Topic: ASTEROID PAN 4450 and Asteroid 4257 Ubasti aka Bast, the Ancient Egyptian Cat god
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 03, 2011 11:08 PM
Is Pan commonly used to help decide where a person is creative? Or is it just relationships? Where's yours and how do you think it effects you? Also....Asteroid Sekhmet asteroid 5381.... the Ancient Egyptian Lion-Warrior Goddess…bringer of joy, through strength, tres Kali.... and Asteroid 4257 aka Ubasti aka Bast, the Ancient Egyptian Cat goddess, are for fun  4450 Pan Seductive and earthy sensuality, creative, wily, and likely to instill panic? to produce change or contact. 4450 Pan brings something very earthy, very natural to any planet or point he touches. He’s no “Victorian” when it comes to sensations and sensual pleasure. Pan brings a link with the instinctual nature and couples it with a kind of wily pleasure. On the Ascendant, Pan gives the body robust strength, added libido and sharp instinct. He is raw and vital and knows nature’s ways. He is a seducer of the innocent, and the knowledgeable as well. He is one hell of a romp, metaphorical or otherwise. He is natural and fertile—a nature spirit, instinctual, rustic, sexual, potent. He is not shy. He is not a child. Pan loves music and dance, reverie, sex and celebration. When conjunct a personal planet, these traits and talents may come to the foreground. Muhammad Ali has Pan conjunct Jupiter in Gemini in the tenth house.[/UR L] Page where I found aka Ubasti aka Bast [URL=] My Pan is in my 4th house Sidereal Leo Tropical Virgo.
So I would be most creative and free spirited on a subconscious level or maybe I am able to express this part of myself at home the best? 4450 Pan 21 le 55' 1" Pan sextile VERTEX 22 li 37'33" 6°10'41" 450 Pan 21 le 55' 1" Pan square Neptune 18 sc 32'21" 6°10'41" -20°54'34" 4450 Pan 21 le 55' 1" Pan square Lilith 20 sc 13'38" 6°10'41" -22°33'20" Asteroid 4450 Pan 21 le 55' 1" Pan opposite MC 16 aq 56' 0" 6°10'41" I have Sekhmet in my 6th house Sidereal Scorpio
5381 Sekhmet 23 sc 43'48" Sekhmet conjunct Great Attractor 19 sc 12'31" -46°35'19"
5381 Sekhmet 23 sc 43'48" Sekhmet conjunct Lilith 20 sc 13'38" -46°35'19" 5381 Sekhmet 23 sc 43'48" Sekhmet trine Saturn 22 cn 19'50" -46°35'19" 5381 Sekhmet 23 sc 43'48" Sekhmet conjunct Neptune 18 sc 43'48" -46°35'19" I have Ubasti in Sidereal Sagittarius 8th house 257 Ubasti 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti square Chiron 4 ar 4'10" Rx -3°44'17"
4257 Ubasti 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti trine Jupiter 2 ta 0'26" Rx -3°44'17" 4257 Ubasti 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti sextile Mars 2 sc 6'41" -3°44'17" 4257 Ubasti 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti sextile Mercury 4 sc 31'59" -3°44'17" 4257 Ubasti 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti sextile Sun 29 li 27'51" -3°44'17" 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti trine Jupiter 2 ta 0'26" Rx -3°44'17" 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti sextile Mars 2 sc 6'41" 29 sa 42'41" Ubasti sextile Mercury 4 sc 31'59" HAPPY 2011 EVERYBODY! 
------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 03, 2011 11:35 PM
My Pan Is in Gem in my 3rd conjunct my Saturn.. blahhhMy Sekhmet is conjunct my Sn.. in Cancer in my 5th My Ubasti is in Aqua in my 12th opps my Mars IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5013 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2011 12:11 AM
In my chart:Ubasti in 26'52 Scorpio in 3rd square Mars in 25'54 Aquarius in 6th Geocentric South Ubasti Node in 3'20 Aquarius in 5th trine Varuna in 3'01 Gemini R in 9th Heliocentric Ubasti in 8'42 Sagittarius trine Heliocentric Mars in 7'32 Aries Heliocentric Ubasti Nodes in 19'07 Virgo/Pisces in 1st/7th sextile/trine Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Pan in 13'47 Libra in 2nd conjunct Uranus in 15'17 Libra in 2nd oppose Eris in 12'14 Aries R in 8th trine Midheaven in 11'14 Gemini
Geocentric North Pan Node in 16'08 Sagittarius in 4th trine Makemake in 16'21 Leo in 12th sextile Uranus in 15'17 Libra in 2nd Geocentric South Pan Node in 19'05 Virgo in 1st sextile Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Heliocentric Pan in 17'31 Virgo square Heliocentric Mercury in 17'01 Sagittarius Right Ascension Pan in 12'04 Libra trine/sextile Right Ascension Nodes in 12'56 Aquarius/Leo Declinations Pan 6'54 South contraparallel/parallel Asc/Desc 6'30 North/South Sekhmet in 22'14 Libra in 2nd
Geocentric South Sekhmet Node in 17'31 Scorpio in 3rd conjunct chart ruler Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Right Ascension Sekmet in 28'14 Libra trine Right Ascension Mars in 29'01 Aquarius I didn't list any minor planets except for dwarf planets because then it would overwhelming list a bunch of asteroids
------------------ No..I am not a Virgo.
Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 12:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: My Pan Is in Gem in my 3rd conjunct my Saturn.. blahhhMy Sekhmet is conjunct my Sn.. in Cancer in my 5th My Ubasti is in Aqua in my 12th opps my Mars
Hi Lioness, I'm curious,with Pan conjunct Saturn in 3rd, do you feel like your creativity is more grounded or you're just more grounded mentally in some way? Or blocked? IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 12:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by Glaucus: In my chart:Ubasti in 26'52 Scorpio in 3rd square Mars in 25'54 Aquarius in 6th Geocentric South Ubasti Node in 3'20 Aquarius in 5th trine Varuna in 3'01 Gemini R in 9th Heliocentric Ubasti in 8'42 Sagittarius trine Heliocentric Mars in 7'32 Aries Heliocentric Ubasti Nodes in 19'07 Virgo/Pisces in 1st/7th sextile/trine Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Pan in 13'47 Libra in 2nd conjunct Uranus in 15'17 Libra in 2nd oppose Eris in 12'14 Aries R in 8th trine Midheaven in 11'14 Gemini
Geocentric North Pan Node in 16'08 Sagittarius in 4th trine Makemake in 16'21 Leo in 12th sextile Uranus in 15'17 Libra in 2nd Geocentric South Pan Node in 19'05 Virgo in 1st sextile Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Heliocentric Pan in 17'31 Virgo square Heliocentric Mercury in 17'01 Sagittarius Right Ascension Pan in 12'04 Libra trine/sextile Right Ascension Nodes in 12'56 Aquarius/Leo Declinations Pan 6'54 South contraparallel/parallel Asc/Desc 6'30 North/South Sekhmet in 22'14 Libra in 2nd
Geocentric South Sekhmet Node in 17'31 Scorpio in 3rd conjunct chart ruler Mercury in 18'21 Scorpio in 3rd Right Ascension Sekmet in 28'14 Libra trine Right Ascension Mars in 29'01 Aquarius I didn't list any minor planets except for dwarf planets because then it would overwhelming list a bunch of asteroids
Hi Glacaus 
I can definitely understand why you wouldn't want to post a bunch of extra asteroids. The reason I've been doing it is because I just found this new website and I got really excited about it and went more than a little bit over board. Back to what I was going to ask you. With Pan conjunct Uranus, are you really innovative? Especially with making money and/or creative projects?
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5013 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 04, 2011 01:00 AM
I understand. That's cool. As for your question, I would have to say No. Maybe in the future.
------------------ No..I am not a Virgo. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 978 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted January 04, 2011 02:09 AM
Asteroid Pan is conjunct natal Chiron at 3 Cancer in the 7th house and it is widely conjunct natal Venus. I definitely am attracted to men that possess pan-like qualities. IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 03:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by Glaucus:
I understand. That's cool. As for your question, I would have to say No. Maybe in the future.
Glaucus, (Shoot I mispelled your name ) Thank you saying s and hopefully what you want will happen for you. Maybe Pan works in subtler ways. Hmm. Something to think about. ------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 03:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by vertiver: Asteroid Pan is conjunct natal Chiron at 3 Cancer in the 7th house and it is widely conjunct natal Venus. I definitely am attracted to men that possess pan-like qualities.

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Chaos Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Serbia Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 04, 2011 10:20 AM
Oh, WOW... Now I'm really interested in these, cause...UBASTI conjuncts my SUN, 1 degree orb, UBASTI conjuncts SEKHMET less than 1 degree, SEKHMET conjuncts my MERCURY, almost exact, UBASTI & SEKHMET conjunct my MC, 1 degree, PAN conjuncts my CHIRON, less than 1 degree... Other aspects with 1 degree/less than 1 degree orb: UBASTI & SEKHMET quincunx CHIRON & PAN, UBASTI & SEKHMET quincunx SATURN, UBASTI & SEKHMET semisquare VENUS, PAN quincunx SUN, PAN opposition SATURN, PAN square JUPITER... 
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Lioness Knowflake Posts: 1257 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 04, 2011 10:27 AM
quote: Originally posted by joyrjw: Hi Lioness, I'm curious,with Pan conjunct Saturn in 3rd, do you feel like your creativity is more grounded or you're just more grounded mentally in some way? Or blocked?
Im very menatally grounded.. Nothing can break me.. Im a very strong person.. But yeah I dont really see my self as creative, in an artsy way.. But I am a creative thinker, and I can come up with creative ways of doing things.. People sometimes tell me, why didnt I think of that... So yes I would say my creativity is mental, and not physical. I can just "see" how to do things.. I can put it all together in my head, and visualize the outcome, and see how it will work out.. Saturn/Pan also trines Uranus.. Maybe thats why..
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 318 From: Praha Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 04, 2011 12:24 PM
Bastet in 1st H,pan in 9th H. Like it this pan makees so much sense!IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 03:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Chaos: Oh, WOW... Now I'm really interested in these, cause...UBASTI conjuncts my SUN, 1 degree orb, UBASTI conjuncts SEKHMET less than 1 degree, SEKHMET conjuncts my MERCURY, almost exact, UBASTI & SEKHMET conjunct my MC, 1 degree, PAN conjuncts my CHIRON, less than 1 degree... Other aspects with 1 degree/less than 1 degree orb: UBASTI & SEKHMET quincunx CHIRON & PAN, UBASTI & SEKHMET quincunx SATURN, UBASTI & SEKHMET semisquare VENUS, PAN quincunx SUN, PAN opposition SATURN, PAN square JUPITER... 
Oh wow! It IS really prevalent.That's cool. I can definitely see the significance especially with Ubasti conjunct your sun. This is meant to be a serious/experimental cats like you? ------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
Chaos Knowflake Posts: 75 From: Serbia Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 04, 2011 03:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by joyrjw: Oh wow! It IS really prevalent.That's cool. I can definitely see the significance especially with Ubasti conjunct your sun. This is meant to be a serious/experimental cats like you?
Yup, they do!  IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 03:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lioness: Im very menatally grounded.. Nothing can break me.. Im a very strong person.. But yeah I dont really see my self as creative, in an artsy way.. But I am a creative thinker, and I can come up with creative ways of doing things.. People sometimes tell me, why didnt I think of that... So yes I would say my creativity is mental, and not physical. I can just "see" how to do things.. I can put it all together in my head, and visualize the outcome, and see how it will work out.. Saturn/Pan also trines Uranus.. Maybe thats why..
That's really cool that you can do that. Visualization and being a creative thinker, takes practice for a lot of people. You're right, maybe some of it's because of the trine too Uranus. These asteroids are pretty interesting. Thank you!
------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 04:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: Bastet in 1st H,pan in 9th H. Like it this pan makees so much sense!
------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged |
joyrjw Knowflake Posts: 254 From: El Cajon,California, USA Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 04, 2011 04:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Chaos: Yup, they do! 
Wow! This is getting more and more interesting. Thank you! ------------------ "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart” `Helen Keller quotes IP: Logged | |