posted July 11, 2011 11:06 AM
Personaly, I have never really understood the nodes in astrology.From my understanding, they are more like mirroring issues connected with the Sun,Saturn as well as the midheaven.
The only definition that seemed to make sense to me is the one that suggested that the North node has to do with under-developed qualities (while the South node represents the over-developed ones).
It has to do with one's nature and how it may come easily for one to fall into patterns characterized by the South Node and how, idealisticaly, one should try as much as possible to develope those connected to the North node.
It is also connected to "fate": if one does not develope , or atleast try to "merge" the qualities depicted by the North node into their sun sign,they will automatically fall into the "unproductive" patterns of the South node; thereby making their life more difficult.
If you adapt to the south node qualities, you are going "against the current" and your life will feel like you are swimming against the wind.
But if you adopt/ merge the qualities of the North node, life will be seeming to "flow" in a coherent pattern, you'll feel like you are where you are supposed to be and the direction your life will be taking will seem "meant to be".
Anyway , mine is in Gemini and this means that I need to develope cool restraint in life, learn to see many other points of views and be curious and childlike in my approach.
Indeed, I have found that when I am like this(in my own personal experience ofcourse), I seem to enjoy myself more. But I do find that my Sun-sign in Sagittarius tends to take things a lot more seriously and ,since it is opposition to my North node(wide orb), it always wants a "why are you doing this?" whenever I do that.
I have also noted the the Mons -nodes(which is what I think they are also called) feature a lot in personal/romantic relationships.
I have had Many Gemini sun signs that conjuct my north-node. One Gemini, in Particular , had this sun conjct my North-node and my Moon in Cancer was conjuct his North node. And we tried for years to get rid of each other but to no avail. Bearing in mind that there could be other aspects that play a factor, I think it's a oontributing karmic link.
Back to your question:
I think that the guy who has his North node conjuct your ascendant could be very drawn to you(not necessarily phyically or romatically), but you may find that he'll feature in your life-even if you two have very little in common.
Your ascendant conjuct his north node could mean that due to your choices(ascendant), you ended up attracting him into your life.
How long the bond will last will depend on whether or not you keep making the same choices and he remains drawn to the same life experiences.
Usualy the Sun/ Moon connections are more Karmic. People with these links can try to "escape" each other by flying all across the world, but it's likely that they'll meet much sooner than either of them anticipated.