Topic: Mars in Scorpio--How do they pursue?
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 896 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 10, 2011 11:17 PM
ugh maybe i should take the fact that this guy ISN'T pursuing me as a sign he isn't interested in me then. it's so hard to be passive as a sag mars.... Mind you, he did follow me from computer lab to computer lab after i changed rooms on him but he might've just moved to get away from me after i awkwardly hit on him the week before in the other computer lab. blech, i hate this **** .IP: Logged |
amelia28 Knowflake Posts: 2441 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted November 11, 2011 01:53 PM
Hubby has mars in scorpio an when I met him he was a pick up artist who didn't want to move in with a girl, have a girlfriend, get married or have kids...When I met him I wanted something serious and to eventually move in, get married and have kids..I tried breaking up with him many times bc we wanted different things. At that time him not wanting kids was a deal breaker for me. He would fight for me and not let me break up. He still doesn't let me break up. Mars in scorpio is really intense and once they make up their mind about you they don't let go easily at all and are very faithful and loyal. I have given him a free pass and he says he is not interested in using it and this is someone who was a pick up artist when I met him. He wants kids now and I am the one that isn't sure and goes back and forth about it but I will be sure in my 30s I feel, I do love kids. Is like he has turned more into me and I into who he was. Its very strange how things have developed... IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 11, 2011 04:08 PM
amelia - That's an interesting twist! I know you are a Virgo - but where are your Venus & Mars? freebrainstorms - Can you post his chart? I don't think they *always* behave this way. If he had strong mutable influence in his chart he might be more indecisive. Is his Mars well-aspected?
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freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 896 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 13, 2011 08:50 PM
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 13, 2011 11:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28:
I tried breaking up with him many times bc we wanted different things. At that time him not wanting kids was a deal breaker for me. He would fight for me and not let me break up. He still doesn't let me break up. Mars in scorpio is really intense and once they make up their mind about you they don't let go easily at all and are very faithful and loyal. I have given him a free pass and he says he is not interested in using it and this is someone who was a pick up artist when I met him.
Ohhh yeah! Breaking up with MIS is a hard job! I tried for a year to do it. First time when we broke up was December 2005. He gave me some space, then arrived at my parents' house on Christmas, in the opposite side of the country, totally unexpected and uninvited... My parents had a major crush on him, he was the first (and only so far) bf of mine they actually liked, so they welcomed him with open arms. I was boiling inside, BOILING!! We got back together eventually because I couldn't escape him and spent another year together. At another time, I was on a train (he knew my route) coming from my hometown to Uni and he took a different train just to get on the train I was, looked for me through all the compartments, with red roses in his hand and a silly smile on his face. There was this one dude on the train who commented "Come on girl, why you being so stiff?! Can't you see he's sorry, he even brought you roses!!".... I was MAD, like wtf do you care, why are you meddling, maybe I had good reasons to not take him back! Final break-up was february 2007. He bought a ring and proposed to me, on his knees, in front of my door at the dorm house (with people watching). I said no and closed the door in his face. He sat in front of my door for HOURS (again, in the dorm house, with plenty people coming and going) and litterally banged his head against my door and crying, begging me to come out. I came out a few times, comforted him coz he was breaking my heart, but couldn't back down this time. I told him this time is over for good, I'm not turning back. I had good reasons for breaking up with him. He eventually got it and maintained his distance. Picked up a girl he was dating trying to make me jealous, still begging for another chance. I don't know how I managed to stay firm through all of this, I usually melt very easily when I see someone in so much pain, I'd do anything to stop them from hurting. But he had hurt me in the relationship too and had legitimate reasons to walk away. Breaking up with MIS is VERY hard. They will pull stunts like that, put you in difficult situations so you don't have a choice but take them back. But I do apreciate them fighting for you, it is something Cap Mars (last ex bf and the one before him) didn't do. If you're staying fine, if you're leaving fine. It's all good with them.  If you're in love with them and want them for life, you couldn't ask for a better partner... But if you don't feel the same way anymore and want out of the relationship, he will make you live through HELL if you're trying to break up with him. I think mine cursed me never to be happy in love, coz it sure as hell came true!  ------------------ Whatever you give to a woman, she will make it GREATER. Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY. Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME. Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL. Give her LOVE, and she will give you her HEART! She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So, if you give her CR@P, be prepared to receive a ton of SH!T! IP: Logged |
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 896 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 14, 2011 03:14 PM
bump heheheIP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 2086 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 01, 2012 11:50 AM
"You're in love with them and want them for life, you couldn't ask for a better partner... But if you don't feel the same way anymore and want out of the relationship, he will make you live through HELL if you're trying to break up with him. I think mine cursed me never to be happy in love, coz it sure as hell came true!" AW, that is so sad... but undeniably ACCURATE! IP: Logged |
lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 1891 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted May 01, 2012 11:55 AM
quote: Originally posted by NativelyJoan: They wear hooded jackets and spend months sending you icy stares. Once they've decided you don't repulse them, they'll kill you for making them fall in love with you.
Lol. IP: Logged |
ariesdragon Knowflake Posts: 4349 From: Jupiter Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 01, 2012 11:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by Desiring Shadows: "You're in love with them and want them for life, you couldn't ask for a better partner... But if you don't feel the same way anymore and want out of the relationship, he will make you live through HELL if you're trying to break up with him. I think mine cursed me never to be happy in love, coz it sure as hell came true!" AW, that is so sad... but undeniably ACCURATE!

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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 01, 2012 12:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by amelia28: I tried breaking up with him many times bc we wanted different things. At that time him not wanting kids was a deal breaker for me. He would fight for me and not let me break up. He still doesn't let me break up. Mars in scorpio is really intense and once they make up their mind about you they don't let go easily at all and are very faithful and loyal. I have given him a free pass and he says he is not interested in using it and this is someone who was a pick up artist when I met him. He wants kids now and I am the one that isn't sure and goes back and forth about it but I will be sure in my 30s I feel, I do love kids.
Demote them to fbuddy so they'll be thinking well yeah I guess that's okay until I can regroup.. Then move countries LOL! I didn't know u can say no to break ups but that does make sense LOL uh oh! IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 4429 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 01, 2012 12:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by freebrainstorms: ugh maybe i should take the fact that this guy ISN'T pursuing me as a sign he isn't interested in me then. it's so hard to be passive as a sag mars.... Mind you, he did follow me from computer lab to computer lab after i changed rooms on him but he might've just moved to get away from me after i awkwardly hit on him the week before in the other computer lab. blech, i hate this **** .
Wait, WAIT. Before you give up hope I've noticed that Mars in Scorpios behave similar to Geminis. The difference in their natures is Geminis are curious about everybody and Scorpio prefers to keep to themselves until their prodded... like when you awkwardly hit on him. So now he knows you exist and is taking his time watching. A Scorpio (or Mars in Scorpio) doesn't make up his mind on the spot if YOU are the one prodding THEM. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 01, 2012 12:26 PM
Another MIS showed me this funny reading..Mars in Scorpio: Let’s say that the President of the United States has Mars in Scorpio, and aliens attack from outer space. The first thing they would do is reach for the thermonuclear weapons. Now let’s say that there is a fly buzzing around their head and disturbing them. The first thing they do is reach for the thermonuclear weapons. Mars is the fighting ability, and in Scorpio, it is either on or off. Nothing in between. People with this placement have to learn moderation in battle. IP: Logged |
gemisagscorp Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 01, 2012 04:13 PM
As a woman with MIS I find it hard not be the pursuer and let the man take the lead, which can be a problem. I was waiting a year, observing my exboyfriend before I made my first move. I told people about my interest in him, one of them told him about it. My friend would then let me know about his reaction. I would think about that for a while, observe him a bit again, he knew that I knew that he knew , didnt confront him, until he confronted me, and then we went to a place together where only a scoprio mars with his venus will go. He was so cool about it and knew exactly what kind of game I was playing (he had venus in scorpio conjunct pluto). He loved it and I loved that he played the game too. I have been with a libra mars and aries moon and he was just like what are you doing? Are we getting it on or not? And when I got on he was like this is too much  IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:14 PM
quote: Breaking up with MIS is VERY hard. They will pull stunts like that, put you in difficult situations so you don't have a choice but take them back.
They seem very reasonable to me. I usually have sextiles/trines with them - due to my Cap & Pisces placements, so maybe I just see a better side to their personality. Or maybe you just met a really immature one. Was his Mars square something... like Jupiter? IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:18 PM
quote: he was just like what are you doing? Are we getting it on or not?
Yeah.... gotta love those types IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:21 PM
LOL, Gemi! You have a funny way of writing! Really made me laugh there. I forgot I wrote in this thread, some stuff should be edited out lol.  IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:24 PM
@ sand - I think MIS can definitely be aggressive... but... it's not normally unwarranted... My gut feeling is to be 'right behind them' (my Mars is Cap as you know..)But if the MIS person has some serious issues happening at the time, such as an illness or some huge emotional problem, and they are not thinking straight --- then it's possible for them to be unfair. Would you say this applies to you ^? Or are you more... calm/laid back like Taurus? lol IP: Logged |
gemisagscorp Knowflake Posts: 59 From: Registered: Apr 2012
posted May 01, 2012 04:29 PM
Also with this placement you'll have to be carefull about setting goals. I have jupiter as my chart ruler in 1st house and acs in sagg, and I have problems with having almost impossible goals, and mars in scorpio will never give up. I have had major stress in all its forms. I even worked with a discus until my body just felled to the floor, not feeling my leg. I really have to be carefull because I know if I really want it, I'll do what it takes to get it. I have this guy that I want, and he doesn't want me. I dont bother him or anything but I'll never give up trying once in a while It doesnt bother me that he doesnt want me, I'll get one day. HAHA. NOTIP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: They seem very reasonable to me. I usually have sextiles/trines with them - due to my Cap & Pisces placements, so maybe I just see a better side to their personality. Or maybe you just met a really immature one. Was his Mars square something... like Jupiter?
No, it was actually conj Saturn lol! Would have expected more detachment, I guess. But I do get it, in a way. I have been in his shoes too, though I personally would have considered I'd be humiliating myself trying to convince someone to stay with me. Much beneath Cap Asc dignity! I don't have MIS, but do have Mars opp Pluto exactly so I can relate, in some ways and I do get where they're coming from because I can be like that too. Felt that void, the desperation, the panic too. But there's a line there that I don't cross. I will never force my presence or my affection upon anyone. Have to be a big enough person and accept defeat with grace.  IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:39 PM
LOL! This song is totally MIS, methinks! Depeche Mode - It's no good Gonna take my time I have all the time in the world To make you mine It is written in the stars above The gods decree You'll be right here by my side Right next to me You can run but you cannot hide Don't say you want me Don't say you need me Don't say you love me It's understood Don't say you're happy Out there without me I know you can't be 'Cause it's no good I'll be fine I'll be waiting patiently Till you see the signs And come running to my open arms When will you realize Do we have to wait 'till our worlds collide Open up your eyes You can't turn back the tide IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 01, 2012 04:41 PM
Mars in Scorpio may be a great placement but placed in the wrong house might manifest its power in the worst way or can lose its power. This is available for both males and females.IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 04:56 PM
Hera - quote: accept defeat with grace
It's not defeat We just live our lives.. and everyone has their own destiny I guess. IP: Logged |
Choc Knowflake Posts: 300 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 01, 2012 05:01 PM
I didn't wanna make a separate thread so I'm gonna ask here. What does a MIS lady like/look for in a guy on a physical level? IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 01, 2012 05:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by Choc: I didn't wanna make a separate thread so I'm gonna ask here. What does a MIS lady like/look for in a guy on a [b]physical level? [/B]
To express sex through all his pores. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 05:07 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: Hera - It's not defeat We just live our lives.. and everyone has their own destiny I guess.
Erm, it is to Mars/Pluto. I think it is to MIS too, from the ones that I know. Rejection is personal, let's not kid ourselves. Been rejected and def felt like crushing defeat. But I'm just saying people should man up about it instead of manipulating you back in the relationship - only leads to frustration and resentment and the hate circle never ends! IP: Logged |