Topic: :||: Cancer Rising :||:
Moons Of Jupiter Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 19, 2011 09:10 PM
Blessing or a curse? - let's have it. What do you look like (do you have the big eyes, round face, and juicy lips?) Post a pic if you like. How do you feel about your 'mask to the world', and how does your Moon sign and placement affect you? How's your temper, how do people see you before and after they get to know you? Particular interested in hearing whether you feel it's helped or hindered your chart energies in some way. I'll start: Cancer Sun & Asc, Mars in the first, conjunct Asc. Oval face, catty eyes, huge hair, athletic build, put on weight just by LOOKING at food, retain a lot of water. Spend a lot of time feeling awkwardly unfeminine. Feedback from people on encountering my 'mask': Strong, enigmatic, appears b****y at first (don't laugh, this is a common one). Moon ruler of chart in Sag: Huge influence. Restless, unstable, I move countries like clockwork and always long to be anywhere but where I am. Always feel like I was 'born special' (dillutinoid!), and things will turn out ok. SO Let me hear it, babes of Lindaland. IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 5299 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 19, 2011 10:22 PM
The most luscious of all water signs. Epitome of feminine beauty. It says: come,share ur genes with me! Not drop dead gorgeous,still attractive. Attractiveness through exggeration. Interesting blend of vulnerability and strenght. The most common trait:big eyes and cleopatra body type. Could be -always seen as good-looking- that is,she may not be ur type,ur pheromones don't kick,but ur brain has recognized her as eligible Paler skin,dark hair;fleshy; Gives touch of sentimentality to everything. Annoyingly moody. Men: The other day crazed cousin of mine brings me chart of person,and tells me to see why is he oh,so hot. Tau sun,cancer moon and asc... 7th H mars... It turns out to be robert pattinson. I don't know what to think of it. Oddly hot? Messed up hot?IP: Logged |
swirl-kitt Knowflake Posts: 271 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 19, 2011 10:23 PM
moon rules my chart too, it's in ariesIt does make me sensitive but without it, I would probably hurt people's feelings a lot with my scorp sun-aries moon combo. and this is what I look like. people say I look like a Sag I have lots of sag in my chart IP: Logged |
Moons Of Jupiter Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 19, 2011 10:32 PM
VenusDi - such Venusian lingo, where's Cancer placed in your chart? Quirky hotties = Cancer rising - even your femme fatale Angelina types got a 'quirk' of some sort. LOL @ come share your genes with me. I ain't gonna argue, I run from relationships before I'm fertilized. Though you got your wow siren Cancerians like Sofia Vergara, Pammy, Karen Black, etc - but these are Sun Crabs, I think the ASC is a bit of a different vibe altogether. Apropos Pattinson: brooding hot, moody hot. And this is objective, I think the guy is feral myself. Kitty, I look at you and think: a cute and tough little nut. Cancer face and hair + cheekbones, Scorp eyes, Sag mouth. IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 5299 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 19, 2011 11:26 PM
*gasp* My Venus is in Cancer. My nickname  But I am legit libra asc sure,cancer gives a bit of itself too  Sooo many female cancer asc in my surroundings  Yes,everyone think of her first when discussing cancer asc... But with her it is on 28*degree,progressed into leo(now its probably in virgo) which would explain her attention-seeking ways  IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 12:53 AM
My son has Cancer rising, my other son Cancer Sun, my daughter is Cappy sun, me...well, you guessed it, Cappy rising! btw Beautiful young woman swirl... IP: Logged |
blugrey Knowflake Posts: 1006 From: Nowhere Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 02:39 AM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53200 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 20, 2011 03:59 AM
Hi Swirl Kit How pretty you are  ------------------ Jesus never put his trust in man cuz he knew what was in man. You must face,touch and feel the dregs of Nessus before you can grasp the pristine beauty of Neptune. Me IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 53200 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted January 20, 2011 04:01 AM
I love Cancer rising in a man.It imparts a tenderness to other "harsher" i.e.more macho placements  ------------------ Jesus never put his trust in man cuz he knew what was in man. You must face,touch and feel the dregs of Nessus before you can grasp the pristine beauty of Neptune. Me IP: Logged |
Dinobleue9 Knowflake Posts: 143 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 20, 2011 04:13 AM
Cancer Rising and Cancer Moon female. I think it can be a burden if you don't have a grasp on your emotions. I felt that a lot in my teens... my best friend was a Pisces Rising and we'd feed off eachother and mope around, lol. I definitely have the very large eyes, rounder face. I've been told I'm 'ultra-feminine' and also very hard to approach? People often tell me I remind them of their mother...I have a maternal energy. I'm always thristy, drink loads of water. I'm small and athletic, but soft. I think I look at people sideways a lot too, like a crab moves sideways. Hmm....My Aqua Sun and Aries Mars gives me vitality though. And my ASC and Moon both oppose my Cap Venus. IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 12:51 PM
My son is an extremely good-looking young man, actually both are...and I am not just a momma bragging...I have pics to prove it! lol My Cancer rising son has very large eyes, which I have been hearing is a common trait...he is very tall, with hazel eyes...a beautiful soul, always willing to help anyone he can...he is a big Mgr at 23, which I associate with his Aries sun...extremely intelligent he is...  IP: Logged |
swirl-kitt Knowflake Posts: 271 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 20, 2011 01:16 PM
'People often tell me I remind them of their mother.'my girlfriends tell me that btw, thanx guys
I've never been told I'm 'very beautiful' , just cute and kind of attractive or sexy -if someone is hitting on me lol My skin is sensitive and I drink a lot of water I'm a good listener too IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 01:30 PM
My son has sensitive skin, and is a very good listener too...he and I have gone to each other when needing to talk, can confide in each other...his cancer, and my cappy...alot of trust between us...  IP: Logged |
soulful122 Knowflake Posts: 522 From: ←↓↑→ Registered: Jan 2010
posted January 20, 2011 01:59 PM
My cousin has Cancer AC.. pale skin, beautiful full lips, soft voice, gentle demeanor. IP: Logged |
TrueTaurus Knowflake Posts: 349 From: California Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 02:58 PM
! IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 03:17 PM
Could be the Taurus sun too? I have Taurus Moon and was always the same way...emotional, hard to cut ties...or it's the fact that I have so much Scorp in me...I am definitely a worrier, although not as much as I used to be..I just give it to God now...put it out in that big ole universe to deal with it...makes life so much easier...  Beautiful girl as well...  IP: Logged |
Fluke2305 Newflake Posts: 20 From: Norway Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 20, 2011 06:40 PM
Oh hai! Another Cancer rising here  My Cancer rising is also influenced by my asc ruler, Moon in Libra, being in mutual reception with my Cancer Venus. My 12th house Cancer Venus also widely conjuncts (7 degrees) my asc, and is square (4 degrees) my Libra Moon. The orbs are as you can see a bit wide though, so how much influence this has I don't really know 
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Moons Of Jupiter Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 20, 2011 06:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: *gasp* Yes,everyone think of her first when discussing cancer asc... But with her it is on 28*degree,progressed into leo(now its probably in virgo) which would explain her attention-seeking ways 
LOL @ *gasp* Cancer Venus. One thought about that placement, you're tough to please in love, no? Anyhow, natally I though (not progressions) Jolie is probably the best example of a Cancer ASC, if only for the features. Though I reckon Cancer is as much of an attention seeker, they can just be more looney in going about it. For a male, I'd say John Mayer is the poster child, his Cancer rising is written all over his face (no pun intended). Swirl - you ARE sexy. It's the pic you posted that's cute. TrueTaurus - pretty shot, and you have a wonderfully luminous glow about you. I know about those emotions, they crippled my life when I was in my teens. There's hope yet. My advice would be, as cliched as it sounds, to STOP RESISTING them. Meditate on detaching only enough to accept them, and then try to experience the emotions without judging them, just be in them, good or bad. I would also take up journalling and definitely change your environment from time to time. As a result of this, I have let go of a lot of explosive intensity in my life. The core triggers are still there, but I can breathe a little easier. BluGrey - LOL@ 'love me some Cancer anything'. Ami - I agree it softens the edges in a man, and yet in some placements with women, it can actually toughen them up a bit. So interesting for a feminine sign! Blonderiver - I'm down with that! - by all means post your baby's pic so we can ogle and objectify him (is that the right thing to say to a mother?) :P Cancer rising is a funny one, it almost automatically shrowds you in mystery, no matter how straight up you are. People I have bared my heart and soul to for years, given it my all, and they'll still be like: "I'm still just getting to know you".
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Moons Of Jupiter Knowflake Posts: 150 From: Australia Registered: Jun 2010
posted January 20, 2011 06:50 PM
Fluke - just saw your pic as I was posting the above. Spunky! I'm definitely feeling the Libran vibe here, though the eyes are Cancerian. What is your Sun sign? Personality wise, how do you feel Cancer rising affects you? IP: Logged |
Fluke2305 Newflake Posts: 20 From: Norway Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 20, 2011 07:06 PM
I, naturally, feel it mostly when meeting new people and getting into new situatuons, I'm cautious but warm and friendly and usually FEEL people and situations very strongly, I get strong VIBES  While my sun sign is Gemini and I have a lot of air in my chart my first impressions are strongly influenced by feelings, how a person feels to me, how a situation feels. My Gemini self finds this very difficult to deal with at times, to say the least, heheh.. Here's the rest of my chart  IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 5299 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 20, 2011 07:11 PM
Venus Cancer hard to please... Hm,never thought about that. It is also coupled with leo sun. Yes,when u mentioned it,i know couple of cancer suns and cancer asc,boy,they are so showy  IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 08:36 PM
This is not the best pic of him, but...I think he is handsome...  IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 08:40 PM
lol 'showy'! Thats my Cancer Sun son...hard to please? Both of oldest son, not anymore, except perhaps within his relationship...hmmm...gonna ask lol My younger son, the baby, better the older he gets...when they were little? OMG! IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 5299 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 20, 2011 08:43 PM
He is endearing But,cancer sun men & romance... Big No for me...IP: Logged |
blonderiverkat Knowflake Posts: 931 From: Tri-State Area Registered: Nov 2010
posted January 20, 2011 09:00 PM
This is my Cancer Sun kid...and his girl...if anyone wants to guess her aspects? These 2 have the very interesting Yod in their synastry...  EDIT...I guess it would help if I posted the photo! DOH! lol IP: Logged |