Topic: Fame Indicators In The Natal
CosmicKarma360 Knowflake Posts: 774 From: here and there Registered: Sep 2010
posted March 26, 2011 05:40 PM
Hello everyone...What exactly are the "fame indicators" in a natal chart? My understanding was that a planet would conjunct the MC in either the 9th, or 10th house. Now I've run across Venus in the 2nd being a fame indicator, and kind of weirdly, Saturn in the 11th!(?) Is there a list somewhere? Is it a combination of factors that indicate fame in a natal? Thanks in advance. IP: Logged |
Cynnared Knowflake Posts: 1074 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 26, 2011 11:37 PM
Study charts of celebrities and see what you find with your theory. Do they have strong 2nd and 10th houses?IP: Logged |
5Gemini Knowflake Posts: 110 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted March 27, 2011 12:55 AM
I believe Oprah and Elvis both have Venus 2nd HouseBoth their Venus conjunct Mercury, however Elvis's Venus trine MC. Oprah's Mercury 2nd House trine MC...
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Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 09:47 AM
Planets conjunct MC may seem like they mean something. They do not. It is because the MC can be the same as the actual fame area in your natal chart, which is house 11.You need to look at house 1 (self) and house 11 (Fame/social groups) rulers in relation to each other. The slower moving the planets, the stronger the house is. Capricorn is probably the best for fame with Saturn ruling the 1st and Pluto ruling the more important 11th. Use whole sign house system.
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6507 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted March 27, 2011 12:12 PM
quote: Originally posted by 5Gemini: I believe Oprah and Elvis both have Venus 2nd HouseBoth their Venus conjunct Mercury, however Elvis's Venus trine MC. Oprah's Mercury 2nd House trine MC...
Lucrative careers;not quite same as fame  IP: Logged |
nabokov2011 Newflake Posts: 22 From: Boston Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 27, 2011 12:32 PM
What about 10th house? I heard a lot about 10th house being indicator of fame in creative fields.------------------ you can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 01:13 PM
No, not 10th house. Fame is house 11.IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted March 27, 2011 01:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by Coffee: No, not 10th house. Fame is house 11.
And if the 11th house is empty means no fame, right? IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 02:21 PM
No, you look at the house ruler, not in the house.IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 3474 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted March 27, 2011 02:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Coffee: No, you look at the house ruler, not in the house.
Mercury is this house's ruler, and Mercury is in Leo in 9th house. What does this mean? IP: Logged |
Coffee Knowflake Posts: 2242 From: Leeds Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 03:13 PM
That combination may not be possible with the WHOLE SIGN HOUSE SYSTEM. Which is the house system you should use.If you want to see how a persons fame is now, you look at house ruler 1 in transit to natal 11th ruler, and house ruler 11 in transit to natal 1st house ruler. Closer the combined orb is to zero, the better the fame. For example, an Aries riser has MARS ruling the 1st, with URANUS ruling the 11th. The slower moving planet in aspect to the faster natal planet 1st as this gives the greater indication of the level of fame. t.Uranus is moving 30 degrees away from n.Mars, while t.Mars is moving 30 degrees towards n.Uranus. -30 + 30 = 0 degrees IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1948 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted March 27, 2011 03:19 PM
I've read multiple things regarding fame1) Lots of aspects between personal planets/points and generation planets. Ie: ASC conjunct Pluto. 2) Planets at Aries Point (0 Aries) or square it (0 degrees of cardinal signs). I myself have Venus conjunct AP (29 Pisces) but I'm not famous so. Regarding coffee's theory: ASC ruler (Mercury) is sextile 11th house ruler (Mars). Mars is in Sag in my 7th, if you use whole sign houses (6th with Placidus). I would look to progressions/solar arcs, personally. People aren't usually famous their whole lives, and if they are, it's mostly because of a famous time in their life. IP: Logged |
nabokov2011 Newflake Posts: 22 From: Boston Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 27, 2011 03:25 PM
But I checked the 10th house of many famous artists and scientists, lots of them have tons of planets in 10th house. So what does 10th house mean then?example is Einstein, Picasso IP: Logged |
nabokov2011 Newflake Posts: 22 From: Boston Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 27, 2011 03:29 PM
Monet and Van Gogh also have tons of planets in 10th, just from the top of my head.IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 03:36 PM
Pluto conj Asc or in the 1st is one Also Sun as part of a stellium, especially a generational stellium, such as Sun/Merc/Neptune Anything that focuses a lot of energy in one area of the chart, this will be what they're known for Also Jupiter 10th can be helpful ETA: Eastern hemisphere dominance NN conj a planet/luminaryIP: Logged |
nabokov2011 Newflake Posts: 22 From: Boston Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 27, 2011 03:38 PM
Leonardo da Vinci has heave 10th Dali has heavy 11th and 10thoh, Tchaikovsky has heavy 11th ------------------ you can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. IP: Logged |
nabokov2011 Newflake Posts: 22 From: Boston Registered: Feb 2011
posted March 27, 2011 03:40 PM
Can you guys give some examples of famous people with the indicators mentioned if you have time?------------------ you can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 27, 2011 04:00 PM
Charts are at: Astrodatabank Browse at leisure. Rating system for accuracy in birth data is AA, A, B, etc.IP: Logged |
jacque Knowflake Posts: 286 From: Registered: Dec 2009
posted April 21, 2012 05:37 AM
Madonna has Venus in the 11th house & many planets aspecting (squares) the mc but no planets in house 10. Justin Timberlake has no planets in 10 and 11 but many planets aspecting the mc.
Obama (the most famous man in the world) has no planets in the 10th or 11th but again, many planets aspecting the mc. Steve Jobs: Jupiter and Uranus at the end of the 10th, almost in the 11th & a few trines to the mc. fame seems difficult to understand just by planets in the house. seems to be more to it than that.. ? IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted April 21, 2012 05:48 AM
Planets in the 9th - 12th, especially conjunct MC. (I wonder if this applies to event charts as well. E.g. 9-11 time of attack on WTC has Jupiter - which would rule flight & long-distance travel - conjunct the MC from the 9th House side: and that was the publically visible part of the event)A loaded 12th, especially including the Sun, ("dissolved" ego) is indicative of a natural politician because the planet feels the collective. They seem to reflect the mood and trends of the time. IP: Logged |
sweet-scorpion Moderator Posts: 2427 From: PA, USA Registered: Apr 2012
posted April 21, 2012 10:22 AM
I have a loaded 11th house and many planets above the horizon, including my moon loosing conjuncting my MC (although this is what I'd prefer, not a close contact!) and I am very into having a public career. Fame has been my goal since I was a little kid. I've seen the 11th house pop up quite a few times concerning fame, but other things too. >12th house Pluto: I read on an astrologer's blog once how they said many actors use a 12th house Pluto as an asset to take on very heavy, difficult emotions in their acting. >11th house stellium/Venus in the 11th: I can see how 2nd House Venus is an asset to someone trying to become famous or who already is, but 11th house planets especially Venus will help you out. Since fame is also not just about garnering wealth but attracting good attention and amassing followers, and fulfilling your dreams. Venus in the 11th I've read usually indicates one of your biggest dreams in life could come true. >Sun in the 10th/11th: This one is pretty obvious. A lot of celebs I've noticed have had either a 10th or 11th house sun. Of course there are exceptions, but it's good to have the sun above the horizon unless they are more into the creative arts I guess, like being predominantly a painter for example - maybe then they'd have a 5th house Sun (and/or Moon!) combined with many planets above the horizon. >Unaspected planets: This seems to be a biggie too. An unaspected planet in the right place at the right time so to speak, can work wonders for a celeb. I've talked with Ami Anne about this one, and she said more celebs have their Sun unaspected than any other planet. It seems to give the planet an electric energy and a definite emphasis in the chart. >Prominent Moon: It seems to help to have the Moon in either H5, H9, H10 or H11, and to have it make many harmonious aspects to planets like Neptune, Venus and Jupiter. Many celebs seem to have highly aspected Moons. It also seems that an Aquarius Moon is the most common Moon sign for a famous person, according to a study I read, but this alone isn't enough for fame. I would also see Leo Moon with other positive factors helping out even more. >Fixed stars & their locations: If you have fixed stars in the natal chart conjunct or very close to sensitive places like the ASC and/or MC, this is a high indicator of fame. It's easy to calculate this on - just click 'add some fixed stars' to your natal chart.  >Uranus and Neptune: Joyce Jillson also says that these two planets are important in fame, since Uranus gives one a unique energy and Neptune is the fantasy planet of illusions; so wherever these two are, you can increase your uniqueness and capacity for fame, and be able to cast 'illusions' on other. To have Neptune in a more crucial house like H2, H5, H10 or H11 could be good. H10 is especially good. You're bringing something 'special' and mystic to your professional life with Neptune there. >MC aspects: A lot of celebs seems to have good MC aspects although there are some exceptions. Neptune connecting to the MC, especially conjunct is usually a very good sign. But it helps to have many personal planets positively contacting the MC even if they aren't conjunct. You don't NEED a planet conjunct the MC for fame... maybe just many harmonious contacts to it. ------------------ "Perfect love casts out fear." -Anthony de Mello IP: Logged |
FireWire Knowflake Posts: 372 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted April 21, 2012 11:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: Pluto conj Asc or in the 1st is one Also Sun as part of a stellium, especially a generational stellium, such as Sun/Merc/Neptune Anything that focuses a lot of energy in one area of the chart, this will be what they're known for Also Jupiter 10th can be helpful ETA: Eastern hemisphere dominance NN conj a planet/luminary
So does having 5 planets in my third house say something about communications? I have 5 in my 3rd (sun, moon, venus, uranus, neptune), 2 in my second (saturn and mercury) and 2 in my first (pluto being one and mars being the other). I have a 4 planet (almost 5, depending on orbs) stellium in the 3rd. Not so much concerned about fame, per se, but curious about what it might indicate. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted April 21, 2012 12:14 PM
Hmm.. H1 ruler Pluto in h1 conj asc. H11 ruler mercury in h6/h7 conj dc. They oppose. Well there goes that lol! I also have h12/h1 Pluto conj asc in Scorpio. Neptune Aries point in h3 not exact but within allowable orb according to some articles. / shrug Unaspected Uranus h2. Lots great actors in the list with h2 Uranus but I am guessing some have a stellium there tho. Leo moon h10 cancer mc. Moon is out of bounds. Mc is aspected badly lol! IP: Logged |
Ibringyouasong Knowflake Posts: 105 From: Trenton, New Jersey, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted August 15, 2013 10:19 PM true dream as an aspiring novelist (who works part time in retail with an English degree) is to become a very well known author.My Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter are all in the 1st house and are in Gemini. So there's a stellium which I suppose means I am supposed to be a writer (?). My Venus is in Gemini and in the second house. It bi quintiles my MC - which is Aquarius in the 10th house. My North Node is in the 10th House. Also Aquarius. My Sun and Moon both conjunct Jupiter. I read something about the Sun having inconjunctions which could indicate fame? My sun is inconjunction with Pluto, Neptune, and Saturn. Is that good? My Mercury conjuncts my Ascendant and both are Taurus. Taurus is the other half of the sign of Venus - which is in my second house. So I guess that would be good? In my natal chart, my second house is Gemini. I know originally the second house ruler is Taurus - so I guess that's a good thing as well? I also read something about Capricorn? It must be a generational thing because I know a lot of people - like myself - who have Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune in Capricorn in the 8th house. I know the 8th has a lot of negativity associated with it - being the house of death and all. But in a chart I had done based on my career, it said a lot about being good with finances. Whether that's true or not, I have no idea. Oh sorry. My Mercury trines my Midheaven. Knew I forgot something. My Uranus semi sextiles my Midheaven. Which Harrison Ford has, oddly enough. Both my Moon and Jupiter sesqui quadrate my Midheaven though. I know Julia Roberts has that - the Jupiter aspect at least. I also know that sesqui quadrates are supposedly ruled as "squares," or semi-squares. But let's face it, not everybody's chart is perfect. And at least having a connection is better than nothing at all. I also have Pallas Athena in the 11th House and it's in Aries. I also have my Aquarius Midheaven trining my Taurus Ascendant. What does that mean? My Fortune is in Taurus - although an Arabic calculator would disagree and say it's in Gemini. It's strange though because if it's in Taurus, it says the 12th house - but Taurus is my Ascendant, so wouldn't it be in the first? Or even second if you're going to go by the usual Zodiac wheel? According the Arabic calculator, it's in Gemini and is 3 degrees and 44 minutes. I don't know how to calculate a house from that, though. IP: Logged |
StarlightSmileSupreme Knowflake Posts: 9168 From: neptune Registered: Nov 2012
posted August 15, 2013 10:20 PM
Mercury conjunct midheaven.IP: Logged |