Topic: DEATH and the 8th HOUSE
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 01:58 AM
“Death, the one appointment we all must keep, and for which no time is set” Charlie ChanI only remember two kisses - the first and the last. The first, with my love and the last, with death. The first brought happiness and the last relief! --Srijit Prabhakaran The act of dying is one of the acts of life." Marcus Aurelius Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome. --Isaac Asimov Birth and Death are the two noblest expressions of bravery. --Kahlil Gibran Fear not death, for the sooner we die the longer we shall be immortal. --Benjamin Franklin Is death the last sleep? No--it is the last and final awakening. --Sir Walter Scott We all labor against our own cure, for death is the cure of all diseases. --Unknown Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come. --Rabindranath Tagore “While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.” Leonardo da Vinci "Thinking and talking about death need not be morbid; they may be quite the opposite. Ignorance and fear of death overshadow life, while knowing and accepting death erases this shadow." Lily Pincus If there is one thing we can be certain of in life, it's that eventually we will die. Ive always thought about the kind of death that i might face..Havent you?any clues, suggestions etc will be welcomed. Unless you like digging your own grave.. Lets dig in... 
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rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:00 AM
The sign on a house cusp reveals the area of life in which the principle of that sign will be learned. The principle manifests in more than one area of life, since the ruler, or ROVING DELEGATE of that sign, carries the message to another house. Houses in the birth chart are thus linked together in interesting ways. The planetary ruler, or "roving delegate" of a house's sign acts as a messenger, bringing the energy from the house it rules to the house in which it is placed. Keep in mind that there are many different interpretations, or possible manifestations, of house rulers in houses. IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:02 AM
Note: The following are short interpretations of the rulers of houses in houses according to a classical text, Muchery 1927. This is not psychological astrology! They are often quite fatalistic and should not always be taken literally.Ruler of the Eighth House is in the First House Often means a sudden or quick, but not a premature death. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Second House Improvement in the position through an inheritance. A wealthy marriage. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Third House Danger of accident while travelling. Death of a brother or sister. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Fourth House The father will die first. Possibility of widowhood. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Fifth House Loss of a child. Death through over-indulgence in pleasure. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Sixth House Delicate health; chronic illness. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Seventh House Sorrow in connection with the affections. Illness or loss of a loved one. Ruler of the Eighth House is in its own House Very fortunate, unless Scorpio occupies this House. A natural death. Happy ending to the life. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Ninth House Death abroad. If the Ruler is Mercury, adversely aspected it means an illness affecting the brain. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Tenth House Death through overwork, or following upon unfortunate undertakings. Death made public. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Eleventh House Death of the partner, which either jeopardises or else establishes the native's worldly position. Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Twelfth House A lonely death. Ending of life in a clinic, hospital, or nursing home. Source IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:07 AM
DEATH AND PLANETS Planets can play a part in death and dying. All of them do. You cannot look at just one planet, one aspect or one configuration--it is the culmination of all of them that must be looked at in totality. And even then, if the person decides to utilize this death energy on another plane of expression, they'll keep on living and breathing and being around for some time to come!! Saturn Saturn is often seen as Father Time--when your time's up--you're going. Father Time is here for all of us. We are all going to die some day. However, we move through many "mini-deaths" throughout our lives on the spiritual, emotional and mental level, too. And Time does erode our body so that when we're in our sixties, our body does not function as a twenty-year old's will, too. Its your choice on how you handle Saturn's energy.A Saturn death is a lingering death. It doesn't happen quickly; it happens over time. Sometimes, a long, suffering time. Saturn is one of the planet's of longevity in one's life, also. The good side of Saturn, so to speak. A conjunction, sextile or trine between this planet and your Sun can give you a long, long life, although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this. Uranus Uranus is implicated in surgery and accidents. Usually accidents of a "weird" or unusual nature--such as sky diving, bungee jumping, while you're skiing you run into and hit a tree and kill yourself--or some other loopy, dumb kind of thing that no one would ever think could happen and create an accident. Uranus also rules airplanes and flight.It also rules over lightning and electricity--so many people get a jolt--either by a cord, by a lightning bolt or zapped through some strange, odd way. Surgery is co-ruled with Uranus along with Mars. With Uranus, you can have a "weird" car accident, or unexpected surgery .A Uranus death is always sudden. There is no lingering on with this planet. Neptune Drug over doses, recreation drug death, death by flesh eating bacteria, by a nasty virus, or by prescription or over-the-counter drugs fall under Neptune's massive coverage. Drowning accidents figure prominently here, as well. Water related deaths or near deaths always find Neptune and Admetos active at the time. Of course, there is death by drowning of having too much fluid in your lungs; drowning by suffocation. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and emphysema are Neptune's rulership as well. Anything having to do with water inside or outside the body is Neptune's base of operation. It could be a flood that kills someone. Or a flood of liquid, such as blood in the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart and stops the heart from beating. Deaths or near deaths that have Neptune prominently figured will always have a cloak of mystery about them, too. In some cases, no one will ever really know how it happened or what the person died of or from what. People with an active Neptune at the time of their death will usually die in their sleep. Or, they will die of suffocation. A nice trine from one's Sun to Neptune means a quiet, gentle passing in one's sleep. Pluto Transformation is asked for by this planet. Pluto deaths are usually pretty final and not always pretty. They usually involve massive trauma to the body, or there's little left to identify or its hard to identify.Deaths with Pluto can be violent; and a good example of this is the heart attack, where it comes out of nowhere, hits with the velocity of a Mac truck, is massive and nothing can be done to save the person, no matter what. The heart can literally, explode. Or, a aorta can 'blow' and the person bleeds to death in three to five minutes. Or a massive stroke or hemorrhage will finish them off quickly. There's something to be said for a 'swift' death and Pluto helps make that possible.A good sign of longevity is a conjunction, sextile or trine between one's Pluto and Sun; although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this. Mars Mars acts as a "trigger" for death or a near-death experience. It also rules knives, guns and fires. You will see an active Mars in a lot of violent shootings. Mars is about a violent death of some sort -through some kind of sport-related accident or a car accident. Mars rules mechanical things and machinery and often, people slice off a finger, get their arm ripped off in a combine, or are decapitated or lose a leg in an accident. Mars is one of the co-rulers of surgery, so any accident involving Mars can mean minor or major surgery, too. Since Mars rules anger, temper and the male harmone testosterone, these additions can make or break if there will be an accident or death--or not. Deaths are usually violent and sudden and the person may die instantly (as in a bullet to the head) or linger on for a couple of days, and maybe a week--but no more than that. A Mars death is clean and swift. Hades This is one of the Uranian planets and is considered the planet of disintegration.Hades will turn those festering mass of bad feelings and experiences into a disease--a chronic one--to get your attention so that you will handle matters in a more straight-forward fashion. And if you don't, you will die of a chronic disease, instead. The flip side of Hades is therapy and shamanic healing or ceremonial healing of some sort from antiquity--which can help save your life and get you back on track with yourself. A Hades death is slow, arduous, a cell at a time and can take a decade or more to slowly erode and dissolve the walls/cells/bones of our body until there's very little left. AIDS is a good example of a Hades disease. Admetos This is another Uranian planet. For those who love to suppress/repress their hard feelings, their hard knocks in life, their bitterness, their bad luck, their trauma, , is doing an Admetos response. Admetos has an affinity for the Moon and is often seen as the other symbol for the mother. It is also about our subconscious. In its most lurid form, the monsters and the Shadow within ourselves is mirrored by this planet.Very often, with a strong Admetos natally in one's chart, this can mean that a "photograph" of a trauma occurred very early in life--especially in utero--while being carried by Mom--and it stains the person's entire life-force.This planet rules strangulation of the person. The person suffocates in some way. It could be due to an overdose of prescription, over-the-counter or other drugs, inhaling poisonous gas of some kind ,being poisoned by drinking water , or inhaling poisonous air that accumulates and you get sick and die from it.Admetos is about the hidden, poisonous things in our everyday environment that can potentially kill us. Admetos means death by slow, gradual onset and poisoning. An Admetos death can take years, if not a decade. And the person suffers enormously over time, if the source of the poisoning to them is not identified. A person slowly being poisoned by arsenic being put in their food daily, is a good example of this--a lot of liver pain, a lot of suffering, but its slow and unmerciful. North and South Nodes The Moon's Nodes are intimately concerned with the forging of connections and the dissolving of connections. These connections are with other people, places, associations, groups, your company/corporation and possibly, the country you live in.We are constantly cutting ties and making new ones. The North Node is about creating new ties. That can be seen as dying and going to a more ethereal place of existence. The South Node is about creating old connections with old, familiar places, people or things.They will be active in a marriage, in a divorce, in a birth, in a death, in the creation of a company, or the dissolvement of a corporation or country. Chiron Chiron is the gatekeeper. He is often active when a person takes on a disease in order to move and learn deeper, more enriching enlightenment about one's self or others. Around age 50, many people will take on a disease. This is not to say they are bad people.There are hidden blessings in disease and I've seen Chiron act like a 'fast track' to spiritual evolution for a person when this happens.A Chiron death can be quick and merciful or drag on forever; and much depends upon aspect to it from other planets. Venus When someone is in the process of dying, Venus or Jupiter would be always around. They are both "guardian angels" of a type; although Jupiter's other side can be heavily involved in a death. Venus promises no suffering, or a very short period of suffering. There is grace with this planet when it comes to dying. It says that the dying will be "easy" or painless or less of something other than it could have been. Venus is sometimes seen in deaths where the person dies in their sleep. Venus around is good because the person sees his journey into death as something beautiful, creative and an opening, not an ending or a closing or a loss. Jupiter upiter is involved in aggressive cancers where there is cellular regeneration at optimum, and tumors are present, or an aggressive lymphoma. Ailments involving the liver can also come from this planet, as well. Tumors are Jupiter's "thing." It is also, by co-rulership of the liver, tied into the lymphatic system as well which is why, in many forms of cancer and dying of cancer, the Jupiter is active by transit or progression. On the other hand, Jupiter is also the "guardian angel" provided it is in good, soft aspect at the time. If it is, it means a gentle, non-struggling death. Transit is easy and comes all at once, although the person may linger for days, weeks, or even months. With a good Jupiter aspect around at the time, the person does not suffer as much. They will also have a wonderful, optimistic, open attitude about their passing into the next world. Poseidon This Uranian planet is very often involved in a death aspect.Having Poseidon around when you die, is the perfect close to one door and the opening of another.Poseidon was the God of the Ocean. Consider it a higher spiritual octave of Neptune.People who have Poseidon active at the time they die have seen their personal Truth. By dying, they receive illumination during the death transit. Poseidon can be seen active in slow, gradual deaths. And it is only when the end has finally come, that this planet makes its final station, that the person gets some kind of incredible, soul breakthrough. Sun Sun can be intimately tied into our death time.The two big "triggers" in progressed charts is your Mars and Sun. Many times, in many deaths, the Sun is not prominent. With the Sun involved, it usually means the person has truly fulfilled all there soul desires this time around and it is a natural time to move on.A Sun death can be slow or quick. Usually, there is some beautiful gift of awareness, a deeper soul connection made with the self before passing--a gift is given because these people have earned such grace by working hard, being responsible and shouldering the loads they came in to carry and learn from or give back to humanity in the balance of their unique karma.
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rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:14 AM
The key elements are as ever: placements in the 8th, the ruler of the 8th house cusp and its conditions, Pluto and broadly, in the sense of determining the conditions ruling the end of the life, the 4th, placements in it and the ruler of the 4th house cusp.consider the zodiac in this respect: if your 8th house cusp is in the sign of or the sign ruler is similarly configured, or that planet is within the 8th or especially applying to its cusp: Aries (Mars): sudden, possibly violent, head or brain configured. Taurus (Venus): slow, generally peaceful, maybe due to overindulgence, throat. Gemini (Mercury): Possible multiple causes, mental deterioration possible, lungs and breathing. Cancer (Moon): At home, overeating may be a factor, stomach. Leo (Sun): probable cardiac problems, some drama. Virgo (Hygeia): Often a quiet demise in modest circumstances, not dramatic, digestive system. Libra (Venus): Not difficult, maybe related to kidney function. Scorpio (Pluto): Possibly confined or violent, alcohol. Sagittarius (Jupiter): Abroad or away from home, possibly overindulgence. Capricorn (Saturn): Slow degenerative demise probably in old age. Aquarius (Uranus): Sudden, possibly unusual demise, rare diseases, blood problems. Pisces (Neptune): Confused; cause of death obscure or uncertain, alcohol, poison, drugs, mistake, suicide. IP: Logged |
EverEvolvingSpirit Knowflake Posts: 954 From: A Place of Pure Love <3 Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 22, 2011 02:21 AM
This is a scary thread, baby  IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:22 AM
HYLEG AND PREDICTION OF DEATH | According to Western Sayana System 'Hyleg' is a sensitive point in a horoscope that may represent a planet or a certain degree which gives life to the native. The native’s longevity and nature of death can be calculated depending upon the good or bad aspects received by the hyleg.
According to Ptolemy, if Sun is present in 1st, 7th, 9th, 10th or 11th houses, then it will be the hyleg. If Moon is present in these places then it will become hyleg. If neither, then the cusp of the Ascendant will be the hyleg. According to Bonatti, if Sun is present in 1st, 10th or 11th houses, then it becomes hyleg. Otherwise if Sun is in 7th, 8th or 9th houses and it is a masculine house, then it becomes hyleg. If Sun is not hyleg then think about Moon. If Moon is in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses then it becomes hyleg. Otherwise if Moon is in 2nd, 5th, 8th or 11th house which is a feminine house then it becomes hyleg. When Sun and Moon are not hyleg, then we should think about the Ascendant. If the birth has taken place during waxing Moon then the Ascendant will be the hyleg. If the birth has taken place during waning Moon then Fortuna should be taken as hyleg. Fortuna or Point of fortune is calculated from the formula: Ascendant+Moon – Sun. When hyleg is slightly afflicted, it indicates ill health or injury. When it is strongly afflicted, it indicates death. However predicting life span is very difficult even for an experienced astrologer. The 4th house, 8th house and 12th house provide indications of death. 4th house represents circumstances at the end of life, 8th house represents death and 12th house represents sickness and self-undoing. The sign which is on the cusp of 8th house and the lord of 8th house will indicate the type of death. The native will die in connection to the afflictions to ‘hyleg’. IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 02:23 AM
If Sun and Moon are afflicted by malefic planets, violent death can be suspected. When the malefics are strong and the afflictions are heavy, violent death can be confirmed. When Mars with Uranus or Saturn are involved, then sudden and violent death can be predicted. If Ascendant is involved, then the native will cause his/her own death either intentionally or accidentally. If 12th house is involved, then the death will be violent and takes place in a hospital or asylum. If 5th and 7th house are involved, then a love affair of the native will be the reason behind his/her death. If 9th house is connected, then the death will take place during a journey or in a foreign land. If 10th house is connected, then the death will occur in a public place. If 11th house is involved, then the death will occur in friends’ house. Planets and cause of death: Sun: Heart problems. Moon: Drowning, phlegmatic and cold conditions. Venus: Poisoning, diabetes, flush, skin and venereal diseases. Mars: Head and red blood cells, suicide, high fever, inflammations, violence, weapons, fire and vehicular accidents. Jupiter: Lever and blood. Saturn: Bones and skeleton, suffocation, falling from high places, bruises, rheumatism, consumption, all cold condition, lingering death. Uranus: Sudden and peculiar death because of explosives or wrong treatment. Uranus will not cause death directly. Uranus contributes to death indirectly. For example, leading to wrong treatment. Neptune: Mysterious death or death due to unknown reasons. For example, the person may disappear and his body can never be traced.
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Quinnie Knowflake Posts: 1206 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2011 02:53 AM
This is actually quite sychronistic for me. But how do you work out time indicators, would this be chat progressions and transits to the hyleg?IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2011 03:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: The key elements are as ever: placements in the 8th, the ruler of the 8th house cusp and its conditions, Pluto and broadly, in the sense of determining the conditions ruling the end of the life, the 4th, placements in it and the ruler of the 4th house cusp.consider the zodiac in this respect: if your 8th house cusp is in the sign of or the sign ruler is similarly configured, or that planet is within the 8th or especially applying to its cusp: Aries (Mars): sudden, possibly violent, head or brain configured. Taurus (Venus): slow, generally peaceful, maybe due to overindulgence, throat. Gemini (Mercury): Possible multiple causes, mental deterioration possible, lungs and breathing. Cancer (Moon): At home, overeating may be a factor, stomach. Leo (Sun): probable cardiac problems, some drama. Virgo (Hygeia): Often a quiet demise in modest circumstances, not dramatic, digestive system. Libra (Venus): Not difficult, maybe related to kidney function. Scorpio (Pluto): Possibly confined or violent, alcohol. Sagittarius (Jupiter): Abroad or away from home, possibly overindulgence. Capricorn (Saturn): Slow degenerative demise probably in old age. Aquarius (Uranus): Sudden, possibly unusual demise, rare diseases, blood problems. Pisces (Neptune): Confused; cause of death obscure or uncertain, alcohol, poison, drugs, mistake, suicide.
ummmmmWhy is Hygeia listed as ruler of Virgo? Yes...I know that asteroid, Hygeia is named after the Greek Goddess of Health. What about Ceres? It seems that Ceres gets totally disrespected. At around 930 km in diameter. It's the largest asteroid of all. No asteroids come close to it. None of the centaurs are large as Ceres, and that includes Chiron which gets more respect than Ceres. Furthermore, the Virgo constellation was even known as Demeter (Greek version of Ceres) by the Greeks. It's only until 2006, Ceres became the astronomical equal of Pluto as dwarf planet. That's because of the discovery of Eris which is also Pluto's astronomical equal and classed as dwarf planet. Then, Haumea and Makemake became classed as dwarf planet. Therefore, 4 objects are in the same astronomical class as Pluto with their classication of dwarf planet. They are astronomically equal to Pluto. Ceres,Pallas,Juno,and Vesta were classed as planets for 40 years,and then they got stripped of their planetary status and got classed as asteroids after astronomers found more objects like them. Pluto shared the same fate in regards to kuiper belt objects and transneptunian objects. I have doubts about Pluto's rulerships because of the fact, it's not the only object that orbits beyond Neptune. It's not the only large object that orbits beyond Neptune. Eris,Haumea,and Makemake are large objects that orbit beyond Neptune, and so they are transneptunian dwarf planets. Sedna,Orcus,Quaoar,Varuna,and Ixion are also large objects that orbit beyond Neptune. They are not classed as dwarf planets yet. Sedna and Orcus are larger than Ceres, and they will very likely be classed as dwarf planets. Orcus and Ixion have orbits that are similar to Pluto. They are classed as plutinos. Their orbital periods are no more than 3 years apart from Pluto's orbital period. We put much emphasis on Pluto's generational effects. However, Orcus and Ixion have similar orbits as Pluto. They are classed as plutinos. Like Pluto, plutinos orbit the Sun twice as Neptune orbits 3 times. Therefore, Pluto and the plutinos have 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune. As a rule, plutinos are named after underworld characters. It would make sense that generational effects of Orcus and Ixion should factor too. I think that with adding Uranus,Neptune,and Pluto as sign rulers, astrologers totally messed up the rulership scheme of Ptolemy.
According to the original rulership scheme
Sun and Moon rule 1 zodiac sign each The traditional planets rule 2 zodiac signs each they had a day and night scheme
Day: Sun rules Leo Mercury rules Gemini Venus rules Libra Mars rules Aries Jupiter rules Sagittarius Saturn rules Aquarius Night: Moon rules Cancer Mercury rules Virgo Venus rules Taurus Mars rules Scorpio Jupiter rules Pisces Saturn rules Capricorn
As you see, Sun is the masculine planet and, the classical planets follow the Sun's lead by ruling masculine signs.
As you see, Moon is the feminine planet and, the classical planets follow the Moon's lead by ruling feminine signs. the logic was that Uranus became the ruler of Aquarius because Saturn is ruler of Capricorn, then Neptune became the ruler of Pisces but instead of Pluto becoming ruler of Aries, it became the ruler of Scorpio and so that contradicted the logic of assigning rulerships to Uranus and Neptune ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind.
Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2011 03:30 AM
Hades,Poseidon,and Admetos are hypothetical transneptunian objects used in Hamburg School/Uranian Astrology. I don't see how they figure into death. The founder of Hamburg School/Uranian Astrology, Alfred Witte came up up with the idea of transneptunian planets being used in the charts. He discovered that people went through certain events but there were no planets that could account for them. Therefore, he discovered hypothetical planets by coming up with certain calculations and researching them in charts. This was even before the discovery of Pluto. Then another Hamburg School/Uranian Astrology added more hypothetical transneptunian planets. Astronomers actually discovered transneptunian objects that have no connection to the Hamburg School/Uranian Astrology hypothetical transneptunian objects.
They include big ones: Eris, Makemake, Haumea, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Varuna, and Ixion. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 03:48 AM
Yes i would love to know the method of arriving at a time indicator tooo...Heres another interesting article i found about, Domitian's Death "For years the emperor Domitian knew exactly when he was going to be murdered: 18 September 96 A.D. during the 5th morning hour. "When, as a young man, he refused a dish a mushrooms his father the emperor Vespasian joked that it was more in keeping with his destiny for him to be afraid of swords. The historian Suetonius confirms: “Astrological predictions had long since warned him in what year and day he would die; they even specified the hour and manner.”1 "No wonder Domitian was gloomy, humorless and paranoid. As the fateful year approached he became increasingly anxious. He had the walls of his exercise room lined with highly polished moonstone to watch what was going on behind his back. With the help of his astrologers he pored over the horoscopes of Rome’s most powerful men, sniffing out potential regicides. He even exiled and then executed his trusted secretary Epaphroditus because the scribe had helped Nero commit suicide 27 years before." "Domitian was deeply conflicted about astrology. He believed in it but he also hoped its predictions could be avoided if preventative actions were taken. To prove the point, the day before his assassination he commanded the astrologer Ascletario to predict the manner of his own death. When the astrologer forecast that he was fated to be torn to pieces by dogs, Domitian had him executed on the spot and thrown on a funeral pyre. A rainstorm scattered the servants supervising the cremation and doused the fire. The roasted corpse was torn to pieces by a pack a scavenging dogs, just as the astrologer had predicted." "The coincidence terrified Domitian. That evening, perhaps at dinner, a guest offered him a gift of apples, his favorite fruit. His appetite ruined by fear, Domitian told his servants to save them until tomorrow if he was spared to eat them. He then turned to his guests and said, “The Moon will be bloodied as she enters Aquarius, and a deed will be done that will be the talk of the entire world.” "That night he slept badly, jumping out of bed in terror at midnight. At dawn he had the astrologer Larginus Proculus brought before him. The astrologer fearlessly reaffirmed his prediction that Domitian would die that morning during the fifth hour. Domitian condemned him to death but delayed the execution until the evil hour had come and gone so that the astrologer would die knowing that he was a fraud." "By this time the conspirators must already have been lying about the time to Domitian. When the fourth hour sounded they told him it was the dreaded fifth. Domitian, in a state of nervous agitation, picked at a festering wart on his forehead. When he noticed it had begun to bleed he said, “I hope that this is all the blood required”. When the silvery sound of the trumpet finally announced a new hour, he double checked what hour it was. One of the conspirators, who like Domitian were watching the clock, confirmed that it was the sixth. Immensely relieved that the dreaded fifth hour had passed and so little of his blood spilled, Domitian headed for his bath, perhaps relishing the prospect of executing the false prophet Proculus afterwards. On the way another conspirator told him that there was momentous news that he needed to reveal in private. The news was that this was not the sixth hour, it was the fifth. Domitian’s time had come. When they were alone he stabbed the emperor." So is moon in aquarius often an indication of a bloody death??
Below i will post an interesting case study of domitian's chart.
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rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 03:52 AM
Chart 1: Domitian’s birth 24 October, 51 A.D. Rome 07:43 PM (for choice of this time see below) with two arcs demonstrating Balbillus’s method of determining length of life. Somewhere in a person’s birth chart is a favorably situated planet, the Starter, which gives 90 years, represented by 90 degrees, in either a clockwise or an anticlockwise direction around the chart. Somewhere within this 90 degree arc the Destroyer lies in wait. Balbillus counted back from the point that was 90 degrees from the Starter until he reached the Destroyer. The number of degrees in this arc, he pronounced, equaled the number of years the person would live. The problem for us, as it must have been for ancient astrologers, is which planets to select for Starter and Destroyer. Because it is by far the most benevolent planet, Jupiter would be the ideal Starter while Mars and Saturn would be ideal Destroyers because they are malevolent. The Sun, Mercury and the Moon could go either way because they are labile planets. Fortunately Domitian tells us that his Destroyer is the Moon. But which planet is his Starter? Since this Starter must be within 90 degrees of the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are the only possible Starters for Domitian. The Sun as Starter would have meant Domitian would have lived over 74 years. Either Venus or Mercury as Starter would have meant he would have lived to 84. But Domitian died at 44 so Balbillus did not choose these as his Starter. This leaves benevolent Jupiter, even though he is weakened by his opposition to Mars. Jupiter, placed at 2833 of Sagittarius at Domitian’s birth, gave Domitian ninety years (represented by 90) clockwise around his chart to 2833 of Virgo. Balbillus then counted anticlockwise 4454 from this imaginary point in Virgo until he met the Destroyer, the Moon, which must have been positioned at 1326 of Scorpio at Domitian’s birth for Domitian to live his 44 years and 329 days. (For those checking my math, keep in mind that 96 A.D. was a leap year so of course February had 29 days.) To cast an accurate birth chart an astrologer needs to have not only the day but also the time of birth. Since the Moon moves through the Zodiac at about thirty seconds of arc an hour, she would have occupied 13 26 of Scorpio for only two minutes which sets Domitian’s birth on 24 October 51 at about 7:43 p.m. local Roman time.
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rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 03:58 AM
Chart 2: The beginning of the fatal 5th hour: 9:51 AM 18 September 96 A.D. Rome. Mars is right on the western horizon, the Moon moves into a precise conjunction with Domitian’s natal Saturn positioned at 21 of Aquarius. "Having reverse-engineered how the day of Domitian’s death was arrived at, probably by Balbillus, the final question is: how did the astrologer select the hour of Domitian’s death?"
"Again we consult Dr. Molnar who points out that during the fateful 5th hour on 18 September 96 A.D. Mars was setting in the west which, according to Firmicus Maternus, “indicates the greatest evils and enormous perils”.4 As Chart 2 shows, Mars is in fact within half a degree of setting during the first minute of the 5th seasonal hour of 62 minutes that began at 9:51 a.m. Placed as it was at ten degrees of Taurus, it was in opposition to Domitian’s natal moon, a configuration that Firmicus says, predicts “an evil death”.5 Two minutes later Mars set after which his evil influence would diminish dramatically. This was Domitian’s moment of peril and his assassins’ moment of opportunity. Quite probably he was murdered within two minutes of the 5th hour being sounded." "Mars, in direct opposition to his life giver Jupiter at his birth and ominously placed at his death, cast an astral curse on Domitian. But so did the other malevolent planet, Saturn. It is likely, as I presumed above, that ancient astrologers, like their disciples today, predicted what lay in store for their client at any specific time in the future by superimposing the positions of the future planets (“transits”) on the birth chart’s natal planets. As the 5th hour was being announced, the homicidal transit Moon in Aquarius was moving into a perfect conjunction with Domitian’s natal Saturn. The Moon and Saturn in conjunction is an unfortunate omen, according to Firmicus Maternus, because they “attack all thoughts and activities with witless weakness of fear”. "This phrase perfectly captures Domitian’s state of mind during the last few hours of his life. The fateful Destroyer of his birth chart, the Moon, had returned to fulfill her destiny. There would indeed be blood on her hands, his blood, as predicted not just to the hour, but to the minute." source IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 05:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Quinnie: This is actually quite sychronistic for me. But how do you work out time indicators, would this be chat progressions and transits to the hyleg?
Here is the link to a case study based on hyleg. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 71709 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 22, 2011 05:33 AM
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bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 22, 2011 07:52 AM
rajji,All you have here, I have too. The rulers of 8th are all over and there is no mystery about 8ht house rulers. Ruler of 8th and its placement are very important. If the ruler is well placed, in that case are important planets in 8th and the aspects. If there are no planets, it is good. I have cusp of 8th in Taurus, ruler Venus in 8th. My Venus has separated conjunction with Algol, so I have "escaped" from death, when there was "chance" to die. In fact I was found and rescued. My Venus has sextile with Mars and wide trine with Neptune. Either I will die from kidneys or by natural death. Ruler of my fourth is Saturn. About Jupiter and Venus in hard aspects: I have seen very often both planets by certain violent kinds of death. About Dominitian: I have read biographies about all Caesars and there is also written about death from all of them. Dominitian and Neron knew, when they will die. The difference is: Dominitian was killed and Neron committed suicide. If you find Neron prediction, there is explanation, why he died on the certain day. There is some kind of calculations. I didn't calculate for me: I don't want to know, when will I die. More important is, what kind of death person will have! Bobbie ------------------ "PREACH THE GOSPEL AND HEAL THE SICK" Medical Astrology book
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bonadea33 Knowflake Posts: 1154 From: Ex - Yu Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 22, 2011 08:24 AM
Something more:We all with ruler of ASC in the 8th house are interesting about death. Where is our ASC ruler, there we are; about that house we do research. There are some other rules: it is good to have Jupiter in the 1st. It can save person from some disaster (death), like the massacre happened in the school (Scotland). And more...
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Cat Face Knowflake Posts: 176 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted February 22, 2011 07:56 PM
I have Virgo on the 8th with Mercury in Taurus in the 3rd opposite Pluto in Scorpio in the 9th. Travel caution? I'm fine with any mode of transportation except for an airplane. The four times I've been on one is enough for life. So many places I'd love to go and see...  IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 71709 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 22, 2011 09:01 PM
I have Gemini on the 8th house cusp and the Sun and Mercury in the 8th house. That means you will have a peaceful death. That was a peace to hear lol------------------ Jesus never put his trust in man cuz he knew what was in man. He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted February 22, 2011 09:38 PM
I have Leo on the 8th house Cusp with a Virgo Moon in the 8th. I would like to die with dignity in the comfort of my own home. Though I hope there's no drama or heart problems attached to it. O__o Though according to all this info, that may not be possible as most of my malefics are heavily afflicted (mars in particular). IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted February 22, 2011 09:38 PM
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Glaucus Knowflake Posts: 5819 From: Sacramento,California Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2011 09:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: I have Gemini on the 8th house cusp and the Sun and Mercury in the 8th house. That means you will have a peaceful death. That was a peace to hear lol
My maternal grandfather had all that. His death was not peaceful. He had Gemini on the 8th house cusp. He had Sun in Cancer conjunct retrograde Mercury in Gemini in 8th house. He died of a lacerated nerve in his head from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. ------------------ A different mind is NOT a deficient mind. Developmental Neurodiversity Association facebook group.!/group.php?gid=131944976821905&ref=ts IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 22, 2011 11:01 PM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Fifth House Loss of a child. Death through over-indulgence in pleasure.
It's conceivable that my child could die before I do, not conceivable that I would over-indulge to that degree  Fatalistic, yes, but you're on the right track with looking at house rulers.IP: Logged |
rajji unregistered
posted February 22, 2011 11:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE]Originally posted by rajji: [b]Ruler of the Eighth House is in the Fifth House Loss of a child. Death through over-indulgence in pleasure.
It's conceivable that my child could die before I do, not conceivable that I would over-indulge to that degree  Fatalistic, yes, but you're on the right track with looking at house rulers.[/B][/QUOTE]OMG!Lonake i have the same placement! YES! im pretty sure that My first born will die...! and that too im quite positive that his death will be after or during his teens! Now i really dont feel like becoming a mother! Ive noticed the same outcome from other astrological sources too! you said-"not conceivable that I would over-indulge to that degree" What does that mean OVer indulgence in pleasure?? what kind of pleasure?
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