Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted May 30, 2012 11:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Is this still for real? I have Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter altogether next to each other in the 7th House composite.
OK. That explains it 
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rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 12:06 PM
Ceridwen, Would the stellium in our composite not be significant due to the wide angle between the rest of the planets and Jupiter? How is it that this does not seem to be an easy flow? It is like we can't let go of each other and cn't seem to move closer either.IP: Logged |
Aquacheeka unregistered
posted May 30, 2012 12:13 PM
Amazing thread on houses in the composite: IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted May 30, 2012 02:30 PM
This is how our composite looks. Sorry will change to Placidus. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 30, 2012 02:36 PM
Raijn,not sure. Ras is the one using the large orbs.  Anyway it sounds like a stellium at least. Can you post your composite and each natal? (and only with the major asteroids, Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Black Moon Lilith, h13). IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 03:34 PM
Sure Ceridwen. I should use photobucket for it, right? Thanks for your insight in advance.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 30, 2012 03:46 PM
Yes, photobucket is good. Oh and please use Placidus.IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 04:10 PM
OK will include placidus too. Sorry to be a bother, but my office seems to have blocked photobucket. Is there any other way I can upload the charts? Can I paste the link directly from Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 04:14 PM
Sorry, my bad, confused the placidus chart type with the asteroid Plancius.(Grins sheepishly)lol.IP: Logged |
Sorcha Knowflake Posts: 852 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted May 30, 2012 06:08 PM
I have this with my ex. Jupiter (H2) conjunct Venus, Mercury, Sun (H3). Jupiter is at the apex of a yod involving Pluto and Neptune though and is also conjunct the composite south node. My ex broke up with me. So, I'm not sure I have had this experience but perhaps it's due to the quincunxes to Jupiter from Neptune and Pluto then. IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 08:06 PM
Am posting the composite chart. Hope it loads Ok. I will post the natals once the composites come out good. Thanks. All insights welcome.
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rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 30, 2012 08:18 PM
The first natal is him and the 2nd one is mine. Thanks a lot.
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 31, 2012 12:33 AM
Meh. It's alright. 1. Merc sq saturn = awkward silences 2. moon opp uranus = relationship not stable, you dont contact each other frequently and both can be very stubborn about this 3. stellium sq mars = arguments/aggression, though probably wont be obvious right away...esp with the love stellium since u'll both want to keep everything harmonious at all times 4. no pluto = not especially deep relationship, unless there is sun/venus/ or moon multiply aspecting pluto in synastry 5. Also, mercury is far away in the stellium - love is not gonna be as strong as if it were a tight love stellium
------------------ Imagination is intelligence having fun. George Scialabba $3.50 ebay compatibility readings IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 31, 2012 03:06 AM
Raijn,the main problem in this composite is the Moon/Chiron-conjunction in 12th house (opposite Uranus in 6th house). it is so significant as it relates to your synastry and highlights your Chiron in opposition to his Sun. It is so significant NOW, because it is being triggered of the BIG GUYS currently and in the near future. We are going to have a T-square of KARMA in Cancer opposite PLUTO in Capricorn square URANUS in Aries on the weekend of the 8-10th june (I know that because I had looked up the transits for the convention I am attending on that weekend, and this T-square relates strongly to my Venus/pr ASC- Pluto). Anyway, as you can see Tr Uranus is moving over the composite Moon-Chiron-conjunction, with karma-Pluto being squaring. your composite Uranus is filling the missing leg of the T-square, and it falls right onto his Sun, putting that into the spotlight for him, a strive for indepedence and "doing his own thing". Additionally Tr Pluto is conjunct his Mars, activating his Mars-Sun-square as well as the square of his Mars to composite Moon/Chiron and of course the synastric T-square of his Sun-your Chiron-his Mars. BTW do you believe in reincarnation?
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sc0rpioRising Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: somewhere! Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 31, 2012 05:01 AM
How much value can we put into a progressed composite chart? IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 31, 2012 07:52 AM
Ras,You are right about the communication. He is very wary of letting someone get too close, anytime he senses that he may get too involved, he starts pulling back. I keep trying but sometimes it is like hitting my head against a wall. Ceridwin, I do believe in reincarnation. Why? Is this something like correcting the wrongs from a past life? Most importantly, how do I change things? Is there no hope for this relationship? Will I just keep gettig hurt again and again?IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 31, 2012 08:11 AM
Ras, I did check the synastry for pluto aspects. My Pluto conjuncts his mercury, his Pluto conjuncts my DC and my AC trines his pluto. My sun is conjunct his pluto ( 7 deg though)and his sun sextiles my pluto. We also have a moon trine and a moon square for each other's pluto. If any of these aspects can help clear the problem-lol.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted May 31, 2012 08:51 AM
wow! that synastry is some intense stuff! hmmm....why are u getting hurt? because its an on/off relationship? (moon opp uranus) or what?------------------ Imagination is intelligence having fun. George Scialabba $3.50 ebay compatibility readings IP: Logged |
rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 31, 2012 09:12 AM
Yes. it is an on off thing. he goes away then comes back. this time he is letting me in a bit more but any talk of feelings scares him. i care abt u he says i like u very much but he still hesitates. plus it is a long distance relationship. what should i learn from the charts to improve our relationship?thanks for the insightsIP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 31, 2012 09:23 AM
quote: Originally posted by rajin: Why? Is this something like correcting the wrongs from a past life? Most importantly, how do I change things? Is there no hope for this relationship? Will I just keep gettig hurt again and again?
It looks very karmic to me, if you take it all together. A past life relationship that was being interrupted or at least unfinished. I see a very kathartic relationship in the past, but one that probably was co-depenent. Very very very close. But something happened, some kind of trauma or loss (did one of you die prematurely in the last life?). This feeling or threat of loss is deeply ingrained in his psyche, with Pluto being on his SN in 4th house.
Both your 7th house ruler square his nodal axis, which further emphasises that a relationship might have been "a skipped step", unfinished business. Though this would have to be confirmed in the composite to see if it was really the actual you and him, and not a scenario like you trigger old patterns,w hich might not have anything to do with you as a couple.
his 12th house Saturn, which rules his 8th house, is squaring your nodal axis exact. Deep issues around commitment (only understandable if you check the role of Uranus as well). Probably a fear to commit out of the fear of losing someone he loves. There is a strong theme of Vesta as well, with his Vesta on your SN. It is fitting that the 6th house is in play as well. But it is very possible that he tries to avoid this kind of dedication (that he possessed previously) and being "of service". Interestingly Vesta is conjunct your NN, so that is part of your life-script, to learn that kind of dedication.
Speaking of "life-and-death-scenario" (could also be psychological, depicting such a symbiotic relationship, that one couldnīt literally survive without the other, and there was no space to breathe).
The ruler of your 8th house conjuncts the ruler of his South Node in his 5th house/ your 7th house. Definitely emphasizes all that I mentioned. Past life-relation (his SN-ruler), a very close symbiotic love relationship (8th/5th/7th). Why I tilted it to the negative, and saying it might even imply death (or some kind of extreme posessiveness, almost "ownership", or alternatively symbiotic co-dependent relationship) is this: his SN-ruler and also his Pluto (ruler of 6th house) are squaring his 2nd house ruler on the AP 00 Cancer!). So there was a conflict, something that wasn`t resolved in a past life so he carried it over in the form of the square. 2nd house is substance, could be material posession,b ut could also be ones own physical substance. Now the rulr of your 8th house is conjunct his SN-ruler and square this 2nd house ruler. This denotes a great passion and almost compulsion (though probably more from your side), but also that something has gone really wrong. He might feel threatened in his feelings of security through you, as it might trigger subconscious psat lifememories, when he literally or metaphorically "lost his life" (2nd house ruler square Pluto; 2nd house ruler square SN-ruler - something from the past threatens his "comfortzone"). The ruler of your 12th house is Uranus in 7th house ocnjunct mean llilith (I`d like to know where the true one is. h13 is the number). From that we know that these passionate compulsive erratic relationships Uranus conjunct Lilith in 7th represent have their cause in a past life. This Uranus is conjunct Jupiter, his DESC-ruler - makes it quite possible that you and him had a past life relationship, as your 12th house ruler is conjunct his DESC-ruler in his 5th and your 7th house, and the sign is Libra. lol The composite shows a SN in Leo in 5th house, with SN-ruler in Scorpio conjunct Venus and DESC. Hence we get everything I said reflected in this as well. Definitely a past life love relationship that was very intense. But this nodal axis has a skipped step, unfinished business, represented by the exact square to Neptune on a critical degree in Scorpio in 7th house, and fittingly Neptune rules the 12th house of past lives as well. Your past life relationship was not "resolved". Additionally the SN-ruler Sun is squaring the 12th house ruler Mars, which is heating the inner conflict. I am wondering if some social pressure broke you apart (Mars in 10th house)?
And then we have the past life wound exemplified as Moon conjunct Chiron sitting in 12th house, and Moon rules the IC, the soul of the relationship, but also the family life, being Chironized. Additionally the MC-ruler Saturn opposes Juno exactly. To be honest I don`t think this bodes too well for a conventional relationship or marriage. Especially since his own Radix Saturn opposes composite Sun. As we have seen his Saturn carries a lot of karmic issues and fears and reacts with restriction and selfdefense and blocking. And Sun is the identity of the relationship, but also signifies the roots in the past. And this opposition might indicate that he is fighting the relationship itself, not because he isnīt interested, but out of fear.
You asked what you can do to improve it? Well, I`d say, honour URanus. The composite NOrth NOde is in Aquarius AND 11th house, that is the ultimate direction and goal. Friendship, a breaking up of a possibly compulsive union, which does not mean that you need to break it off with him, but each of you need some air to breathe and evolve in their own speed. A bit of fresh air is needed here, no posessiveness, no jealousy. Possibly a rather unconventional relationship. The ruler of that NN is Uranus in Libra in 6th house - again independence in terms of everyday life, but also how you are at a "team". Support for each other without conditions. This NN-ruler opposes the IC-rulr Moon and Chiron, there needs to be a separation fromt he overidentification with the emotional wounds of the past. Let it go.
Since this composite Uranus is falling flat on his Sun, it most probably will be HIM who is pushing for that Uranian vibe to emerge, especially now that Tr Uranus is opposing his Sun and the composite Uranus. I think if you manage to do that, then ironically the stellium in Scorpio in the 7th house will come into play, and you will discover that there is more passionate loving commitment and dedication that you had thought (both of you). And I think dedication is there, with Vesta rising.
It is also the very theme and nature of your relationship, this loving passion, with ASC-ruler being conjunct DESC. But you will need to go through Uranus first. And his "job" is to liberate you, to create a balance, so you donīt repeat the old patterns of possible co-dependency.
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rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 31, 2012 09:49 AM
Ceridwin, I think what you say resonates on many levels. I don't know about the past life, but we have this pull that we both seem unable to break away. I try to put him out of my mind and honestly commit to someone else, but find myself feeling that I am cheating the other person since a part of me is still not willing to commit completely. With him, he keeps coming back. It's almost the same with him, he tries to find someone but i guess he thinks there is unfinished business with me. I did try to ask him if he was hurt by someone which made him so cautious about putting his heart on the line. He said nobody in his adulthood did it, if it was when he was a child he does not remember it. Should I step back and let him go? How do I let Uranus clear the cobwebs of this relationship? I am not dependent on him monetarily or physically but emotionally(it makes me happy and at peace when I hear from him- does that make me dependent?)?IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 31, 2012 01:33 PM
All right, I'm gonna take a stab at this.As Ceri already said, highly-concentrated composites - especially those whose major points are along the angles - are very significant. I agree. Logic is going to dictate that this relationship wants to manifest itself in the form of 7H energy, given the Sun placement, and is likely to be nurturing (Ceres) and communicative (Mercury). With the sign being Scorpio, I'm going to say there MUST be some potent sexual chemistry here. It'd be very, very hard to keep that out of the equation. (Least it is for us, and stifling it means we start sublimating it in other ways, and slowly begin destroying each other; not a good thing.) I don't like that Moon out there next to to Chiron. I'm still undecided on the quindecile Saturn's making to the Sun - although, it DOES explain the can't-get-closer, can't-let-go-either flavour. More to come once I can pay closer attention to everything. -A.
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IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 31, 2012 01:43 PM
Ceridwen,I know I've been here, there, and everywhere - life's been completely insane on this end. Do you have the opportunity or time, however, to give my own data a look as you've just done here? I really, REALLY need to know what's going on. I've put it off, and put it off, and put it off, and the more this story comes to fruition, the more there are blocks in the timeline, pieces that neither of us seem to want to deal with, and therefore just gloss over or move past, which seem to be directly involved with us, and our relationship. Specifically, what we were to each other then, how it all went, and what's going on now. And, if so, what would you need specifically? I've got the composite already. Thanks, in advance.  -A.
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rajin Knowflake Posts: 677 From: Registered: Jul 2009
posted May 31, 2012 01:52 PM
Thanks Indigo. I have been trying to understand him and make every effort to make this work. I thought if someone looked at the divine map of our lives maybe it would offer more clues and help me help him and myself. I appreciate all your inputs. They are very enlightening.IP: Logged |
IndigoDirae Knowflake Posts: 4120 From: Venice, California, US Registered: Jul 2011
posted May 31, 2012 02:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by rajin: Thanks Indigo. I have been trying to understand him and make every effort to make this work. I thought if someone looked at the divine map of our lives maybe it would offer more clues and help me help him and myself. I appreciate all your inputs. They are very enlightening.
Oh, I wrote that last night before more of the usual Venus RX blow-ups in my life since mid-May. No one had said anything yet, and Ceri certainly hadn't. My 'input' is minor and silly in comparison. She covered everything.  I KNOW how hard it is, though. I really do. Our Scorp 'super-stellium' is in the 1H, with Pluto-Saturn-Atlantis-Lust Libra stellium in the 12H ... (27*-29*) ... search 'complicated' in Wikipedia, I think we come up ... at least in the top 10. -A. -A.
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