Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
Melqart Newflake Posts: 8 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 01, 2013 09:08 PM
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Orange Knowflake Posts: 3571 From: Georgia Registered: May 2009
posted March 02, 2013 08:59 AM
Anyone with Chiron in the Composite 5th house? How is it? I am worried about this placement. I hate Chiron!IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 02, 2013 10:14 AM
Melqart, don't feel bad. You have a love stellium conjunct pluto but it's also conjunct saturn ad that will cause problems. Not to mention the insecurity caused by moon square saturn where ur never sure if the other person really cares. Saturn conjunct the stellium will make you too serious together, as well as very critical and restricting with each other.------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
Melqart Newflake Posts: 8 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 02, 2013 10:40 AM
RunAroundScreaming, Yes, this is true. We were both very restricting to each other. And I was also under extreme pressure to make major decisions such as quitting my very stable job, getting married, etc, in order to "make things work". All those moon's squares (here I include pluto, even though the orb is greater than 10 degrees) made us, but mostly her, feel extremely insecure and suspicious about each others' commitment and loyalty. I had to be constantly sending her SMS and telling her how much I loved her, or she would fear I was going to leave her. I have read neptune square mars also causes some problems, related to unrealistic expectations, which we both had too. Still I feel very sad..for this was such an unmatched love relationship, I fear I will never feel such happiness again in my life.. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2143 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 03, 2013 10:32 AM
quote: All those moon's squares (here I include pluto, even though the orb is greater than 10 degrees) made us, but mostly her, feel extremely insecure and suspicious about each others' commitment and loyalty. I had to be constantly sending her SMS and telling her how much I loved her, or she would fear I was going to leave her.
Maybe this has to do with Pluto in the stellium. We have it also, Sun/Venus/Pluto and Mercury a bit off.. but I guess you could call it a stellium. Moon btw also square the stellium but with a 6 to 10 degr. orb. But there's progression. At first I *had* to get that sms once a day (well, it's a shock to NOT get it after months daily).. so that took some struggle before I could accept another pattern. (me verrry fixed) But still .. after a few days.. I can easily fall back to euh.. "HEY.. Where the.. is that sms?" (something like that) Btw, the stellium is also quindecile Mars.. (of which Pluto/Mars *exact*) I discovered this recently. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 03, 2013 06:27 PM
Melqart, I have felt a composite love stellium conjunct pluto before and it was lifechanging indeed. It was with a 2 year old boy but we had such a bond. It's indescribable. And the sacrifices I was willing to make for that little boy. Anyway, don't worry. You can experience that kind of feeling again for sure. In synastry, I have venus conjunct mars, moon conjunct moon, the two following double whammies: moon-neptune and moon-pluto, as well as venus conjunct venus and sun conjunct jupiter with a guy, and it is very powerful. I also had moon square venus, composite venus trine pluto with comp sun conuunct jupiter and comp moon sextile pluto and a mars-asc DW with a guy and that was lifechanging as well. And also had a love stellium with double whammy venus-pluto and sun trine jupiter in synastry with a guy and that was the most profound connection of my life. So you can and will experience that kind of thing again. I know for sure that if I meet someone again like that little boy who I have composite love stellium conjunct pluto with that it will be lfechanging, but I'm also aware that there are a few other setups in compatibility that can give similar feelings.------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
nadroj_215 Newflake Posts: 2 From: Santa Cruz, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 04, 2013 12:46 PM
Wow, I've been following this thread since the beginning but feeling the need to finally post. I've just finished reading john townleys "composite charts" and composites are definitely the real deal. I also study astrophysics, and most things in the universe tend to do the whole "meet halfway" thing so it makes more sense then many would think!! Anyway, Ill chime in here: I've got the Love stellium of Sun, venus, merc, and jupiter in the 7th-8th house trine moon conjunct pluto on the IC. Definitely a fated thing and very exposing to our deepest qualities. We also both have sun-saturn square in our natals so saturn square the stellium in the composite. The biggest thing ive learned in astrology is not to give saturn such a negative connotation, but it WILL make or break you. For example, a natal sun-saturn square will cause quite a few uncomfortable experiences as the native tries to push their own identity to the world, while saturn restricts this in a very stressful way. Many times the pressure will be so great it breaks a person, and they have to grow a huge amount, until they learn to deal with saturn's lessons. the same thing happens to a composite, but as townley says, the composite (aka the relationship) needs time to adapt in the same way the native does. Many times it takes people into the thirties to deal with hard saturn aspects, and a relationship is no different. The real trick to saturn is to turn the pressure waaaay down, so that your only dealing with small stresses at a time. Just how a bone will grow back stronger after a break, saturn lessons are learned after hardship. To make it easier, just avoid the stress to the point of breaking, dealing with it little by little, and growing stronger and stronger. Its the drastic "breaks" (usually aided by nasty uranus, mars, or pluto transits) that give saturn its reputation of massively restricting. My two cents, I've had saturn square my whole life, now its in my composite with the future wifey squaring the love stellium and im just buckling up and getting ready for the ride, cause its gonna be a long one, it always is. Haha, sorry for the rambling, i guess i had a lot to say. Good luck everyone! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 04, 2013 05:34 PM
Finally someone who's read their stuff. Thanks for contributing : :Look, I have a very similar composite to the one you posted. Except neptune is also squaring the stellium and the moon is squaring saturn, uranus and neptune. We both liked each other in the beginning, but my crush dissolved as soon as he opened his mouth. We were close friends for a bit less than a year and it was very caring but it wasn't super great. I have a love stellium conjunct moon with a close friend of mine right now, and the stellium is square pluto and saturn. We are super close, much closer than me and the other guy and we make each other really happy when we hang out. So, as you see the outer planets squaring sun or moon really really dampen things. Good thing you only have saturn and uranus afflicting the sun and venus, and not neptune. And good thing they aren't touching the moon either. The synastry: Sun-Pluto DW Sun-neptune DW Sun conjunct mercury His Sun and mercury opposition My saturn and neptune Sun trine pluto Mars sextile pluto Mercury trine pluto Moon trine venus Moon trine mars Venus sextile venus Venus sextile mars Mars sextile Jupiter So you can see why it was romantic and why he had a crush on me. With heavy afflictions in composite it's very common the feelings aren't returned and the person just wants to be friends (when there is a love stellium, because otherwise they're outta there) ------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
nadroj_215 Newflake Posts: 2 From: Santa Cruz, CA, USA Registered: Mar 2013
posted March 04, 2013 09:09 PM
Yes, these composites are quite similar, I'm sure our relationships would get along well! ;-). As townley states over and over, the composite itself is a somewhat helpless entity, but I do believe it can show the potential for a union as it grows stronger. The fact that you two had a brief relationship, suggests two things: 1) that the very close outer planet-moon-stellium t-square was uneasy and uncomfortable from the beginning, with the relationship itself manifesting self-judgement(saturn), self-deception(neptune), and self-destruction(uranus). The lonely composite moon is an innocent bystander to a true battle between the personality of the relationship(the inner planet stellium), and the existence of the relationship (the outer planet stellium). and 2) that due to this very uncompromising composite t-square, it was more likely the synastry that prevented the relationship getting off the ground than the composite. A couple of reasons: I looked into the synastry and both of you are from a very interesting period '89-'90 with that outer planet stellium in capricorn. This stellium dominates the existence of these natives. The fact that both of you have a quincunx from your natal venus to this outer stellium implies some inner confusion(quincunx) when reconciling love and affection with the big picture trends of your generation (stoicism) While the good aspects between mars and venus could make the physical attraction pleasant, along comes REAL life and the confusion sets in. Interestingly enough, the two conjunct suns lie opposite the YOD formed with the venuses and the outer stellium, suggesting both of you needed to minimize your egos in order to discover the power and enlightenment of the yod (or GOD's finger). This all happens on your vertex axis, further implying a fated confrontation. It is a shame the relationship was so short lived, as this theme of separating from the egos is reiterated in the composite, where the exactness of the t-square shows a great challenge in this respect. Like all great challenges, however, I believe the relationship shown in your composite would have grown to unfathomable heights, once the confusion of the quincunx was realized to be "culmination," a culmination the love stellium promises, where all that self-judgement, deception, and destruction inherent in the outer planets actually transmutes into a VERY existential self-realization of the love union as an entity. I guess i was lucky enough to have synastry (feel free to look) that forced the issue long enough to develop the relationship(composite) itself. There are still seemingly insurmountable odds to the lifeforce and happiness of my relationship, but as Saturn says, "only time will tell" Thanks for letting me comment! IP: Logged |
Dreaming111 Knowflake Posts: 1769 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted March 05, 2013 02:17 AM
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 05, 2013 02:32 AM
That is quite an indepth analysis! But i still feel that even though your composite and mine seem very similar at the surface, they are very different. In mine, moon and sun are both heavily afflicted by all three outer planets. If it werent for jupiter being conjunct the stellium, and the stellium being trine pluto, i'm sure i wouldve hated him on sight.Now with my close guy friend who i have an indescribable bond with, we have a love stellium conjunct moon all squaring pluto and saturn. But thats only saturn, so we are fine! Just like you with ur girl. Yes we can be a bit sad together at times but he is a libra sun so he knows how to joke around always so he always keeps things fun!! It's definitely not depressing being his friend, and the sad moments bring us closer. We have moon conjunct moon in synastry. With him i do also have good synastry, abd also mercury opposite saturn, but no sun opposite saturn this time: Moon conjunct moon Moon sextile mercury Moon conjunct venus Moon conjunct mars Venus conjunct mars Mars conjunct mars Venus trine saturn Venus trine uranus Mercury opp saturn Moon trine uranus Mercury square uranus Mercury square jupiter Sun opposite neptune Sun opposite jupiter Moon square pluto Sun sextile mars Moon sextile asc Mercury square mercury Basically his moon venus and mars all in virgo fall right next to (conjunct) my moon venus and mars in leo which are right near the cusp of virgo. In both synastry and composite, conjunctions are the best indication of compatibility since they indicate total uderstanding. IP: Logged |
Mango Knowflake Posts: 234 From: Registered: Feb 2013
posted March 07, 2013 11:40 PM
I have a stellium of 5 planets in my composite chart with my daughter.IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 6485 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 07, 2013 11:47 PM
RAS - I gots a composite (with a Cancer guy actually) - that you would just love!!! LoL just thought I'd tell you. For now we are friends but I feel much closer to him than I ever have to a Cancerian. He seems very much like my kind of person and he's so sweet. He messages me a lot and always asks how I'm doing, how my day has been... he's just cool.. I hope things do turn into something more. This doesn't feel "intense", but it's just a really nice connection.I'll post the composite in a sec  IP: Logged |
Odette Moderator Posts: 6485 From: Registered: May 2012
posted March 07, 2013 11:59 PM
Here it is!!
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 08, 2013 04:22 PM
Hello Ms. Aries  Yes i can relate!! I had a "romance" with an aries guy not too long ago. We started out as friends as well. We had a love stellium conjunct moon and mars, trine all the outer planets except pluto. Shame there was barely any pluto other than moon trine pluto in synastry or we would for sure be together. Since I wasn't crazy about him, I didn't date him. It was intense and romantic but sweet in a jupiterian way (also wasn't the most physically on fire), not in a plutonian way, which is what I seek in relationships. Yes this composite looks nice but sun and venus are afflicted by uranus and neptune so that does kill the intensity. However the sun and venus are very tightly conjunct so it's nice! plus you at least have some pluto, moon semisquare pluto sure will make for some intensity. Also check Jupiter hard aspect to uranus in my aspects to avoid link. ------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
page one Knowflake Posts: 533 From: USA Registered: Jun 2012
posted March 08, 2013 08:05 PM
I've got a question about how stelliums can play out in a composite chart: If there is a lack of aspects between the stellium and other parts of a chart, can this result in the relationship not getting off on the ground, or otherwise weaken it?IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 09, 2013 08:44 PM
Yes lack of pluto in either synastry or composite. (Pluto in either is ok and enough to make it deep/binding)And also a good composite with great synastry is going to make the people a lot closer than the same composite without synastry. Without good synastry it feels great, but there seems to be no glue to hold the people together, even though they will ALWAYS get on well and have a positive effect on each other because of that great composite. Now if the opposite is true, a whatever composite (not afflicted or anything like that, just lack of important aspects) and great synastry, both people will also have strong feelings and good chemistry but they will tend to rub each other the wrong way, annoy each other, have different moods and tastes, etc, and never really be able to come together because they just never seem to totally be able to click in that way or merge their energies successfully for a long period of time. It's like composite shows how well you work as a team, while synastry shows how much chemistry or happiness there is between you. Yes you always get along well because of a love stellium in composite, or because of sun conjunct jupiter in composite, BUT... What KIND of relationship do you have? Is it romantic, platonic, jupiterian in its affection or plutonian in its affection/feelings? Maybe its just plain neptunian. Maybe you have a lot of conjunctions and you feel a tight emotional bond but you dont have any venus-mars or venus-pluto so you dont feel a strong sexual chemistry with this person. Have you ever felt emotionally close to someone but making out with them didnt feel good? Lack of sexual compatibility. Ever felt the opposite? Someone who kissing felt great but you weren't all that close right away? Maybe your relationship is all physical attraction aspects, even though you have a love stellium. So the composite makes the container (what holds the relationship together----like greasing the gears in a machine, makes it flow smoothly), and the synastry fills it with the ingredients (what kind of relationship is it and what defines it?) ^And why is the composite fatalistic? Because it highlights if the relationship will work or not. It's the "container" that gives shape to the entire relationship. ^Here we can see the author describes that synastry shows the chemistry between two people and the DETAILS about how they interact. ------------------ True to my aqua north node, I'll always pick the choice nobody expected me to pick. ebay compatibility readings | testimonials | Past readings | Ideal compatibility (3rd post) | Q&A | What's a Love stellium? | Most important aspects descriptions | Aspects to avoid IP: Logged |
hikoro Knowflake Posts: 1239 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted April 09, 2013 09:40 PM
another one.... engaged, really cute couple if you see them. im not sure if they will last but, i dont want to say anything yet...just to see if anybody sees some patterns, interesting dynamics and then, i shall corroborate or not... IP: Logged |
Kalilak Knowflake Posts: 92 From: The Water World Registered: May 2011
posted April 09, 2013 10:44 PM
This is a really long thread, so I didn't read all of it. But I would like to interject that this guy that I have been seeing and I have a composite stellium of Sun, Venus, Mercury, and North Node in Aries in the 11th. We also have a composite Moon conj Saturn (same degree). We are attracted to each other on a few different levels, but he has Venus in Gemini opposite Jupiter in Sagittarius. He's very flirty and always looking for the next best thing. I don't hold it against him or anything. The other day, knowing that this is how he is, I told him that maybe we should back way off of this relationship to give him space and so I wouldn't have to feel emotionally restricted (moon conj saturn). He responds positively to this, and we spend the rest of the day together, just hanging out. He dropped me off at my place and went into this long talk about how much he enjoys being around me, and that we have amazing conversations that make him feel really good...and to that I say, well I'm glad to be of service, we do have really good conversations. Then he looks over at me and is like "No, it's you. I like you. A lot. You make me happy. " And I didn't know how to respond to that. I had cut myself off emotionally (Venus in Aquarius) and I knew it had taken a lot of courage for him to express his feelings to me, because of the Saturn Moon conjunction restricting expression of emotion. I do want to add that the stellium in the composite is in the 11th house...which is the house of friendship (among other things). So I'm wondering if we will end up becoming really good friends instead of having a romantic relationship. Just wanted to add a bit of a different perspective and say that maybe not all Sun-Venus contacts like that necessarily mean a love relationship. Although I could be wrong and it might end up developing into a's still new yet. But I'm just going on my intuition here. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 09, 2013 10:49 PM
Yeah ur intuition is right about sun conjunct venus being a friendship as well. The foundation of love is friendship, and with comp. sun conj venus you are friends first and foremost, before you are/as well as you are lovers. Also after the relationship ends, your inclination would be to want to stay friends, as it makes the two people involved always keep a good opinion of the other. It's hard to turn against each other completely no matter what happens.It just means love plain and simple, and that is mostly friendship above and before it is romance/sexual. IP: Logged |
Snorkel Knowflake Posts: 239 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted April 09, 2013 11:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: Yes lack of pluto in either synastry or composite. (Pluto in either is ok and enough to make it deep/binding)And also a good composite with great synastry is going to make the people a lot closer than the same composite without synastry. Without good synastry it feels great, but there seems to be no glue to hold the people together, even though they will ALWAYS get on well and have a positive effect on each other because of that great composite. Now if the opposite is true, a whatever composite (not afflicted or anything like that, just lack of important aspects) and great synastry, both people will also have strong feelings and good chemistry but they will tend to rub each other the wrong way, annoy each other, have different moods and tastes, etc, and never really be able to come together because they just never seem to totally be able to click in that way or merge their energies successfully for a long period of time. It's like composite shows how well you work as a team, while synastry shows how much chemistry or happiness there is between you. Yes you always get along well because of a love stellium in composite, or because of sun conjunct jupiter in composite, BUT... What KIND of relationship do you have? Is it romantic, platonic, jupiterian in its affection or plutonian in its affection/feelings? Maybe its just plain neptunian. Maybe you have a lot of conjunctions and you feel a tight emotional bond but you dont have any venus-mars or venus-pluto so you dont feel a strong sexual chemistry with this person. Have you ever felt emotionally close to someone but making out with them didnt feel good? Lack of sexual compatibility. Ever felt the opposite? Someone who kissing felt great but you weren't all that close right away? Maybe your relationship is all physical attraction aspects, even though you have a love stellium. So the composite makes the container (what holds the relationship together----like greasing the gears in a machine, makes it flow smoothly), and the synastry fills it with the ingredients (what kind of relationship is it and what defines it?) ^And why is the composite fatalistic? Because it highlights if the relationship will work or not. It's the "container" that gives shape to the entire relationship. .UTv_JBzxWAg ^Here we can see the author describes that synastry shows the chemistry between two people and the DETAILS about how they interact.
I thought Saturn was the "holding glue" that keeps people together?
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SilkySoft Newflake Posts: 19 From: Registered: Apr 2013
posted April 10, 2013 12:44 AM
Oh, wow... I just checked this and it is true. My son and I have a Sun-Mercury-Venus conjunction in Cancer, Sun & Venus in a tight orb, Mercury in a wider orb. Amazing... !! He is the love of my life, of course, and would be, regardless of what the stars said, but it was nice to actually notice that we do have such a close conjunction of personal planets !  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 10, 2013 01:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Snorkel: I thought Saturn was the "holding glue" that keeps people together?
I would say good synastry is a big part of the glue. Plus pluto somewhere and a good composite. Saturn sextiles and trines mean you're willing to make lots of sacrifices for that person, without them feeling like a sacrifice...and there's a certain level of trust or loyalty between you, like you feel they'll catch you if you fall. It doesnt mean anything beyond that, and doesn't guarrantee it'll be long lasting. IP: Logged |
Snorkel Knowflake Posts: 239 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted April 10, 2013 01:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: I would say good synastry is a big part of the glue. Plus pluto somewhere and a good composite. Saturn sextiles and trines mean you're willing to make lots of sacrifices for that person, without them feeling like a sacrifice...and there's a certain level of trust or loyalty between you, like you feel they'll catch you if you fall. It doesnt mean anything beyond that, and doesn't guarrantee it'll be long lasting.
Can I be honest with you? I don't really agree with this because how many couples work out that don't have all that criteria - a good composite, good synastry, and heavy Pluto activity?
And if you agree in a general sense that astrologically Saturn is associated with completion, materialization and follow-through then it makes sense to me when people say that Saturn is the holding glue in a relationship. Having said that no I was never saying that good Saturn in couples astrology means the two people involved will definitely stay together long-term. But I think it indicates a higher possibility or inclination towards that than a lack of Saturn. Could Pluto give the same effect? Sure, but it's coming from a different place - again, when you think of sticking to something in a Plutonian sense, it's usually about compulsion or obsession. Both could get you to the same destination, but it could be argued as to which one is the healthier way to get there lol. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted April 10, 2013 02:51 AM
Any good relationship will have a balance of everything. I agree about the pluto vs saturn thing you said. Yeah def if a couple lasts (and theyre happy) there will be some nice saturn in syn or comp There are a lot of people who're married but are unhappy. And i think it's hard to find couples that dont break up And are happy as well, because i really think u need a balance. A relationship with a balance of venus, mars, jupiter, neptune, uranus, saturn, etc feels "just right" (just ask YTA and his wife. Check out their awesome synastry and composite, that might i add has a balance of every planet. And just look at how he raves about his marriage. I just think there are a lot of unhappily married people) But i do think pluto is needed in anything to make that person become important to you. No pluto, no depth. I never said heavy pluto btw. Thats never good. Too many power struggles/insecurity. Too much anything is bad. Heavy jupiter u become overconfident and lazy as a couple, heavy mars too many arguments, heavy neptune too impractical and prone to disillusionment, heavy saturn too cold and stifled, heavy anything. IP: Logged | |