Topic: Singletons
soulful122 Knowflake Posts: 522 From: ←↓↑→ Registered: Jan 2010
posted January 10, 2011 04:09 PM
Do you have any in your chart? How does it manifest? I have three singletons, my Neptune (only earth planet), Jupiter (only planet in a water house), and my Moon (only planet in southern hemisphere). Out of the three, my Moon is definitely strongly felt and it's not always easy since it aspects Pluto and Neptune negatively. Here's an article about singletons:
Sun singleton: Moon singleton: Mercury singleton: Venus singleton: Mars singleton: Jupiter singleton: Saturn singleton: Uranus singleton: Neptune singleton: Pluto singleton: Enjoy people! 
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NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5818 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted January 10, 2011 04:51 PM
i have two, mercury and uranus  ------------------ put your foot down once, not stomp it over and over IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 10, 2011 12:21 PM
say i only have one planet in mutable signs, without mentioning what planet it is, does that make you more mutable? same thing with elements, if you only have one fire are you more fiery? doesn't make sense how those can be "stronger" than a total void. also there's no such thing as a modality void right? IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 12668 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 12:49 PM
These are my Singletons:1. Saturn: only planet in the western hemisphere plus the handle of my bucketshape Cancer - 8th house 2. Venus: only planet in earth Capricorn 1st house --------------- Oh I forgot to check the orientations: 1. Saturn is the only planet in a personal sign (Cancer) - so Saturn is a double singleton?? 2. Saturn is the only planet in a social house (8th house) - he is a THREEfold singleton? .  IP: Logged |
Nicole401 Knowflake Posts: 406 From: CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted September 10, 2011 05:00 PM
I have two Singletons; Sun (only planet in a fixed house) & Uranus (only planet in a fixed sign). Hope I did it right..  IP: Logged |
DayandNight21 Knowflake Posts: 431 From: Registered: May 2010
posted September 10, 2011 05:06 PM
I was told by someone on here that I have a singleton in earth and a singleton in virgo. There are not a lot of websites on this but I do share it with Bill Clinton and Monica lewinsky but they have it in different houses and in taurus whereas mine is in virgo.I haven't focused on earthly things like bills, exercise, money making so am not sure how much singletons applies in my case although i can see objectively it working in bill clintons case. I just don't think it works in my case (have enough air planets to be objective). also other aspects need to be taken into account, I matured early yet the interpretation for moon as singleton is remaining childlike and nobody has said this of me so feel the whole chart interpretation can overrule one singleton reading. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3290 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 10, 2011 05:14 PM
Ive one. Jupiter in taurus, house 10.IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1947 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted September 10, 2011 05:19 PM
I have a Neptune singleton, too (Earth - Capricorn in the 7th). It's the ruler of my 10th, which is interesting since it's in Cap. It's also the ruler of my Pisces Venus (also interesting that it's in 7th).eta: Mars is a singleton maybe? If you don't count Chiron (do we count Chiron?). Anyway, Mars is the only planet (not including Chiron) in a mutable house. But I have lots of planets in mutable signs anyway. If we do count Chiron, that's a singleton too because it's in a water house. If we don't, I guess I have a water house void?? Idk when to stop counting things.
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Nothingbutaname Knowflake Posts: 226 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted September 10, 2011 07:25 PM
Only one, Mercury singleton (Merc in Saggy 11th House) not really sure how it manifest though, even given the article, apparently an eclectic speaker? IP: Logged |
Nothingbutaname Knowflake Posts: 226 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted September 10, 2011 07:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: i have two, mercury and uranus 
Hi there Nicki!
How does the Mercury Singleton manifest for you? I have it as well and I'm curious to get others experiences on it IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5818 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 10, 2011 08:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Nothingbutaname: Hi there Nicki!How does the Mercury Singleton manifest for you? I have it as well and I'm curious to get others experiences on it
well, for one, bad speech problems...but somehow i speak much much better when at work (mercury in 6th ) i also think so so much that i have an incredibly short memory and get easily distracted (and it doesnt help that i have gem asc) i some how have too much air without having any actual air placements so my chart makes up for that (obviously, lol) and it goes way over board with compensation ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5818 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 13, 2011 09:04 AM
:bump:------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
fairaqua Knowflake Posts: 550 From: Registered: Feb 2011
posted September 13, 2011 11:52 AM
If Im correct it pretty much says since my Neptune is a singleton Im going to die a tragic death?IP: Logged |
Alma Sun Moderator Posts: 2225 From: The East Coast Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 13, 2011 01:56 PM
Lol hope not, I also have a Neptune singleton.------------------ "Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise." — Maya Angelou IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 13, 2011 08:41 PM
I have two; Neptune is a singleton, and Mars.Not enough time is given to this subject at all, because I had absolutely no clue I had any until recently and this is after having studied astrology off and on for years. IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 09, 2011 07:38 PM
okay i'm confused cuz i thought i only had one singleton (uranus in scorpio, my only water planet). but now apparently i have four??? - jupiter is a singleton cuz it is the only planet in an air house (7th) - moon is a singleton cuz it is the only planet in the personal houses (aries, taurus, gemini, cancer) - and even pluto is a singleton cuz it is my only cardinal planet?? is this correct? seems like a lot. hmmm. IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1226 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 09, 2011 07:54 PM
I think you have it right woah cakes. I'm not sure about the Moon though, I thought it was only by element, mode or house type but hemispheres and quadrants probably count too...Someone verify...I have two, Uranus (only planet in water) and Saturn (only planet in earth). It is interesting too because Uranus and Saturn both rule Aquarius, which is my rising sign and Uranus is conjunct my MC. Now I'm on a quest to find more info on this... (I am actually hoping Saturn doesn't count because my Chiron is in earth too but, what ya gonna do?...) IP: Logged |
Geminisquared Knowflake Posts: 630 From: nyc Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 09, 2011 07:57 PM
I have a mars singleton in aries..... WATCH Y'ALL IMA CRAZY MURDERER dang I just realized I have a pluto singleton too :OIP: Logged |
Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 819 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 09, 2011 07:58 PM
Jupiter - only Air planetUranus - only fire planet and only water house  IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 09, 2011 08:05 PM
thanks downtomars, well i didn't think it was the case but according to the links at the top of the thread (the astrologyclub ones) at least as far as personal houses go, it counts! what i wasn't sure about were modalities and elements by house. uranus as a singleton is pretty interesting. i'm also curious about mine because it is the focal point of my boomerang and opposes my moon exactly (and if she's also a singleton i mean, woah!). have fun 
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woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 09, 2011 08:13 PM
downtomars, i found this about singletons and according to these people whether or not chiron counts is under debate. i only skimmed, but i hope there is some good info here for you!
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jooles Knowflake Posts: 58 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 09, 2011 08:16 PM
My only singleton is my Sun in Aquarius at 29 degrees, conjunct the IC in an angular house and in mutual reception with Uranus. Yikes. I have no planets in any of the air houses either. Edit: Have always been curious as to why I'm a loner IP: Logged |
inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 09, 2011 11:46 PM
I have Neptune as a singleton; my only earth sign.I also have Mercury singleton in a cadent house (9th). But sometimes I feel that's incorrect bc my Venus and Pluto are on the 8th/9th house cusp; tbh I think they act more like 9th house placements. Do planets on the cusp of houses do that?? Sorry, I'm fairly new to learning about astrology. IP: Logged |
Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 819 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 14, 2011 10:14 AM
I've been thinking more about my Uranus singleton, and this quote from the link in the OP really sticks out for me. quote: The (sic) enjoy pulling the rug out from under other peoples’ sense of self-importance.
Whenever I meet someone who seems to be riding on a high horse, it becomes my life's mission to knock them down to earth. It's interesting when I experience Uranian energy; it's almost like an alarm in my brain goes off suddenly. When I encounter someone who is really full of themselves, or overly proud, I feel a little twinge and need to find a way to pull the rug from under them. With Moon sq. Uranus, when someone indicates that they really like me, I feel a sudden twinge and need to flee from them. Funny planet, that Uranus.  IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 985 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 07, 2012 12:44 AM
quote: - moon is a singleton cuz it is the only planet in the personal houses (aries, taurus, gemini, cancer)
or wait, is my moon a singleton afterall? it's the only planet in either of these SIGNS: aries, taurus, gem, cancer, but not in the houses ruled by the signs. i have totally confused myself. IP: Logged |