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  who has a Venus hard aspect Pluto they feel they've gotten a handle on? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   who has a Venus hard aspect Pluto they feel they've gotten a handle on?

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posted January 26, 2011 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
No, it's not worthlessness...Saturn may do that but not so much Pluto,

the desire to be appealing is just that...there is no hidden motivation other than to fill the desire to be desireable. I don't need to be liked to be desired.

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posted January 26, 2011 03:39 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Yeap, same here. My Libra asc wants to be liked by all, but my venus-pluto just wants to be desired. There's a line in Michael Jackson's Dangerous that goes "You know you want me. Dangerous...", that's venus in scorpio or venus-pluto.

Also, not sure if it's my other planets opposite Pluto (sun, mars), but I always liked this saying, attributed to Seneca and later to Caligula: "Oderunt dum Metuant" (Let them hate, so long as they fear.)

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posted January 26, 2011 04:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for racole12     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I have Venus in Scorpio naturally in my 5th house (which I thought in my 20's had a handle of it) BUT (which this next part might not completely relate) when Transit Pluto entered my 7th house... that's when my Venus in Scp really showed his face. Every relationship I have been in since Pluto in my 7th has been colored with a Pluto/Venus conj or opposition in synastry with my partner having a heavy load of Pluto in their chart... It's only been 2 yrs with Pluto in my 7th and I'm completely drained and starting to lose hope I'll be in a "normal/loving" relationship.

On thing I have notice with the partners during this period they all say something to the line, "The person that cares the less, has the most power" Ughh!

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posted January 26, 2011 04:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for staborgi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
racole- so are you attracting Plutonian people or acting out in a Plutonian way?

Just to play devil's advocate on the note about wanting to be desired- I do have a feeling it has to do with lack of self esteem. I think In some ways, I feel like if someone wants me it gives me a certain power and assurance. Almost like- you could bring me down in any other way but you still want me right? Something about that has to be unhealthy! lol. I have to wonder why I even need that? A lot of times (I think this is more my Pluto in the 7th than Venus/Pluto) I'll be really attracted to someone in a powerful position- and feel a certain victory or something if this person finds me sexually appealing. Sex is interesting to me because it's so base. You can work your whole life to be in a position of power, dealing with semantics, time, etc. but sexual attraction is instant and has no logic to it.

In any case I LOVE THAT QUOTE-
Let them hate, so long as they fear.

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posted January 26, 2011 05:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for racole12     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

it's both. It's bringing out my Venus in Pluto, and the 2 relationships I have been since Pluto crossed my DC the one synastry had a Venus conj Pluto aspect and the other synastry had Venus opposite Pluto aspect (both less than a degree). And the two boys have a lot of pluto aspects in their chart like...

Boy 1 has...
Moon and Merc in Scorpio
Pluto conj Sun, Mars, Venus, Uranus

Boy 2 has...
Pluto inconj Sun and Moon
Pluto opposite Venus
Pluto trine Mars and Merc
Pluto sextile Saturn and Neptune

Before this period I was happy with my superficial relationships and all I was attracting was non-pluto people...

Also, Pluto is bring out the worst in them in these relationships to me and it's bring out my worst. But, how do you know what your worst is if it never happens? There is a certain type of lesson about awareness. I guess there isn't a lack of intensity and transformation on both sides, eh? lol

EDIT: Also, my Venus in Scorpio is aspecting their chart heavily- especially boy 2... so, it's non-stop from both sides.

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Betty Boop

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posted January 26, 2011 05:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betty Boop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

I also ALWAYS had to have the upper hand in a relationship - no matter how genuinely I liked someone, I would stuff those feelings away deep within myself and would just always be emotionally unavailable on purpose and watch them go through hoops for my affections.

I have the Venus/Pluto opposition on my Nodes.
What you said is interesting - because I also manipulated my relationships - But I did so in a way that is almost opposite what you described.

Media advice like "he's just not that into you" and "why men love bit*ches" fly straight over my head.

People want to feel good. They want to experience pleasure physically and psychologically. I gave guys a lot - I gave them everything. I showered them in affection and sexual attention to the point where they were addicted.
I think Venus/Pluto likes to instill addictions in others. And it's very easy to become addicted to something that makes you feel good.

But it's true that - my behaviour was still a give&take.. Sometimes I took all attention away, in the same way you could take a drug away from an addict - to make them "beg" for it (figuratively).

I find my past behaviour at times twisted and highly Plutonian. I am actually embarrassed by it. I have a Mars/Neptune conj balancing this opposition and also Jupiter in Pisces.. Ultimately I want to treat everyone with respect. I am much more honest and straight forward now. Behaving otherwise is cowardly in a sense. Sometimes you have to have the courage to just be *real* - with no fears of getting hurt.

I think that's a huge Venus/Pluto lesson in life:

You cannot manipulate someone into loving you.

racole -

The person that cares the less, has the most power

I think.. "The person that receives the most pleasure has the least power"

Because a lot of people are out of control.. so when they enjoy something - they keep coming back (whether it is good or bad for them). They can't simply say "NO" - unless they are Plutonian themselves.

So it's easy for a Plutonian person to control this kind of situation - because Plutonians can live their lives in the absence of pleasurable experiences. So they don't actually *need* the other person - as much as they make themselves *needed*.

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posted January 26, 2011 06:27 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Spot on about the on/off switch. Also about manipulating someone into loving you... I'll copy/paste from the article I gave the link to, it explains the 'why" :


Of course, the exchange is rarely comfortable for anyone. There is a fundamental sense of anxiety – as with any Plutonic contact – when the untransformed energies are brought to bear. People with Venus – Pluto contacts are actually involved in an inner struggle, the people upon whom they turn their charms find it flattering but usually disconcerting and observers will very often feel ‘shut-out’ of the interaction as well. With Venus-Pluto, three is most definitely a crowd. Inevitably this creates enormous difficulties for the spouses and partners of the Venus – Pluto native, but quite possibly, with time and realisation that these intense, charged encounters do not ever ‘tip-over’ into a physical impropriety they become inured to the insecurity and jealousy which characterises the early relationship. Venus – Pluto’s intimate relationships are often something of a battleground for this and other reasons.

To understand the other reasons we have to comprehend something of the motive force behind the contact. In almost every case it boils down to an enormous anxiety about being loved. The native feels that they are in some way unlovable and inevitably this stems from a peculiar set of circumstances in childhood where the parents used affection as a means of control. It really is just that simple. Of course, there are nuances and sub-plots, but fundamentally, this is the long and short of it. There is an unconscious connection between love and survival where a lack of love is perceived in the dark of the soul to be life-threatening. Usually the parents used praise, approbation and affection as a cynical medium of control over the child and indeed the child will have picked up on the ambiguity of these feelings from the earliest age. In my experience this ambiguity can go far back, very often to the stark realisation that the child was not ever wanted at all. This spills over into the dynamic between parent and child so that the child – feeling as though they were never wanted in the first place – is insecure and actually rather desperate for reassurance. The parent unconsciously senses this anxiety and exploits it by giving and withholding love, reassurance and affection to ensure that the child meets their expectations. The Venus – Pluto child therefore learns, and learns well, that love is all about power and control, and learns to be able to switch their own emotions and affections on and off as Mother or Father did so effectively. All of this black baggage is carried into adulthood, and there it remains, subtly poisoning all future relationships until the darkness is faced and transformed once and for all.

The pattern in later relationships is classic and easily identifiable. The partner of Venus – Pluto finds themselves on an ever-shifting surface that is characterised by anxiety and upheaval. Their partner is very demanding, sexually ambiguous yet sexually motivated, is able to disconnect emotionally, thus veering from evincing great warmth to extreme coldness seemingly at a moment’s notice and is apparently obsessed with being attractive to everyone and anyone else. If the relationship survives at all in the face of such pressure then invariably Venus – Pluto’s partner loses all respect for their mate. Women with this aspect (Cher, Madonna, Elizabeth Taylor, Glenn Close) will either form liaisons with men whom they do not love at all – thus allowing them to retain their self-respect – or with men who have no genuine interest in them except possibly as a conquest – wherein they become little more than sex-object which serves only to further undermine their confidence and self-respect. Through this process of humiliation and ever diminishing self-worth she becomes a contemptible non-entity to her partners. Men with the aspect (Woody Allen, Harrison Ford, Rock Hudson, Sean Connery) identify more with the power and control issues of the aspect: they switch emotions on and off at will in order to maintain control of the object of their affections and then begin to complain that their partners are unstable and psychologically damaged. What they fail to see is that it is almost certainly their fault that the woman in their life who wants to be loved and cared for is bewildered and confused by the emotional amputation they are subjected to and eventually it takes its toll on their mental health and wellbeing."

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posted January 26, 2011 06:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
And the "key" to handling it, um, yea, easy to say

"Of course, this is Venus – Pluto at its worst. If you have this aspect and you find that your relationships are a battleground, that you are arguing long into the night and every time you fight it is as though all is lost and yet somehow – against all the odds – the next day you have made up again; then the chances are it has more of a compulsive hold over you than you might imagine. Transformed however, Venus – Pluto creates a treasure of the love nature. If the childhood planted seed of insecurity and anxiety can cease being watered then the choking thicket of love, survival and control can die back to leave a limitless capacity to love in its stead. This undoubtedly takes courage and prodigious levels of honesty. What helps for Venus – Pluto victims is to stop trying to be liked, turn off the charm, dress down and demurely and to stop trying to control people and situations with appearances and affections."

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Betty Boop

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posted January 26, 2011 06:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Betty Boop     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi Maira - Thank you so much for posting this interpretation. I see some of these patterns playing out in my life. But I cannot identify with the things said about parents.

When it comes to *their* direct interaction with me - My parents (and family) have always been supportive and in many ways they have been a healing influence for whatever issues I had - rather than a negative one.

BUT - When it comes to their own example - They did have a dysfunctional relationship - a love/hate relationship that was very stormy. I grew up watching this and I can see how it could have created a picture in my mind that *this* is how male-female relationships work.

find that your relationships are a battleground, that you are arguing long into the night and every time you fight it is as though all is lost and yet somehow – against all the odds – the next day you have made up again

LOL This was their daily life. HUGE argument - then apologies and love all around, followed by HUGE argument etc...

However - this behaviour was never directed at me. It was always directed at each other. As a child - I probably watched and copied.
Actually - in a sense it is sad because my parents would have NEVER wanted me to be anything like them or to have a relationship like theirs.. But they probably didn't realize how easy it was to overhear them and to mimic their behaviour.

All of this:

the parents used affection as a means of control

the parents used praise, approbation and affection as a cynical medium of control over the child and indeed the child will have picked up on the ambiguity of these feelings from the earliest age. In my experience this ambiguity can go far back, very often to the stark realisation that the child was not ever wanted at all.

I can't relate to any of this at all.
Because I always felt loved and wanted. I never had issues with this - not with my parents.
I only had these issues with my first love who was also a Plutonian person - He had Mars/Pluto on his Nodes.
I think what happened was - as kids we both watched our parents in these very dysfunctional relationships - and as we turned teens (13-14) and *met* each other.. It was the perfect playground for us to copy this pattern. This went on for years with him.

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posted January 27, 2011 12:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
The emphasis on being desired is for power, obviously. It's not enough coming from one person, it needs to come from many people. That's why when you're talking to a Venus/Pluto you feel like you're the only person in the room, that's how we make it feel, if we want you to want us then you have our complete attention. Doesn't matter the type of relationship. Just think of Venus in Scorp, intensity.

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posted January 27, 2011 06:03 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
I feel it's for power also. However, if we strip it down to basics, and the only human emotions are fear and love, it's definitely something that originates from fear.

BB, you're welcome, I pretty much identify with what's in that text (my stellium is trine neptune, so maybe that's why I'm able to see what I'm doing wrong)

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posted January 27, 2011 11:16 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for soulful122     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"The partner of Venus – Pluto finds themselves on an ever-shifting surface that is characterised by anxiety and upheaval. Their partner is very demanding, sexually ambiguous yet sexually motivated, is able to disconnect emotionally, thus veering from evincing great warmth to extreme coldness seemingly at a moment’s notice and is apparently obsessed with being attractive to everyone and anyone else. If the relationship survives at all in the face of such pressure then invariably Venus – Pluto’s partner loses all respect for their mate."

Wow Maira, spot on post ab Venus/Pluto. What they said about their parents saddened me. But reading the rest is making me kinda angry that the guy was playing those games. All this time I thought he didn't notice himself switching his affections on and off.. I thought he had no control over it. My heart broke every time he acted like that.. to top it off, he was my best friend, so I felt like I got hit by a mack truck. I was walking around like a love sick zombie.

You Venus/Pluto people are too much lol. :P

“If malice or envy were tangible and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.” — Charley Reese

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posted January 27, 2011 01:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for JohnFKennedy     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
What would be a technically "worse" aspect to have - Venus quincunx Pluto, or Venus semi-square Pluto?

Betty Boop - I can definitely relate to what you're saying.. I would shower them with adoration - mostly intellectual stimulation and empathy, as I had a lot of that at a younger age due to unfortunate circumstances than most other girls surrounding these guys at the time. I was capable of listening with an objective ear and being very understanding. That is a rare thing in and of itself to be granted with - and just as easily as I could be lovely, I could swiftly turn it off and be goofy and seemingly carefree, which would drive them crazy. It's something that is so embarrassing to admit now, but hey. We're all capable of mean things when we're young and misguided, and I absolutely regret it. I would say that when I DID do it, yeah, I was just after their affections. It made me feel good that I could be so lovable when I felt everything but in everyday life.

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posted January 27, 2011 01:50 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by maira:
I feel it's for power also. However, if we strip it down to basics, and the only human emotions are fear and love, it's definitely something that originates from fear.

BB, you're welcome, I pretty much identify with what's in that text (my stellium is trine neptune, so maybe that's why I'm able to see what I'm doing wrong)

Humans have a whole range of emotions, desire for power does not only come from fear, in his book Power and innocence Rollo May talks about how our perceptions of power have been corrupted. Power itself is not bad neither is the desire to possess it. People have been taught to fear the power of the self and as a result corruption can take hold.

Pluto is always aware of the power in any given situation, it's how one chooses to use this knowledge that counts.

venus / pluto is aware of the power and control within love and also the personal values, whilst its true this combination can be manipulative,demanding (and a whole host of other things) it does have it's good side which is always played down.

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posted January 27, 2011 01:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
without venus/pluto we would have some very superficial relationships, venus/ pluto people serve a purpose for the collective because when anyone has a transit from pluto to natal venus we are there to play a part for that person and the same goes for all outer planet people.

I'm sure life would be so much easier if all those hidden undercurrents didn't exist...but they do..and it ain't just natal venus./pluto that have hidden stuff going on.

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posted January 27, 2011 02:14 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic:
without venus/pluto we would have some very superficial relationships, venus/ pluto people serve a purpose for the collective because when anyone has a transit from pluto to natal venus we are there to play a part for that person and the same goes for all outer planet people.

I'm sure life would be so much easier if all those hidden undercurrents didn't exist...but they do..and it ain't just natal venus./pluto that have hidden stuff going on.

What do you mean? When someone has a pluto transit, they meet a pluto/venus person to some how do something?
So we only meet people that are having transits? Care to explain a little.. pleaseeeeee

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posted January 27, 2011 03:07 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Sorry, yes quite a few astrologers have commented how when we have a transit it often brings a person with the aspect natally into our life, it doesn't have to be intimate, whether it's a boss, a child or a friend. When we have a transit the energy gets stimulated and it has to be played out somehow.

edit to add; forgot to mention...we all have transits all of the time so yes we only meet people who are having's the impact of the meeting that is described by the transit

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posted January 27, 2011 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for staborgi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
JFK- I think both the quincunx and semi-square can be really difficult. I have the semi-square...this is what Dawn Brogodi wrote about semi-squares-

Semi-squares have all of the tension of the square, magnified by the fact that there is no natural resolution. The gift of a square is that they are about something specific to the two planets involved and that they are joined by quadruplicity–houses or signs that are in the same family. There’s a way out, eventually. Semi-squares are about to explode all the time, are erratic, are irritating to live with, and are often only resolved when a transiting or progressed planet makes an aspect to one of the planets, allowing the tension to spill out and resolve itself.

My understanding of quincunxes is that they function on kind of an unconscious level in terms of resolution. Consciously I think there's a resistance to them- the energies are super tense and don't want to interact but somewhere down the line, perhaps when you've stopped obsessing about them- they resolve themselves? I'm not totally sure though, I'm going by what I've read, I don't have any quincunxes in my chart. My best friend though, has Venus/Pluto quincunx and I've noticed she tends to "disown" the kind of sexual energy and interest in being desireable that we've been talking about. Sometimes she seems so innocent and girly as if she'd never even heard of sex. I remember someone else on this board also talking about this aspect contributing to their being scared of sexuality.

I'm thinking the quincunx might be harder to deal with because of the element of irrational fear involved? Speaking from the semi-square POV, I feel like Venus/Pluto is more of a compulsion for me but it is at the forefront of my mind in a very conscious way. I'm aware of its power even if I don't always derive satisfaction out of it. I have a feeling the quincunx kind of stunts you- that's been my observation w/ others. Whereas semi-squares have a frenetic need to act in order to at least attempt resolution.

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posted January 27, 2011 03:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemGemGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Quick question - How wide of an orb does the Venus and Pluto hard aspect have to be to still be felt and counted as an aspect? I've heard since Pluto is slow moving it must be tighter like 3 degrees, but counts it as an aspect even when Venus and Pluto are 9 degrees apart.

Does anyone know?

Also, would Venus in the 8th house feel similar to a Venus hard aspect Pluto?

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posted January 27, 2011 03:30 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for dysfunctionalmystic     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote is a really accurate site and I keep their orbs in mind for natal charts

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posted January 27, 2011 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It depends on the aspect, but not even a conj between these 2 would be allowable at 9 degrees.
A conj / square / opposition within 3 degrees is the strongest, the others don't compare.
Only when you're using the sun moon or angles do you widen the orb. With conjunctions to those points the orb of influence is up to 10.

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posted January 27, 2011 03:36 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

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posted January 27, 2011 04:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for maira     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
dysfunctionalmystic, I definitely agree with what you've said, but I feel that the misuse of power happens so frequently that it has become the norm, and that's why the good side of this aspect gets downplayed so often.

Gem, my sun-ven-mars opposition to pluto has a 6 degree orb, and I feel it. I think that venus in 8th qualifies as venus-pluto, as does venus in scorp.

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posted January 27, 2011 11:17 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for GemGemGem     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks so much for your input everyone!

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posted January 28, 2011 09:20 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for staborgi     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
GemGemGem i also think it's a good idea to consider what venus rules in your chart. if it's an angle i'd totally consider a wide orb. and also- your own judgement! if you feel the aspect, that's enough to consider it. it is a hard aspect, which i feel like are easy to feel the tension of...

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