posted March 07, 2016 01:39 PM
LOL BTW Faith, while I like the likening of noviles to mini trines, it does not capture it totally. trines are 3rd harmonic aspects, noviles are 9th harmonic, so 3x3, they are sort of the octaves of trine aspects.
Actually taking away the too spiritual notion, they indicate how you fit into a social context. Trines with the background of you as part of your environment, which is why they are marriage aspects. Marriage is a social instiution after all.
I still like them though.
BTW David Cochrane pays a lot of attention to them, too.
(Navamsa is the 9th harmonic chart).
Apparently I have a symmetrical pattern (using novile aspects) involving Sun-Mercury, MC (Pluto?), Juno and Saturn.
(to pick up all aspects, I used astronmical orbs of 3° though, in reality I would cut the orb at about 1°30)
Mr Sag has apparently a mystical rectangle (I included sextiles in my novile aspect compilation, though I know they are 6th harmonic aspects not 9th harmonic, but I just felt like it, they kind of belong to the trine as supportive siblings).
His mystical rectangle consisting of Venus - ASC - Saturn and DESC - Juno.
Anyway my novile pattern includes:
Saturn trine Juno 0°00
Mercury binovile MC 0°05
Sun binovile MC 0°58
Sun quadranovile Saturn 1°01
Sun binovile Juno 1°02
Mercury quadranovile Saturn 1°54
Mercury binovile Juno 1°55
Juno quadranovile MC 2°00
his mystical triangle consisting of:
Venus sextile ASC 0°17
Venus trine Saturn 0°47
Saturn sextile Juno 0°57
Saturn conjunct DESC 1°04
Venus opposite Juno 1°44
Juno trine ASC 2°01
other novile aspects in MY chart
Mars trine IC 0°12
Mars binovile Lilith 0°41
Lilith novile IC 0°28
Moon novile Venus 0°58
Jupiter novile Chiron 1°10
Uranus novile NN 1°11
Uranus novile Neptune 1°24
(Pluto quadranovile Juno 2°04)
(Saturn binovile Pluto 2°07)
(Lilith binovile ASC 2°31)
other noviles in HIS chart
Mars novile Pluto 0°17
Jupiter trine Chiron 0°33
Jupiter novile Pluto 1°13
Mercury binovile Lilith 1°22
Mars trine Chiron 1°30
(Pluto quadranovile Chiron 1°47)
(Juno binovile Chiron 1°57)
(Uranus binovile NN 2°01)
Uranus trine ASC 2°13
(Jupiter novile Juno 2°30)
the ones in brackets are obviously too wide