger .....IP: Logged |
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 196 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jul 2010
posted December 31, 2010 11:48 PM
Virgo Sun, Capricorn ascendant, Mercury in Libra. The ascendant in Capricorn starts at 28 degrees at the 12th house. I also have Mars and Neptune in Capricorn in the 12th house. Most of my first house is in Aquarius, but I don't have any planets in there. I do get told that I look younger than I am. Must be the Virgo and the Capricorn elements working together.IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 01, 2011 07:52 PM
I have strong-ish Saturn & Mercury, plus Leo, Aries Mc, and I do look younger.The ladies I know who look THE most youthful, one has a Virgo stellium incl Sun, with Aries Moon, unknown Asc The other lady is Scorpio Sun, but she has a Gemini Moon on her Gemini Asc. She looks amazing. IP: Logged |
Stargazer Knowflake Posts: 46 From: just left of center Registered: May 2009
posted January 01, 2011 09:09 PM
I have a virgo Stellium which includes the Sun, Aries Moon and Cap. ASC. I do not look my age. My parents also look young for their age... that helps.IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 01, 2011 09:14 PM
Hey you're Virgo Aries like my friend.. Her mom has Sadge Sun, I forget the rest, and she doesn't look youthful, maybe it all rests on her dad..he died before we met, I never see his pics anywhere.IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 5888 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 01, 2011 09:30 PM
I have alot of Leo... I look young.. I still get carded.. Im 38.. I have even been accused of having a fake Id... lol... IP: Logged |
NickiG Moderator Posts: 5639 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted January 01, 2011 09:33 PM
when i was 15 i looked 21 i look 17...gem asc, leo moon------------------ put your foot down once, not stomp it over and over IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 474 From: CA Registered: Feb 2010
posted January 02, 2011 05:52 PM
I have a Cap sun Aries Moon and Leo Asc..I am nearly 24 and told I look 15 or 15.IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2011 06:04 PM
I definitely look much younger than my age,and I even sound much younger than how I look. I really don't see anything astrological in connection to it. I do have Virgo Ascendant My mom and her relatives look much younger than their age too. I think that it's more about a combination of genetics,environment,and how well one takes care of one's self.
I am part Black and have some Portuguese and Spanish in me, and so those things could be a factor I don't smoke,drink alcohol,nor use drugs. That's a factor too. my mom and her side of the family have Portuguese and Spanish in them,and so those things could be factors. ------------------ No..I am not a Virgo. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
aethan Knowflake Posts: 117 From: Lisbon, PT Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 03, 2011 12:33 AM
I have Aries Rising and though I will be 25 in a month or so, if I don't wear any make up I don't look a day over 15. Which is kind of irritating now but it'll hopefully be a good thing when I turn 30... 40...IP: Logged |
venus_aspected Newflake Posts: 21 From: washington, DC Registered: Aug 2010
posted February 07, 2011 11:44 AM
I'm Cancer with Aries Moon Conjunct Ascendant. I have a Stellium in the 3rd House in Cancer including Mercury. Mercury and Third House are all over my chart. But shamefully, I smoke. I'm 27 and people say I still look 23. When I was 19 and graduated from college, nobody would hire me because I looked 15. When I started smoking, people started taking me seriously. I will quit smoking, though. Gemini/Third House is very youthful. I still play and play and play. Like stuffed toys and make-believe stuff. I'm crazy. I thought it was the Aries Moon and then I realized, it's the perennially-curious 3rd House. IP: Logged |
cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1588 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted February 07, 2011 11:53 AM
Cap sun taurus ascendant conjunct jupiter. 1st house is intercepted by gemini with my moon. Don't feel younger per se but I am 34 years old & people say I look the same as when I was 15. I get hit on by guys in their early 20's & their shocked at the age difference. I look at the girls that I grew up with & smirk.... I tend to stay out the sun, moisturize constantly and I think my ethnicity has something to do with it. Even though my sister is 2 years younger and people mistake her for kids IP: Logged |