Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 19, 2012 02:58 AM
I have a few charts still left to look at... unfortunately i couldnt get to it yesterday or today...I was busy all day today away from a computer and am now just going to bed. I will get to it, though. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 19, 2012 04:59 PM
Ceridwen,I noticed you did interps along the following lines for a couple of other posters and wondered if you could help with this: What would the following mean in a composite-- Ruler of the 7th-Venus (Libra) conjunct the IC, trine Jupiter in the 7th. Ruler of the 8th-Pluto (Scorpio) in the 5th, trine ruler of 7th-Venus on the IC. Ruler of the 5th-Sun (Leo) conjunct Venus on the IC, trine Pluto (orb of 3) in the 5th. Ruler of the IC-moon (Cancer) conjunct the Asc (orb of 2), exactly sextile chart ruler-Mars (Aries) in the 2nd. Chart ruler-Mars (Aries) in the 2nd almost exactly sextile Uranus in the 5th. What would each of these mean separately and when considered together? Although I can understand individual aspects, I do not understand when combined with house rulerships. Thanks so much for your time.  IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2012 05:26 AM
Hey there. Did this thread die? Just checking, as I've noticed zero activity on it for days. ------------------ Stargazing in Hollyweird, -AMP -- Karma's a b*tch. 'LACHESIS': a new transgressive urban fantasy series from Envision Dramatic Artists. Premiering December, 2012. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2012 06:59 AM
Indigo,thanks for bumping this thread.  Linda Jones,
sorry I did not see your question before. "Ruler of the 7th-Venus (Libra) conjunct the IC, trine Jupiter in the 7th. Ruler of the 5th-Sun (Leo) conjunct Venus on the IC, trine Pluto (orb of 3) in the 5th."
So there is a Sun-Venus-conjunction on the IC, and Sun and Venus are ruling the 5th and 7th house of the composite? This sounds very romantic to me. First of al the IC is the deepest point, the root and soul of this connection, and to find there a Sun-Venus conjunction spells that when you go deep under the surface of this connection,w hat you are going to find is love, simply said; affection and admiration. Depending on what else is going on, it sometimes may not be as obvious, as the IC is the invisible point of the chart (interestingly it is not the 12th house that is most hidden from view in a chart. It`s weird, isn`t it? But the 12th house actually is aligned with the Sunrise). So the question is how much these people are aware of that love between them; but since Sun, the great illuminator and light-giver, is part of it, I`d dare say that the people definitely are aware of the loving current that is underneath their whole connection, that actually is the basis, the ground on which their relationship is built upon. In the 4th house it could also indicate that they are quite private people and enjoy being together and sharing a personal space, like in a shared home or as a family. With the rulers of 5th and 7th house being there, there most likely is not simply a loving soulconnection between them as familymembers could also share, but there seems to be a true romantic and creative spark. You said that Venus is trine Jupiter, and Sun trines Pluto. Are Jupiter and Pluto conjunct each other as well? "Ruler of the 8th-Pluto (Scorpio) in the 5th, trine ruler of 7th-Venus on the IC." Intense romantic and passionate soul-connection. "Ruler of the IC-moon (Cancer) conjunct the Asc (orb of 2), exactly sextile chart ruler-Mars (Aries) in the 2nd." This definitely emphasise even further that they share a very close soul-bond, with the IC-ruler Moon on ASC. They cannot help it but react emotionally to each other. With Moon in Aries, emotions sometimes may fly high and maybe it is not all smooth sailing,b ut I think in a nutshell these people have a connection, that is very real, truthful, though at times a bit temperemental.
It could be though that at times the emotional connection becomes uncomfortable due to the closeness and intensity.
To see how each party reacts personally to the connection, you have to trace the conjunctions or even other aspects within 3 - 4 degrees of each natal to the composite. I`d pay special attention to the aspects made to composite Moon and ASC and Sun and Venus, as these seem to be the keyfeatures of the composite. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2012 04:30 PM
Oh. Thanks. I didn't know that's what I did. In that case ... I agree.  That being said, I was a bit casual about it awhile ago, but now I REALLY am intrigued and would enjoy a more in-depth look into the composite I share with my costar and writing partner. We've had a very complicated - decidedly bizarre - relationship spanning years. And yet, through it all, we really are quite inseparable and work SO bloody well together. It astounds me. I'm not sure if I went about this the right way or not. Should I make a new post in PR or something? That seems -so- 'showy' to me. ( ... Says the Scorpio Moon with Leo dwad. Ha! Well, I can AT LEAST -seem- otherwise, right? Keep it in front of the camera?)  ------------------ Stargazing in Hollyweird, -AMP -- Karma's a b*tch. 'LACHESIS': a new transgressive urban fantasy series from Envision Dramatic Artists. Premiering December, 2012. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2012 04:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen:
I`d pay special attention to the aspects made to composite Moon and ASC and Sun and Venus, as these seem to be the keyfeatures of the composite.
That's the part that gets me. Our stellium is across the ASC, but still rather loosely conjunct some of it, but not the Moon. (It's WAY out of orb at 13'.) It's conjunct the Sun, though, again loosely, at 7'. Sun-Venus is tight - less than 2', and the Sun-Moon is 5'. Venus-Moon is close, too, @ 3'. Do you think, once it's been established that there's a clear configuration, that the orbs don't matter as much? I've always thought that the light of a luminary stellium tends to act more as a whole rather than individual parts. The start of it may be conjunct one point, but not the end of it. Still, the 'light' of it carries across to the other points. I may be wrong. Your input would be fantastic. ------------------ Stargazing in Hollyweird, -AMP -- Karma's a b*tch. 'LACHESIS': a new transgressive urban fantasy series from Envision Dramatic Artists. Premiering December, 2012. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 29, 2012 06:55 PM
Ceridwen...terrific job on the read (very insightful--especially about the Sun illuminating the true nature of the connection--everything you've said applies)! Terrific job AS WELL on picking out the one mistake I made-- very sharp eye! I've double checked the other aspects, they're accurate. "You said that Venus is trine Jupiter, and Sun trines Pluto. Are Jupiter and Pluto conjunct each other as well?" Sorry, no they're not. I should have actually said -- Ruler of the 8th-Pluto (Scorpio) in the 5th, sextile (instead of trine) ruler of 7th-Venus on the IC. And, Ruler of the 5th-Sun (Leo) conjunct Venus on the IC, sextile (instead of trine) Pluto (orb of 3) in the 5th.(Pluto is in the 5th and Jupiter is in the 7th). Is it still intensely romantic and passionate with the sextile? Does this add or take away something from your reading? Composite Pluto is in the 5th and Composite Jupiter (along w/ composite Neptune and NN) are in the 7th. How does this color the whole picture? Also, mercury is conjunct Sun and Venus on the IC. Does this tend to temper the emotionalism towards more rational discussions? You also said, "First of al the IC is the deepest point, the root and soul of this connection, and to find there a Sun-Venus conjunction spells that when you go deep under the surface of this connection,w hat you are going to find is love, simply said; affection and admiration. Depending on what else is going on, it sometimes may not be as obvious, as the IC is the invisible point of the chart" Why do you think the IC is the invisible point in the chart? Is it 'cause it is the most private, inner, and personal (related to home) point vs the Asc., Desc., and MC which are clearly apparent to the world? "It`s weird, isn`t it? But the 12th house actually is aligned with the Sunrise" This is an excellent point! "To see how each party reacts personally to the connection, you have to trace the conjunctions or even other aspects within 3 - 4 degrees of each natal to the composite." Thanks for the tip. It is something I wanted to know but didn't know what aspects and what orbs. Is the natal to composite comparison like any other synastry comparison, i.e., taking into consideration signs and houses? I hope you won't think it too greedy of me if I asked you to explain the kite formation in this composite? It is with Chiron as the Chiron/Neptune theme is also strong along with Sun/Venus, Moon/Asc effect. If/when you have time please let me know and I can put up the chart as it will be easier to see the formation. Thank you so very much  IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 14428 From: Bella's Hair Salon Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2012 09:40 AM
Composite for my husband and I: Sun conjunct Venus and Saturn in Libra. So I guess that's good but a bit difficult. I once loved a guy, all our personal planets were trine or sextile, outer planets more or less conjunct. Composite North Node conjunct composite Sun. But we had sun square Saturn in the composite...I think that was the "deal breaker"? There's a lot of friction in the composite. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2012 02:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Says the Scorpio Moon with Leo dwad. Ha! Well, I can AT LEAST -seem- otherwise, right?
My Moon is also in Leo Dwad. lol And I`m curious how your composite looks like.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2012 02:59 PM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Do you think, once it's been established that there's a clear configuration, that the orbs don't matter as much?
Not really. I think orbs DO matter, under any circumstance. BUT like you mentioned there are certain "special conditions" who will make a conjunction being felt even though it technically is out of orb. These conditions imo are: 1. the planets are involved in midpoint-configurations. 2. there is a declinational aspect between said planets (parallel or contraparallel) 3. the "transference of light" which is what you hitned at. That planet A is out of orb for conjuncting planet B, but a third planet C is conjunct both of them, and thus brings them together. But I think in this case the merging will not happen as directly as in a tight orbed conjunction, but through the "messenger" in the middle. For example: Mars on 5 Sag, Venus on 13 Sag, with Mercury on 9 Sag. Mercury in this case will fuel the Venus-Mars-conjunction, and thus the chemistry despite being passionate will be very dependent on the mental vibe. Mental stimulation will be needed to trigger sexual attraction. Oh and I mentioned Sun/Venus and Moon/ASC only in relation to Linda JOnes` composite, as these seem to be the dominant features there. Every composite is different. In another case there may be a Mercury-Mars-Neptune conjunction, and thus I would place much importance on that one. Though certain planets in the comosite will always play a role, like Sun, Moon, ASC, MC/IC, and Nodes especially. Venus and Mars for romantic relationships.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 30, 2012 03:18 PM
Linda Jones,thank you for the feedback, and I am glad it resonated. "Is it still intensely romantic and passionate with the sextile?" Yes, but not because of the sextile. SExtile is nice and supportive, but only enhances, confirms, what is already there. On its own it could not create crazy passions and intense love, though other astrologers may see this differently.
The constellations, "responsible" for the intensity and emotional closeness are imo: -Ruler of the 8th house in 5th house, which at the same time is Pluto in 5th house (this alone would have led me to think of really profound intense stuff between the two of you) - Moon as ruler of the IC on the ASC - emotions close to the surface, a soulbond - Sun-Venus on IC: love at the root of it all - ruler of 5th and ruler of 7th house giving that romantic loving note as well. "Also, mercury is conjunct Sun and Venus on the IC. Does this tend to temper the emotionalism towards more rational discussions?" Yes, especially since Mercury probably rules 3rd house, talking and open communication is very important! If Mercury is squaring Moon, there could be some misunderstandings though, usually triggered by reacting too sensitively and thin-skinned to each other`s words; overinterpreting things. "Why do you think the IC is the invisible point in the chart? " The zodiac / sign-wheel depicts the course of the sun related to a whole year. The houses-wheel depicts the course of the sun related to one day. When the Sun is at the ASC, it`s sunrise. At Noon the Sun is placed exactly at the MC. At sunset it is at the DESC. And once it has passed the DESC in direction of the 6th house, it is hidden from view, it seems to disappear, while the Moon reigns the lower half (houses 1-6); the night slowly breaks. It is not getting pitchblack in an instant though, it takes some time of twilight (though close to the equator things are faster). When the Sun reaches the IC, it is roundabout midnight (depending on the length of the day and night). It is the darkest hour, it doesn`t get any darker than that. It seems like the sun has really vanished, as this is the point that is farthest away from Noon. While it leaves the 4th house and moves through 3rd to 1st house, the Sun is getting nearer to sunrise again. But in the 4th house the Sun and every other planet is hidden from view, invisible.
"Is it 'cause it is the most private, inner, and personal (related to home) point vs the Asc., Desc., and MC which are clearly apparent to the world?" It is actually the other way round. The observation of the Sun`s course determines the symbolism of the houses, just like the seasons were aligned with the symbolism of the signs. Though to be fair that is only valid for the Northern part of the world, above the equator. But that is where our western astrology was originated from and is based on. "Is the natal to composite comparison like any other synastry comparison, i.e., taking into consideration signs and houses?" Yes, I think it may be important in which natal house the Sun or the ASC may fall. In the composite with my best friend our composite Sun-Uranus-conjunction falls into my 11th house, the ASC falls into my 9th and the Moon into my 3rd house - definitely makes sense to me.  "I hope you won't think it too greedy of me if I asked you to explain the kite formation in this composite? " Maybe later. I am pretty much down with a cold currently, and need to recover a bit from three very stressful weeks at work. Maybe I shouldn´t have been writing here as well. Now it feels like I have been burning the candle from both ends. But I couldn`t stay away. I will come back to the Kite though, as I think it is a very significant configuration, if within reasonable orbs.
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Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 30, 2012 09:40 PM
Ceridwen,Thank you for patiently re-explaining house rulership and answering related questions. Yes Mercury at 8 Cancer in this composite does square moon (orb of 4) making us sometimes over think what the other said. But I usually focus on clearing up misunderstandings fast, so that they don't fester and get bigger. Your explanation on the IC being the invisible point is an astrology lesson in and of itself! This is a HUGE breakthrough for me as, for the FIRST TIME, while reading what you've written, I could actually envision the earth and the solar system THREE DIMENSIONALLY-as it relates to astrology! Prior to this every time I read about related stuff, I would skip it, 'cause I just couldn't get past seeing charts as two dimensional-which they are, but I think they take on an added dimension, if you will, when you think of what's really happening in the sky and how and why it personally affects each one of us. I remember that in one of your posts to Lotis White you wrote sth to the effect that you thought she's articulate (which she clearly is), and perhaps you're not? I disagree w/ the latter part 'cause I think you're detailed in your thinking and you lay it out pretty clearly. Plus you have patience. All are signs of very good teaching skills! I'm sorry to learn you're feeling under the weather and doubly grateful that you took the time for me. Please feel better soon. No worries about explaining the kite formation later. I'm eager to learn but only when you're feeling ab ok and can spare the time. I'll post the chart when you ask me to. 
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 01, 2012 02:20 AM
Linda Jones,"hank you for patiently re-explaining house rulership and answering related questions." you`re welcome.  " But I usually focus on clearing up misunderstandings fast, so that they don't fester and get bigger." That is the best way t handle this I think. Also I guess that a Mercury-Neptune square would be much worse for communication as it brings a lot of unclarity and confusion and an unwillingness to clarify things. That is different with the Moon-Mercury-square, there may be oversensitivity, but at least people ARE in communication. "This is a HUGE breakthrough for me as, for the FIRST TIME, while reading what you've written, I could actually envision the earth and the solar system THREE DIMENSIONALLY-as it relates to astrology!" Wow, I feel very honoured that I was able to trigger that in you. I know how illuminating it felt for me when I understood that. It was like a quantum leap for me in my astrological understanding. "u're detailed in your thinking and you lay it out pretty clearly. Plus you have patience. All are signs of very good teaching skills!" Thank you.  I actually am a teacher in my dayjob, though of course I don`t teach astrology.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 03, 2012 07:18 PM
Ceridwen,I'd love to show you the composite. It's so bizarrely indicative of us; how we're always so oddly right on the same wavelength or complementary. He keeps me from getting too mired in emotional drama and I prevent him from Bayifying things when he's feeling all that fire. 'No, we REALLY DON'T need explosions in the background. I THINK even the over stimulated American audience can appreciate some intense dialogue. Besides, it ENDS dramatically.' And then he confesses he'd not had the chance to get to the end. Which is good. He shouldn't peruse screenplays in GoogleDocs and drive.  What gets me is how we ALWAYS end up with something INFINITELY better than when we were hacking away at it separately. I can practically feel the fusion in our interaction. It helps that we mirror a bunch of each other's energies outside of that, and our synastry is heavy on septiles and quintiles with a few crucial quindeciles and some noviles. Seems the few quincunxes we have really do play out as humour and a dry, realistic honesty - as I've heard they can. He brings out the more bold, honest, and downright cutting parts of me. I can be surprisingly fearless - and then fear I've been too honest, and might've offended. We NEVER offend each other, is another thing - and we can both be -brutal- as people. But somehow, we can just tell - read between the lines. It helps our writing have this curious dimension of multi-layered expression. We're just having to make sure it makes it across to the audience! WE get it - WE know the characters -get- it -- but outside of sharp acting, a clear dialogue and the right setup - how do you know when there's that quiet, tacit understanding between these two? They flat say one thing, but they mean another - and the recipient KNOWS what's REALLY being said. But will the audience? Will the audience get the subtleties? The unsaid? Easier to live than write into a screenplay. Heh. And damned fascinating to live. Let me get that composite together for you. I'd love your thoughts. I'll never forget when I first ran it years ago. We were having some conversation about the sorts of women he should be dating, given his chart. And he'd said, rather suddenly, 'So, how's ours? I know you ran it.' Oh, shiznit, thought I. I had. But considerably long ago. And I think I'd pretty much looked at it, blinked repeatedly - and tried to let it go. For personal reasons. I started getting ready to tell him in layman's terms, prefacing it with, 'Well, it told me one thing without question,' I began. Much to my total surprise, he'd responded, 'That we're soulmates?' I blinked at THAT longer than I had at the chart. But in my oh-so-clever and equally evasive way, I continued my prior thought; 'that we're more effective together than apart.' Because that was true. But the rest of it ... I hadn't learnt yet that, yes, given the traditional understanding / confusion / misnomer of 'soulmate' with 'twin soul' -- it was indeed possible. These days, seems damned likely. And feels ... absolutely so. Oh, life. If it were easy, we wouldn't have to do it over and over again until we got it right. 
------------------ Stargazing in Hollyweird, -AMP -- Karma's a b*tch. 'LACHESIS': a new transgressive urban fantasy series from Envision Dramatic Artists. Premiering December, 2012. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 2867 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted March 16, 2012 09:28 AM
New request allowed?  IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 29, 2012 06:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by lechien: Sun/Venus/Mercury thing, now that makes sense with my guy. our composite has a Stellium in Scorpio, with tight Sun/Venus and a little off Mercury. but in the same Stellium we also have Saturn and Neptune. we also have a really disastrous Synastry bombarded with squares (me Sagittarius Stellium, him Virgo Stellium). i wondered why, through all the struggles we stick together. it has been equally wonderful and miserable. 
Ah! I'm trying to find information on this, too, but I'm not having any luck. Ours is ASC-Karma-Destinn-Jupiter-Sun-Moon-Venus-Valentin-Mercury in Scorpio. Uranus is close by in early Sag, and Neptune in latter Sag. They're all kinda playing off of each other, though. Saturn-Pluto are hanging out with themselves in the 12H, closely conjunct (28-29 Libra) and Mars is hanging out with the SNode (I know, fantastic, right?) in early-mid Cap, in the ... 2H, I believe. A house specifically of karmic relationships (according to March and McEvers. I may be confusing it with 'Web of Relationships' though. EXCELLENT book.) The Scorpio Super-Stellium, as I call it, is DEFINITELY felt. How about yours? -A. IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted May 29, 2012 06:25 PM
Hmmmmm very, very interesting... my boyfriend and I have a sun/moon conjunction in the composite and a Mercury/Venus conjunction in the composite... also a sun/Venus conjunction and a moon/Venus conjunction (out-of-sign). We also have Saturn in the 7th though which puts a damper on things quite a bit. This would also explain why so many successful marriages between sextile signs, conjunctions in the composite....
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 29, 2012 06:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Aquacheeka: Hmmmmm very, very interesting... my boyfriend and I have a sun/moon conjunction in the composite and a Mercury/Venus conjunction in the composite... also a sun/Venus conjunction and a moon/Venus conjunction (out-of-sign). We also have Saturn in the 7th though which puts a damper on things quite a bit. This would also explain why so many successful marriages between sextile signs, conjunctions in the composite....
Oh, if THIS isn't somewhat 'fated'. See, your composite is a LOT tighter than mine and my husband's. Honestly, it's with my TF that I have the Scorpio super-stellium. In this case, the conjunctions between the ASC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, (and Karma, Destinn, Valentine, and so on). My husband and I do have sextiles and trines, but few conjunctions, and an overall sense of 'bonding', even if there's binding'. (More Saturn). It's very clear what the purpose is of our marriage. But, to be frank, (again, I haven't seen your composite with your logophile Libran) if THIS is what you've got going on in your composite with your boyfriend? Take another look. See if you really can't work through these differences. Granted, I'm not looking at the actual composite here, and I'm not sure the aspects from the outers, but the Sun-Moon-Venus-Mercury bond CAN indicate twinflames IF there's more evidence to support it. (Again, a composite which is almost one solid clump, which means outers, too.) Is that what's going on with yours and the 'twinflame in question' ? You and your boyfriend already have such a tight composite. -A.
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YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted May 29, 2012 07:20 PM
Is this still for real? I have Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter altogether next to each other in the 7th House composite. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 29, 2012 07:44 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Is this still for real? I have Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter altogether next to each other in the 7th House composite.
Not sure what you mean, YTA, by 'is this still for real?'. (Oh, congratulations on your wedding anniversary, by the way. Things have been most hectic here, but I wanted to be sure to send my blessings for the future and kudos on the past. Marriage ain't easy.) I DO believe there's truth to the closer stellia having a strong effect - especially personal points. I know that I most definitely feel it (and, although we don't really talk about the composite, and the last time it was mentioned was, I believe, 4 years ago, when he enquired into it, and I started by saying, 'You know, there is something interesting I noticed about it,' his response was, 'You and I are soulmates?' Which wasn't where I was going! But now, it almost seems ... hard to say 'no' to). What are your thoughts? -A.
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YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted May 29, 2012 08:17 PM
Thank you very much for those kind wishes, IndigoDirae.Well, marriage indeed requires dedication and work but compatibility does help a lot. The part about the stellium in 7th House with Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and a bunch of asteroids conjunct each other does hold true in my case. My issue is I have nothing else to compare against. I don't know the birth times of my past girlfriends, and it's no use comparing and contrasting after being married for such a long time. Thank you. IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 29, 2012 08:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Thank you very much for those kind wishes, IndigoDirae.Well, marriage indeed requires dedication and work but compatibility does help a lot. The part about the stellium in 7th House with Sun, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter and a bunch of asteroids conjunct each other does hold true in my case. My issue is I have nothing else to compare against. I don't know the birth times of my past girlfriends, and it's no use comparing and contrasting after being married for such a long time. Thank you.
-nod- I'd personally say it's lovely, and very indicative of a soul bond - a strong one, which has been around for awhile throughout many lifetimes. As for comparisons? That's my trouble, too. All of ours is in the 1H, too. So the stellium is a huge focal point of the whole relationship. Our Davison is damned near identical to the composite, too. Super Scorpio, heh. -A.
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rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 11:07 AM
I have a 1 deg Venus, 2 deg Dsc, 4 deg Sun, 11 deg Mercury and 14 deg Jupiter stellium with the guy I love and he is still unsure of what he feels for me. The stellium has Saturn at a wide angle opposition(20 deg), so that is not the main problem. Can't figure out how to make him see that we are meant for each other.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 30, 2012 11:26 AM
Stellia including personal planets (esp. Venus as part of the package, or the ASC-ruler or DESC-ruler), clumped together on the relationship axis (1st-7th house) are VERY significant. The nodal axis is also an important one to check (though without the loving connection it might not be romantic at all).
I`ve read this on the evolutionary astrology message forum (I think it is by Jeff Green, the one who wrote that book on Pluto. Well, probably not on Pluto, but about Pluto. lol)
"Highly focused composite charts
(Q): Is there any correlation between the degree of "focus" in a composite chart and the strength of the intention of two souls to come together for some reason in this life? By "focused" I am referring to charts with stelliums of planets in one house and/or sign, tight conjunctions, precise aspects, and/or where the geometric pattern(s) of grand square, trine, kite, rectangle or whatever are very clear; or charts where some planet(s) are highly aspected by virtually everything in the chart. Contrast this with other, less-focused charts where the emphasis of the chart is more diffuse, a smattering of planets and mixed aspects throughout the chart. I have found that in composite charts with those I have felt a particularly strong connection with (all types of relationships, not just intimate), the charts are often the highly-focused variety, though with different types of focus. In composite charts where the connection doesn't feel as strong, the chart tends to be the scattered type. Does the degree of focus in a composite chart imply strength of intent and/or degree of relatedness in past lives (i.e., the more focused charts are a stronger karmic connection)? Or is this not a useful indicator in relationship charts? (A): This is a good observation and question, and the answer is 'yes' to the focused composite and the intent. In the focused cases, typically the two folks feel 'compelled' to be together--a strong force bringing them together--versus the unfocused cases.",659.0.html IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted May 30, 2012 11:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by IndigoDirae: Oh, if THIS isn't somewhat 'fated'. See, your composite is a LOT tighter than mine and my husband's. Honestly, it's with my TF that I have the Scorpio super-stellium. In this case, the conjunctions between the ASC, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, (and Karma, Destinn, Valentine, and so on). My husband and I do have sextiles and trines, but few conjunctions, and an overall sense of 'bonding', even if there's binding'. (More Saturn). It's very clear what the purpose is of our marriage. But, to be frank, (again, I haven't seen your composite with your logophile Libran) if THIS is what you've got going on in your composite with your boyfriend? Take another look. See if you really can't work through these differences. Granted, I'm not looking at the actual composite here, and I'm not sure the aspects from the outers, but the Sun-Moon-Venus-Mercury bond CAN indicate twinflames IF there's more evidence to support it. (Again, a composite which is almost one solid clump, which means outers, too.) Is that what's going on with yours and the 'twinflame in question' ? You and your boyfriend already have such a tight composite. -A.
My boyfriend and the Libra were born only a few months apart. With the Libra I have sun conjunct Neptune, Venus and Mercury in the composite, moon in the fifth, Venus conjunct Neptune, and Mercury conjunct Mars, Uranus and Venus. It's also a strong composite. With my boyfriend, the sun is in the 9th house and with the Libra, the sun is in the 4th house. With my boyfriend, the sun sign in the composite is Capricorn and with the Libra the sun sign in the composite is Sagittarius. They're mirror images of each other. My boyfriend is majority-fire and the Libra is majority-air (stellium in Libra). Oh, and sun trine ascendant for both; sun sextile Saturn with the Sagittarius, moon sextile Saturn with the Libra. So you can see my dilemma. It's really pulling hairs who I am more "fated" with. All three of us share Hades moons as well.
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