Topic: Undeciles (roughly 33 degree aspects)
Xiiro Knowflake Posts: 1754 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 04, 2011 08:09 AM
I'm interested to hear about people's experiences with this aspect. The exact angle is 32 degrees, 43 minutes 7 seconds. The largest orb I would give this aspect is 1-0 degrees (so an angle of plus or minus 32-34 degrees).It apparently indicates psychic gifts or affinity with technology. It's one eleventh of a circle, so associated with the 11th Harmonic, Aquarius, and Uranian energy. IP: Logged |
starcrossedleo Knowflake Posts: 378 From: Registered: May 2011
posted July 04, 2011 09:10 PM
I have Pluto undecile Moon but not sure how that affects meIP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 05, 2011 04:29 AM
I don't have too much experience with this aspect, but have read that "The basic principle underlying the 11th Harmonic Aspect or Undecile Series of aspects is the need for a capacity for reconciling opposites or dualities; and, when handled well, the potential to develop such a capacity. When handled badly, the Undeciles are associated with a tendency to react strongly, even excessively, to ambiguous or double-bind situations, either with excessive enthusiasm or excessive opposition. A double-bind is when you are getting conflicting messages from people or events, and you are in a dilemma how to respond. Strong undeciles present in your chart bring the possibility that, when confronted by such situations, you plunge ahead on one side or the other, rather than seek to avoid or resolve the conflict. The presence of strong undecile aspects in an individual's chart is often to be linked with the practice of ritual magic. Much of the work of Ritual Magic deals with the balancing or reconciling of polarities and dualities, which are often very ambiguous in nature. Unless practised at a merely superficial or superstitious level, such as is found in popular books on the subject, the field of magic is filled with double-binds. A principal requirement is to be able to go ahead on your journey and maintain your balance, despite having only ambiguous maps as a guide and travelling through shifting mists and over unsteady ground."IP: Logged |
Xiiro Knowflake Posts: 1754 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 05, 2011 06:24 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: I don't have too much experience with this aspect, but have read that "The basic principle underlying the 11th Harmonic Aspect or Undecile Series of aspects is the need for a capacity for reconciling opposites or dualities; and, when handled well, the potential to develop such a capacity. When handled badly, the Undeciles are associated with a tendency to react strongly, even excessively, to ambiguous or double-bind situations, either with excessive enthusiasm or excessive opposition. A double-bind is when you are getting conflicting messages from people or events, and you are in a dilemma how to respond. Strong undeciles present in your chart bring the possibility that, when confronted by such situations, you plunge ahead on one side or the other, rather than seek to avoid or resolve the conflict. The presence of strong undecile aspects in an individual's chart is often to be linked with the practice of ritual magic. Much of the work of Ritual Magic deals with the balancing or reconciling of polarities and dualities, which are often very ambiguous in nature. Unless practised at a merely superficial or superstitious level, such as is found in popular books on the subject, the field of magic is filled with double-binds. A principal requirement is to be able to go ahead on your journey and maintain your balance, despite having only ambiguous maps as a guide and travelling through shifting mists and over unsteady ground."
Wow, fantastic description, thank you. Do you have any suggestions for resources I can use to study further. I have been playing with the 12 Harmonics and would like further information regarding the more obscure aspects. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted July 05, 2011 08:09 AM
The quote I used was from Michael Freedman. There a lot on the net, but these books are probably the best: -Harmonics in Astrology - John Addey, -New Study of Astrology - John Addey -Harmonic Charts - David Hamblin -Working With Astrology: The Psychology of Midpoints, Harmonics & Astro*Carto*Graphy - Michael Harding & Charles Harvey -Astrologer's guide to the Harmonics - James S Williamson -New Astrologer - Martin Seymour-Smith IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 05, 2011 09:49 AM
My only undecile is Mercury undecile Chiron (33.57 deg - too wide?)about to go find out what this means!!  I work in IT and I wouldn't say I am psychic but I have strong intuition and dreams... I use astrology as a guidance tool. quote: is the need for a capacity for reconciling opposites or dualities; and, when handled well, the potential to develop such a capacity. When handled badly, the Undeciles are associated with a tendency to react strongly, even excessively, to ambiguous or double-bind situations, either with excessive enthusiasm or excessive opposition. A double-bind is when you are getting conflicting messages from people or events, and you are in a dilemma how to respond.
Totally me just yesterday. It's a good way to make people ****** off with you (strong reactions). Also find it interesting that my chart is full of oppositions (see saw chart) and my Mercury (that is being undeciled by Chiron) is opposing my Pluto by 2 degrees. hmm Thanks for the references Tainberry, I haven't even begun to study harmonics yet! Might have to soon!!  IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted July 05, 2011 09:57 AM
Actually I would say that when you are receiving conflicting messages or you are in a dilemma you can make people frustrated with you because you aren't sure who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, or is it you or what? Then something tips it to more one side and you go with that side and react strongly to the decision (positively or negatively) only later to find out that you were overreacting the whole time when you should have just played it cool. I think the lesson to be learned is to PLAY IT COOL  Very hard for a fixed sign person who likes to feel the firm, flat ground she is walking on! Whether this is as strong in me compared to someone who has several, I'm not sure, but I definitely relate to this feeling and in fact is a big issue I deal with in my life (I always attributed it to Sun opp Mars, and Venus opp Saturn, and Mercury opp Pluto).
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MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 6500 From: ♏ Rising Registered: Nov 2016
posted January 05, 2022 10:48 PM
Anyone researching this can also look at the 24D chart. I fell into some really interesting things looking there and decided after bumping into an old thread by Hypatia, maybe this might fine tune my answers. I just am staring at the main players. At a quick glance I thought I had Jupiter/Mc+Uranus but might be too wide by 1°
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hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15526 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 08, 2022 12:08 AM
Thanks for bumping this up Moonmystic, glad you forced me to revisit this aspect that I started to look into a while ago, searching to try to understand it. Taineberry's input helped me reflect on this more in depth and understand better my own Saturn in scorpio undecile Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the 12th.I feel really calm and at peace today, I am really connecting with the bigger picture this past week. I keep thinking people get so worked up about so many things but in the end the universe was literally created from nothing, from a void so even if a comet hits the earth and wipes out the whole planet we are one big bang away from being reborn and coming back into existence, yes it may look differently how we come back into existence but the point is that we were not in control when we came into existence and we will not be in control when we cease to exist nor how and when we come back into existence so why stress about this and that and this and that; just enjoy the moments of peace in your life and learn to ride out the waves that come your way, control is an illusion and chaos is the one thing that is predictable. We are obsessed with trying to predict and control the future yet we cannot predict or control the future. "As a complex system evolves over time, each iteration of the system – each of the system’s cycles or outputs – provides a new condition that feeds back into the system. This is what J.A. Scott Kelso in Dynamic Patterns (1995) refers to as ‘circular causation’. We are only now coming to see that many significant natural processes, such as those involved in climate change, do not proceed in a linear fashion, but instead turn in upon themselves, amplifying or dampening their own effects, and redirecting themselves. Each new iteration sets the context for the next iteration. New phenomena may be created." I have had a very strong affinity with chaos theory intuitively since I was a small child even though I was not exposed to this I would think about chaos theory and the butterfly effect. ^^Jupiter my chart ruler conjuncts URANUS and falls in the 12th and it is also my SOUTHNODE ruler, I think this explains why I was born with this wisdom, why it was innate for me/intuitive yet I have simultaneously have had some important lessons to learn around this bc I have Saturn in scorpio Undecile my Jupiter conjunct Uranus. Saturn in scorpio needs to feel in control and take control but this undecile to Jupiter and Uranus in the 12th is about flowing and adapting, not getting attached to an outcome and learning to embrace the unpredictable nature of life, including unpredictable endings, learning to surrender to this instead of fighting it and trying to control it  This undecile perhaps gives me the gift of manifestation but it also wants to teach me to not get attached to outcomes and flow with life instead of trying to control the outcome, it wants to teach me to accept life's unpredictable nature and not fall a victim of it but thrive despite it and marble in its mystery. Transits today: Tr Venus and SUN conjunct my HARMONIA Tr Mars conjunct my SOUTHNODE Tr MOON in pisces at 29 degrees (perhaps the ultimately degree of surrender, you are not in control) conjunct my EARTH Tr SUN in Cappy trine exact my mercury/northnode ruler. Tr JUPITER in the 3rd house square my chart ruler JUPITER conjunct URANUS in the 12th. Tr JUPITER in Pisces trine my SATURN Natal Saturn Undecile natal Jupiter conjunct Uranus (33 degree aspect) In a nutshell, Scorpio deals with our desires and this undecile from saturn in scorpio to my chart ruler jupiter conjunct uranus in the 12th helps me manifest my desires but it also wants me to surrender and not try to control the outcome and flow with life. Maybe because saturn is involved in my undecile is both a gift and a lesson. I think I read too that undeciles are gifts that are undeveloped that you are meant to develop more in this life so it could be that is what my story that I just outlined speaks of. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15526 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 08, 2022 12:43 AM
The duality or double bind that my undecile is dealing with is "control versus surrender." This creative aspect wants me to learn the art of working with this duality and these two seemingly opposing energies.IP: Logged |
MoonMystic Knowflake Posts: 6500 From: ♏ Rising Registered: Nov 2016
posted January 08, 2022 02:14 AM
Hypatia, Thank you! Yours looks so poetic. I need to digest this and look at mine closer. Yet I haven't recognized anything aside from asteroids so perchance mine are not of any significant meaning. Yet to see them yesterday, it seemed so. You write yours out so beautifully. btw Happy New Year.  IP: Logged |
Sauerkraut Knowflake Posts: 245 From: Registered: Sep 2020
posted January 08, 2022 04:07 AM
a bit generational - uranus in scorpio/12th undecile neptune in sag/1st 32°30’Taineberrys post reminded me of this meme: very interesting though. need to study this more. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15526 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted January 08, 2022 11:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by MoonMystic: Hypatia, Thank you! Yours looks so poetic. I need to digest this and look at mine closer. Yet I haven't recognized anything aside from asteroids so perchance mine are not of any significant meaning. Yet to see them yesterday, it seemed so. You write yours out so beautifully. btw Happy New Year. 
Happy new year's to you too girl!!!!!!  You will reflect and get to the core of it. IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15526 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 27, 2022 02:36 AM
I met someone and we have EROS NOVILE PSYCHE (his psyche conjuncts exact my northnode) and EROS UNDECILE PSYCHE *transit Southnode is conjuncting PSYCHE.In composite we have EROS conjunct PSYCHE/ISIS and VENUS conjunct MARS all in VIRGO so quite the stellium. In DAVISON we have ISIS conjunct OSIRIS and ALMA (soul) and that falls right on EROS conjunct PSYCHE/ISIS from COMPOSITE, then all that conjuncts my natal ATLANTIS and opposes his natal Atlantis. In DAVISON we also have SIVA conjunct JUNO/PARVATI and this falls on the Mars conjunct VENUS in composite, all this in VIRGO. Add TRANSIT PSYCHE is activating the Eros conjunct Psyche and ISIS conjunct OSIRIS/ALMA. I suppose I am trying to understand the eros undecile psyche in our synastry, for us is a double bind situation it seems. Novile is a soulmate/twin flame aspect and undecile can be about double bind situations and we have EROS and PSYCHE in the mix, sure feels like a trial/test, will double bind situation be handled correctly? but for what is worth I feel we are playing it cool, we both have come a long way with our internal work and so I think this is why and he seems to be ready for whatever trials come our way. I mean there is A LOT of enthusiasm and eagerness from eros in this EROS undecile PSYCHE for sure but EROS is simultaneously able to play it cool, is like being in a rush and simultaneously not being in a rush at all, that could be the duality that is playing out with this aspect. Maybe Eros double bind is do I push for what I desire or do I do my eros thing and just let things unfold at the time they are suppose to? IP: Logged |
hypatia238 Moderator Posts: 15526 From: Mercury novile and parallel Pluto, Pluto septile Southnode Registered: Sep 2014
posted March 27, 2022 03:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by MsCandeh: Actually I would say that when you are receiving conflicting messages or you are in a dilemma you can make people frustrated with you because you aren't sure who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, or is it you or what? Then something tips it to more one side and you go with that side and react strongly to the decision (positively or negatively) only later to find out that you were overreacting the whole time when you should have just played it cool. I think the lesson to be learned is to PLAY IT COOL  Very hard for a fixed sign person who likes to feel the firm, flat ground she is walking on! Whether this is as strong in me compared to someone who has several, I'm not sure, but I definitely relate to this feeling and in fact is a big issue I deal with in my life (I always attributed it to Sun opp Mars, and Venus opp Saturn, and Mercury opp Pluto).
Interesting insight, kind of like don't over-react one way or another to the double bind situation, remain balanced and play it cool, kind of like take your time, slow down and wait until your instincts make it clear how to proceed? It might be too about balance, not reacting and waiting for the right moment to act once you have a plan of action and know what needs to happen. IP: Logged |
Randall Webmaster Posts: 155688 From: I hold a Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and a Legum Magister (LL.M.)! Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 02, 2022 10:44 AM
Bump!IP: Logged | |