posted January 02, 2011 01:15 AM
Well a virgo sun and sag asc is likely to make a very funny person! He probably likes wordplay and that sort of thing.Aries moon is quick to anger, and do stuff like throw phones and such, but then they are over it. I have a close guy friend with this placement. Duct tape holds his phone together. 
My sometimes SO has a Virgo Mars, I tell you this is alot of nervous energy that has to burn off somehow.
My particular guy works for fun, AFTER work to wind down. It's exhausting to watch.
So you see his Sun/personality, Merc/communication and his mars/actions are all in virgo. He may like to talk alot mixing those with the sag asc.
BUT, those earth placements may be in conflict with his fire side that just wishes to jump in with both feet.
Interesting that his NNODe is in sag as well, thus encouraging him to go more with instincts and get away from the comfort zone of the snode, which would be gemini in analyzing things.
Venus in Leo is going to want to be your only only, and be adored, so keep that in mind when and if this gets to a relationship stage, which may take awhile considering his cautious sun and hard to pin down asc.
Patience is a virtue so they say. 
But, at least his moon and venus are both in fire, so, I would think he'd be passionate and protective once involved.