Topic: DEATH and the 8th HOUSE
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 11:49 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: I have Gemini on the 8th house cusp and the Sun and Mercury in the 8th house. That means you will have a peaceful death. That was a peace to hear lol
LUCKY YOU! AMI.... i have always prayed for a Happy and a painless death!But thats not the case for cause of death is obsure and mysterious! my eighth house...ruled by pisces! and no other planets. My 4th house ruled by scorpio and saturn! Since the 4th house rules beginnings & endings, as well as a person’s grave sight, if one has natal Scorpio on the 4th house cusp, their grave is apt to be hidden, lost or hard to find! No wonder it matches with my death!
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rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 11:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by bonadea33: rajji,All you have here, I have too. The rulers of 8th are all over and there is no mystery about 8ht house rulers. Ruler of 8th and its placement are very important. If the ruler is well placed, in that case are important planets in 8th and the aspects. If there are no planets, it is good. I have cusp of 8th in Taurus, ruler Venus in 8th. My Venus has separated conjunction with Algol, so I have "escaped" from death, when there was "chance" to die. In fact I was found and rescued. My Venus has sextile with Mars and wide trine with Neptune. Either I will die from kidneys or by natural death. Ruler of my fourth is Saturn. About Jupiter and Venus in hard aspects: I have seen very often both planets by certain violent kinds of death. About Dominitian: I have read biographies about all Caesars and there is also written about death from all of them. Dominitian and Neron knew, when they will die. The difference is: Dominitian was killed and Neron committed suicide. If you find Neron prediction, there is explanation, why he died on the certain day. There is some kind of calculations. I didn't calculate for me: I don't want to know, when will I die. More important is, what kind of death person will have! Bobbie
Yes Bobbie ill have a look at nerons death too! Regarding suicide... One could commit suicide if Jupiter is in twelfth house in Aries or Jupiter conjoins Mars in twelfth house. This combination could also lead to poisoning and pain in the body. I know a close freind of mine who has the above placement and he did commit suicide..however he escaped death! And then ruler of my 8th house is my death may be due to poisoning! or wrong diagnosis! My mothers ruler of the eighth house is in the same house...exalted! Im happy for her... this placement indicate a lot of suffering which is true, but very looong life and a happy death! she also has saturn in the may be a very natural degenerative death in a ripe old age! IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 12:10 AM
DISEASES and planets in the 8thAcoording to vedic astrology The 8th lord in the 8th is considered to be good for longevity, but a weak constitution will be conferred. Saturn, the Ayus Karaka or significator of longevity is considered good in the 8th. All sorts of misfortunes are given by the lord of the 8th.
The 8th House indicates disease, defeat, punishments, accidents, longevity, mode of death & surgery. To understand whether a disease will be chronic, study the 8th house in detail. Malefic planets spoil the 8th house significations. The malefic houses in Astrology are known as Trika houses, viz, 6, 8 & 12. Shastam tadha dwadasa mashtamam cha Bhavan Anishtal pravadanti that jna Saturn, Rahu and Mercury in the 8th House indicate that the disease may make a chronic turn. The first decanate or Drekkana of the Eighth House represents the first 1/3 rd of the body, the second Drekkana or decanate the second half and third, the third half. We have said that the 8th house is the house of Diseases and Death. Whenever the lord of the 8th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the native undergoes operation connected with reproductive organs and sex. Diseases caused by Different planets in the Eighth House Sun in the 8th - Causes high fever, eye sight defects, urinary tract infections. palpitations and migraine. Sun in the Eighth is not at all desirable for Health. Moon in the 8th - In the EIghth House, Moon causes mental tension, as he rules the Psyche ( Mano Matharo Sheetharashmi ). Generally not conducive to good health, Luna can cause Diarrohea. Mars in the 8th - Tumors, boils, accidents, operations are all caused by Mars. He is the planet of Surgery. Mental aberrations are also caused by him, if he be conjunct with the Moon. Eighth Mars makes one over-sexed. The North Node - Ulcers are caused by this shadowy planet. Eighth Rahu can create immense mental tension, as he will not allow mental peace to reign supreme. For females, he will create incompatibility of temperament with spouse and sometimes widowhood. Jupiter in the EIghth - Although he is the least harmful planet in the House of Death, it causes pancreatic diseseas and jaundice. He may give luck and a regal life, but sleeping sickness, gall bladder disease are also caused. Saturn in the Eighth is extolled for longevity ( Ashtamasthe Sani Ista Thasyal ). But a long suffering life is indicated, as Saturn can give immense sorrow. There will be a yearning for getting away from it all. Paralysis and tumors caused by this melancholy planet become chronic. Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis and nervous diseases. There may be longivity due to the principle that a benefic increases longevity when posited in the Eighth, but a weak constitution will be conferred. South Node in the Eighth causes ulcers and accidents. Mental fluctuations, quarrels with spouse, operations in the region of the sex organs. Causes pain and discomfort. If posited with Moon, suicidal tendencies. Venus in the Eighth causes sexual weakness and diabetes. Diseases of the bladder and an inferiority complex due to mental fluctuations. Even though Venus in the House of Death is extolled for conferring longevity, financial prosperity and good fortune, he can give health hazards IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 12:15 AM
In my chart: Aries on 8th house cusp (sudden, possibly violent, head or brain configured.) - violent death
Because Pluto is a dwarf planet and not the only object that orbits beyond Neptune with it having lots of neighbors including even large objects, I believe that it would make more sense to consider Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidates in regards to death Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet Eris in 8th (Possibly confined or violent, alcohol) - I am thinking violent death, massive trauma I also added Uranus stuff. Eris has similitarities with Uranus (Sudden, possibly unusual demise, rare diseases, blood problems) some of Eris' negative keywords are believe that you must take over for God, lack of spiritual regard for life, status oriented. I could be killed by somebody that is part of the status quo and thinks that his views are right and mine are wrong as well as have a lack of spiritual regard for life by killing me out of intolerance of diversity.
some of Eris' mundane keywords are manslayings,murders,lawlessness,fightings,disputes my death can be connected to those things Pluto's fellow transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate Sedna in 8th (Possibly confined or violent, alcohol) - I am thinking violent death,massive trauma I also added Neptune stuff. Sedna has similarities with Neptune (Confused; cause of death obscure or uncertain, alcohol, poison, drugs, mistake, suicide.) Some of Sedna's negative keywords are abuse,being deceived, and victimization. 8th house ruler Mars in 6th (delicate health; chronic illness.) 8th house ruler Mars in Aquarius (Sudden, possibly unusual demise, rare diseases, blood problems) - I am thinking sudden demise 8th house ruler conjunct Moon (At home, overeating may be a factor, stomach) - I am thinking death at home or a stomach wound 8th house ruler square Venus (Not difficult, maybe related to kidney function.) - I am thinking kidney function. I think that my death will be difficult. I am thinking a kidney wound. My Sun is conjunct the South transneptunian dwarf planet Eris Node (Geocentric,Heliocentric) in Scorpio with 10 minutes of arc, and so I have very strong connection to past collective karma involving equality,diversity,discord in matters of death. It goes with my Eris in 8th house. I also have Moon semisquare Eris with 7 minutes of arc in Right Ascension. My Sun is conjunct transneptunian dwarf planet Ixion in Scorpio with 5 minutes of arc, and that's a cazimi (in the heart of the Sun). With Ixion involved, there is karma and 2nd chances. Ixion is a plutino, and so it orbits like Pluto. As a rule, it was named after an underworld character. Ixion was chosen. In Greek mythology, Ixion was the first murderer in Greek mythology. He squandered his 2nd chance that Zeus gave him by coming on to Hera. Ixion failed Zeus' test by sexing it up with the fake Hera, and that led to the race of centaurs being born. He was bound to a fiery wheel to spin forever in Tartarus. Karma and 2nd chances are main themes of Ixion. It can be an aspect of evolutionary intensified experiences than involve trauma. I have Sun oppose Sedna with 44 minutes of arc which also fits with evolutionary intensified experiences that involve trauma. Sedna was not only an Inuit Sea Goddess. She was also the ruler of the Underworld called Adlivun which was said to be located at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.
I have Moon square Varuna with 10 minutes of arc which also fits with evolutionary intensified experiences that involve trauma. In Right Ascension, I have Sun quincunx Varuna with 5 minutes of arc. Varuna is a transneptunian dwarf planet/candidate named after the Indian God of the Waters who was also the supreme deity before supplanted by Vishnu. He judged the souls of the drowned. I have Haumea square Midheaven with 3 minutes of arc which also fits with evolutionary intensified experiences involve trauma. Haumea is a transneptunian dwarf planet named after the Hawaiian fertility,creation goddess. I have Sun contraparallel Orcus with 1 minute of arc in the declinations. Orcus is a transneptunian dwarf planet candidate. It's a plutino,and so it orbits like Pluto. As a rule it was named after an underworld character. It was named after the Etruscan God Lord of the Underworld. He was said to punish for breaking oaths. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 12:27 AM
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 02:01 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: DISEASES and planets in the 8thAcoording to vedic astrology The 8th lord in the 8th is considered to be good for longevity, but a weak constitution will be conferred. Saturn, the Ayus Karaka or significator of longevity is considered good in the 8th. All sorts of misfortunes are given by the lord of the 8th.
The 8th House indicates disease, defeat, punishments, accidents, longevity, mode of death & surgery. To understand whether a disease will be chronic, study the 8th house in detail. Malefic planets spoil the 8th house significations. The malefic houses in Astrology are known as Trika houses, viz, 6, 8 & 12. Shastam tadha dwadasa mashtamam cha Bhavan Anishtal pravadanti that jna Saturn, Rahu and Mercury in the 8th House indicate that the disease may make a chronic turn. The first decanate or Drekkana of the Eighth House represents the first 1/3 rd of the body, the second Drekkana or decanate the second half and third, the third half. We have said that the 8th house is the house of Diseases and Death. Whenever the lord of the 8th house is afflicted by malefic planets, the native undergoes operation connected with reproductive organs and sex. Diseases caused by Different planets in the Eighth House Sun in the 8th - Causes high fever, eye sight defects, urinary tract infections. palpitations and migraine. Sun in the Eighth is not at all desirable for Health. Moon in the 8th - In the EIghth House, Moon causes mental tension, as he rules the Psyche ( Mano Matharo Sheetharashmi ). Generally not conducive to good health, Luna can cause Diarrohea. Mars in the 8th - Tumors, boils, accidents, operations are all caused by Mars. He is the planet of Surgery. Mental aberrations are also caused by him, if he be conjunct with the Moon. Eighth Mars makes one over-sexed. The North Node - Ulcers are caused by this shadowy planet. Eighth Rahu can create immense mental tension, as he will not allow mental peace to reign supreme. For females, he will create incompatibility of temperament with spouse and sometimes widowhood. Jupiter in the EIghth - Although he is the least harmful planet in the House of Death, it causes pancreatic diseseas and jaundice. He may give luck and a regal life, but sleeping sickness, gall bladder disease are also caused. Saturn in the Eighth is extolled for longevity ( Ashtamasthe Sani Ista Thasyal ). But a long suffering life is indicated, as Saturn can give immense sorrow. There will be a yearning for getting away from it all. Paralysis and tumors caused by this melancholy planet become chronic. Mercury in the House of Death causes paralysis and nervous diseases. There may be longivity due to the principle that a benefic increases longevity when posited in the Eighth, but a weak constitution will be conferred. South Node in the Eighth causes ulcers and accidents. Mental fluctuations, quarrels with spouse, operations in the region of the sex organs. Causes pain and discomfort. If posited with Moon, suicidal tendencies. Venus in the Eighth causes sexual weakness and diabetes. Diseases of the bladder and an inferiority complex due to mental fluctuations. Even though Venus in the House of Death is extolled for conferring longevity, financial prosperity and good fortune, he can give health hazards
Does this apply to Chandra Lagna and Navamsha charts? Both of those charts are regularly used to look at overal stuff. I believe Surya Lagna chart is used too.
I am aware that transits are mainly looked at from Chandra Lagna. I thought the malefic houses were referred to as dusthanas and benefic houses were referred to as trikonas.
------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 23, 2011 02:58 AM
rajji,Here is the link about Neron's Astrology with more charts: Bobbie IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 23, 2011 03:33 AM
Here is Natal Chart from the man, who died from shooting (assassination).There were two shoots enough, to kill him (from 130 m distance). He became unconscious right away and died in the hospital short time later. He didn’t suffer at all (Venus as a ruler of 8th). He didn’t have time to think about death. Jupiter is very often connected with shooting (Sagittarius, sign of shooter). B. IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 23, 2011 04:43 AM
Here is Natal Chart from the woman, who died of natural causes at her home. She was very old. It is mentioned that she had some long chronic disease, but I can't find, what kind of disease it was (Venus in Aries, in 6th in square with the ruler of 6th, Mars - could be some kind of headache or migrane). People with chronic diseases can live very long. They suffer, but they live on. Her Natal Chart: Here is ruler of 8th, Mercury in only good aspects. Mercury has trine with Uranus, ruler of 4th. Peacefull end! B. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 10:55 AM
Bonadea,Why did you blank out the birthdata? Are those people that you knew? I am just curious? I wanted to check out the chart of the person that was assassinated from another angle. btw Jupiter was conjunct/oppose the Heliocentric Mars Nodes in Taurus/Scorpio Venus-Pluto conjunction was square the Heliocentric Mars Nodes
Heliocentric Mars have been said to figure into violence and hysterectomies note that Heliocentric South Mars Node is in Scorpio which is the sign associated with death
I have my chart ruler Mercury oppose/conjunct Heliocentric Mercury Nodes and Heliocentric Mars Nodes. My mom's chart ruler Moon oppose/conjunct Heliocentric Mercury Nodes and Heliocentric Mars Nodes. She was shot,and I was with her at the time. She was 20,and I was 3 when it happened. She also got a hysterectomy when she was 23 years old because of cervical cancer.
Carl Payne Tobey talked about the influences of the Heliocentric Mars Nodes. He and his friend, Grant Lewi were advocates of the heliocentric planetary nodes. So was Dane Rudhyar. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind.
Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 23, 2011 12:06 PM
Glaucus,For the first person I can't write, who he was. It is not good to write it in the Forum, here. He was politician. I could send you his data's per PM. I don't see here any PM. The second person was actress: Katherine Hepburn. Btw, where from you have so much knowledge about fixed stars, Asteroids and all the staff, you know? B. ------------------ A friend is someone who knows all about you and and still likes you. Elbert Hubbard IP: Logged |
PlutoSquared Newflake Posts: 0 From: Registered: May 2013
posted February 23, 2011 12:19 PM
Rajji,My 8th house is in Pisces. Seems we're in the same boat with a "mysterious death"... IP: Logged |
GypseeWind Knowflake Posts: 6379 From: Love Street, she lingers long on Love Street.. Registered: May 2009
posted February 23, 2011 05:07 PM
Pluto rules my 8th house. Sun & Venus are in it. Also I have sun sq. pluto, sooooo...I guess I get all sorts of annoying diseases, weak eyesight (which is true!) Then I get to die a violent, but quick death. That's ok by me! I always said I didn't want one of those long linger-y deaths with people standing around my bed feeling sad. IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 05:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by bonadea33: Glaucus,For the first person I can't write, who he was. It is not good to write it in the Forum, here. He was politician. I could send you his data's per PM. I don't see here any PM. The second person was actress: Katherine Hepburn. Btw, where from you have so much knowledge about fixed stars, Asteroids and all the staff, you know? B.
Why is it not good to write in the forum here. There is no rule against Political Astrology nor Sociological Astrology. I actually wish that there were a lot more posts about those things instead of posts on relationships and soulmates. I have done those types of posts here in the forum. Politics and sociology (especially race relations) are very touchy subjects. That doesn't mean that they are not allowed. As for the fixed stars,asteroids,and other stuff was from reading a lot of books,articles, and sites as well as DVDs over the years since 1998.
My interests are just eclectic and diverse. I find the stuff that only a minority of astrologers use very interesting. I guess that's part of my novelty seeking personality. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by bonadea33: rajji, There is some kind of calculations. I didn't calculate for me: I don't want to know, when will I die. More important is, what kind of death person will have! Bobbie
bobbie i went through the link on was vey interesting. Bobbie can u calculate the age of death...i would like to know mine... And yes as glaucus says u could be a little more revealing about the facts and hints..U seem to be all knowing but witholding..i dont know why..may be you could mask their real names...and then tell the would be helpful for all of us in a way. IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by Glaucus: As for the fixed stars,asteroids,and other stuff was from reading a lot of books,articles, and sites as well as DVDs over the years since 1998.
My interests are just eclectic and diverse. I find the stuff that only a minority of astrologers use very interesting. I guess that's part of my novelty seeking personality.
Yes i can see that glaucus...your hold on the subject seems soo vast Did u mention algol somewhere?? I think i saw it somewhere in your post but could not find it. Below is few other interesting hints....seems like out of my minds reach! IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:21 PM
Astrology - Violent DeathThe violent deaths are likely primarily natives who have Sun or Ascendant in earth signs: Taurus (due to material goods) Virgo (because critics without limitation) Capricorn (because of social position) Signs of water containing violent planets, signs fire. * Death by suffering is identified by determining the item before it guverntaorul cusp HVIII and scratchy looking governor in HI and HIV. (Each item correlated with other symbols of the individual determine the type mill). * Birthday candles on the negative aspects of T-Square with Neptune or Pluto, predipune death by suicide may be the progression delcansata Martian planets in collaboration with slow transit. So if the native is at the beginning of spiritual evolution and is anchored by strong attachment to the material plane of goods or people risking their own life due to strong influence plant triggered by transit transpersonal (planets generations). * Mars shows that the native may be the victim of a crime if the cusp planned end houses and other mystical life, any sign of violence. Activation is determined by astral dissonant aspects that form in the progression between personal planets in transit. * Violence is on the star Algol, in conjunction with MC, AS, ICSun singn astrology death or HVIII, or Sun. * Sun in Aries, Capricorn, Moon in Cancer or Scorpio, shows the progression of violent death downgraded Moon, Mars in conjunction with transit ID, etc .... * Death by falls from height - in Aries and Saturn ... .. enabled slow transit of planets: Uranus, Pluto, the dissonant aspects of ma with candles. These are just some examples of configurations that can be found in individual astrological themes. The violent deaths are likely primarily natives who have Sun or Ascendant in earth signs: Taurus (due to material goods) Virgo (because critics without limitation) Capricorn (because of social position) Signs of water containing violent planets, signs fire. source
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 10:27 PM
It's so funny how we read too much into the charts where we 'predict' violent deaths, lol, when most people just die from boring old cancer / heart disease / and stroke (top 3 causes of death!)I'll just go ahead and say heart attack for mine  IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: It's so funny how we read too much into the charts where we 'predict' violent deaths, lol, when most people just die from boring old cancer / heart disease / and stroke (top 3 causes of death!)I'll just go ahead and say heart attack for mine 
If we are to envision a less violent world, we must first understand how violent the world is. The extent of global violence, however, has never been fully described.
The stats on violent death
Abstract Objective-This study describes epidemiologic patterns of mortality due to suicide, homicide, and war for the world in order to serve as a benchmark against which to measure future progress and to raise awareness about violence as a global public health problem. Setting-The world and its eight major "Method-Data were derived from The Global Burden of Disease series and the US National Center for Health Statistics to estimate crude rates, age adjusted rates, sex rate ratios, and the health burden for suicide, homicide, and war related deaths for the world and its eight major regions in 1990." "Results-In 1990, an estimated 1,851,000 people died from violence (35.3 per 100,000) in the world. There were an estimated 786,000 suicides. Overall suicide rates ranged from 3.4 per 100,000 in Sub-Saharan Africa to 30.4 per 100,000 in China. There were an estimated 563,000 homicides. Overall homicide rates ranged from 1.0 per 100,000 in established market economies to 44.8 per 100,000 in Sub-Saharan Africa with peaks among males aged 15-24 years old, and among females aged 0-4 years old. There were an estimated 502 000 war related deaths with peaks in rates for both sexes among people aged 0-4, 15-29, and 60-69 years old." "Conclusion-The number of violence related deaths in the world is unacceptably high." most of the violent deaths do not come into the limelight..and many go my guess is that it is more than we can predict!
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 10:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Yes i can see that glaucus...your hold on the subject seems soo vast Did u mention algol somewhere?? I think i saw it somewhere in your post but could not find it. Below is few other interesting hints....seems like out of my minds reach!
I didn't mention Algol, but I am aware of its reputation. I have it in paran with my Mars. Bernadette Brady says that it has to do with intense female passion with it being the "Head of the Gorgon" some view it as another Lilith Some think of Algol as "lose one's head" which can viewed in a figurative way and not just a literal way. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 10:44 PM
Oh there's violence all right (hello crowds in Libya!) it's just not one of the top leading causes of death. So chances are likely you won't die a violent death.IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:45 PM
Sudden Unnatural Deaths in Astrology Unnatural deaths are those which occur due to external influences and may be sudden, untimely and unexpected as in the case of accidents murders suicides or assassinations.
In most cases the unnatural deaths are invariably violent. Modes of unnatural deaths can be predicted by correct analysis of horoscope. Factors Responsible For Sudden Unnatural Deaths · Ascendant and its strength/ 3rd house and its strength/6th house and its strength/8th house and its strength are weaken by 1. Position/ lordship of functional malefic planet 2. Combustion 3. Debilitation 4. By malefic conjunction 5. By malefic aspect · Malefic Saturn---denotes death by suicide, assassination, hanging, serious illness. · Malefic Mars---inducted death by fevers and inflammatory actions like haemorrhage, accident, weapons. · Malefic moon---denotes death by drowning in water, loss of blood, serious bronchial problems, and mental worries. · Malefic Sun---sudden death by myocardial infarction, fire etc. · Rahu/Ketu--- nodes are responsible for unnatural death. Different Combination for Sudden Unnatural Deaths · Death by suicide: 1. If the ascendant/8th house, their lords and Sun are afflicted by Mars/Saturn/Ketu. 2. If the Sun, Moon, Mercury [soul, mind and thinking] are afflicted by Rahu and Ketu or nodes. 3. Association of Mars and Saturn. · Death by weapon: 1. If Moon, Mars and Saturn in 8th house. 2. If Mars in 6th/12th and Saturn in 8th house. · Death by assassination: 1. Naural malefic in 8th house afflicted badly with Mars either by association or by conjunction. 2. Moon and Mars either aspects 8th house or situated in it. · If Saturn in ascendant with no benefice aspects and the Sun/Rahu/Waning Moon combine the native is either stabbed or shot dead. · If the Sun and Mars exchanges signs and quadrant to the 8th lord the native may be sentenced to death by the Government. · Rahu in 6th/8th/12th may cause death through conspiracy. · If the 9th house is occupied with malefic, death is painful due to disease, accident, murder or suicide. · If the ascendant and 8th lords are weak and Mars is in conjunction with 6th lord, the native may be killed in war. BY GEETA JHA [SPIRITUAL HEALER] INDIA
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rajji unregistered
posted February 23, 2011 10:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by GypseeWind: Pluto rules my 8th house. Sun & Venus are in it. Also I have sun sq. pluto, sooooo...I guess I get all sorts of annoying diseases, weak eyesight (which is true!) Then I get to die a violent, but quick death. That's ok by me! I always said I didn't want one of those long linger-y deaths with people standing around my bed feeling sad.
Yes gypsee..A sudden violent death is a better choice than a painful long lingering death! IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 23, 2011 10:57 PM
Well there's always assisted suicide, maybe a shot of some lethal drug or something.. Or like Dexter where he snuck it into her Key Lime Pie. I was thinking if I were that bad then I'd want a friend like that.IP: Logged |
bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 24, 2011 06:02 AM
rajji,"A sudden violent death is a better choice than a painful long lingering death!" That is very right! As I read so many crime novels, there are different kinds of deaths. There are horrible violent deaths, that I am scared reading them. I read them to the end, to see when and how will be caught the murder. It is not only in the crime novels; it happens in the life, too. Like the husband cuts the neck from his wife. I remember one man cutting the neck from his girlfriend (with the knife) in the bus, in the presence of many people. Now, I don't know was it in Greece or in Canada (few years ago). Assassination happens very quickly. The victim has no time to think, what happened to him (or her). I don't mind to die like that. B.
------------------ A friend is someone who knows all about you and and still likes you. Elbert Hubbard IP: Logged | |