Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted September 23, 2011 09:00 AM
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MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted September 23, 2011 09:06 AM
i haven't read every post but just wanted to say this..the chance of a composite stellium sun/mercury/venus is not as common as you would think. the sun/mercury/venus are only close to each other in an Individual's Natal chart. in reality the sun/mercury/venus tend to keep together but the composite chart is NOT a reality it is made of hypothetical midpoints. you can have the mercury OPPOSING the sun. that's the furtherest it can get away from the sun. it can have ANY aspect with the composite sun. this is not possible in an Individual's natal due to the proximity of mercury/venus between sun and earth. mercury can only be within 1 sign either side of the sun sign, and venus can only be within 2 signs either side of the sun sign. this is true only to Natal charts. eg. person A has sun at 12 taurus person B has sun at 13 scorpio composite chart sun - 12.30 aquarius person A has mercury at 10 taurus person B has mercury at 8 scorpio composite chart mercury - 9.30 leo person A has venus at 2 cancer person B has venus at 10 capricorn composite chart venus - 6.30 aries only someone who is born near the same month as you will have a liklihood of having these three planets conjunct with yours in Synastry. Composite is rarer seeing as it is a hypothetical point of a planet taken from the midpoint of that planet on each individual's natal. you have just as much chance of having a stellium jupiter/mars/moon than you do a sun/mercury/venus okay now that's clear, i just want to say that i looked up a composite with my best friend who i love to bits and she does me... composite sun/mercury/venus ... and my gorgeous cousin and i who have a close relationship compared to other cousins... we also have the composite sun/venus/mercury most of my significant relationships i have had either mercury/venus mercury/sun venus/sun but not all three. figures why i still havent found my prince hehehe .. close but no cigar lol IP: Logged |
MsCandeh Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted September 23, 2011 09:23 AM
i just consulted one astrology book i have that mentions calculations of composites and i'm sorry i must correct myself in saying that mercury and venus are not close to the sun. “To find the house cusps of the composite charts, the midpoints of all the house cusps are found. This often produces the problem that the result house cusps do not seem to follow the correct sequence in the zodiac because some of the midpoints end up at the opposite end of the zoadic from what is expected. Townley [the guy who devised composite charts] suggests that the Ascendant or Midheaven be used as the starting point and then, if necessary, some of the cusps be modified by 180˚ so they follow in the correct sequence. (Since midpoints represent axes of influence similar to house cusps themselves, this adjustment does not efectively change the notion of a midpoint between the original cusps.) Townley's method also requires Mercury or Venus to occasionally be similarly adjusted so that they end up near the Sun, as would be expected if the chart represented real planetary positions as in a natal chart. The end result is a chart that looks like any natal chart, except that the combination of planetary positions never existed in reality (and probably never could.)” so even though midpoints are calculated correctly, the mercury and venus are automatically adjusted to be on the opposite point by or whoever is doing up the chart. i take back what i said about probability of jupiter/mars/moon being stellium being the same as sun/mercury/venus though i still believe any planetary conjunction / stellium is important in composites. IP: Logged |
LakiSG03 Knowflake Posts: 92 From: United States Registered: Sep 2009
posted September 24, 2011 12:48 AM
I agree with this aspect being one of the most loving relationships.My first love and I have composite Sun conjunct Moon, Mercury, and Venus. Although we're no longer together, we remain best friends. No one has come close to the kind of loving bond we have. It just "clicks" IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 24, 2011 04:48 AM
Of course, my email is -------deleted------Just please don't quote this post because I don't want my email to stay on the internet. I'm gonna erase it later. I'm glad to have some additional positive feedback on the love stellium. Every really really strong crush i have (love at first sight) i have this stellium with. and we always get along and treat each other with so much kindness. Anyway, i've also seen this stellium repeatedly in my friend's crushes and boyfriends. I didn't completely understand the whole thing about adjusting the position of planets in the composite by 180 degrees.. huh? That sounds interesting. Could you explain? I'm suprised you have only had this with such few people, though. I'm sure you've had it a lot more people than that, and you were friends with them but not best friends because the synastry wasn't as powerful. Doesn't mean you weren't loving even as non-best friends though. I swear even as regular friends, or even if you're not friends for that long, they will be kinder to you and will say "I love you!" more than someone who might soon become your best friend but who u dont have this stellium with. Anyway, that brings up an important point. I do think that synastry seems to make a difference. All love stellium relationships will be nicer than other relationships, but the ones with sweet synastry are the ones i would truly term "the most loving of your life." I realized a few days ago i have four crushes (in addition to the other 12 i've had sun conjunct venus or the love stellium with) where the only thing i found in common is that we have a square or semisquare between the moon and venus in either synastry or the composite. Oh, and then there is this one other guy i didn't count in the four that i don't even have moon square venus with, but i'll talk about him later. Here is the description for moon square venus: "When you are together, you feel waves of love and attraction for one another that are impossible to ignore. Tremendous feelings of tenderness, and an urge to care for, comfort, protect, and nurture one another will always be present in your relationship. Some element from your past, possibly interference from your families or previous lovers, will have to be dealt with in some way before you can fully come together. However, the love feelings and heart in this relationship are so strong that those issues can be resolved. The desire for children and/or to create a home together will predominate. —— Compassion, love, friendship, kindness and caring summarize the essence of this configuration. There is a real sense of unity and coming together between you, even in the smallest moments of separation that do occur. Affection seems to be bursting at the seams. You really tend to make each other complete when you are together and you can blend your separate abilities to form a union of one. In time you will find that you really do need each other, and the joy of taking care of each other will permeate your total being. There will also be a dependency on each other which will be very endearing as well. And although you may notice a lot of differences between you, you still seem to be with the “right” person. Find the commonality between you and don’t focus on your differences." I think this definitely sounds pretty nice, no? So maybe moon square venus is another big one in what causes attractions. Definitely there are a lot of different aspects which in combination can produce an attraction, but i have that one other crush left which i didnt have the moon square venus, sun conjunct venus, or love stellium with. But what happens is we had a combination of sun sextile moon, venus trine uranus, venus conjunct mars, mutual moon trine neptune, mutual moon trine pluto, and (unfortunately) mutual moon trine saturn aspects and venus square pluto. Which it's obvious that all these awesome aspects in combination would produce an attraction. But in the composite we didn't have anything too spectacular, sun conjunct jupiter and sextile moon were the two nicest aspects, and the rest were nothing too special. But, for example, with this guy, we are not friends. In fact, i find it hard to get along with him, and i do see him often as he is close to my family. He has sometimes been sweet to me, but we have never gotten along, ever since we were little.
But with the people i have moon square venus with i am still friendly with and have always gotten along with them (but when we chat it's definitely not as loving as the love stellium or even just sun conjunct venus). So i think there may be something to this aspect. I still don't think it's as strong as sun conjunct venus or the love stellium. Definitely with sun conjunct venus there is just this strong stability where you know KNOW.. neither of you could fully turn against the other and there is just this constant kindness and concern for each other. With moon square venus..oh it's lovely, so much tenderness. But, i'm not sure there is that same stability and trust that you'll always be on the same team. But it seems it definitely causes strong feelings and attraction. I can say that i love those people i have moon square venus with, but most times when we talk, the chemistry is not all there. They dont laugh at all my jokes like the sun conjucnt venus people do. We may feel very affectionate, but the love isn't um..equally dispersed in all areas. Lol, as in we don't love each other's minds, sense of humor, appearance, and way of walking/talking all together. It's mostly just a few of those. With sun conjunct venus we can always laugh together..i always think they're not just beautiful on the outside but also witty and charming, and we can totally have this nonstop chemistry. It's different. But it doesnt mean the description of moon squre venus up there wasn't true . Oh, it is. It's just different. It's not chemistry and compatibility on as many levels as sun conjunct venus is. By the way, i am talking about a romantic attraction here. I realize there are lots of aspects that cause people to care about each other in friendship.
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Capriquarius unregistered
posted September 24, 2011 01:37 PM
My parents have this in their composite chart but due to both of them having Pluto in the 7th and one of them having heavy Saturn influence along with Mars in Aries, and both of them having Saturn in the 8th (intimacy issues), their relationship is more based on control and power plays than loving feelings.IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted September 24, 2011 03:12 PM
I just did a multi composite chart of my parents and I and we have a sun/moon/mercury/venus stellium! LOL how neat.IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted September 24, 2011 04:29 PM
Just tried this with all the people that I truly and enduringly love... and ... nope ...not even one Sun/Merc/Venus stellium! Plenty of Sun/Moon aspects (some hard) though and Sun/Merc/Jupiter stelliums. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 24, 2011 07:25 PM
Could you all pretty please post the birth data of you and the people you have no love stellium with? this is way too much curiosity for me to handle right now lol
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 24, 2011 07:35 PM
Well, i'd say a sun/merc/jupiter stellium is second best to a sun/merc/venus stelliumI always feel very loving and nurturing towards people i have sun conjunct jupiter with in the composite. And sun conjunct mercury means that you always find things to talk about. We all know jupiter and venus are the benefics, so it makes sense that this stellium would also be very nice But what i dont understand is how you don't even have ONE sun conjunct venus! ...hmm IP: Logged |
britterfly Knowflake Posts: 701 From: Registered: Jul 2010
posted September 24, 2011 09:01 PM
I read the Neptune supposedly carries Venusian energy, but in a higher, more spiritual form. What would you make of a Sun/Mercury/Neptune stellium?IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 24, 2011 09:11 PM
I've had sun trine neptune a few times in the composite, but never sun conjunct neptune so i'm guessing that's a lot more rare.Sun trine neptune is nice...they made me feel dreamy at times..but it was very fleeting. i don't think it would be all too special. Neptune kinda sucks because even though you feel like you can read each other's minds, the feelings come and go and ur not even sure of what you feel anymore. I think neptune is kind of a bad guy in disguise. I can attest to mutual moon-neptune or sun-neptune aspects in synastry being pretty extraordinary, though. But, again, it's like neptune does more to delude than anything else. I still feel like it often makes you feel like you're walking around in an aimless dreamy haze with someone...unsure of where either of you or the relationship is going. It feels good, but so impractical...and you can feel all these potentials but its like they never fully become reality. It's like you're both aiming to be closer...but it never really happens for some reason. That's why i kind of hate neptune. Lol. It seems so amazing at first, and then you realize it doesnt lead to anything concrete. Sun-venus, sun-jupiter, and venus trine/sextile pluto always make things happen for me, though hehe. Nothin better than instant gratification. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2011 05:44 AM
Lol. I just looked up the description of Composite sun conjunctn neptune and look what it says. I had never even read the descripion of this aspect before, I was just describing what I had experienced with it in relationships. So that's pretty cool."Composite Sun Conjunct Neptune - This is a spiritual union which means that realism and practicality are issues. Selfless giving is good. Savior-victim games are a problem. Is it love or is it confusion? Are you soul mates or cell mates? Strive to make a realistic evaluation of this relationship." I think they make it sound a bit worse than it is, though I completely agree with what it says. But they could have included something about how you always try to inspire each other and never let each other down and idealize each other.
I guess in that sense i can see how it would be a higher form of sun conjunct venus. But the thing with sun conjunct venus is that it is true love....In true love, you see a person's faults and bad qualities and it makes you love them even more because you know you wouldnt want them to be perfect. Their occasional temper is endearing, so is their occasional tendency to act cold and distant, and so is their tendency to be clingy, to make jokes that make no sense, and to phrase their words in a really weird way. It's all endearing and hella cute. But with sun-neptune, you find one flaw, and then u find the next, and the next, and you slowly get more and more disillusioned. Why? Because you idealized them. With sun conjunc venus you see the real person---warts and all. With sun jupter i feel you idealize them too (but nowhere near as much as with sun-neptune. Sun-neptune feels like you just met an angel that fell from heaven lol) but since you have a tendency to gloss over any bad thing they do and just want to be happy for them and encourage them, it's not as shocking. At the same time, though, you eventually realize you put up with their faults because you care for them and not because you "love" them, and not bc u truly even love their bad qualities...bc they are a part of u do a sun-venus person. Not every composite sun-venus person though. The stellium definitely helps, and good synastry is the icing on the cake. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted September 25, 2011 07:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: Well, i'd say a sun/merc/jupiter stellium is second best to a sun/merc/venus stellium
I don't feel I have settled for "second best" with the people with whom I have had long-term loving relationships, including the romantic ones. In fact, from what I understand I have been a darn sight more blessed than most people in this area. Real love and instinctive attunement has certainly been present in the "love" composites that I have experienced, romantic and otherwise. I think that having a close sun/moon aspect of some sort (conj/opp/square /inc/trine/sextile) in all of them makes for a strong love connection. Somehow (for me anyway) it does not seem to matter what the sun/moon aspect is, as long as it is there. Where Sun/Jup conj is present in composites I feel there is an additional magical sense of pure joy and freedom to express ourselves as we truly are. Mercury is usually in there as well, because it never moves far from the sun!
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 25, 2011 05:06 PM
Well sun-moon aspects in the composite create interest between two people. Sun conjunct moon is probably the best, because you feel like you're both headed in the same direction. Sun trine and sextile moon create a sense of equality between you, and sun in bad aspect to moon makes both people completely fascinated by each other...but it also means that u can never be completely comfortable around each other either.I think that maybe the reason why you say you dont feel u've had second best is because you've never felt a sun-venus-mercury stellium, maybe? Sun-jupiter is really great but sun venus and sun-jupiter together, for example, is even better. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted September 26, 2011 02:09 AM
I was only looking at the comps with people I have loved for a long time and where there have been no bad endings, but I did find a composite I had with a boyfriend who I dated for a year or two where we had a sun/ven/merc conjunction. Admittedly the relationship was quite romantic and smooth (but not particularly deep) sailing, we said and did all the right things ... but unfortunately for me it was rather superficial as he ended up sleeping with one of my friends when I was sick and probably not being much fun at the time. There was no aspect to Saturn from the stellium.I can see that Sun/Venus is a feel-good situation that is wonderful when it is genuine and even more wonderful if it lasts a long time, but IMO can also sometimes be shallow when it relies (as in situations like mine) on there being a perpetual honeymoon which is not always the case in real life. I do agree with the premise that composite sun/ven/merc does sometimes feature in love relationships and am happy for those people where this has worked well, but I have a problem about it being a definitive measure for "the most" loving relationships or that these connections are somehow "better" or "more loving" than any other kind. Ah well, maybe we can just agree to disagree on this one.  IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 2867 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 10:50 AM
Hmmmmm... this really makes sense!  I had that with my dad too. Our Composite Sun/Venus/Mercury/Mars/Pluto is in Virgo (Mercury/Venus/mars/pluto is 1 degree difference with Composite Sun further away) which conjuncts my natal Jupiter and saturn loosely. However, our composite Saturn/Uraus conjunction exact is also in Virgo. I never could get very angry with him despite him being very wrong at times. He is the only man I put above everyone else yet he is always not around. Oh well... I have a Composite Sun/Venus/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Virgo too with my kid brother with our composite Mars also loosely conjunct that stellium in Virgo. I dote him but he gets on my nerves and we do fight. This composite stellium in Virgo also exact conjunct my natal saturn and loosely conjunct my natal Jupiter. I have a composite Sun/venus conjunction in cancer with my kid sis but our composite mercury is in Gemini. The composite mercury conjuncts my natal venus and the composite sun/venus conjuncts her mercury. We get along great!  With my other sis, we have composite Venus/mercury conjunction which conjuncts my natal mercury. Our composite sun conjuncts my natal sun and her natal sun/venus/mercury conjunction.  My best relationships are always my family. I really trust them!!  IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:00 AM
How does this look for Sun, Venus, Mercury conjunction? Seventh House too.That Fifth House Pluto and Lilith is kind of obnoxious [cues up the Marvin Gaye music]  Yeah welcome to the anti-social couple with Saturn in the Eleventh House. My best relationships are obviously with the family I created by choice. Unfortunately, things are not so rosy with the family I was born into not by choice. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 2867 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:04 AM
More cases in my life... I met a man in 2009 whom we have a composite venus/mercury conjunction in leo loosely conjunct the composite sun and saturn. This stellium conjuncts my natal sun and his natal moon. But he broke my heart.. fell out of love and yeah avoidin him now. I guess no matter how strong the composite, once out of love, the emotions really do fade. No longer feel that way anymore.Another friend whom we have composite sun/venus exact conjunction (loosely conjunct mercury in Gemini) conjunct my natal Venus (2 degrees) his natal venus (1 degree). Unfortunately, we have composite mars/saturn conjunction exact in virgo which square the stellium (square the composite sun/venus exact).. and his natal mars squares that stellium exact too. I know he likes me a lot... he said he still does despite having gf now and that I am the only girl that he spent the night chatting away til I sleep... I missed him suddenly.. I would really have dated him at one point if he has the courage to ask. He later confessed that if he asked, I would have broken his heart in future.. he's into astrology you see.  Hmmmm... the last guy did'nt have the stellium at all!! But the synastry was really great, sexually, and there are plenty of sexual aspects... even in composite.. hmmmm... thoughts to ponder.. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 2867 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:10 AM
Hi Ian, i just checked. You and me, we have a composite moon (13 degree), Mercury (18 degree), venus (14 degree), chiron (14 degree) conjunction in Aries. Composite sun in libra. Saturn in Sag.  IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:16 AM
Yes lilithpluto... Extremely dangerous, and I don't even need astrology to sense any of that. The feeling I get in my gut talks to me, even if its over the internet! 
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RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 11:23 AM
Lilithpluto, for the last guy you mentioned, we would have to see your composite chart! Can you post the birth information? Not the chart..I like to work with birth dates. The reason why you didn't like the second guy back is becaus of the stellium being square saturn! In previous posts in this thread, I mentioned in my experience it means unrequited love....and a few people posted about their experiences on how it has meant unrequited love in their life. The only thing that says is okay is neptune conjunctions, but negative neptune aspects are bad.The firs guy with whom you had the stellium loosely conjunct saturn, since it was only loosely conjunct it didn't show right away, but he probably had lesser feelings for you! Again, unrequited love. Next time you see saturn, uranus, or neptune conjunct or negatively aspecting the sun, moon or venus in the composite, please stay away! Saturn kills, lol. And the composite is a relationship's destiny....there is no escaping it. Uranus makes it so a relationship never even happens, or it's on and off. Neptune means major disillusionment over and over again. IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 2867 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Yes lilithpluto... Extremely dangerous, and I don't even need astrology to sense any of that. The feeling I get in my gut talks to me, even if its over the internet! 
Lol yeah!! Hmmm, I should find a guy like you to date rather than the above two!!!! At least no saturn aspects in composite that means unequited love!!!!!  IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by lilithpluto: Lol yeah!! Hmmm, I should find a guy like you to date rather than the above two!!!! At least no saturn aspects in composite that means unequited love!!!!! 
Except that the guy shouldn't have one foot in the grave like me  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 11:37 AM
YoursTrulyAlways, the composite is "okay" You at least have most of the planets clustered together on one side of the chart so that's good. That means there is direction and a sense of unity there. However, it doesn't show a very loving chart. There is no love stellium because the sun and venus are not conjunct, the sun and mercury are not conjunct, and the mercury and venus are barely conjunct. Neptune thrown in there is nice, and the sun reining jupiter is nice, plus mars thrown in there means fun times and a tendency to wake each other up. But the relationship is not ery romantic with venus only trining saturn, and the intimacy is not too good either with the moon barely making any aspects. However, it is a harmonious relationship, and a good friendship. Sun trine jupiter shows that. And neptune in there, too. I guess maybe if you have really good synastry it could be romantic because jupiter and neptune are romantic often, especially neptune, but the fact that the venus and moon are so unaspected worries me about the future of the relationship. Mars theown in there would be what makes a sexual attraction possible. It depends on the synastry, honestly. I'm just saying it's only an "okay" chart. This isnt going to be the love of your life you cant possibly live without.
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