Topic: chiron conjunct venus synastry
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 458 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 18, 2011 04:16 PM
so it's come to my attention that this is supposed to be the strongest indicator of true love and/or marriage between charts..i've been seeing this guy for 6 months and we have this conjunction, exact. i am chiron, he is venus. this is by no means a 'standard' relationship arrangement, but we are both okay with what it is. we don't speak OF our relationship, we just experience it. and it is amazing. i feel like this conjunction creates, or permits, an extraordiary connection that pulls us through our past traumas (we both have eerily similar patterns of trauma) into an extremely deep healing and.. recognition of one another. almost as though we slough off all of the hurt and defenses we've accumulated through pain and see and bring out the true essense in eachother. so it's kind of bitter sweet in that there is somewhat a focus ON the pain but through that very acknowledgement we are able to move through it and experience what feels like true healing. obvioulsy i've had healing and loving experiences in past relationships but never like this. i'm wondering what the experiences are for the venus person, if anyone's had this experience (or the chiron!), because although i feel tremendous healing happening for myself it almost feels like this emphasizes his healing more; that he is finding himself empathized with for the first time in his life and letting his guard down with me more than he ever has, and feels safe and 'seen' and grateful about it, whereas i feel like i'm sort of 'providing' that for him through my own ability to empathize (which in effect helps heal me too) so naturally with him. but mostly it feels like the healing is sort of coming 'from' me if that makes sense. but in turn, he 'sees' me right back. it's such a profoundly loving feeling. anyone else have this? IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 459 From: California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 18, 2011 11:59 PM
Good for you and him if things work out. Chiron as the most powerful indicator of true love is a Magi astrology concoction. I had this aspect with someone and it turned out to be the most painful romantic relationship of my life. It is my understanding that Princess Di had this with Prince Charles... ETA: I am wrong, Prince Charles does not have this aspect with Princess Di. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 886 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2011 02:42 AM
With my bf -- I am Venus in Taurus... and his Chiron is on my Venus. He has said several times that he wants us to get married. I don't feel comfortable taking that step at all. I do care about him, but I am not in love with him. If I hadn't met the person I see as my soulmate (if there is such thing as a soulmate!) --before Chiron guy came back into my life... then I might've felt differently. I'm not sure.
quote: pulls us through our past traumas (we both have eerily similar patterns of trauma)
That is extremely true. He went through something very similar so we have that in common and he does understand me. I don't always notice Chiron to be honest. I am kind of noticing it in this particular relationship - but we also have a DW -- His own Venus is exactly sextile my Chiron.
I've had Chiron aspect previously (There are a lot of Gemini influenced people in my life.. That's where my Chiron is), but I felt nothing much coming from this aspect. These seem like average relationships. I don't find them strange or different in positive or negative ways. SO many other aspects trump over this one... But it's just my experience.
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Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 886 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2011 02:47 AM
quote: I had this aspect with someone and it turned out to be the most painful romantic relationship of my life.
I had an extremely painful romantic relationship - realllllllly flipping horrible... and we have NO Chiron. I am just curious.. Did you have any of the following aspects in synastry? Venus/Pluto -- conj/square/opp Mars/Pluto --- conj/square/opp Moon/Pluto --- conj/square/opp Moon/Mercury--- square Moon/Mars --- conj/square/opp Venus/Mars --- conj/square/opp Sun/Mars ---- square Did he have a transpersonal trio... like say Aquarius with Aqua Moon and Sag AC... or any combination of transpersonal signs? Did he have Venus or Mars in a negative aspect to Uranus/Neptune/Pluto in his chart? Did he have a Venus square Mars in his chart? Did he have a retrograde Venus in his chart? OK That's all ^^ lol phewww IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 9703 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2011 08:02 AM
Well, my experience with Chiron is that most Chiron relationships blow up. However,I have a girlfriend whom I adore . She and I don't seem like we will blow up. My mother has her Sun on my Chiron . she already blew me up but I survived as the walking dead  ------------------
"Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality Jung He who controls his Spirit is greater than he who controls a city Proverbs IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 9703 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 19, 2011 08:06 AM
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woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 458 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 19, 2011 11:28 PM
hmm, interesting, thanks guys!okay, firstly, my mom's chiron is conjunct mercury and mars and she spent my entire life trying to hurt me, physically, emotionally, blantantly. so i think it can go either way (in terms of where the pain comes from, so long as chiron is involved -though no, chiron isn't always involved- and whether the aspect hurts or heals). i've read some of your feelings about your mom, ami, and i resonate! however i think i could have (and at times DID) heal my mom and if she hadn't spent my whole life hating me (until i had no choice but to cut her out as there was some wack sh!t) that definitely would have happened as i had tremendous affection and compassion for her. do you think it's possible your mom didn't want to face the healing you could have brought into her life had she chosen to accept it and turned it around on you instead; punishing YOU for her own personal pain? that's really interesting what you say betty boop.. HMM! well the weird thing is i always had a strong affection for this guy but the actual current of the relationship developed strangely and slowly through many twists and turns and there is this ..BUTTERLIKE creamy warm mellow beholdingness between us.. it's affection and soothing and relaxedness.. who knows maybe it's something else in our charts but we're always just so.. warm affectionate and loving and relieving and refreshing, in a very thorough and satisfying way (and i don't mean just sex). interesting point about being in love with someone else and therefore (possibly) not having those deep feelings for him. not that weird though cuz i'm like that too. i can't really hold two people in my heart (except occasional fantasy men but obviously not on that level). it's interesting too cuz there is always this dynamic where i feel and sense him let his guard down with me within moments of us talking (a guard that seems to be perpetually up otherwise where he holds people at a distance), and it feels like he is relieved to do so. and yeah i've had two terrible relationships in the past where i was hurt very badly and no significant chiron action springs to mind. i feel as though it represents a deeper, subconcsious hurt, and am toying with the concept that it sort of represents biases as well as a part of that. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 2327 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 19, 2011 11:40 PM
Betty Boop I checked my worst relationship. Abuse and all.. Just horrible. Venus/Pluto -- conj/square/opp yes.. square Mars/Pluto --- conj/square/opp no Moon/Pluto --- conj/square/opp no Moon/Mercury--- square no Moon/Mars --- conj/square/opp no Venus/Mars --- conj/square/opp no... but yes for a trine Sun/Mars ---- square no.. but a trine Did he have a transpersonal trio... like say Aquarius with Aqua Moon and Sag AC... or any combination of transpersonal signs? IDK... Venus sag, sun/merc in cap Did he have Venus or Mars in a negative aspect to Uranus/Neptune/Pluto in his chart? venus sq pluto Did he have a Venus square Mars in his chart? no Did he have a retrograde Venus in his chart? no As for Chiron His chiron opps my pluto his chiron sq my venus IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 458 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 20, 2011 02:00 AM
belage, sorry i forgot to reply to you! i'm sorry to hear you had a really bad experience with this one. those suck i'm also curious what else was going on synastrically; or do you think it was venus-pluto that brought most of the pain?hmm, i'm thinking.. maybe with chiron conjunctions the POTENTIAL for healing is always there and there is a deep vulnerability between the two people, and as such, if for some reason the potential isn't met, BECAUSE of the intense vulnerability (perhaps going both ways to some extent) the let down is so incredibly painful that it in fact causes the pain to be 'acted out'(wardly) ..and maybe often unconsciously.. against the other in a way that causes pain (like that quote 'hurt people hurt people') in the other. maybe it's that simple? lioness, in my limited experience with men with venus square pluto they are EXTREMELY conflicted when it comes to love and often manipulative (and charming). i read an excellent article on it and i'll see if i can dig it up if you're interested. i had my chiron opposite my last bf's sun/pluto and we had a pretty good relationship and we're still good friends. i would say and i think he'd agree that there was a good amount of healing between us and we learned a lot from eachother. one thing that is interesting is that he's extraooooordinarily stubborn when it comes to his outlook on life and i'm quite the opposite (though stubborn in many other ways); anyway, the sabian for my chiron is the imagery of a bridge crossing a gorge and the imagery of his pluto/sun is something about an immovable stubborn rock or something to that effect. heheh. so it was somewhat a point of contention though in many ways we learned valuable lessons in the places we compromised. but i can see how that one could lead to serious trouble since pluto is so unrelenting. IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 459 From: California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 21, 2011 08:46 PM
@ Betty Boop, this is what we had:Venus/Pluto -- conj/square/opp : Quincunx Mars/Pluto --- conj/square/opp : Conjunct Moon/Pluto --- conj/square/opp: Quincunx Moon/Mercury--- square : No Moon/Mars --- conj/square/opp: Conjunct Venus/Mars --- conj/square/opp: Conjunct Sun/Mars ---- square: NO Did he have a transpersonal trio... like say Aquarius with Aqua Moon and Sag AC... or any combination of transpersonal signs? YES Did he have Venus or Mars in a negative aspect to Uranus/Neptune/Pluto in his chart? NO Did he have a Venus square Mars in his chart? NO Did he have a retrograde Venus in his chart? NO IP: Logged |
Belage Knowflake Posts: 459 From: California Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 21, 2011 08:47 PM
woah cakes, he also had his Chiron sitting on my ascendant...IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 458 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2011 01:15 PM
hmm, interesting! transpersonal preponderance meaning the guy's out of touch with his more human side? BIT OF AN ASIDE but what do you think of someone who has all the personal planet on the lower half and all the transpersonal planets on the upper half of their chart? that would be me and it seems weird. IP: Logged |
Yrone Knowflake Posts: 212 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted May 22, 2011 04:04 PM
quote: lioness,in my limited experience with men with venus square pluto they are EXTREMELY conflicted when it comes to love and often manipulative (and charming). i read an excellent article on it and i'll see if i can dig it up if you're interested.
I'd be interested to read that too. Especially since my sun is turning that natal square into a fixed t-square IP: Logged |
woah cakes Knowflake Posts: 458 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 22, 2011 04:14 PM
sure, here it is! IP: Logged |
waxlobster Newflake Posts: 11 From: Birmingham Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 23, 2011 07:21 AM
what a brilliant article, it's chilled me to the core with it's accuracy!!! IP: Logged |
Mysticknowflake Knowflake Posts: 139 From: PA Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 23, 2011 05:22 PM
Have the same aspect with the first person that I truly loved. He will always be special to me, even though we are not together. I always keep him close to my heart, it was a magical experience. His venus, my chiron... 10 seconds apart. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 2327 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted May 23, 2011 06:42 PM
quote: Originally posted by woah cakes:
lioness, in my limited experience with men with venus square pluto they are EXTREMELY conflicted when it comes to love and often manipulative (and charming). i read an excellent article on it and i'll see if i can dig it up if you're interested. i had my chiron opposite my last bf's sun/pluto and we had a pretty good relationship and we're still good friends. i would say and i think he'd agree that there was a good amount of healing between us and we learned a lot from eachother. one thing that is interesting is that he's extraooooordinarily stubborn when it comes to his outlook on life and i'm quite the opposite (though stubborn in many other ways); anyway, the sabian for my chiron is the imagery of a bridge crossing a gorge and the imagery of his pluto/sun is something about an immovable stubborn rock or something to that effect. heheh. so it was somewhat a point of contention though in many ways we learned valuable lessons in the places we compromised. but i can see how that one could lead to serious trouble since pluto is so unrelenting.
Well I also have venus sq pluto in my natal.. So most of the men I meet also have a hard venus/pluto or sun/pluto...
I also have Pluto in H7, so meeting pluto in men is just so common for me.. Its nothing new... IP: Logged |