Topic: Moon/Pluto person... Gut Instincts
curiouswoman Knowflake Posts: 1123 From: on earth Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 22, 2011 02:39 AM
anyone with hard aspects with moon and pluto that have trouble with women as a female yourselves? please talk about itIP: Logged |
nordicsoul Knowflake Posts: 624 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted December 22, 2011 06:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE]Originally posted by MertSerimer: [b] Come on post your chart. Lets find out where your moronish acts are caused from.
Is that your Moon trine Pluto at work there, Mert?[/B][/QUOTE]Lol IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 2752 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 22, 2011 07:45 PM
How could I forget to mention I have Moon conjunct Pluto!? Well I do! lol IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted December 22, 2011 07:59 PM
Incredible article on Moon-Pluto (it's not short, but it is interesting, VERY interesting) "Moon Pluto creates anything but milk and water types, their best qualities are self-sufficiency and an ability to stand alone, these natives are tough, resilient to the nth degree and too they are tough on themselves, as we shall see during the course of this discussion."
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hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 6991 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 22, 2011 07:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic: I have an 18 yr old daughter with a moon/pluto opposition and whilst there is a definite undercurrent of power struggle I can't say that we let it get in the way. I take care to not impose myself on her but at the same time I'll give my opinion if she wants it. We actually get along fine, she takes her role as a daughter quite seriously and makes the effort to come and see me so that we can talk and just chill out...this is her insistence not mine.However, before she moved out things could be hard, there was a feeling of her wanting to rule the roost...and she was aware of this also. We both have a lot of fixed planets and feel happier knowing one anothers boundaries and I wonder if this helps? We do have disagreements but can agree to respect the difference. I think the moon/pluto has to be worked's not an aspect you can ignore. I have them quindecile and was unable to work through anything with my own mother though as I've got older I can respect the fact that she's human - and therefore flawed. With the moon/pluto there is always an obsessive element to emotions and I know that my daughter likes the fact that I get where she's coming from if she's caught up in something. Things could always change between us ... but it would take something major to cause long term damage. Her moon is in taurus (exalted?)and pluto is in scorpio (dignity) and I wonder if this also helps? So yes to mother issues...power struggles... but there can be a good outcome.
Your daughter is so lucky to have a wise and understanding mother such as yourself. My mom can be compassionate but only at the oddest times, thus it's hard to predict. I have moon in 12th opp. Pluto in the 6th (Taurus and Scorpio, respectively) and there are DEFINITE power struggles. She can't walk away from conflict very easy. IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 22, 2011 08:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Stawr: How could I forget to mention I have Moon conjunct Pluto!? Well I do! lol
Do you have really intense emotions?I kinda do, but it doesn't take over me. I can control it somewhat so I'm mellowed down by my libra placements.
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Stawr Moderator Posts: 2752 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted December 23, 2011 02:32 AM
I do have intence emotions. Not a lot of people see me loose it though. Well now that I'm older more people see that side to me. (a b!tchy side lol)IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 23, 2011 02:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by Stawr: I do have intence emotions. Not a lot of people see me loose it though. Well now that I'm older more people see that side to me. (a b!tchy side lol)
There's a difference between feeling emotions intensely and being b!tchy. Being b!tchy is Mars energy. Not Moon-Pluto. IP: Logged |
MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 956 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted February 26, 2012 09:45 PM
bump  IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 9073 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 26, 2012 10:08 PM
i have scorpio pluto opposing my taurus moon,me and my mom have our problems but we are still close,but she does treat me like a baby sometimes,undermining my confidence when it comes to things i would like to do that she doesnt like,but for the most part everything is ok,this aspect relates more to my experiences of women in general as pluto also squares my venus,and venus squares my moon,i tend to have painful experiences with womenIP: Logged |
ladyvi Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Arakkis Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 26, 2012 10:58 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: What do you guys think of the theory that Moon/Pluto people get on better with their grandmothers than their mothers? Or is this true for everyone My grandmother was everything to me and when she died I felt that loss much more acutely than my mother's death.
Not in my case me and my grandmother never got along she was always good for humiliating me and driving my mom into tears. Extremely self-destructive and melodramatic too! Pisces sun/Leo moon but no aspect to pluto in Cancer. She must have BPD or something because her out of control tantrum and emotional manipulation fit. My mom is an Angel compared to her.
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L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1467 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 26, 2012 11:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by curiouswoman: anyone with hard aspects with moon and pluto that have trouble with women as a female yourselves? please talk about it
I do! I feel like it's because i had such a negative time at an all girls high school that kinda planted the seed for difficulty relating to other girls. When I interact with girls they repulse me usually. They're just all the same. I don't have things in common with them and I say things that seem weird and I ruin my chaaances of getting along. But I kinda hate the girls I meet, so I don't wanna be friends with them anyway. I think I'm just jealous. Good ol' jealousy at work. Too much competition. My friend who doesn't get along well with most girls either doesn't have moon in aspect to pluto but we both have the same moon sign. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 7092 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 27, 2012 11:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic: I have an 18 yr old daughter with a moon/pluto opposition and whilst there is a definite undercurrent of power struggle I can't say that we let it get in the way. I take care to not impose myself on her but at the same time I'll give my opinion if she wants it. We actually get along fine, she takes her role as a daughter quite seriously and makes the effort to come and see me so that we can talk and just chill out...this is her insistence not mine.However, before she moved out things could be hard, there was a feeling of her wanting to rule the roost...and she was aware of this also. We both have a lot of fixed planets and feel happier knowing one anothers boundaries and I wonder if this helps? We do have disagreements but can agree to respect the difference. I think the moon/pluto has to be worked's not an aspect you can ignore. I have them quindecile and was unable to work through anything with my own mother though as I've got older I can respect the fact that she's human - and therefore flawed. With the moon/pluto there is always an obsessive element to emotions and I know that my daughter likes the fact that I get where she's coming from if she's caught up in something. Things could always change between us ... but it would take something major to cause long term damage. Her moon is in taurus (exalted?)and pluto is in scorpio (dignity) and I wonder if this also helps? So yes to mother issues...power struggles... but there can be a good outcome.
Whew! Thanks for your input.  My young daughter and I are very close. Her moon is opposed to Pluto but maybe out of orb (10 degree difference.) We have occasional power struggles, but I can't imagine us ever having a real fall-out. If anything she might try to control ME too much, but since she is spunky and smart, I look forward to the adventure. IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 7092 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 27, 2012 11:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: [b]What do you guys think of the theory that Moon/Pluto people get on better with their grandmothers than their mothers? Or is this true for everyone My grandmother was everything to me and when she died I felt that loss much more acutely than my mother's death. [/B]
My daughter has moon opposed Pluto (wide orb, though.) She looks exactly like her paternal grandmother, who died before she was born. I mean, she looks almost nothing like me, she's just the spitting image of her grandmother. Her birthday is also trine this grandmother's, and their Chinese signs are "trine"...I think they would have adored each other.
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pandacake Knowflake Posts: 326 From: Registered: May 2011
posted February 27, 2012 11:23 AM
I have Moon conjunct Pluto. Both in Scorpio in first house.I love my mom very much and I really want her to be happy but we were never able to build a balanced relationship. She is draining and has BPD. We never grew up in a stable or supportive environment. BPD means split personality, she sees the good & bad in herself as two seperate entities that she projects onto her children. One day you're the "good" child and another day with no reason you're the "bad" child. On and off.
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tautomer4314 Knowflake Posts: 659 From: Oregon Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 27, 2012 01:36 PM
I find it interesting to see so many people with moon conjunct pluto have close, but iffy mother relationships. All descriptions explain that, but I don't quite have it. Let me explain.My mother and I are EXTREMELY close. Always have been as far back as I can remember. Speaking to psychics and others over the years, we know that me and her are soulmates, and have experienced countless lifetimes together in many many different forms. We're always with each other. Growing up my mom was my rock. She was always there for me, and always had my best interest in her mind. In elementry school our relationship was a bit rocky at times, but that was 100% my fault for not doing well in school. She fostered my identity and persona so well, and made me feel important to her. Her love truly was, and is, unconditional. Now older, at times I can bit heads with her, but if that happens it's quickly solved and discussed between us. In a way I feel like at times me and her may have been too close. Growing up she was my mother, and like my best friend at the same time. Which isn't always good, but for who I am as a person that actually worked out extremely well. There are some things my mother and I will discuss that I feel isn't quite right since I am her child, but nevertheless it works. She had a profound effect on me from as far back as I can remember (and I can remember being in a stroller). If my dad yelled at me it had almost no impact. If my mom did though, it cut like a knife. She intrinsically has had a profound influence over me. I think a major thing that had an impact on why our relationship works so well, is she found my astrology chart when I was only 7 years old. She spoke with an astrologer and realised what my moon conjunct pluto in scorpio meant for her. She was then aware of how profoundly her behavior could effect me, and did her best to "watch herself", which I am eternally greatful for. If it is of any relevance, this is her chart. It's a rough one that's for sure. ------------------ It's All Elemental ----- My Chart if relevant IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 7092 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 27, 2012 02:59 PM
Thanks for telling us about your great relationship with your mom, tautomer.What is most difficult about her chart? Pluto opposed sun? 'Looks like it's almost forming a t-square with her moon? IP: Logged |
ariesdragon Knowflake Posts: 4379 From: Jupiter Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 27, 2012 03:19 PM
Moon trines mars, Jupiter, chiron Moon opposition Venus, mercury Pluto trine sun & Neptune IP: Logged |
dysfunctionalmystic Knowflake Posts: 1001 From: England Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 27, 2012 04:27 PM
Faith ~ I get what you're saying about the daughter controlling you Mine is 19yrs old now and will often ask questions in a demanding if I owe her an explanation. She's staying over tonight and is helping me decorate the her insistence not mine. She'll message to see how I'm doing and can be very considerate, I've got moon opp Uranus and give her space. I don't place "societal duties" on her [ like saying she has to call, come over, act a certain way] but she tries to impose them on me, she'll force me into family get togethers and even made sure I attended her boyfriend's dad's 50th birthday. It does make me laugh a lot because we're so very different when it comes to what's expected of one another. We're both fixed(leo and aqua) but it works. IP: Logged |
tautomer4314 Knowflake Posts: 659 From: Oregon Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 27, 2012 10:27 PM
quote: Originally posted by Faith: Thanks for telling us about your great relationship with your mom, tautomer.What is most difficult about her chart? Pluto opposed sun? 'Looks like it's almost forming a t-square with her moon?
Her toughest aspect by her standards is moon square pluto. Despite the wide orb, she does experience it strongly, partly because pluto also opposes her sun. My mother is incredibly strong, but also extremely sensitive due to all her 4th house energy and pisces energy. She's had a very emotionally difficult life. Parents who loved her, but "ignored" her needs, and countless relationships were the men (my father being one of them) emotionally abused her. By her nature she is compromising to a fault and would bend to anyone elses will thinking she was subservient and second to all else. It wasn't until I was a child that she started to awaken to the power and intelligence that she has. She's still coming into it now. She has to take the reigns of her own skills but if and when she does she will be a force to be reckoned with. Her mercury square neptune can make her have absolutely WONKY logic at times though, mostly with pratical matters (due to the mars square neptune). It's a silly example, but nonetheless highlights this: I had to explain to her once that sea salt does NOT contain less sodium, and that packaging labels can and do lie. As a chemist, that was both hilarious and depressing. Took me a good 20 minutes to explain to her that you can't change salt. Salt is salt. Poor thing went for a walk afterwards and I think she cried a little (over the situation, not me) . I'm no stranger to "backwards logic" as I have mercury biquintile neptune, so my mom and I speak the same language super well, but she has a hard time seeing logic flaws. Which, as you can imagine, are quite common inside of backwards logic. ------------------ It's All Elemental ----- My Chart if relevant
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Faith Knowflake Posts: 7092 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 28, 2012 07:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by dysfunctionalmystic: Faith ~ I get what you're saying about the daughter controlling you Mine is 19yrs old now and will often ask questions in a demanding if I owe her an explanation. She's staying over tonight and is helping me decorate the her insistence not mine. She'll message to see how I'm doing and can be very considerate, I've got moon opp Uranus and give her space. I don't place "societal duties" on her [ like saying she has to call, come over, act a certain way] but she tries to impose them on me, she'll force me into family get togethers and even made sure I attended her boyfriend's dad's 50th birthday. It does make me laugh a lot because we're so very different when it comes to what's expected of one another. We're both fixed(leo and aqua) but it works.
LOL! See, I think your daughter sounds cute. All of this sounds funny and nice to me (though I'm sorry if you find it a little aggravating). My daughter gets set on doing certain projects, like having a tea party, and ropes me into it, so I'm making cookies while she sets the table and creates a stunning centerpiece (she's 9 and actually looks like a young Martha Stewart.) 'Can totally see her re-decorating my bathroom too.  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 7092 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 28, 2012 08:24 AM
Your mom sounds super sweet, tautomer. I'm glad she has such an appreciative, kind son.It's nice to see karma at work, that the good you do will be returned to you. I think any mother would be delighted to have her child(ren) grow up and speak so well of her, defending and looking out for her. It seems to happen so rarely. And thanks for explaining about NaCL.  IP: Logged |
Starry~* Knowflake Posts: 402 From: New York, USA Registered: Nov 2011
posted February 28, 2012 01:44 PM
I was wondering how you guys would interpret if someone had a T-square with Moon/Pluto opposition and it's squaring mars?Dangerous?  IP: Logged |
360degreez Newflake Posts: 3 From: New Albany, IN, USA Registered: Feb 2014
posted April 17, 2014 09:15 PM
I am so thankful for this post, and all of the insights, first to encounter, that have been shared here. My Moon is trine Pluto in my natal chart, and I truly have seen myself 10-fold in some of what folks have written here. This aspect has always caught my eye as I have no relationship with my birth mother, and literally, intuition has been my sole sustenance where my emotional life and sense of trust is concerned. I know what I know, although 75% of the time its foreboding, and really not needed to be addressed or focused upon. But ultimately, what I am shown seems to be sort of a "guidance" so-to-speak, that keeps me able to advert, or at least stay one step ahead of, negative experiences, and people, and energy. Again, I truly appreciate all who have taken time to elaborate on Moon/Pluto contacts ... it has truly enlightened me. BlessIP: Logged |
IV XXIV Newflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Mar 2014
posted April 17, 2014 10:08 PM
I've got Moon (in Gemini 2nd house) opposite Pluto (in Scorpio, 7th house).My mom and I had a great relationship.. We went through a lot together (her drug addiction, homelessness, poverty just to name a few) but it was always just me and her together (I've no siblings and my father was never around). My mother and I never really had power struggles.. I was much more dominant than she ever could have been and she was very submissive to me. I was also the more responsible one, though, so that could be why. She let me make my own mistakes, wasn't smothering, and didn't try to control me. I never had a curfew, never had to ask her permission for things, and she busted her behind to get me anything I wanted. I truly admire the woman my mother was. I lost her last month and it took an impact on my life and really messed me up; I think this aspect denotes not only issues with mothers but also the strength of the relationship. I always felt like I cared more for my mother than my friends cared for theirs (not to be all selfish). I've also got Mars (in Cancer in the 4th) trine Pluto.. And I wouldn't say that I've got anger issues or control issues. I've heard I'm pretty bossy here and there but I don't intend to be. I don't believe anyone has to listen to what I say or do what I tell them to do. I can just hope they will! Lol. My advice to all of those mothers with children that have Moon/Pluto placements - you mean more to them than they will let on. You are God in their eyes. Understand that. Give them some room to breathe; trust their decision making abilities and they will thank you in ways you'd never fathomed. I know they say the love a mother has for her child is the strongest love out there but I'm not so sure. I think my mother and I loved each other very equally; just as strong. And I'm sure many with this same placement will say the same. EDIT: As far as "gut instincts" with Moon/Pluto - YES! I can read people the moment I meet them. I'll see right through you and find out right then and there if you're someone I want to associate with or not. Not that I'm a narcissist, I just have a zero-******** tolerance. I can sense tension a mile away. I can sense people's emotions. I know when you're lying and saying "I'm fine" but really aren't. I've always thought I felt emotions much more deeply than most people. "Highly sensitive" or "hyper-sensitive" they call it. I feel everything so intensely. It's a blessing and a curse lol. IP: Logged |