Topic: Moon/Pluto person... Gut Instincts
Doreen Knowflake Posts: 386 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted October 01, 2011 01:00 AM
Moon conjunct Pluto they can read minds it's scary to me how my child does it all the time IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 01, 2011 01:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: your a moon square pluto?
Yep (!) Sometimes I will hear a certain song or smell something that I had not smelled in 20 yrs and something will come back to me. So at least I have that. Then I rush to go write it down  IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2011 08:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE]Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: [b]your a moon square pluto?
Yep (!) Sometimes I will hear a certain song or smell something that I had not smelled in 20 yrs and something will come back to me. So at least I have that. Then I rush to go write it down  [/B][/QUOTE] The reason I ask is because I like someone who has Moon square Pluto and Venus opposed Pluto in natal chart......I have Moon trine Pluto and Venus square Pluto in my natal...I'm very intrigued...but at the same time very cautious, cause that seems like I'm going to be facing someone who is like me. But at the same time, I can see some hurt there,( probably like they can see on me) IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted October 02, 2011 04:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: The reason I ask is because I like someone who has Moon square Pluto and Venus opposed Pluto in natal chart......I have Moon trine Pluto and Venus square Pluto in my natal...I'm very intrigued...but at the same time very cautious, cause that seems like I'm going to be facing someone who is like me. But at the same time, I can see some hurt there,( probably like they can see on me)
^i have moon square pluto and venus opposition pluto.. so the person you like has a t-square? eh maybe not.. i can remember alot. also i have a lot of documentation. pictures, tapes, books, diaries. saturn is in my 12th by transit right now i think and i read if that happens before a certain age like 30 or so that person would look back at his whole life from the start, which is what i have been doing. i don't think i attract people similar to me. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2011 06:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp: The reason I ask is because I like someone who has Moon square Pluto and Venus opposed Pluto in natal chart......I have Moon trine Pluto and Venus square Pluto in my natal...I'm very intrigued...but at the same time very cautious, cause that seems like I'm going to be facing someone who is like me. But at the same time, I can see some hurt there,( probably like they can see on me)
My first love was born 2 wks before me, his Venus was Rx conj mine. Our Moons were opposed and both our Moon and Venus natally sq Pluto. Keep in mind we had strong Saturn in the mix too but I would say don't pass it up. What you have are called shared aspects. If either of you have a Sun/Pluto affiliation or Mars/Pluto it could be v.steamy (mars h8, sun scorp, etc). My first love and I natally both had Mars conj Pluto, both had Sun trine Pluto and I have Sun h8. The Sun to Moon/Venus and the Mars to Moon/Venus can create a draw cos you're combining masculine and feminine principles. IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2011 11:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by sand: ^i have moon square pluto and venus opposition the person you like has a t-square? eh maybe not.. i can remember alot. also i have a lot of documentation. pictures, tapes, books, diaries. saturn is in my 12th by transit right now i think and i read if that happens before a certain age like 30 or so that person would look back at his whole life from the start, which is what i have been doing. i don't think i attract people similar to me.
I remember everything in the present now...but back then a huge hazy, blur. Right now Saturn is transiting my natal 10th house, nothing yet But Yeah I'm also big on documentation,photos,writing...I actually had a family event and was about the only one taking pics.. no one else did. Yes, there are 2 t-squares in the chart there is also and Venus Square Moon ....I have the Venus quincunx Moon, also Venus trine Neptune and I have the Venus quincunx Neptune..the chart has Aqua Sun, Cap Moon I'm a Virgo with Aqua Moon. IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 02, 2011 11:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: My first love was born 2 wks before me, his Venus was Rx conj mine. Our Moons were opposed and both our Moon and Venus natally sq Pluto. Keep in mind we had strong Saturn in the mix too but I would say don't pass it up. What you have are called shared aspects. If either of you have a Sun/Pluto affiliation or Mars/Pluto it could be v.steamy (mars h8, sun scorp, etc). My first love and I natally both had Mars conj Pluto, both had Sun trine Pluto and I have Sun h8. The Sun to Moon/Venus and the Mars to Moon/Venus can create a draw cos you're combining masculine and feminine principles.
I have Sun, Mercury, North Node in the 8th house, I also have Mars Conjunct Pluto Conjunct Midheaven Synastry - there is Sun and Moon (mine) in the same sign. Mars, and Moon(mine) also in the same sign. DW Venus/Moon, Sun opposed Sun, Venus Square Venus, Mars square Mars, Moon semisextile moon.(making an aspect)..there's much more. which is interesting probably what made me take notice....also it was a love at first sight thing..sigh IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 03, 2011 05:55 AM
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9348 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 03, 2011 06:12 AM
What do you guys think of the theory that Moon/Pluto people get on better with their grandmothers than their mothers? Or is this true for everyone My grandmother was everything to me and when she died I felt that loss much more acutely than my mother's death.IP: Logged |
MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted October 03, 2011 08:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: What do you guys think of the theory that Moon/Pluto people get on better with their grandmothers than their mothers? Or is this true for everyone My grandmother was everything to me and when she died I felt that loss much more acutely than my mother's death.
I never saw or tasted love from my both grandfather and father's mother. But mother's mother loved me so much and cared me and nurtured me since my family was working a lot only she was able to take care of me. She influenced me a lot. Maybe i am better person because of her. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted October 03, 2011 05:17 PM
What do you guys think of the theory that Moon/Pluto people get on better with their grandmothers than their mothers? Or is this true for everyone My grandmother was everything to me and when she died I felt that loss much more acutely than my mother's death.i get along well with both. tho nowadays not so much with my grandma. need 2 behave. i would probably feel my mom's death more but i never lived with my grandma. only months at a time during summers or when travelling. i feel though that when she passes away i will be able to do whatever i want. she is pretty much the only person that can make me do things against my will. IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 03, 2011 06:40 PM
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popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3287 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted October 05, 2011 08:12 AM
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curiouswoman Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: on earth Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 06, 2011 12:50 AM
I have moon square pluto. m mother and I never got along. in fact, I think she actually competes with me. she didn't have a great childhood but i am an understanding daughter.IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1199 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 06, 2011 02:54 AM
About the mom:I have Moon (24Libra27) widely conjunct Pluto (16Libra44), with Pluto in the 8th house (Placidus) and Moon in the 9th. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mother growing up, and not in the typical way. She wasn’t really there for me AT ALL, emotionally. I chalk it up to her being very young (19) when she had me. She was more like an older sister than a mother, which is actually not a good thing. That, along with her bouts of depression and not really knowing how to “Mother” because her own mother was abusive (She is a double Cap, her Pluto is in the 8th and her Moon is Sag in the 12th with no aspect between them and her Ceres is conjunct Saturn in the 1st) made everything all screwy. Now that I am older and understand that, we get along better. I know that I still can’t get the emotional support I need from her (which is a lot, I know I expect a lot from people), so I don’t ask. But she is happier now so she tries, which is great. I actually feel partially responsible for helping her change. I mean, you can only be a pessimist around a happy idiot like me for so long. I am being serious. I think that once she saw that I couldn’t be “brought down” by my mother, as she had been, it was inspiring. Like, “huh? Why isn’t she lying around depressed too? Oh, I see, she is hopeful!” Her whole family is one of those stuck in a rut families, very prone to low grade depression, refusing to seek treatment, not trying anything new. Then along comes me, the crazy and independent one who likes to do everything. They saw that what I did didn’t hurt me, even when I would fail and look like an idiot or had to start over, so it became okay. After a while they gave in to happiness. My cousin also did the same thing for her mother (my mom’s sister) as well (she has Moon conjunct IC). I read somewhere (I forgot where) that Moon-Pluto people are actually meant to do that, be the transformational force in the family. About “gut instincts”: I have it, but do I use it? That is a different story. I pretty much do but I can ignore it when it comes to men (Moon square Venus messes with my heart-emotional connection). I have a good b.s. detector though so I usually come to my senses quickly, it is just that I don’t want to believe it sometimes. quote: in fact, I think she actually competes with me.
Yup, I went through that too CuriousWoman, especially in my 20s (and it rears its ugly head every once in a while). This is what Bob Marks says about Moon-Pluto “Pluto Aspecting the Moon: Tends towards sudden, extreme mood swings. I ought to know. Two of my ex-girl friends had the opposition. Women with the stressful aspects have to be careful of other women who will get jealous and turn on them, even after years of "friendship". No, this does not mean that EVERY woman in your life will do this, but you will get more than your share of such incidents, much more. The mother will tend to be a strong-willed, no nonsense type. Again, in the horoscopes of women, the mother will tend to be jealous of you and act accordingly.”
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abcd efg Knowflake Posts: 1118 From: India Registered: Mar 2011
posted October 06, 2011 11:13 AM
How much deg orb would you think reasonable for pluto conj any planet? Anyone?IP: Logged |
Virgo/Leo Cusp Knowflake Posts: 61 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted October 06, 2011 10:08 PM
I don't have Mother issues, My mom made me a indepenedent and strong woman. She is a no non-sense person. I see her as strong-willed and I have alot of respect for her. I have see what she has gone thru, all the good and bad in life. Every know and then she'll try to smother me, I just tell her mom, relax. Then she's okI don't know if she has a fear of losing me, like she'll never see me again. We laugh and joke together and most importantly we are honest with eachother. IP: Logged |
curiouswoman Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: on earth Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2011 12:44 AM
quote: Originally posted by downtomars: About the mom:I have Moon (24Libra27) widely conjunct Pluto (16Libra44), with Pluto in the 8th house (Placidus) and Moon in the 9th. I didn’t have a good relationship with my mother growing up, and not in the typical way. She wasn’t really there for me AT ALL, emotionally. I chalk it up to her being very young (19) when she had me. She was more like an older sister than a mother, which is actually not a good thing. That, along with her bouts of depression and not really knowing how to “Mother” because her own mother was abusive (She is a double Cap, her Pluto is in the 8th and her Moon is Sag in the 12th with no aspect between them and her Ceres is conjunct Saturn in the 1st) made everything all screwy. Now that I am older and understand that, we get along better. I know that I still can’t get the emotional support I need from her (which is a lot, I know I expect a lot from people), so I don’t ask. But she is happier now so she tries, which is great. I actually feel partially responsible for helping her change. I mean, you can only be a pessimist around a happy idiot like me for so long. I am being serious. I think that once she saw that I couldn’t be “brought down” by my mother, as she had been, it was inspiring. Like, “huh? Why isn’t she lying around depressed too? Oh, I see, she is hopeful!” Her whole family is one of those stuck in a rut families, very prone to low grade depression, refusing to seek treatment, not trying anything new. Then along comes me, the crazy and independent one who likes to do everything. They saw that what I did didn’t hurt me, even when I would fail and look like an idiot or had to start over, so it became okay. After a while they gave in to happiness. My cousin also did the same thing for her mother (my mom’s sister) as well (she has Moon conjunct IC). I read somewhere (I forgot where) that Moon-Pluto people are actually meant to do that, be the transformational force in the family. About “gut instincts”: I have it, but do I use it? That is a different story. I pretty much do but I can ignore it when it comes to men (Moon square Venus messes with my heart-emotional connection). I have a good b.s. detector though so I usually come to my senses quickly, it is just that I don’t want to believe it sometimes. Yup, I went through that too CuriousWoman, especially in my 20s (and it rears its ugly head every once in a while). This is what Bob Marks says about Moon-Pluto [b]“Pluto Aspecting the Moon: Tends towards sudden, extreme mood swings. I ought to know. Two of my ex-girl friends had the opposition. Women with the stressful aspects have to be careful of other women who will get jealous and turn on them, even after years of "friendship". No, this does not mean that EVERY woman in your life will do this, but you will get more than your share of such incidents, much more. The mother will tend to be a strong-willed, no nonsense type. Again, in the horoscopes of women, the mother will tend to be jealous of you and act accordingly.” [/B]
OMG I jusst got goosebumps. I too im the happy idiot of the family. I ALWAYS FELT IM gonna bt the transformative force in the family. I feel moon square plutos need to rely heavily on their gut instinct because it is usually from a higher force. I didn't listen but now i am starting to understand that I only have God and me to depend on. IP: Logged |
curiouswoman Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: on earth Registered: Sep 2011
posted October 09, 2011 12:47 AM
quote: Originally posted by Virgo/Leo Cusp:
I don't have Mother issues, My mom made me a indepenedent and strong woman. She is a no non-sense person. I see her as strong-willed and I have alot of respect for her. I have see what she has gone thru, all the good and bad in life. Every know and then she'll try to smother me, I just tell her mom, relax. Then she's okI don't know if she has a fear of losing me, like she'll never see me again. We laugh and joke together and most importantly we are honest with eachother.
for some reason you sound like someone I ran into for a day! don't get me wrong. i am strong because of the trouble. but it's nice to have a loving mother. and concerning jealousy from other women, i had a best friend for 10 years and turned against me just to realize she had been jealous of me all along it was until she turned against me that everyone starting telling me the things she used to talk behind my back. it's so sad though! IP: Logged |
DayandNight21 Knowflake Posts: 431 From: Registered: May 2010
posted October 09, 2011 05:50 AM
I agree with Doreen about the reading minds bit. It is both a blessing and a curse. I just found the blogger below and she has moon pluto conjunct in first house. She advises metaphorically putting your feelings in a jar and observing them so you don't get swept away by them. That is a first house method of dealing with them, another approach would be to process those feelings and acknowledge they are part of you. Detachment is great in some areas but not all. I see this blogger as almost disassociating from her feelings which is not healthy. Like her I have moon in virgo conjunct pluto so am all about being healthy.
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MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 20, 2011 07:36 PM
Bump..I know i am bump lover. I love bumps.. İ am a bumper 
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tautomer4314 Knowflake Posts: 659 From: Oregon Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 20, 2011 09:15 PM
Moon conjunct pluto in scorpio in the 1st house.Needless to say, this is a dominant player in my chart, and I don't miss a beat. Slightly off topic, but I have a 8th house stellium including mercury in gemini. I have a laser mind when it comes to figuring out people. I don't miss much at all. I don't attribute much of it to psychic ability either. Human behavior just makes worlds of sense to me, and I just, well, get it. Others motivations are not lost on me at all. I am also EXTREMELY close to my mother. Always have been. She definitely intrinsically much more influence over me then my father. Who, by all intents and purposes, was far more forceful. ------------------ It's All Elemental
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Starry~* Knowflake Posts: 402 From: New York, USA Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 20, 2011 09:20 PM
I have huge mom issues, however, my moon doesn't really have any relations or aspects with my pluto.I also have huge dad issues too. Sun in 12th IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 20, 2011 09:28 PM
I don't have moon aspecting pluto but I have issues with my family too.I do however have sun sextile pluto by a degree, sun trine saturn by like 5ish degrees, saturn square asc by 5 degrees and saturn square mercury exact. Also moon squares saturn very loosely, and moon and venus also square chiron both by a degree. My parents have had a very dominating power over my life and everything I do. It's at a point where often I kinda wish I wasn't born into the family lol. I just see other ppl and their parents and I kinda wish I had that. You know the ability to talk things out and not have them impose their opinions on me. W.hen I talk, they hear, but they don't listen. I feel like I always have to walk on egg shells around them, bc they just make a huge deal out of the most miniscule things. Both of them are watery scorps -_-. IP: Logged |
ladyvi Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Arakkis Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 21, 2011 11:04 AM
Very insightful article! I have Virgo Moon Trine Pluto in Scorpio. So when they say dig to the bottom I really dig.IP: Logged | |