Topic: The most loving relationships of your life: Tight Composite Sun c. Venus and Mercury
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 02:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: YTA,your composite is absolutely fine, from several perspectives. And you know your synastry. Just adding one more nuance to it: the ruler of the DESC, Pluto, conjunct the ruler of the MC, Uranus, both being placed in 5th house. A relationship with a purpose of becoming official and visible to the world, and an important area has to do with romance, erotic and children. Pluto in the 5th is intensely erotic, just as BML there. And Uranus in 5th - did you come together very quick? Was it love at first sight? BTW, even though some may not agree with me, astrology is a part of reality. If the chart does not seem to reflect the reality, then either people are not seeing clearly what is really happening (which is more than unlikely in your case; time has already proved you right), or, and that is more often the case, the astrologers miss something important.
I didn't say I disagree with you I said I have a hard time understanding It is complex and it requires patience, and my four-legged Earthly self tends to be analytical but runs out of steam when things are not always practical lol Unfortunately, I'm this way in real life too, and I get impatient with my bosses when they start to spout what I consider mumbo jumbo that I don't understand, even when they are right rofl 
The whole entire idea aboutt his marriage was House and Children. Having children and playing House was the childhood dream of both of us, and there was nothing more I wanted as a 5 year old, or 14 year old, or 19 year old than to marry the woman I love, move into the big house I dreamt about and have children. That is our mission in life. Yes. Pluto in the 5th House is intensely erotic. I married a true virgin who turned out to have missed her calling as a porn star lol I was a naughty boy who had lots and lots and lots of sex partners as a bachelor. No woman I have ever been with has her voracious appetite for sex. Ever. Of course, the way she looks helps things on my end. I'm personally not much to look at, but I guess a woman doesn't necessarily go for looks alone. As far as Uranus in 5th. We met on February 27th. On March 11th, she surprised me with a "I Love You So Much." On March 22th, it was "When Do You Think We Should Marry..." keep in mind that was from her, not from me. On March 24th, it was "What Do You Think We Need to be Married?" On March 25th, it was "Will You Marry Me?" On May 27th it was "I Do" and "Yes, I Do."... "You May Kiss The Bride." Of course. In between all that, it was "W-T-F!!! How can you think of marring her/him" and "You better not be sleeping together" and "What? He is not moving in with you" and "How can you possibly think of not marrying a Chinese/White whatever" and "You marry her and I won't give you the time of the day" and "How can you marry that ,insert distasteful term>" And then it was "Dad, you don't have the time of the day" and she was more direct with "Dad, go f@*k yourself." IP: Logged |
StelliumH6 Knowflake Posts: 457 From: Registered: May 2009
posted January 12, 2012 02:40 PM
Hi. Mr. Pisces and I have Moon (not Sun)/Venus/Mercury/Neptune/Pluto corresponding aspects in our composite chart. All 2 degrees and under.i.e. Venus conjunct Mercury Venus sextile Moon Moon sextile Mercury Moon sextile Pluto Mercury trine Pluto Venus trine Pluto Neptune sextile Pluto Would that make a significant difference with having the Moon involved rather than the Sun? Also, our chart ruler is (Gemini)Mercury. Mercury falls in the composite 8th house. What does this mean? Thank you. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 04:44 PM
StelliumH8 I dont really kniw how to ansee your question. I can only say the meaning of having the moon instead of the sun in this kind of stellium in the composite chart. Basically, if you were to replace the sun with the moon in a stellium with the llanets you mentioned, it would be a lot dreamier and moody as well. You would both be more introverted as a couple and more unrealistic basically your relationship would take on more the feminine and somehwat gloomy tone of the moon/cancer. While with the sun ofcourse you'd be more extriverted together, giving each other clmpliments, more the center of attention, and mre sunny together, as well as independent but still very much a close couple.IP: Logged |
IamLoved Knowflake Posts: 416 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 05:12 PM
I pray to one day experience the most loving relationship of my life, for the rest of my life!! DIP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 09:29 PM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: Lilithpluto the synastry is amazing. Nothing beats the subastry YOurstrulyalways posted though. That's probably the craziest most amazing synastry ive ever seen lol.
RunAroundScreaming, Can you please enlighten me what you personally find appealing in the synastry? I'm just trying to learn the astrology. Many thanks for everything! IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 09:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: Libra Mars/Saturn conj opposing Aries Mars/Venus conj?
well, mars opposite saturn isn't good, it's actually a really bad aspect according to cafeastrology's checklist. mars opp mars isn't good either, obviously. venus opp mars, isn't bad It means a strong sexual attraction. venus opposite saturn isn't good either... IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 09:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: RunAroundScreaming,Can you please enlighten me what you personally find appealing in the synastry? I'm just trying to learn the astrology. Many thanks for everything!
Trine Sun – Mercury 2 Conjunction Venus – Uranus 1 = love/lust at first sight Conjunction Jupiter – Uranus 1 = fun times Conjunction Mercury – Uranus 1 = extreme mental/conversational chemistry Conjunction Venus – Pluto 2 = just the fact that you have the CONJUNCTION in a double whammy, is is...soo so incredible. There are no words to describe how much u probably cant live without each other! Opposition Venus – Mars 2 = double whammy as well, strong sexual chemistry. Conjunction Jupiter – Pluto 1 = no idea what that means. shrugs. Trine Mercury – Pluto 1 = you can tell each other everything, you confide things in each other u dont tell anyone else, long conversations, and you also transform each other's point of view frequently. Trine Mars – Jupiter 2 = good chemistry, good physical compatibility Trine Mars - Pluto 2 = sexual magentism, and it's DW! you work well power struggles or ego issues. IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 10:08 PM
Thank you very much. Now I have to get to work to figure out the "Double Whammies." IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 10:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Thank you very much. Now I have to get to work to figure out the "Double Whammies."
lmao...maybe i interpreted what 1 and 2 meant....I guess you meant that was the degree/orb/whatever you call that thing? Is there something I'm missing? I thought you wrote two because the aspect happens twice in your synastry IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:09 PM
Hahaha. Sorry. No. The 1s and 2s were Synastry relationship scores off the dorky article (that is so widely quoted) at They produce a silly meaningless relationship score that so many women use to evaluate the quality of their dates. . Someone once wrote something about some aspect being double whammy, although I haven't found it yet. I'm just learning.  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 11:12 PM
Kay, a double whammy is just when, say, you have venus sextile pluto and venus square pluto both happening in your synastry with someone. Comprende? Yeah? Simple, no?IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 7132 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted January 12, 2012 11:46 PM
To me, there's no question that Venus Ops. Mars, and Mars Trine(?) Venus. Is that considered a DW?IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 12, 2012 11:51 PM
Yep  and by the way venus conjunct pluto doesnt need a double whammy is plenty awesome all by itself  IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6430 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 13, 2012 04:14 AM
quote: Originally posted by RunAroundScreaming: well, mars opposite saturn isn't good, it's actually a really bad aspect according to cafeastrology's checklist.mars opp mars isn't good either, obviously. venus opp mars, isn't bad It means a strong sexual attraction. venus opposite saturn isn't good either...
Thanks,but,in all fairnness it is strong attraction. Especially Venus oppo Saturn.
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inthemisosoup Knowflake Posts: 460 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted January 13, 2012 12:28 PM
The only person I have the sun/venus/mercury conjunction is my best friend's fiancee . . . and for sure he isn't the love of my life but we do get on very well together, and my bff has told me multiple times I'm his favorite of her friends. But there's nothing romantic there, just a lot of easy comfort together.My best composite is with an ex of mine who I dated on and off for one year. We had a lot of karmic stuff going on in synastry, too, like AC/DC conjunction, Eros conjunct Psyche, etc. But it wasn't a very easy relationship, and he hurt me/I hurt him a lot of the time. And it just turns out his type of love is too . . . grounded and distant. I have Scorpio Venus/Pluto conjunction and want a lot of emotion/depth to relationships, something I don't get with him. Now we are friends, but it is still an awkward sort of friendship where I believe he still sees me as a lover (although platonic, since we don't kiss or anything). I hurt him a lot nowadays since I just don't think he sees that I want to be friends, and not best friends, either. Just casual friends. Our composite: IP: Logged |
amowls** Knowflake Posts: 1948 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted January 13, 2012 02:12 PM
MOST loving? Affection is there, sure, but the way 66% of the relationships I've had with these "love stelliums" ended is nothing to brag about lol.I dated this dude for a year and now I hate him because I realized he was a total ******* : Sun at 5 Pisces Venus at 5 Pisces Mars at 2 Pisces Mercury at 27 Aqua Wasn't ever in an official relationship with this one, though we dated for about a month the first time but he didn't want to settle down (plus we argued constantly... DW Moon hard aspect to Mars in synastry). A year later, when I was dating the ******* above, I had an affair with him. To be honest, I still think about him a lot: Venus at 20 Aqua Sun at 23 Aqua Mars at 23 Aqua Mercury at 4 Pisces First "adult" boyfriend, lost my virginity to him and dated him for 2 1/2 years (from 17-19 respectively). I started getting bored and wanted to see what else was out there so I dumped him and started seeing the one above: Mercury at 7 Taurus Venus at 9 Taurus Sun at 10 Taurus Jupiter at 12 Taurus Current guy I'm dating with NO "love stellium," and have been dating him for 2 years. This relationship sort of resembles the one above. Mercury 29 Aries Sun 2 Taurus both trine Saturn at 4 Capricorn Jupiter unaspected Venus exact trine with Moon IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1768 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 14, 2012 12:07 AM
 Ookay. Am definitely tech challenged. I love how you guys post pictures of charts directly onto the thread page. I need help. How do I transfer the pic from my photobucket acc. to this page? Could someone please have the patience to walk me thro' it step-by-step? Embarrassed to ask, but asking anyways. IP: Logged |
Lioness Knowflake Posts: 6881 From: Registered: Mar 2010
posted January 14, 2012 12:09 AM
What if the composite is Sun and Mercury (taurus) conjunct both opps Mars (scorpio)would that be anything?? IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 4148 From: Miami Registered: Aug 2011
posted January 14, 2012 12:22 AM
quote: Originally posted by amowls**: MOST loving? Affection is there, sure, but the way 66% of the relationships I've had with these "love stelliums" ended is nothing to brag about lol.
I agree I had this stellium with my best friend from HS..and affection is a good way to describe it.. I felt good emotionally wise but never considered her a soulmate and relationship ended bc she took me for granted....I have this with my dad too and again I feel affection and we have a nice flow and enjoy his company but the stellium also includes neptune in it and it gives this nice flow of idealism and spirituality to the connection that with BF from HS it just felt like affection and comfort emotionally which other aspects in composite or synastry can give the same feeling and when I think of soulmates indicators the first thing that comes to mind is not affection.....I think affection with friendship and family ties....with soulmates I think and want to feel intensity and passion, passionate love, strong psychic connection, wanting to merge, challenges as soulmates are suppose to help you grow and adventure to keep things interesting , etc.... This stellium feels really affectionate yes and I associate that with family and friends more than with romantic soulmates. If you have it with your partner and like it, awesome! we all have different things we want in relationships and different needs but I don't think it is the most important astrological indicator of soulmate connection at all, just one of many. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 14, 2012 01:24 AM
Right, neptune would give that dreamy feeling that would feel more like soulmates. Everybody knows pluto relationships are the real soulmate feeling relationships. Obviously synastry and other aspects in composite still modify the intensity of the relationship. You will not have the same intensity with everyoe you have a love stellium with. I have found love intensity to be linked to venus-pluto or sun-pluto and surprisingly, moon in negative aspect to venus. In both synastry and composite. But if u have meaningful aspects and you also have a love stellium I really think that that will be a very important and loving relationship in your life. Neptune is an amazingly romantic connection but it is more often than not platonic rather than sexual so a lot of the time it leads to friendship. But if it does it would be a very spiritual experience in sex. IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6430 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted January 14, 2012 03:37 AM
My best friend and I have Sun/Merc/Venus all clustered on same degree And Moon/Pluto conj trining Mars.Very loving relationship,we are true friends. Our sinastry is pretty cool,too. She,with Virgo moon and exalted Sun and Mars,I with domiciled Sun and Mars,Cappy Moon. My Libra Asc on 12,her Cappy on 8... IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 14, 2012 04:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by VenusDiSirius: My best friend and I have Sun/Merc/Venus all clustered on same degree And Moon/Pluto conj trining Mars.Very loving relationship,we are true friends. Our sinastry is pretty cool,too. She,with Virgo moon and exalted Sun and Mars,I with domiciled Sun and Mars,Cappy Moon. My Libra Asc on 12,her Cappy on 8...
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 23108 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 14, 2012 04:32 AM
Neptune can also point to soulmates, just like Pluto, it is simply lacking the sexual intensity, and it is more kind of "spiirtual soulmates". Sometimes downright platonic, sometimes very romantic, but doesn`t have this raw (sexual) hunger, Pluto has.IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Moderator Posts: 8150 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted January 14, 2012 04:51 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Neptune can also point to soulmates, just like Pluto, it is simply lacking the sexual intensity, and it is more kind of "spiirtual soulmates". Sometimes downright platonic, sometimes very romantic, but doesn`t have this raw (sexual) hunger, Pluto has.
Yep. I've actually said that myself in a few posts. =) Thanks for pointing it out, it is important.
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Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 880 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted January 14, 2012 08:33 AM
David Cochrane has an interesting theory on composites, although his emphasis is on sun moon conjunctions or oppositions being the most significant which does make sense as they are the luminaries and are the prime signification of yin/yang combining in a relationship. He explains it like this :“As explained in the book Astrology for the 21st Century, a conjunction or opposition in the composite chart forms a very powerful symmetrical energetic system. Amazingly, when a conjunction or opposition occurs in the composite chart, there are two sets of identical angles.For example: Suppose that in a composite chart the Sun is conjunct the Moon. The composite Sun is, by definition, the midoint of the Sun in both charts, and the composite Moon is the midpoint of the Moon in both charts.Let's refer to one chart as "his" chart and one as "her" chart: The conjunction or opposition in the composite chart occurs only if the angle of his Sun to her Moon is the same as the angle of her Moon to his Sun. Also the Sun-Moon angle in his chart is the same as the Sun-Moon angle in her chart, but in the opposite phase.For example: if the angle of his Sun to her Moon is 40 degrees, then the angle of her Sun to his Moon is also 40 degrees. Aso, if his Sun-Moon angle is a waxing sextile, her Sun-Moon angle is a waning sextile.To summarize, using symbols SuA for A's Sun, SuB for B's Sun, MoA for A's Moon, and MoB for B's Moon, we have the following: A Conjunction or Opposition in the Composite Chart occurs only if:SuA-MoB = SuB-MoA, and SuA-MoA = SuB-MoBWhen angles are the same, they resonate with each other and create a powerful energetic system. When angles are the same, a symmetrical pattern is formed. Symmetry is critically important in quantum theory and in SuperString Theory. For more information on this theory, I would suggest reading Mario Livio's book, "Symmetry". I believe that astrology will grow into a discipline with strong connections to cutting edge theories in physics and mathematics.” IP: Logged |