Topic: Moon/Pluto person... Gut Instincts
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 28, 2011 08:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: "Not every Pluto-Moon person has (or had a) dark or even complex relationship with their mom. "---I covered this in my post 
You did? Ah, okay. I couldn't tell because it was so long and didn't make any sense. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 28, 2011 10:51 AM
...IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted September 28, 2011 03:01 PM
Wow! Thanks for this! It's me to a 't'. I have Moon in Taurus in trine to my Pluto in Virgo in the 8th house. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 28, 2011 04:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by alanabelle86: she makes it so hard for me to say "no" or to live my life the way I want. *sigh*
Ouch.IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 28, 2011 04:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by BelligerentPygmy: You did? Ah, okay.I couldn't tell because it was so long and didn't make any sense.
I approached it from a broader perspective. When you have something right in your face and you're thinking that it works 'just this way' you're apt to miss a lot of detail and read it out of context.
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MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 28, 2011 05:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by BelligerentPygmy: You did? Ah, okay.I couldn't tell because it was so long and didn't make any sense.
Come on post your chart. Lets find out where your moronish acts are caused from. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2011 12:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by MertSerimer: Come on post your chart. Lets find out where your moronish acts are caused from.
Is that your Moon trine Pluto at work there, Mert?
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 29, 2011 12:47 AM
My father have moon square pluto My mother have moon sextile pluto My first sister have moon semisextile pluto My second sister have moon conj pluto Ive moon square pluto in exactly parallels. My son have moon opp pluto My daughter have moon conj pluto in scorpio.We all of us has been in conflict with our mother and father. Ive see that like a normal thing. The conflicts made us stronger. In general we are strong in our emotions and our intuition. I see also the difference between us who have positive or hard moon-pluto. We who have the strongest are not scare to meet the dark and dangerous. We go deeply into every problem and subject. We fight hard with something we believe on. The emotions and intuition are strong. My father and me got pictures and know things before other people. My son have the same but he try to put it out. He wont.
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2011 12:56 AM
^ Is there also an occurence of Scorp Moon, Moon 8th, Pluto h4? On one hand it is not an adverse thing for Moon/Pluto to be so dominant in your family, because you all sort of pass the torch on to each other. I think the hardest is for a 'newbie' with Moon/Pluto to come into the family and they typically are cast out like the black sheep, if they also have strong Pisces or Neptune it's almost guarantee for being the sacrificial lamb of the group.IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 29, 2011 01:05 AM
Ok. I dont think my exhusband think so who was so strong in pisces but of course you know. IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2011 01:46 AM
Interesting I have Moon(2nd)trine Pluto(10th),Pluto conjunct Midheaven(10th) Sun,Mercury,North Node in the 8th house venus square pluto, mars conjunct pluto, neputune sextile plutoI agree about sensing things, Me, I can walk into a room and actually feel uncomfortable. Like I can actually feel what other people are feeling...I can sense the tension, anger, sadness,happiness, saving grace is my Aqua Moon so it gives me the abilty to detach but I still feel things very deeply..I'm def very emotionally mom says all three of her daughters are so INTENSE. lol well one my sister is another Moon trine Pluto, the other one is a Moon conjunct Pluto. I do notice that me and my other moon trine pluto sister....we are better able to handle these a more consistent manner. We can take whatever is thrown at us, deal with it and keep it moving. Me and her have def have gone thru it ( emotional transformations, deep dark emotions) but we just try to get better and understand our emotions better. My Moon conjunct Pluto sister, I see her having a much harder time, controlling her emotions, she is also emotionally intense as we all are. But for her, She has a harder time dealing with things, trying to sort her emotions out. She is an emotionally strong women, but very some how a little vulnerable (I'm kinda like that too). It's kind of hard to describe, but I can see the difference. I was wondering Do Moon/Pluto people remember their childhoods because I can't seem to remember mine too much. I remember some things but not alot of it. Then again I had Transit Pluto square my moon growing up (around age 9). Literally the transit from hell. I grew up too quickly, seeing/experiencing things a kid really shouldn't be worried about. I saw someone almost die of a asthma attack (they brought her back to life), I had friends tell me they were being molested, my father was physically abusive and very distant. My mom was loving but couldn't really give us too much attention( she had her own stuff to deal with). I wanted to kill myself at 9 years old(but never told anyone). I was emotionally distant because no one at school wanted to talk to me and would spend time alone...and so much more. Transit lasted about 4 years..but def left it's mark on me til this day. Made me a strong, silent type of women. also Do you find you attract other Moon/Pluto people in relationships? IP: Logged |
violet7887 Knowflake Posts: 1474 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 29, 2011 02:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by SmilingHeart: Moon trine Pluto in water here.The article definitely rings true to me. I always follow my gut matter what. Thanks for posting this, Mert. edit:
I just realized that I have Moon and Pluto in the signs they rule...would that make the aspect stronger?
Couldnt have said it better SmilingHeart. I also have Moon in Cancer trine Pluto in Scorpio. I live by following my intuition/spirit. I regret nothing and get what i give.I guess it's safe to say i try my best to understand others always. So i guess it adds a kick.
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 29, 2011 02:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: [B Do you find you attract other Moon/Pluto people in relationships?[/B]
Lol. Yes I do and scorpio and house 8 people.My boyfriend scared me in the beginning. I walk away and felt it was to much but he come back. He have his moon in scorpio in sextile to my pluto. His pluto in conj to my pluto square my moon. DW. We are born the same year. His pluto also in exactly parallels to my moon like in my own natal chart. This feels like healing....just now lol IP: Logged |
alanabelle86 Knowflake Posts: 84 From: Somewhere over the Rainbow... Registered: May 2009
posted September 29, 2011 06:24 AM
quote: I think the hardest is for a 'newbie' with Moon/Pluto to come into the family and they typically are cast out like the black sheep, if they also have strong Pisces or Neptune it's almost guarantee for being the sacrificial lamb of the group.
I agree. In my immediate family, I'm the only Pluto-heavy person. My parents and sister have a lot of Saturn but I'm the only Moon-Pluto. I've got a 1st house Uranus and Neptune too. I've always been called the "black sheep" by my parents. "The odd one out" "The alien" "She's different than the rest of us". My maternal grandmother had the strong Pluto in her chart too though. Interesting how it seemingly skipped a generation. ------------------ Unlock your true potential! For natal, synastry, and composite chart interpretations - visit The Eighth House @ IP: Logged |
bethcarliseh Knowflake Posts: 555 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 29, 2011 06:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by MertSerimer: I have moon trine pluto. . They can also lead the masses in the wrong direction (consciously or not). George Bush Sr. is a prime examle (1.2 million tons of bombs on Iraq for the sake of "peace")!
Uhm Sorry but George Bush Sr nor Jr really made any decisions of their own. If you ever gain enough understanding to conceive of the true reality behind political issues then you will ascertain one of the facts which is that the Elected American Presidents and officials do not possess any true authority. They merely "Appear" to be in control. A mouth piece. They "lead" by explaining to the masses, orders given to them by Superior rulers on this planet. These Presidents are nothing but puppets or robots that take and dispense information given by those which are higher up in the power structure It really bugs me that uninformed people are still blaming presidents and politicians for economic problems when the real cancer are the few and wealthy elite who are really dictating the direction of this play. If an American President were to ever make a personal choice or action of power then they would end up like JFKennedy. IP: Logged |
MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 29, 2011 07:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake:[QUOTE] Is that your Moon trine Pluto at work there, Mert?
Nah. A lot of saggy and mars in third house in gemini at work. IP: Logged |
MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 29, 2011 07:48 AM
quote: Originally posted by bethcarliseh: Uhm Sorry but George Bush Sr nor Jr really made any decisions of their own. If you ever gain enough understanding to conceive of the true reality behind political issues then you will ascertain one of the facts which is that the Elected American Presidents and officials do not possess any true authority. They merely "Appear" to be in control. A mouth piece. They "lead" by explaining to the masses, orders given to them by Superior rulers on this planet. These Presidents are nothing but puppets or robots that take and dispense information given by those which are higher up in the power structureIt really bugs me that uninformed people are still blaming presidents and politicians for economic problems when the real cancer are the few and wealthy elite who are really dictating the direction of this play. If an American President were to ever make a personal choice or action of power then they would end up like JFKennedy.
Read the third sentence of first main post. Then continue writing proper posts and address proper ones. IP: Logged |
bethcarliseh Knowflake Posts: 555 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 29, 2011 08:03 AM
that response was irrelevant. I am just simply explaining the fact that presidents don't make choices so quit being negative and blaming them. It is like blaming a gun hostler for someone being shot. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 29, 2011 08:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by alanabelle86: I agree. In my immediate family, I'm the only Pluto-heavy person. My parents and sister have a lot of Saturn but I'm the only Moon-Pluto. I've got a 1st house Uranus and Neptune too. I've [b]always been called the "black sheep" by my parents. "The odd one out" "The alien" "She's different than the rest of us". My maternal grandmother had the strong Pluto in her chart too though. Interesting how it seemingly skipped a generationLol. Im happy thats not my familys look and thoughts about people [/B]
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MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted September 29, 2011 08:45 AM
quote: Originally posted by bethcarliseh: that response was irrelevant. I am just simply explaining the fact that presidents don't make choices so quit being negative and blaming them. It is like blaming a gun hostler for someone being shot.
I was trying to say "write anything you want or address anyone you want but NOT ME" Because i just QUOTED" I dont care less about why a president acted this way or not. It is just a taken article. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 29, 2011 02:11 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: I was wondering Do Moon/Pluto people remember their childhoods because I can't seem to remember mine too much. I remember some things but not alot of it.
I have Moon/Pluto & Pluto H4 conj IC and I have a v.difficult time remembering my early yrs, all hazy with a few memories here and there until maybe 12 then I started remembering more but then as a teen it drifted off again. I hate it cos someone will ask me you remember when we went on that vacation and 'xyz' happened and I will have completely forgotten. I write a lot and have a camera that's the only way I can keep memories with me otherwise they vanish in about 1 or 2 yrs and my life looks like a blur. I live my life knowing who I am in the here-and-now but what I came from is always far away from me and hard to reach. All the lil experiences that mold people I just can't hardly access any of them. I'm even foggy with what happened last wk. Maybe adding to this is in my progressed chart Neptune moved from H5 back into H4 (?) I know the Moon is tied to memory and Cancers have good memories. My Moon is in detriment and afflicted so it's prob just that."also Do you find you attract other Moon/Pluto people in relationships?" ---Nope. Every so often a Scorp Moon, I find H8 Moons more often. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 30, 2011 05:07 PM
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 30, 2011 05:16 PM
xcvb IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2011 10:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by popcorn: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: [B Do you find you attract other Moon/Pluto people in relationships?
Lol. Yes I do and scorpio and house 8 people.My boyfriend scared me in the beginning. I walk away and felt it was to much but he come back. He have his moon in scorpio in sextile to my pluto. His pluto in conj to my pluto square my moon. DW. We are born the same year. His pluto also in exactly parallels to my moon like in my own natal chart. This feels like healing....just now lol [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I tend to attract venus/pluto types as well as moon/pluto types, very mysterious people as in I can't read them, I get very intrigued but also very cautious. I tend to get more pluto influenced love interests than acutal scorpios, then again they are squared my I don't think I could take it. IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 30, 2011 10:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: [b]I was wondering Do Moon/Pluto people remember their childhoods because I can't seem to remember mine too much. I remember some things but not alot of it.
I have Moon/Pluto & Pluto H4 conj IC and I have a v.difficult time remembering my early yrs, all hazy with a few memories here and there until maybe 12 then I started remembering more but then as a teen it drifted off again. I hate it cos someone will ask me you remember when we went on that vacation and 'xyz' happened and I will have completely forgotten. I write a lot and have a camera that's the only way I can keep memories with me otherwise they vanish in about 1 or 2 yrs and my life looks like a blur. I live my life knowing who I am in the here-and-now but what I came from is always far away from me and hard to reach. All the lil experiences that mold people I just can't hardly access any of them. I'm even foggy with what happened last wk. Maybe adding to this is in my progressed chart Neptune moved from H5 back into H4 (?) I know the Moon is tied to memory and Cancers have good memories. My Moon is in detriment and afflicted so it's prob just that."also Do you find you attract other Moon/Pluto people in relationships?" ---Nope. Every so often a Scorp Moon, I find H8 Moons more often. [/B][/QUOTE] well good to know I'm not the only one who can't seem to remember most of it, but it makes me wonder if this a coping mechanism. It just seems so strange that I hear everyone else telling me stories and I can't remember it. yeah around the time at high school, I seem to remember more. Yes!, I'm also big on the camera, any major event I bring my camera, I should've been a photographer. it keeps the memories fresh in my mind. I can remember things well just not my childhood, I stll have some memories that I still remember but not deatils. Like my sister do. your a moon square pluto? IP: Logged |