Topic: Black Holes in your Chart
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2011 05:33 PM
I was reading the other thread on Black Holes--I'd never heard of such a thing! Here's how to find Black Holes in your chart:How to Find Black Holes in Your Chart Black Holes can be found at the following degrees, and if your Mars falls within 5 degrees of conjunction, or 3 degrees of opposition or square, then youfre potentially subject to their effects. As always, the closer the stronger, and the exact conjunction is by far the most powerful. ‘24 Aries ‘27 Aries ‘6 Taurus ‘16 Taurus ‘24 Taurus ‘9 Gemini ‘13 Gemini ‘4 Cancer ‘9 Cancer ‘28 Cancer ‘3 Leo ‘9 Leo ‘28 Leo ‘7 Virgo ‘9 Virgo ‘14 Virgo ‘25 Virgo ‘1 Libra ‘13 Libra ‘22 Libra ‘29 Libra ‘7 Scorpio ‘11 Scorpio ‘26 Scorpio ‘4 Sagittarius ‘5 Sagittarius ‘10 Sagittarius ‘18 Sagittarius ‘19 Sagittarius ‘26 Sagittarius (the Galactic Center) ‘3 Capricorn ‘5 Capricorn ‘16 Capricorn ‘19 Capricorn ‘22 Capricorn ‘4 Aquarius ‘12 Aquarius ‘13 Aquarius ‘17 Aquarius ‘28 Aquarius ‘16 Pisces ‘24 Pisces ‘28 Pisces
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littlecloud Moderator Posts: 1335 From: Registered: Nov 2010
posted March 04, 2011 05:43 PM
Wonderful I'm littered with black holes all over my chart. Oh Joy!IP: Logged |
Winged Leo Knowflake Posts: 396 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 04, 2011 05:44 PM
What are their effects? And why just Mars? My Mars is at 28 deg Scorpio. It conjucts 1 and squares 2 blackholes.Edit: I just saw the other thread! IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2011 05:44 PM
I have a lot of Black Hole conjunctions, without even looking at oppositions or squares!Note: I think his orbs are waaay too wide above, I used a 2-3 degree orb for conjunctions. Here are my conjunctions: -My Asc at 5 Capricorn, conjunct Black Hole at 5 Capricorn -My Jupiter at 15 Pisces, conjunct Black Hole at 16 Pisces -My Chiron at 24 Aries, conjunct Black Hole at 24 Aries -My DC at 5 Cancer, conjunct Black Hole at 4 Cancer (and of course, opposed to the Black Hole at 5 Cap--black holes are bookending my AC/DC axis) -My Moon at 10 Cancer, conjunct Black Hole at 9 Cancer -My Venus at 29 Cancer, conjunct Black Hole at 28 Cancer -My Mars at 11 Virgo, conjunct Black Hole at 9 Virgo -My Neptune at 6 Sagittarius, conjunct Black Hole at 5 Sagittarius -My North Node at 17 Sagittarius, conjunct Black Hole at 18 Sagittarius Basically, my chart is a big Black Hole!! IP: Logged |
Winged Leo Knowflake Posts: 396 From: Registered: Jan 2010
posted March 04, 2011 05:55 PM
My Ascendant, Moon, Venus and M. Node are on a blackhole too. Interesting.IP: Logged |
Lucia23 Knowflake Posts: 2395 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2011 05:57 PM Most of this article isn't accurate about me...I do lead an unconventional life, but I'm not too manipulative or crazy-making...and my work doesn't go unnoticed by people. (I don't HAVE "supervisors"--either did Black Hole Mars Marilyn Monroe or Hugh Heffner--how do you lead an unconventional, "out of the box" life with a middle management job and a boss?) IP: Logged |
AmethystOrnella Knowflake Posts: 83 From: New York, NY Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 04, 2011 06:50 PM
List: My Moon in Gemini tightly Squares The Galactic Center My Mercury tightly squares Taurus My Venus is conjunct within Three degrees My Mars is in a direct conjunction My Jupiter's in a tight conjunction My Saturn's in a tight conjunction or Square, could go either way My Uranus is in a tight Square with Cancer My Neptune's in a tight conjunction My Pluto's in a tight square But with all the points, it's almost impossible not to have at least one planet in conjunct or square with a black hole. IP: Logged |
vertiver Knowflake Posts: 1482 From: Firey Jupiter Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2011 06:58 PM
If either of you guys have the money, I suggest getting Phillip Sedgwick's galactic report, it lists all the major holes that aspecting planets...Natal Sun/ Mercury are conjunct the two black holes in 3/9 degrees Leo, maybe this is why I can't relate? IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted March 04, 2011 07:10 PM
This is fascinating! Thanks for this! I've never looked into black holes- never been able to find much about them. According to that list:Sun opposite Black Hole @ 6 Taurus Venus opposite Black Hole @ 16 Taurus 2 black holes opposite Ascendant = 9 Gemini and 13 Gemini Moon conjunct Black hole @ 9 Leo Mars opposite Black Hole @ 9 Leo Jupiter (chart ruler) opposite Black Hole @ 14 Virgo MC conjunct Black Hole @1 Libra Mercury conjunct Black Hole @ 26 Scorpio Ascendant conjunct Black Hole @ 10 Sagittarius Moon opposite Black holes @12 Aquarius and 13 Aquarius Mars conjunct Black holes @12 Aquarius and 13 Aquarius I guess I'm...very unusual  ------------------ Unlock your true potential! For natal, synastry, and composite chart interpretations - visit The Eighth House @ IP: Logged |
Frozen Queen Knowflake Posts: 625 From: 11th Dimension Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 04, 2011 07:16 PM
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!Why O why God/Goddess did you have to do this? My Pluto is conjunct a black hole *facepalm* if I didn't really feel like ultra-Plutonian before. Seems like my Higher Self undertook this incarnation to finish a whole Fujiyama of Plutonian issues in one incarnation...*throws hands up in sheesh-ness* Other greatest black hole hits of my chart are labelled below, orbs in the parentheses: CONJUNCTIONS MC (1) Chiron (3) Venus (1) Mercury (3) IC (2) Uranus (2) GC Saturn (3) GC DC (3) Vertex (3) SQUARES Vertex (1) NN-SN axis (2) Venus (3) Mercury (1) Pluto (3) Uranus (3) Vertex (1) NN-SN (1) Mars (3) Mercury (0) Pluto (0) Sun/Moon (0) Uranus (0) Saturn (1) OPPOSITIONS Sun/Moon (1) Vertex (3) NN (2) Mars (1) Jupiter (2) Jupiter (3) Chiron (1) ASC (0) Basically... I'ma black hole I've got gravity I'm attractive I can bend light you see... I'm invisible Yet you can feel me I'ma black hole you can't escape me...
[Just made this up] Try singing them to an AC/DC style  ------------------ Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your earall these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. All ways. ♥ IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 7785 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2011 10:44 PM
Kids, come on, this is depressing.IP: Logged |
Frozen Queen Knowflake Posts: 625 From: 11th Dimension Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 04, 2011 11:30 PM
What happened?I find it cool to have all that energy in my chart and attraction too. Plus if black holes are passages to higher dimensions then the planet affected by one has the ability to act as a bridge between this world and others. I'm postulating shamans and dreamwalkers would have a high concentration of these energies in their charts. As for it being depressing...the energy is depends on how we use it. The article states the same  ------------------ Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line of the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses your earall these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you will listen. I will come to you if you will invite Me. I will show you then that I have always been there. All ways. ♥ IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 7785 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 04, 2011 11:35 PM
Yea? The article sounded kinda dour to me.Ok, higher dimensions, on my way!!  I have a lot of late Cardinal craziness goin on, all of em, and then another black hole 1 deg from Asc. IP: Logged |
mercuranian Knowflake Posts: 484 From: the 12th house Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2011 12:56 AM
These black hole hard aspects sound very much like harsh pluto aspects. I have mars and venus conjunct each other and both square pluto. Now I find out they both also make more than one harsh aspect to a black hole! Sheesh!!IP: Logged |
AcousticGod Knowflake Posts: 5988 From: Pleasanton, CA Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 05, 2011 02:06 AM
Conjunctions: Sun at 5 Capricorn (0 & 2 degrees) Moon at 29 Virgo (1 & 4 degrees) Mercury at 17 Sag (1 & 2 degrees) Venus at 10 Sag (0 & 5 degrees) Mars at 27 Scorpio (1 degree) Jupiter at 16 Capricorn (0 & 3 degrees) Saturn at 15 Gemini (2 degrees) Uranus at 22 Libra (0 degrees) Neptune at 6 Sag (1 & 2 degrees) Pluto at 4 Libra (3 degrees) NN at 16 Capricorn (0 & 3 degrees)Essentially every planet. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 05, 2011 02:50 AM
Oh brother... lol I've been reading these black hole threads today... and all I am left wondering is..
1. How in the world does this person know the exact coordinates of black holes? I thought it wasn't even scientifically proven that black holes *exist*. Am I wrong about that? I'm just really confused as to how he got to these coordinates. I almost feel like emailing him. 2. If I was to take his orbs into consideration - basically everyone would have something conjunct a black hole... He said 5' deg orb - for a conjunction.. If you go 5 degrees either way on ALL of the points he mentioned -- that includes just about -every point- in -every sign-... Like Lonake I can relate to the black hole interpretations. My Venus is opposite one and my Mars conjunct one.. But these interps are similar to Pluto interpretations (I completely agree Lonake!) - I also have Venus/Mars in aspect to Pluto. So I really don't know about this 'black hole' business... IP: Logged |
Benedict Moon* Knowflake Posts: 2791 From: Avendesora Registered: May 2009
posted March 05, 2011 02:52 PM
Pretty much every single one of my planets (except mars) in sconjunct a black hole. Even my Ascendant couldn't escape. What's the intepretation for these, anyways? IP: Logged |
lindaGreg Knowflake Posts: 459 From: Bermuda Triangle Registered: Feb 2010
posted May 24, 2012 03:26 AM
‘24 Aries (My Moon - exact conj) ‘4 Cancer (Mars - 0 Cancer; Jupiter 1 Cancer) ‘3 Leo (My Venus - 4 Leo) ‘9 Virgo (My Sun - exact conj) ‘14 Virgo (My Jupiter - 15 Virgo) ‘13 Libra (My Pluto - 12 Libra; NNode - 16 Libra) ‘7 Scorpio (My Uranus - 8 Scorpio)Almost all my planets are close to these black holes. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 7785 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 24, 2012 03:32 AM
Yea awhl rite. I have Mars conj, 3* Mars sq, 3* (x2) Mars sq, 0*Whassa mah prize. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 964 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted May 24, 2012 06:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by littlecloud: Wonderful I'm littered with black holes all over my chart. Oh Joy!
Me too!! - Sun square Taurus '6 (1), Scorpio '7 (1), conjunction Leo '3 (3) - Mars conjunction Libra '13 (2) - Moon square Taurus '24 (0), conjunction Aquarius '28 (4) - Venus square Pisces'24 (0), square Virgo '25 (1), opposite Sagittarius 26 (2)  IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1600 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 24, 2012 08:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: Oh brother... lol I've been reading these black hole threads today... and all I am left wondering is..
1. How in the world does this person know the exact coordinates of black holes? I thought it wasn't even scientifically proven that black holes *exist*. Am I wrong about that? I'm just really confused as to how he got to these coordinates. I almost feel like emailing him. 2. If I was to take his orbs into consideration - basically everyone would have something conjunct a black hole... He said 5' deg orb - for a conjunction.. If you go 5 degrees either way on ALL of the points he mentioned -- that includes just about -every point- in -every sign-... Like Lonake I can relate to the black hole interpretations. My Venus is opposite one and my Mars conjunct one.. But these interps are similar to Pluto interpretations (I completely agree Lonake!) - I also have Venus/Mars in aspect to Pluto. So I really don't know about this 'black hole' business...
I agree about the orbs. Black holes exist. "Despite its invisible interior, the presence of a black hole can be inferred through its interaction with other matter and with light and other electromagnetic radiation." IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 4116 From: 14.5833° N, 121.0000° E Registered: May 2011
posted May 24, 2012 11:50 AM I think I have black hole Venus exact. Mars to but abit far. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 24, 2012 01:30 PM
Holy mackerel - thanks, Lucia! My (uh, best friend? Sister? Partner in astrological crime?) were just trying to hunt down how to locate ours yesterday, after being intrigued by an article.How did you find this? Thanks again! -A.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 24, 2012 01:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by littlecloud: Wonderful I'm littered with black holes all over my chart. Oh Joy!
You, too, huh? Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, AND Ascendant. (And that's JUST conjunctions, within 1-4*.) Hi. My name is Aubianne. And I'm a Black Hole. (?) How the hell does that work? Theoretically, given how many of them there are, spread ALL throughout the zodiac, there are bound to be LOTS of us who have a BH at every planet or point, right? I'm not even listing the asteroids that are 'potentially affected'. Intrigued. What does this all mean? -A.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 249 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 24, 2012 01:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: 1. How in the world does this person know the exact coordinates of black holes? I thought it wasn't even scientifically proven that black holes *exist*. Am I wrong about that? I'm just really confused as to how he got to these coordinates.
I was thinking this, too, but my hubs, The Scientist, said that, yes, they DO exist, according to the latest research, and we CAN locate them. I was wondering the same thing, but then my Jupiter @ 26 Virgo loves to poo-poo anything that seems to 'out there'. Which makes the rest of my 'Mulderian' (really; anybody ever run 'Fox Mulder''s chart? It's practically mine, thanks to Chris Carter and I sharing a Sun degree) chart scream out in indignation. So, these are probably accurate. But who knows WHAT it REALLY all means. I know I'm here for big things. But I never thought of myself AS a black hole. -A.
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