Topic: moon conjunct venus synastry, why is it so special??
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 03:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by annaf: What do you think in your natal chart explains, that your venus conjunct s.o.'s sun leaves you cold? Is your venus in a quite neutral house or is afflicted?I'm interested because I used to be the sun in a sun-venus connection and was completely blown away by the guy. He as the venus person seemed attracted, but it was always ambivalent and never clear.....In the end he ended up with someone whose venus conjuncted his moon!
Hi annaf, For me, it's the fact that my Venus is sq Saturn/Pluto, so their Sun squares my Saturn/Pluto which can be interpreted as power struggles or the other person just rubbing you the wrong way, or at least I personally don't have the patience to put up with it, but maybe someone else with the same config would. If their Sun were trining my Saturn/Pluto then I would like the way that they do business, but the Sun square, I look at them and think they've got it all wrong and are uninspiring. Sun sq Saturn/Pluto is much more tense imo than Moon sq Saturn/Pluto because the Moon does not vie for control and its ego is not involved, it just wants its needs met, as in yesterday, but the Sun wants to run the show. The closer of those squares is actually the one to Pluto, which is 1 deg off. Saturn is 4 deg off, so Pluto tends to hold sway in those matters. And yes my Venus is in a neutral house, the 6th, but I like when for example someone's Mercury is conj my Venus or their Moon or Jupiter just not their Sun or Mars, typically, and now you can see why (!) Someone's Sun trining my Venus, I am all for that & am v.v.easily attracted to them, it's unbelievable. Other people might like the tension of squares, it depends. I have a chart full of sq & I'm kinda over it, but some other people with lots of sq might be drawn to the drama. I have a more sensitive chart so it's not for me. The only exception I've found is when someone turns my squares into a grand cross when compared to their chart. The tension eases there as well but there's still some good energy (and a lot of attraction)."I used to be the sun in a sun-venus connection and was completely blown away by the guy. He as the venus person seemed attracted, but it was always ambivalent and never clear.....In the end he ended up with someone whose venus conjuncted his moon!" ---OK I can see this Sun liking the traits/looks of Venus cos it's in line with who they are, so it's a feel good/self congratulatory sort of vibe. Can you say anymore about his Venus aspects and your Sun? I don't think your situation was like mine tho. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: But that was probably because the Moon-Venus-guy was a psycho. 
You must not be the type then to go in for drama cos some gals would like that. Prob gals who has psycho Sun/Mars aspects  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 08, 2011 03:39 PM
He was not into me. He rather chose to make my friend`s life a hell for some months. And I guess that damned Moon-Venus-conjunction "blinded" me, too, as I didn`t spot the manipulative psychopath in him at first (or I would have warned her). His Moon was squaring Pluto as well (though not squaring my Venus).His Moon was conjunct her DESC and Pluto squared it and was even opposing her Moon. Interestingly she married a man who has Sun on her DESC. But they have a much healthier relationship imo.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 08, 2011 03:45 PM
L,we react quite differently then. I love it if someone sparks my Venus-Pluto-square, especially if its the man`s Sun or Mars conjunct my Venus, sometimes even Venus. Actually i once experienced a guy`s Venus conjunct my Venus, his Mars conjunct my Pluto exact, his Eros conjunct my Venus exact, his Mars square my Venus, his Venus and Eros square my Pluto. Compulsive is an understatement. Well, he is gay, so it was completely onesided, but I surely felt these aspects. lol IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 04:13 PM
^ Yea I have the addition of Saturn to Pluto as well as Mars but Mars is farther off. And I like actually when someone's Aries Sun is opp my Saturn/Pluto sq my Moon/Venus but I think this is due more to the fact that their Sun would be conj my MC and I love MC connections in synastry. Between us there is none of that bs, I always adore them (we have mutual admiration society). If the sq is from Cancer then it's also not as strong as I like the Sun opp Moon/Venus aspect a lot I find it v.attractive plus their Sun would be within 10 deg of my NN. Also I don't have any oppositions in my chart so that could be another factor. IP: Logged |
annaf Knowflake Posts: 60 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted September 08, 2011 05:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE]Originally posted by annaf: [b] "I used to be the sun in a sun-venus connection and was completely blown away by the guy. He as the venus person seemed attracted, but it was always ambivalent and never clear.....In the end he ended up with someone whose venus conjuncted his moon!" ---OK I can see this Sun liking the traits/looks of Venus cos it's in line with who they are, so it's a feel good/self congratulatory sort of vibe. Can you say anymore about his Venus aspects and your Sun? I don't think your situation was like mine tho.
Lonake, Interesting! I'm not surprised I reacted to his venus on my sun because it also fell into my 7th house and as I also have venus in my 7th house it also conjuncted my venus and basically symbolised everything I need 7th house wise. His venus had some difficult aspects natally like a pluto square and saturn opposition. So I guess anyone touching his venus (and I basically bombarded it with my planets) must feel potentially uncomfortable. Although as someone else said, I think it really depends from person to person. For instance my sun is really badly aspect and ALSO has a pluto square and saturn opposition....and obvioulsy I don't mind it :-) I think it really depends on whether someone likes or needs tension or prefers smoother connections Interestingly, the guy's moon and mars were really well aspected natally and that's apparently what he prefers to have stimulated in a relationship instead. IP: Logged |
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 1404 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 08, 2011 11:38 PM
quote: Originally posted by Doreen: Moon conjunct Venus is nice but Sun conjunct Venus is AMAZING
hahaha, the person i was talking about - his moon conjuncts my venus and my sun conjuncts his venus. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 08, 2011 11:57 PM
See, freebrainstorms has some good insight here then Listen to her (!) "i'm not that close with him yet" O wait I just saw this. I was gonna grill for details. OK, the romantic drama is unfolding. Suspense (!) Keep us up to date, it sounds dreamy at first blush  . . . Hi annaf, "and basically symbolised everything I need 7th house wise." ---Awww I just felt when I read this. "and ALSO has a pluto square and saturn opposition" ---Gotta get my head around this. So you guys had a tsquare with, his Venus conj your Sun sq your Plutos and opp your Saturns. Did either of you have anything opp Pluto to turn it into a grand cross, even ASC? IP: Logged |
heartstrings Knowflake Posts: 440 From: the pineapple under the sea Registered: Aug 2011
posted September 09, 2011 03:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: "the venus person (me) usually falls in love with the moon person(him) first" ---Yea that's typically how it's stated, that Venus feels the affection first but is def not a rule. Just see my response above, I don't respond well to people who have Sun on my Venus but I do to those with Moon there. So it's more a case of looking at the natals first when you have two people who might be interested in each other or are dating/married.
i get where you're coming from 
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Saraintheski Knowflake Posts: 671 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 09, 2011 03:14 AM
what about venus sextile moon and pluto ?IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 09, 2011 03:21 AM
^ A friendship bond? Sextile is not as strong an aspect.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 09, 2011 02:16 PM
Lonake,Mars is also in the picture? Well, like always we have to look at the whole I think. I only have Venus in Cappy squaring Pluto and MC. No other oppositions or squares to these two or three. I have Mars-ASC semisextile Venus, so whenever someones planets is in Libra squaring my Venus (I like that too) it is also sextile my Mars-ASC. Though sextile is not so strong per se, it is certainly a different situation to someone who has only squares and oppositions to their Venus. Actually I have Jupiter in 11 Pisces, widely sextile my Venus on 6 Cappy, and usually, if someone`s planet is on my Venus, it is from 6 to 11 degrees, so I wonder if maybe a sextile to Jupiter might help out a little here. I agree on the sextile aspect, to me that is THE friendship aspect.
I wonder, how would you characterize the other aspects? IP: Logged |
Saraintheski Knowflake Posts: 671 From: Registered: May 2011
posted September 09, 2011 02:43 PM
no not a friendship bond at all i'd say this is really accurate i'm the venus Venus sextile Pluto: What does it mean to your relationship when your natal Venus is sextile your partner’s Pluto? You have an opportunity to become very close with your romantic partner in ways which will change the ways in which you love and give you an intensity of passion and desire you have never felt nor imagined. Your relationship and your lover compel your attention. If your romantic partner’s Venus is sextile your Pluto, he/she feels incredibly close to you, sexually moved, profoundly attracted, willing to unburden a lifetime worth of secrets in order to stand naked in your gaze, and willing to turn his/her back upon the world if it will win your love and attention. IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Knowflake Posts: 8223 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 09, 2011 02:58 PM
Venus sextile Pluto in synastry: You are able to pour your hearts out to each other and feel like you are able to express your feelings to each other very fully. You do not indulge in superficial social 'games' and masks with one another, so this is likely to be an unusually intense, close friendship. Pluto adds depth to anything it touches. So Venus aspecting Pluto means...deep love. =)
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2011 06:39 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I agree on the sextile aspect, to me that is THE friendship aspect. I wonder, how would you characterize the other aspects?
Conjunct the identical twin, v.intimate but lack of perspective, sextile the friend on the side who is in your corner but would not fight for you, square the negative inner voice that speaks of all the things that could go wrong and then invites negativity from others, could also be called the black cloud, trine the rich uncle or personal spiritual guru who is a reliable and supportive benefactor, opposition the opponent in boxing ring who shows you what you're made of."usually, if someone`s planet is on my Venus, it is from 6 to 11 degrees, so I wonder if maybe a sextile to Jupiter might help out a little here." ---Yes I would think so (!) Venus/Jupiter is a feel-good aspect. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 09:21 AM
Lonake,except for the square I would agree with you on the characterization of the aspects.  I always found the square to be a very passionate aspect (well, maybe not so much Saturn-squares). A "too-much" aspect. But I give your characterization consideration. Yes, Venus-Jupiter is good, but well, I almost never pay really attention to sextiles. But in this case they may relieve some of the tension. EDIT: I always associate the squares with "I WANT" And how these different "wants" are clashing. Not very compromising.
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Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 10, 2011 10:12 AM
That's interesting. My chart is ridden with squares and I don't experience conflicts between 'my wants' as you put it. I see all my squares as acting in unison, each sq combining 2 energies into one and each combined energy is adamant that it wants to run the show. I think the biggest 'conflict' would be what my Sun/Uranus sq wants (breathing room/distance) vs. what my Moon/Pluto sq is after (deep intimacy and closeness). Maybe since they both involve the lights is why I feel them so acutely. My Sun/Uranus is afraid it's gonna be hampered down so it acts out more than necessary to assure that it won't be under anyone's thumb. My Moon/Pluto is certain that this feeling I have is all that matters and feels the repression of it is tantamount to death. With those energies, those strong squares, when they're not under control, like when I'm scared someone is getting too close or when I feel overwhelmed by my emotions, then that is when it starts spilling over and people react, as in negative energy starts circulating around. That's my black cloud. Usually I run a tight ship tho. But my Uranus isn't in conflict with my Sun, my Pluto isn't in conflict with my Moon, they work together. I sort of feel them as conjunctions gone nuclear.The conflict between wants I would associate more with the opp. IP: Logged |
Stawr Moderator Posts: 3770 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted September 10, 2011 12:25 PM
I have a Scorp Moon. And I find a lot of Scorpy Venus people to be great.(and the find many of the guys to be very attractive, and feel like I am falling and lusting for them so hard) But then I also have Pisces Venus.As far as I know I havn't been in a relationship with a Scorp Venus. And with my Pisces Venus, I love Pisces moon people so much, there is just something so beautiful about them. (guy or girl) Never been in a relationship with one also.
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Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 10, 2011 12:32 PM
Lonake,hmm, I have to think about that more deeply I guess. Would you say that your luminaries are "coloured" through uranus and Pluto? (That was the other theory I had in mind, espeically concerning the outer planets). EDIT 2: I guess you already answered that above. Personally I can feel very clearly how my Pluto in 10th house pulls into a different direction than my Venus in 1st house does. Venus just wants to be left alone most of the time, because that is what she really enjoys, or at least talk about important stuff, no smalltalk please! (Venus, as ruler of 5th house in Cappy). And then there is Pluto in Libra in 10th house and urges me to go to representative or even private parties where I have to do exactly that, small talk, though most of the time I am in the observant role. Another example: my job so often demands my presence and full dedication and being an "authority" in a certain sense, that I often just do not find the time to do all the things I personally enjoy (Venus in 1st). Even another example: my (inner) mother definitely had a different image of how a woman should be (Pluto in 10th house as the parental house, my mum is a Scorpio, so the Pluto fits here) than how I turned out to actually be (Venus in 1st house).
EDIT: At the same time I can relate to what you wrote, also. I see a very strong conflict / dichotomy between my Venus/Pluto-square and Mars/ASC/Neptune conjunction squaring Jupiter for example. So many things signifying need for independence (1st house emphasis in Sag), even detachment (Moon in Aqua) or escapism (Neptune dominance), great fantasylife, but with a tendency to love all the world in a rather distanced way (spiritual love I mean) and of course there is this analytical tendencies as well (Moon in Aqua; Sun conjunct Mercury in 1). And then there is the Venus/Pluto-square. I am like described in the paragraph above most of the time, but wait until I fall in love. Falling in love is literally hell. I guess there are some other constellations that tie into that (Moon in 2nd house; Saturn in 8th house; mutual house reception of the 2nd and 8th house rulers). It is in strong contrast to the more idealistic, intellectual and dreamy orientation of my overall being. Suddenly it feels like a thing of life and death, and my other planets are just completely confused by that. But seriously I would never want to exchange my Venus-Pluto-square for anything.
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RunAroundScreaming Knowflake Posts: 8223 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted September 10, 2011 04:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Lonake,except for the square I would agree with you on the characterization of the aspects.  I always found the square to be a very passionate aspect (well, maybe not so much Saturn-squares). A "too-much" aspect. But I give your characterization consideration. Yes, Venus-Jupiter is good, but well, I almost never pay really attention to sextiles. But in this case they may relieve some of the tension. EDIT: I always associate the squares with "I [b]WANT" And how these different "wants" are clashing. Not very compromising.[/B]
I totally agree....squares are always "I WANT" for me...especially in my natal. In makes my wants really passionate.
I found this on cafeastrology and it's so true: Venus in Aspect to pluto: They arouse in one another some of their deepest insecurities, as there can be an intense fear of losing one another.
In your relationship with each other, your powerful urges and desires will sometimes lead to possessiveness, jealousies and desire to control others. The lesson to be learned from this aspect is that holding on too tightly will cause you to lose what you want most. Learn to relax your grip and trust that what belongs to you will stay with you willingly, no need to force it. Issues of scarce resources or feelings of not enough can create financial problems or anger. If you are struggling, get some help through classes or personal counseling to resolve and loosen negative habits. I also have venus square pluto natally, And that's exactly what I feel with every person in my life. I'm so scared of losing them, my grip on them is too tight.
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annaf Knowflake Posts: 60 From: Registered: Jun 2009
posted September 10, 2011 07:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: See, freebrainstorms has some good insight here then Listen to her (!) "i'm not that close with him yet" O wait I just saw this. I was gonna grill for details. OK, the romantic drama is unfolding. Suspense (!) Keep us up to date, it sounds dreamy at first blush  . . . Hi annaf, "and basically symbolised everything I need 7th house wise." ---Awww I just felt when I read this. "and ALSO has a pluto square and saturn opposition" ---Gotta get my head around this. So you guys had a tsquare with, his Venus conj your Sun sq your Plutos and opp your Saturns. Did either of you have anything opp Pluto to turn it into a grand cross, even ASC?
Lonake, no, not really. Is that significant? (Natally he has only an extremely wide jupiter-pluto opposition, in synastry his pluto opposes my Black moon lilith and my pluto opposes his chiron.) IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted September 12, 2011 01:46 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Personally I can feel very clearly how my Pluto in 10th house pulls into a different direction than my Venus in 1st house does. Venus just wants to be left alone most of the time, because that is what she really enjoys, or at least talk about important stuff, no smalltalk please! (Venus, as ruler of 5th house in Cappy).
Hi C, I think I know where we may be divided, or at least looking at it from diff angles. I was pointing more to the psychology of it, the actual aspect by itself and its manifestation in the personality which is one thing. The other side of the story is reading the chart based on house rulers and where those 2 sit, what signs they're in, and the effect they have on each other, looking at that would paint a much more diverse picture and in there you'd have certain areas of life emerging and the wants as you put it being dissimilar. I was simplifying tho for characterization what feels right to me. If I put it in the context of my chart then it'd lose some of that and be geared to certain areas of my life. But I see how both have merit."But seriously I would never want to exchange my Venus-Pluto-square for anything." --- I'm in same boat. It makes life colorful at least Lioness has one too, I'm sure she'd attest to same (!) . . . quote: Originally posted by annaf: Lonake, no, not really. Is that significant?
Was wondering if there were any major configs in the synastry. I've seen them point to drawing people together, just one factor, such as if there was a point opp Pluto in your synastry it would create a grand cross. Not a guarantee of course just something I've often seen. I'm not sure if they point to longevity either.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Moderator Posts: 28169 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted September 12, 2011 03:04 AM
Lonake,yes, the thought crossed my mind yesterday. That I was putting emphasis on the houses, where the aspects played out and you were coming more from a characterization point of view, which I also do a lot. I mean what other reason would there be to associate a Venus/Pluto-square with Venus in Scorpio for example? So, I think it was just two ways to look at the same things, maybe two layers to the same c onfiguration. So, yes, I think we are still on the same page.  IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3333 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted September 12, 2011 03:18 AM
Venus square Pluto people have spmething special in their look not many people have. Magnificent and strongt.IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 68234 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted September 12, 2011 11:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Actually it is the synastry that shows how two people are affected by each other and feel for each other. The composite shows the relationship and what is manifesting there.Always interesting to see what of the synastric attraction really makes it into the chart of the relationship, and what is being modified. Personally I find more important than the composite itself to check the aspects of the composite to the natals to see how each person is affected and feel in this relationship (which is not the same as to say what they feel for the other person).
I am gonna make you a T shirt with the word Brilliant, in Rhinestone on the front  IP: Logged | |