Topic: Astrological Indicators of Mental Illness
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1274 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 19, 2011 11:40 PM
Vedic Scholars have long addressed some of the possible indicators of severe mental illness. As with any astrological work, listings of any medical / spiritual illnesses should not be taken in a literal cookbook fashion, but applied in a studied, judicious manner, after examining the whole chart.IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1274 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 19, 2011 11:40 PM
Some of the following conditions can be considered as possible combinations for mental illness: 1. Jupiter in the ascendant and Mars in the seventh house or vice versa. 2. Saturn in the lagna and Mars in the 5th, 7th or 9th house. 3. Saturn in the 12th house associated with a waning Moon. 4. Saturn in the lagna, Sun in the 12th house and Mars or the Moon in a trine. 5. Association of Saturn and the lord of the second house with the Sun or Mars. 6. Birth in the hora of Saturn or Mars, a Sun-Moon conjunction in the lagna, the 5th or the 9th, and Jupiter in a quadrant. 7. Mandi (the malefic sub-planet that has no physical existence but has a Saturn-like quality) in the 7th, afflicted by a malefic. The same result may apply if Mandi is in the 5th house. 8. Rahu and the Moon in the Lagna, and malefics in the trines. (i.e., "Pishacha Grasta" Yoga, a combination for being overtaken by the "spirits", indicative of phobias.)
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1274 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 19, 2011 11:41 PM
As previously stated this must be corroborated by other indicators such as:1. Afflictions to the Moon (mind), Mercury (nervous system) and Jupiter (maturity / wisdom). Particularly, when all three of these planets are afflicted, conditions leading to mental illness are highly possible. 2. An afflicted fifth lord. The fifth house can correspond to thinking, logic and wisdom. 3. The lagna and or Aries, both which indicates the head, if afflicted. 4. Kemadruma Yoga - This is a condition occurs when the moon has no planets in either of the signs surrounding it. When there is no planet in the 2nd or the 12th from the moon, the soundness of the mind may become an issue. Again, the entire chart needs to be viewed. Always look for confluence in the chart, before making such a serious decision. If there is a likelihood of mental illness, these indicators will often show up not only in the rasi chart, but also the Navamsha and possibly other divisional (harmonic) charts. By Micheal Bryant. Source IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted August 20, 2011 12:10 AM
Mercury square Uranus! I'm soooo crazy lol
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rajji Knowflake Posts: 1274 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 20, 2011 12:48 AM
More here Sandra Rohzon tentatively concluded that mental illness can be the result of several things: a) Negative aspects to the ruling planet or planets in the 1st house b) Negative aspects to the Moon c) Negative aspects to Mercury d) Negative aspects to the Ascendant
The keywords for the various planets: Pluto...........Paranoia, suicidal, intense, overbearing Neptune.........Confusion, delusions, hallucinations, religious fanaticism, addictive behavior Uranus..........Bizarre, eccentric, erratic, wild card, inconsistancy, unpredictable, peculiar Saturn..........Rigid, strict, single-minded,depression,defensive Jupiter.........Compulsive, grandeur Mars............Agressive (mirrors Pluto behavior to a lesser degree) Venus...........(mirrors Neptune behavior to a lesser degree) Mercury.........Erratic (mirrors Uranus behavior to a lesser degree) Sun.............Grandeur (mirrors Jupiter behavior to a lesser degree). source IP: Logged |
rajji Knowflake Posts: 1274 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted August 20, 2011 12:51 AM
schoener reveals that"The Ascendant and the Moon are the significators of the body. The lord of the first house and the lord of the house of the Moon are the significators of the soul." Schoener continues that passage with the following: "Wherefore, if the Ascendant and the Moon are impeded and their lords are free from the malefics, these signify an infirmity of the body but the health of the soul. And if the Ascendant and the Moon are free from the malefics and their lords are impeded, these signify the health of the body and the sadness of the soul." In our passage from Schoener, we are told that the Ascendant and the Moon represent the body but that their rulers indicate the soul. This is a difference between houses occupied and houses ruled and it is quite significNow we see what the importance of the distinction is. If the material indicators are in poor shape but the soul indicators are in good shape, there may be a physical illness. If the reverse is true, the body is fine but there is a soul illness.
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sassaqua Knowflake Posts: 328 From: Australia Registered: May 2011
posted December 19, 2011 06:30 AM
Hey Raj,this is so interesting. It's nice to come across threads that offer information and research references - rather than just floating opinions that come from nowhere; nice to have stuff backed up. Keep up the good work, I find it really helpful. Thanks! IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 50368 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 19, 2011 09:17 AM
Awesome thread, rajji I am going to come back and study. Thank you!------------------ Passion, Lust, Betrayal. Peek in my journal.
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BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 19, 2011 10:50 AM
moon-uranus, mercury-uranus mercury-neppy, moon-neppy IP: Logged |
tautomer4314 Knowflake Posts: 659 From: Oregon Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 19, 2011 12:08 PM
My neurochemistry is very bizzare. I see lights and have olfactory hallucinations (started when I was around 18/19). I get these very strange emotional flashes too when I am stressed or worried (which is quite common). Psycholgists have said I have generalized anxiety disorder and depression but I manage it extremely well by will power mostly. I refuse to let them take mw down! Nevertheless, it can get bad. Uncertainty, and lack of emotional fulfillment are the two things that can and do unhinge me and can lead to feeling like there is no good left in the world at all for lack of a better descriptor.For me, I believe this is attributed to having such a heavy scorpio element and plutonian. Curiously, I only have one negative mercury aspect. Mercury quincunx uranus. I believe that is where the anxiety comes from, because uncertainity can be hard to come by. ------------------ It's All Elemental IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 6507 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted December 19, 2011 01:31 PM
Oh yes. saturn in the 12th House over here. Definitely mentally imbalanced here!!  Venus is Lord of my 2nd House and it Trines lots of things, including Moon. There you go. Crazy dude!  IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted December 19, 2011 01:36 PM
^ Saturn in the 12th, really? I read at that he finds his "joy" in that house. Whatever that means. quote: Originally posted by BelligerentPygmy: mercury-neppy, moon-neppy
Oh true lol. I've lost my mind and come back down to earth so many times!IP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 19, 2011 02:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Capriquarius: ^ Saturn in the 12th, really? I read at that he finds his "joy" in that house. Whatever that means. [QUOTE]Originally posted by BelligerentPygmy: [b]mercury-neppy, moon-neppy
Oh true lol. I've lost my mind and come back down to earth so many times![/B][/QUOTE]I'm talking about legitimate, real mental illness here, not being 'quirky' or 'unique' or having a couple bad days. I'm talking about issues with reality and emotional stability ie schizophrenia, biopolar disorder. IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 5851 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 19, 2011 04:28 PM
I have Saturn in the 9th, widely square Mercury. Anxiety problems started for me, when Saturn was in my 11th/12th house, and Pluto was in my 12th.Anxiety and depression have become a lot worse again, with Saturn transiting the 12th, once again opposing my Aries planets. IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted December 19, 2011 05:25 PM
I dont know a lot about vedic astrology, but my sister has sun and saturn in her 12th house and she is a complete sociopath. Shes a pathological liar, a thief, and tries to con and manipulate everyone around her, she truely cares about no one but herself and she is destroying our whole family. She victimizes everyone around her and claims she is the victim. In short, she is very, very mentally ill. Aspect wise, I think her t square with mercury, mars and neptune has a great deal to do with it. She truely does not know her own lies from truth and she is extremely malicious.IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted December 19, 2011 05:34 PM
Her sun is conjunct saturn in her 12th and both planets are squaring her moon in the 3rd(mental), saturn is squaring the moon 0 deg. She is a virgo rising and her ruling planet mercury is also in virgo in the 1st, mercury squares mars and neptune of which are in opposition. This is an extremly delusional, decietful person of the malicious, coldblooded variety. Her level of deviousness is almost unbelievable.IP: Logged |
HRH-FishAreFish Knowflake Posts: 431 From: St. Paul, Land of 10,000 Seas Registered: May 2013
posted December 18, 2013 06:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajji: More here Sandra Rohzon tentatively concluded that mental illness can be the result of several things: a) Negative aspects to the ruling planet or planets in the 1st house b) Negative aspects to the Moon c) Negative aspects to Mercury d) Negative aspects to the Ascendant The keywords for the various planets: Pluto...........Paranoia, suicidal, intense, overbearing Neptune.........Confusion, delusions, hallucinations, religious fanaticism, addictive behavior Uranus..........Bizarre, eccentric, erratic, wild card, inconsistancy, unpredictable, peculiar Saturn..........Rigid, strict, single-minded,depression,defensive Jupiter.........Compulsive, grandeur Mars............Agressive (mirrors Pluto behavior to a lesser degree) Venus...........(mirrors Neptune behavior to a lesser degree) Mercury.........Erratic (mirrors Uranus behavior to a lesser degree) Sun.............Grandeur (mirrors Jupiter behavior to a lesser degree). source
Does anyone here know Sandra Rozhon? The Zodiacal Zephyr is down and I'm wondering where she went... Thanks, HRH IP: Logged |
somethingexcellent Knowflake Posts: 4107 From: vodka fine, I'm so divine Registered: Nov 2012
posted December 18, 2013 06:26 AM
quote: a) Negative aspects to the ruling planet or planets in the 1st house b) Negative aspects to the Moon c) Negative aspects to Mercury d) Negative aspects to the Ascendant
Damn, I have all of these lmfao! Let's see, the planets that "negatively" aspect them are... Mars square ruling planet, Venus square Moon, Uranus square Mercury, Jupiter and Pluto square AC.  IP: Logged |
HRH-FishAreFish Knowflake Posts: 431 From: St. Paul, Land of 10,000 Seas Registered: May 2013
posted December 18, 2013 07:25 AM
And now we have been forewarned.  
Does anyone here know Sandra Rozhon? The Zodiacal Zephyr is down and I'm wondering where she went... Here's her chart: Thanks, HRH
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next to neptune Knowflake Posts: 634 From: Mercury Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 18, 2013 03:10 PM
Too much 12th house, too much afflicted scorpio, sun square/opposition neptune, especially neptune is hard… I think 8th house and scorpionic/plutonic people can be really dark and depressed
10th house people need to get success to recover, or they will be depressed Strong martian or uranian people need to have physically challenges or mentally challenges or they become bored with life (combined with other hard aspects) I don't think it's necessarily mental illness but definitely some problems that have to be delta with at some point or it can evolve into something deeper And what about chiron maybe? Chiron is a bit underrated in this? IP: Logged |
IMoppedtheFloor Knowflake Posts: 43 From: USA Registered: Dec 2013
posted December 18, 2013 04:31 PM
Emotional Instability - Moon Uranus hard aspectsMental Instability - Mercury Uranus hard aspects Self delusion and issues with sense of self - Sun Neptune hard aspects Sociopathy/lack of empathy - Venus in aspect to Saturn (hard aspects but sometimes conjunctions); little Neptune activity; overactive/highly aspected Saturn/Saturn in a prominent position and/or badly placed by sign Prominent and/o afflicted Jupiter - tendency towards excess; engages in criminal activity or risk taking behavior believing it is right okay and/or wont be caught Sun Pluto (hard aspects and conjunctions) Issues with power; desire to dominate and crush; ruthlessness Unevolved/immature Scorpio Planets mostly in 1st house - self-absorbed, could lead to narcissism or predation of others because so Self-oriented Same for chart with majority planet in the lower half of the chart Afflicted Capricorn and/or Aries placements - values brute might over anything else; views life as a dog eat dog competition and claws way to top at expense of others; predatory mindset similar to afflicted Scorp placements IP: Logged |
NeptunianSag Knowflake Posts: 348 From: Your imagination Registered: Aug 2013
posted December 18, 2013 05:56 PM
Mars in cancer in 9th opposite Neptune and Uranus in the 3rd, pretty much sums me up as a depressive at times. Also Neptune square asc and mid heaven. Just to add my Neptune in the third makes me absorb almost everything in my environment that i can become quite delusional thinking everyone hates me, very hard aspect to have, delusional thinking patterns, distortion of reality, distortion of information, misunderstandings, it's truly a b**** at times. IP: Logged |