Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted September 07, 2011 06:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: From my experience, mintgirl just likes to go against everything i say. Like i said before, the fact that sun conjunct venus, and this entire stellium is quite a common occurrence, doesnt mean that it is any less strong. It only means that there are just that many people you can become best friends and lovers with. It means love really is all around us. I usually find, though, that good synastry has to be there and there a cant be a lot of squares to this stellium in the composite or else it really is practically as of the stellium wasnt there at all, since, I guess, there are so many other things that block it. So though the stellium is not very rare, i think it's rare to find someone u have good synastry and barely any squares to the stellium in the composite with, because it's been kibd of hard for me to find.
Paranoid much? Unlike you, I actually have learnt astrology properly and don't just assume things =). Moon conjunct venus is even clearly more 'sweeter' even in definitions online. I mean one involves emotions and the way someone loves, while the other involves general direction of a person and the way they love. Kind of a no brainer. And I've experienced both, so there is a difference. Actually moon soft aspect saturn is a good thing. Adds stability. Hard aspects might not be great though. And I only disagreed with what you said on occasions bc what you said was completely wrong. I don't beg to differ for the sake of that alone lol. I'm a virgo with a Libra stellium, I don't do that kicks obviously. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 07, 2011 08:56 PM
Okay, prove to me that definitions online actually say that moon conjunct venus is actually sweeter than sun conjunc venus. I have never seen that. And Luc de Jaeger himself told me that moon-saturn aspects were not good whether harmonious or not. I'd suggest taking that arrogance of yours down a notch. Dont just assume you're the only one who's done her so-called research. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 07, 2011 08:58 PM
Okay, prove to me that definitions online actually say that moon conjunct venus is actually sweeter than sun conjunc venus. I have never seen that. And Luc de Jaeger himself told me that moon-saturn aspects were not good whether harmonious or not. I'd suggest taking that arrogance of yours down a notch. Dont just assume you're the only one who's done her so-called research. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 02:37 PM
Hi mintgirl123  I agree in that I feel the same way in my synastries. And it is true that Moon and Venus are the prime significators of love, so I'm right with you on that, Moon the maternal caring nature, and Venus the vanity of it, the placing of value on another. I haven't often had Moon conj Venus in composite but when it has been there I enjoyed its presence over Sun conj Venus, which always vibes to me as a much more generic and friendship type of aspect.ETA, Actually, I see Sun/Venus in synastry and composite as being good for someone who wants to have their worth validated by another. That self worth is typically something that a person who has Sun/Venus in the natal is not lacking. So when in composite, it is typically each person saying to the other, I place value in you and so you are worthy. People who struggle with issues of self acceptance, insecurity, etc. may prefer that type of love over something more deep. Sun/Venus is tied to personal vanity too, being in love [Venus] with yourself [Sun]. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 08, 2011 03:29 PM
I do agree that moon conjunct, trine or even sextile venus are very possibly stronger than sun conjunct venus by itself, but there's no way it's stronger than a sun-venus-mercury stellium with no squares to it. By the way this is only the composite i'm talking about.I still need proof though that readings on the internet say that moon conjunct venus in the composite is nicer than sun conjunct venus, though.  i tend to like sun conjunct venus more than moon conjunct venus not because i'm vain (but thanks for the compliment) but because it feels moody and we become kind of overly sensitive and introverted when we're together (which internet readings do saythis about this aspect) and the opposite happens when venus conjuncts the sun---we feel sunny, happy, like exploring the wrld together and like being more extroverted with each other, rather than introverted. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 04:28 PM
^ Well you're right, everyone's experience is different, so it's Sun/Venus thumbs up for you, nothing wrong with that. quote: not because i'm vain (but thanks for the compliment)
But this is absurd to assume I was thinking of you when I wrote my post, just like you thought Mintgirl was thinking of you when she stated her opinion. She took the same stance with Moon/Venus (a definite one) that you took with Sun/Venus/Merc in composite. Because someone disagrees with you does not mean it is a personal attack. So maybe you can see now why she called you paranoid. I'm not gonna touch on astro interpretations available online since anyone can upload to the net anything they like, you have to learn by experience, just like you've found you v.much like Sun/Merc/Venus in composite, but it doesn't mean everyone will respond in the same way. quote: but because it feels moody and we become kind of overly sensitive and introverted when we're together
I agree there's a much more inward feel with Moon/Venus, sort of curl up away from the world, it is a touchy-feely, cuddly sort of aspect. Sun/Venus is more extrovert def, in comparison. Same in natals Sun/Venus inclines to extrovert and Moon/Venus inclines to sensitivity which is more compatible with introversion.IP: Logged |
tuxedoMask Knowflake Posts: 1234 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 08, 2011 04:35 PM
someone i knew had a venus conjunct sun composite but they had i think uranus square my venus and moon or their uranus squaring their moon and uranus (def they had that going on natally) the date was great... slightly romantic, definitely felt right... we lost touch, we got in touch again later, turns out that i got a tattoo and while we were not at all communicating, they got a tattoo as well and what we both got, were things completely different but TOTALLY almost identical as far as placing goes and the form that it makes.. which would be a 'T'... they found it interesting as well. that's all that ever came out of that. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 08, 2011 07:03 PM
Well, it's not that I'm taking it as a personal attack. It's just that ur obviously saying that everyone who prefers sun conjunct venus is vain, and i think that's kind of absurd, as well as arrogant and rude. I know what u meant, it's just you couldve said it in another way. But it's not a big deal. I just think it's interesting how u made it sound like moon conjunct venus is better because ppl who like sun conjunct venus are just kinda vain. Lol! And ppl who like moon conjunct venus appreciate deeper feelings. Oh yeah, ok. How am i not supposed to find that at least a little insulting. Of course it's not directed at me, it's just that it's not true and i felt i had to speak against it. I get what ur theory was about, though. Like i said it was not a big deal and i think u blew it a bit out of proportion by how seriously u think i took it. I know ehat ur trying to say, but like i said before i think it's a matter of introversion versus extroversion and what u prefer. And i think that's what u MEant when u used the word vain. Lol :P. It's okay.
And to be completely honest, it seems to me that you have to take into account the entire synastry between two people and not just one aspect in isolation. Maybe that is what is making the difference here.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 09, 2011 03:02 AM
"it seems to me that you have to take into account the entire synastry between two people and not just one aspect in isolation. Maybe that is what is making the difference here."Exactly.  And before that you have to analyse each natal very thoroughly. And that is why actually the discussion about Sun/Venus vs Moon/Venus or even about composite Sun c Venus and Mercury as THE one and only indicator of love or a loving relationship doesn`t sit entirely right with me, because any single aspect or configuration will always be just a hint, pointing you into a certain direction. Just strong enough to stop you and say: Hey pay attention, have a closer look at the whole natals/synastry/composite. But to me it feels absurd to single out a single configuration and say that is the ultimate true-love-indicator in each and every case, no matter what else is going on in the charts.
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 09, 2011 03:20 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: And to be completely honest, it seems to me that you have to take into account the entire synastry between two people and not just one aspect in isolation. Maybe that is what is making the difference here.
Yes, I was isolating. Because that was the issue at hand, Moon/Venus vs. Sun/Venus. I was drawing parallels back and forth between natals and synastry for added info."ur obviously saying that everyone who prefers sun conjunct venus is vain" ---That is what you read into it. I wrote that Sun/Venus inclines to vanity in the natal, making a correlation with the self acceptance one might find in Sun/Venus conj in the composite. "I know what u meant, it's just you couldve said it in another way." ---You don't know what I meant, you know what I wrote. And you know what you can read into it and since we're not in person you can't infer meaning from body language, facial expressions, etc. "I just think it's interesting how u made it sound like moon conjunct venus is better because ppl who like sun conjunct venus are just kinda vain. Lol!" ---Another misunderstanding. "How am i not supposed to find that at least a little insulting." ---You can find insulting anything that you choose. It's your choice. IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3325 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 09, 2011 03:53 AM
The most important men in my life are my childrens fathers. I was married to both. The first marriage was not good the other last in 15 year and he is My biggest love up to now. Both composite have saturn square moon and Pluto trine moon. In my marriage there I was happy in many year we also have moon conj venus and square to saturn. In my bad relationship we had venus opp saturn. My natal chart have saturn square moon. Venus trine saturn Moon square Pluto in wide orb but I count it because I ve an exactly parallel.Ive the same triggers in my composite like I have in my natals exactly as my exhusbands. I think we attracting something we need and already are known in us.
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mir Knowflake Posts: 2143 From: Registered: May 2009
posted September 09, 2011 08:37 AM
Thanks.I think I may need this bad Saturn/Moon aspect in our composite... (and as a bad DW in synastry) although we don't have it in our natal both. 'Emotional closeness' isn't exactly what I'm looking for since it brought me too much pain. It seems my natal heavy Moon/Mars (Scorp-Aqua) square isn't happy at all with the opportunity to express itself in full freedom (which means; burst within a second for example). Even the sexual tension would leave me as an effect.. So in my case I can't see it as a big problem yet. I think/feel in his case - my Saturn exactly on his IC which exactly squares his Moon(= exactly on my descendant) - it would be sort of the same story.. I've never experienced a Composite Moon/Venus conjunction. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2143 From: Registered: May 2009
posted September 09, 2011 09:52 AM
I found this in an interview with the astrologers Steven and Jodie Forrest;TMA: That's a wonderful insight. Now, going back to composites, do you see Sun-Venus conjunctions in long-term relationships, and do you see that a lot? JF: Very often. SF: It's very common. In fact, it is one of many avenues where a statistical proof of astrology, which seems to be a holy grail for some people, would be fairly easily accomplished. Get a group of people who have been married or committed to each other for five years or more and do a statistical analysis of the presence of the Sun-Venus conjunction in the composite chart versus chance. I would stake my life on it that we would see a distinct Venus pattern because it emerges so often in the counseling room. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 09, 2011 11:31 AM
This is what I meant when I said what I did about aspects in isolation. I think that the cases where you had moon conjunct venus in the composite and you felt it was very special was because of your synastry. But i have had pretty bad synastry with many people, with even very few aspects at all, and even less positive aspects, and not a spectacular composite except there weren't any squares. But there barely were any aspects in the composite. And just because of sun conunct venus there, we really enjoyed each other's company, and I could totally feel the love, and one of the people was an aries, btw. Which i always hate aries guys. With moon conjunct or trine venus in the composite, i didn't feel anywhere near as much affection, or even desire to be around these people. Sure, i thought they were awesome ad i admired them...but the strong affection wasnt there, the unconditional love, and the constant feeling that this person is so much like you that it's scary...was never there. And it's not just that. I have seen couples who had moon conjunc or trine venus in the composite vs those who had sun conjunct venus. The moon-venus couples had very little affection going on an many arguments though you could tell theystill very mch cared, while with the sun-venus it was a whole nother story. They would stand apart from everyone once in a while and just hug for a few minutes, you would see them holding hands, or having to show affection often in public or smiling at each other in public, constant attempts to talk to each other. It seemed more unconditional and like they were more in love. Oh, and i never saw them argue. Even when one partner criticized the other, the other stayed quiet. Moon conunct venus would have the other partner criticizing them right back.It is a different bond. And it's not only in couples that i've seen it. It's in friendships, too. The affection and love for each other is very obvious. Even with bad synastry. (just dont have a bad composite, squares tothe sun-venus conjunction or opposition will obvious really deter the effects of it) However, there is still nothing that compares to the mercury-sun-venus stellium. It's a lot stronger than sun-venus alone. And it will definitely feel like one of the MOST loving relationships of your life. It's like you become best friends right away. Just dont have squares to it in the composite. One square is fine, as long as it's not saturn, neptune, or uranus. Sun conjunct or opposite venus square pluto is usually a major indicator of attraction in the composite, so i dont think sun square pluto is so bad, as pluto adds depth to anything it touches. Thanks so much for posting that mir. Maybe now, people will believe me! Seriously. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 09, 2011 11:39 AM
And Lonake, if you wish to keep arguing, fine. We both know that's what you meant: the introversion vs extroversion aspect of it.But I don't want to keep arguing. And don't tell me about mintgirl, she has always been rude when it comes to stating her opinions. "Unlike you, I actually have learnt astrology properly and don't just assume things." oh okay, thanks. Overbearing, much? I've never been mean to her. Why does she feel the need to be rude? And by the way, it's learned not learnt, Ms. Know-it-All IP: Logged |
Saraintheski Knowflake Posts: 671 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 09, 2011 11:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: And Lonake, if you wish to keep arguing, fine. We both know that's what you meant: the introversion vs extroversion aspect of it.But I don't want to keep arguing. And don't tell me about mintgirl, she has always been rude when it comes to stating her opinions. "Unlike you, I actually have learnt astrology properly and don't just assume things." oh okay, thanks. Overbearing, much? I've never been mean to her. Why does she feel the need to be rude? And by the way, it's learned not learnt, Ms. Know-it-All
Hahaha mintgirl is a straight up rude IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 09, 2011 12:50 PM
Huh?IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2011 05:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: And Lonake, if you wish to keep arguing, fine. We both know that's what you meant: the introversion vs extroversion aspect of it.But I don't want to keep arguing. And don't tell me about mintgirl, she has always been rude when it comes to stating her opinions. "Unlike you, I actually have learnt astrology properly and don't just assume things." oh okay, thanks. Overbearing, much? I've never been mean to her. Why does she feel the need to be rude? And by the way, it's learned not learnt, Ms. Know-it-All
I'm trying to tell you how you're taking things so personally and they're not intended that way. Obviously it's not getting through because you're still harping on mintgirl when she posted in a manner here that is no different than how you made your point on this thread. My mistake in trying."Why does she feel the need to be rude? And by the way, it's learned not learnt, Ms. Know-it-All" ---I said in prev. post that she was putting out the same energy (conviction in her statement) that you were. What is your beef with those who say opposite of you being automatically arrogant? Not used to having your ideas challenged? "We both know that's what you meant: the introversion vs extroversion aspect of it." ---It's not a v.keen way to get your point across to backtrack and try to cover up your steps, because you'll trip yourself up when other people notice. It's better to think it through the first time. And re: Sun conj Venus in composite is so common that a famous astrologer is willing to die over it. You shouldn't, either, until you've studied hundreds of composites of people like they said who had at least 5 yr long romantic commitments. That's what they seemed to be encountering often in their counseling sessions. All the quote said was that they assumed it would be a common factor. That's it. But I'm not surprised as it is in step with you believing everything you read. In school I often remember being taught to critically evaluate information and I've kept that mindset with me, and I also have a naturally analytical mind. Maybe you took the same class and it didn't stick, I think that is a v.dangerous thing. I hope you're only like that with astrology and not other areas in life. I just went through charts of family member data that I do have (I don't have data for all of them) of those who were romantically committed for 5+ yrs, and in composite, -Sun conjunct Venus (10) -Sun makes no conjunctions -Sun conjunct Mercury (1.5) -Sun conjunct Saturn (2) [for the record this was the couple who seemed the most 'in love' and worked best in partnership together out of the bunch, both in career (since they worked together) and in family life (since they raised 3 children together)] -Sun conjunct Venus (3) & Sun conjunct Mercury (4) [and for the record this was a long, unhappy, and physically abusive marriage] Feel free to use it for your research on Sun conj Venus (or Sun/Venus/Merc) in composites. But you're gonna need at least 100 more. And 100 composites is still a small sample size. IP: Logged |
britterfly Knowflake Posts: 701 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 10, 2011 07:49 AM
Please stop.IP: Logged |
Doreen Knowflake Posts: 389 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted September 10, 2011 08:09 AM
That's very Interesting Lonake I always read that Sun Conjunct Venus was the best aspect I've got Moon conjunct Venus with an enemy hahaha he tried to play me out with a house I had on the marketIP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 09:14 AM
I was curious to see for myself if these stellium or conjunctions are existent in long lasting relationships. Though I know that you didn´t say it is a sign of long lasting relationships, but most loving onese, which might not be the same thing in any case. Anyway of course it is not easy to determine the degree of lovingness in a relationship from an outer perspective, but one can see the lasting-factor (though not necesasrily what exactly kept them together).1. my parents: married for 37 years, and I can definitely say theirs has been and still is a very loving relationship; actually it was their love (and similiar views on life) that helped them through quite a few bumps. ° Sun is conjunct Mercury (but Venus is too far off) (sextile neptune and trine Pluto) 2. my best friend and her husband: a couple for nearly 12 years, married for 6 years, they have a pragmatic, yet very gentle-loving relationship with each other (they are both Earth signs)
Not sure what orbs are allowed, but Sun 15 Scorpio NN 12 Sccorpio Venus 07 Scorpio uranus 05 Scorpio Mercury is nowwhere near though, Their Sun/NN-conjunction squares Mars on 14 Leo Their Venus/Uranus-conjunction opposes Jupiter on 8 Taurus squares Saturn on 6 Leo 3. Johnny Cash - June Carter Sun conjunct Venus And Venus is widely conjunct Mercury (the stellium spans from 25 Aries to 4 Taurus with Venus on 1 Taurus)
4. A friend of mine and her soulmate 6 years of relationship, 5 years married. Very healing loving relationship Sun opposes Mercury but Venus is out of the picture. Sun is conjunct Moon in Taurus though
5. Paul Newman - Joanne Woodward a VERY wide stellium of Sun, Venus and Moon Sun 22 Aquarius Moon 28 Aquarius Venus 13 Aquarius Sun is near the Moon/Venus-mp though, but on its own I wouldnßt consider it. there are 15 degrees between Moon and Venus, and mercury is not near. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 09:17 AM
I have that Sun-Mercury-Venus-conjunction with a co-worker of mine. We are getting along well, and I think there is genuine liking, but not in a romantic way. It`s just a pleasant respectful way to treat each other.
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britterfly Knowflake Posts: 701 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 10, 2011 11:29 AM
what do you guys think of this composite?  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 12:14 PM
I`m not good with composite, especially without tying them to the natals, but it looks intensely romantic to me.Venus opposing Sun/Jupiter on the MC, and probably we could consider Venus opposing MOon and Sun/Jupiter being conjunct Moon as well, and maybe even Mercury is part of it. The participation of Jupiter looks like an inbuilt "feeling good" or supportive vibe into the emotional connection. MC might give a sense of purposedness, like there is a direction to the connection (maybe even careerwise?). having said that I see that Chiron is on the IC and on Venus; themes of wounding and healing might also surface. With them being on the IC, it might revolve around homelife, family or even just being the very core of the relationship itself. That what is the underlying theme, which might not be so easy to see from the surface. That Venus/Chiron on the IC is also the apex of the Yod, based on the sextile of Neptune to Saturn/Pluto-conjunction. Looks like really serious business there. Since everything seems to point to Venus(Chiron), I guess the house Venus rules might be very important, which is the 4th, 8th and 9th house. Personally I consider the 4th and 8th house to be the deepest in the whole chart. Is this a transformational connection? It just looks so deep and at the same time it also looks expansive and like the expanding of horizon (or even travelling or being abroad) will play a role, with the loaded 9th house. 9th house of course could also relate to beliefsystems or even higher education as university. But hopefully the composite experts can tell you more.  EDIT: There are also some things pointing to a friendship: chart ruler in 11th house, being part of the Yod. Jupiter conjunct Sun and Moon and opposing Venus. Jupiter on the MC even. Friendship is an important ingredience of any relationship (imo), even if it is not technichally a friendship, but a love relationship. In my experience you have to genuinely like the one you are passionate about to make a relationship work over more than a few weeks.  IP: Logged |
britterfly Knowflake Posts: 701 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 10, 2011 02:08 PM
Ceridwen.. thank you. I am so stoked by your response. I summarized a bit of what you wrote to my hubby, and he was pretty excited by it too, especially the possibility of travel, which is something we both love to do. I am going to have him read your whole interpretation later.You should scratch your belief that you're not good at Composite charts, because I think you are awesome at it. Thank you thank you! You made my day. IP: Logged | |