Topic: Mars in Scorpio--How do they pursue?
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 06:01 PM
quote: Been rejected and def felt like crushing defeat.
I can't really relate. I don't feel this way. But I have Mars conj Neptune. I know this is different to Mars/Pluto aspects. Ever since my first love who has a Mars/Pluto opposition - I've been wary of getting involved with one.. just because our take on love/relationships/rejection/everything dating related, is so different. I actually posted about this, the other day in the 'what are you wary of' thread. With Mars/Neptune conj - I want people to be happy at the end of the day - including myself. I could never be happy with a person who wants something else .. or someone else, and they could never be happy either. It's like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. So if someone leaves - I feel like: "All the best!".. If they don't want to be with me, it's all good. I am friends with all my exes, other than the Mars/Pluto one... I think he hates me.. so - yeah.. It's pretty impossible to get any normal/nice behaviour out of him (and mind you, I'm a patient person). This take that Mars/Pluto seems to have on relationships - that it is a battle in which you either win or are defeated - has caused me so much emotional pain. It just hurts me sooooo much that someone can see our relationship this way. I guess I should not take it so personally, since we are just different. But it is upsetting. Specially when he projected things onto me and pretended that I also saw it as a battle... when I was not even 'fighting' him in any way. It is just strange. I have to say though - the guys with Scorpio Mars I know were sweet and healing emotionally. I actually feel like the Leo guy w. Sco Mars - (I mentioned him earlier in this thread) healed all the wounds I still had from the Mars opp Pluto guy. quote: Rejection is personal, let's not kid ourselves.
It's not always that personal. I mean, very often people break up with others because they have just moved on or they want to be with someone else. Their focus is on their own lives, not on the person they are breaking up with. They basically - no longer feel like the relationship is *right* for them. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 06:43 PM
Betty, I understand why you feel that way and I am sorry you went through that. You are right, the take on relationships is totally different. I have Mars trine Neptune also, so I do get where you're coming from as well and I also agree. But the Mars/Pluto is, however, a very raw, primal energy that you cannot fully control, as opposed to Mars/Neptune which is piece of cake from this point of view. It is, almost every single time, a matter of life and death. It FEELS that way to us. Once you invested affection and emotion in a relationship, there is no turning back. You know it's going to end eventually and you'd do anything to avoid that but it's not just up to you unfortunately. I have always been very civil when rejected. Though on the outside I would seem unaffected, my insides were tearing, body shivers, I get dizzy, vision went black, sound went off and all I could think about was those words, that look on his face, my humiliation, the lonely pathetic road ahead... and the panic. Panic is the most obnoxious feeling to me. I excuse myself with a forced smile and rush immediately home/to a private place where I can break. On the way there I make every possible attempt to remain cool and collected but once I pass my doorstep... let's just say nobody has seen me like that, ever, and I would very much prefer to keep it that way. It would creep the hell out of anybody watching. I am not violent, but I can be very self-destructive in quite various ways, non-violent though. So you see, there is no humanly possible way to control all that - some yes, God knows I am trying because I also have Saturn conj Pluto and opp Mars. Some of the reactions are reflexes, biological responses to chemical compounds being released in your blood. It is fight or flight mode. Adrenaline. Survival mode. Primal. Instinctive. Raw. It is the rug pulled from underneath you. And you panic. I dread that, anything BUT that. That is my most irrational, uncontrolable moment, it is my weakest hour. I managed to remain friends with most of my exes too. Prolly because I ended most of my relationships first lol. But I actually am friends with the others too. I do eventually get over my hurt ego but I NEVER forget the hurt. Or the panic. And would probably do anything to avoid feeling like that ever again - including not falling in love for eternity (but doesn't last long for Aries lol so I keep practicing until I make perfect).  Trust me, as painful as it was to you, it was ten times more consuming for him, assuming he has an ounce of self-awareness. It is a torment I wouldn't wish upon anybody, but it is manageable, at least to not harm anybody else. IP: Logged |
Starry~* Knowflake Posts: 402 From: New York, USA Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 01, 2012 07:12 PM
Dealing with a guy currently who's a Sag sun with Mars conjunct Pluto in Scorpio..1H...and also mercury in scorpio.He smells BS from a planet away. Can't even try to be "vague" with him at all or else he'll keep drilling. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 6593 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 01, 2012 07:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by freebrainstorms: ugh maybe i should take the fact that this guy ISN'T pursuing me as a sign he isn't interested in me then. it's so hard to be passive as a sag mars.... Mind you, he did follow me from computer lab to computer lab after i changed rooms on him but he might've just moved to get away from me after i awkwardly hit on him the week before in the other computer lab. blech, i hate this **** .
Sounds to me like the guy is into you,but is extremely shy.IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 09:06 PM
aquaguy - quote: Sounds to me like the guy is into you,but is extremely shy.
Word on the street is - the extremely shy Scorpio Mars men are on vacation with the friendless lonely Aquarius men, the emotionally unreliable Taurus Moon men, the sexually promiscuous Capricorn Mars men and all those calm/non-confrontational people, with an Aries Moon & Mars. They realized that they were all so rare and special – so they decided to ‘hang out’!  IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 09:10 PM
Hera - I'm sorry about the way I posted that, because I think I came off patronising. That was just about him, not about you.. It's just that he does have the same aspect in his chart - and what you said reminded me of the way he behaved. But I think our situation was different and we were also young. There is always a higher manifestation of any aspect... even difficult ones like Mars opp Pluto. The biggest problem was that he was also very vindictive. But I think you are right that he ended up hurting himself more than he hurt me - It is just sad though. sighANY - way..... lol IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 6593 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 01, 2012 09:24 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: aquaguy -
Word on the street is - the extremely shy Scorpio Mars men are on vacation with the friendless lonely Aquarius men, the emotionally unreliable Taurus Moon men, the sexually promiscuous Capricorn Mars men and all those calm/non-confrontational people, with an Aries Moon & Mars. They realized that they were all so rare and special ? so they decided to ?hang out?!

Ok... Lol just because he is a scorp mars doesnt mean he cant be shy, in fact its been my experience that most scorps are.IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 09:42 PM
loll I know.. like.. just because you have a Taurus Moon... it doesn't mean you are emotionally reliable. I once met a Taurus Moon man who fell in love with 5 different women at the same time. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 01, 2012 09:46 PM
Anyways, I'm kidding!But it's true that sometimes people can mistake a genuine -lack of interest- for shyness. Although, it also happens the other way around. IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 6593 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 01, 2012 09:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: loll I know.. like.. just because you have a Taurus Moon... it doesn't mean you are emotionally reliable. I once met a Taurus Moon man who fell in love with 5 different women at the same time.
Im as emotionally reliable as a barry white song.IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 02, 2012 12:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: @ sand - I think MIS can definitely be aggressive... but... it's not normally unwarranted... My gut feeling is to be 'right behind them' (my Mars is Cap as you know..)But if the MIS person has some serious issues happening at the time, such as an illness or some huge emotional problem, and they are not thinking straight --- then it's possible for them to be unfair. Would you say this applies to you ^? Or are you more... calm/laid back like Taurus? lol
I'm a h12 libra, I think that means issues with fairness/ being fair. At least that's how someone explained it to me. I think it applies lol! The placement I have that would keep me fair is the Leo moon but now if it's an emotional problem then I may lose that. I am calm mostly but I've also calculated y. If I don't automatically do that then it's probably coz I know the Aries merc will get me out of situations if they get out of hand. IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 02, 2012 12:13 AM
quote: Originally posted by Rosalind: Mars in Scorpio may be a great placement but placed in the wrong house might manifest its power in the worst way or can lose its power. This is available for both males and females.
What house would be the strongest? H8? IP: Logged |
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 896 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2012 02:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: aquaguy - Word on the street is - the extremely shy Scorpio Mars men are on vacation with the friendless lonely Aquarius men, the emotionally unreliable Taurus Moon men, the sexually promiscuous Capricorn Mars men and all those calm/non-confrontational people, with an Aries Moon & Mars. They realized that they were all so rare and special – so they decided to ‘hang out’! 
LOL!! He seems to have dropped off the radar for the most part so nothing ever happened with him, but summer time is upon us which means I'll see him more for better or for worse. I think he is actually shy actually. Cap sun, pisces moon. Now I'm curious about a whole new mars in scorpio - I can't resist them, and this one seems much more up my alley with his venus in sag conjunct my mars. IP: Logged |
Rosalind Knowflake Posts: 2000 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted May 02, 2012 02:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: What house would be the strongest? H8?
Yes. And the weakest 12th. IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 02, 2012 10:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: Hera - I'm sorry about the way I posted that, because I think I came off patronising. That was just about him, not about you.. It's just that he does have the same aspect in his chart - and what you said reminded me of the way he behaved. But I think our situation was different and we were also young. There is always a higher manifestation of any aspect... even difficult ones like Mars opp Pluto. The biggest problem was that he was also very vindictive. But I think you are right that he ended up hurting himself more than he hurt me - It is just sad though. sighANY - way..... lol
Oh Betty, no worries! I understood where you were coming from and I didn't think you sounded patronizing at all. In fact, it's good for me to know how Mars/Pluto behaviour is perceived by their partners. I have supressed that energy most of my life and instead projected it on the outside (abusive relationships, violence, rape attempts etc), but lately I've started to not reject it so blindly and find ways to express it more positively. All that raw energy has to go somewhere!  To be completely, bluntly honest here, in real life, it would freak the hell out of me to be with someone with Mars/Pluto, knowing what I know. So I do understand what you're saying. Sure, one placement doesn't make you a hell spawn, but if I don't see a strong Jupiter, Neptune, Moon, Chiron in the chart to balance it out, I'm gone in less than 60 seconds. lol I know what I'm talking about. I have a pretty creepy chart, if you also add some nasty 'steroids (you know, Nessus, Lucifer, the bad a$$es - they square the M/P opposition). If I wouldn't have a Moon-Neptune aspect to guilt me out of a bad dead or high ethical Jupiter or even Saturn for self-restraint, I'd prolly swing my axe above my head and spread mayhem around. Fortunately, I get my gore kicks in the operating room.  IP: Logged |
BackToEarth Knowflake Posts: 140 From: Registered: Mar 2012
posted May 02, 2012 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by polysigh: I know that Mars relates to how a person goes after what they want and how they exert their energy. Any experiences to share regarding a man with Mars in Scorpio and how they pursue a potential love interest?
Someone being pursued by a Mars in Scorpio almost has no chance. The Warrior. The Hunter. One second they act like you're not even there, the next, you're under the microscope.
------------------ . . We're not human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a human experience. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 12:04 AM
hey crush has mars in scorpio conjunct saturn. his mc is also in scorpio. i am scorpio sun, venus, mercury, and pluto. my sun is conjunct mercury and venus is conjunct pluto. mars in scorpio to my scorpio hot hot  but, im concerned. i have moon and rising in taurus, conjunct. many of the astrology sites state that his mars in scorpio will hurt my moon, that he may be inconsiderate toward my feelings because of the opposition, or that at least, ill feel hurt by his mars. is this true? i mean, im so much more scorpionic than him, so isnt it possible that id be able to handle and understand his mars better? instead of my moon getting all crushed up by it? thanks IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted May 03, 2012 02:59 AM
Depends on the degree. I knew one who had it @ 5'. He was attempting the Scorpio smoldering thing but hasn't quite developed it. He seemed uncomfortable with it. Kinda cute, give credit where it's due, lol. He kept thinking I'm angry with him just because I wasn't responsive to his pickup artist wannabe moves.Mars in Scorp at 25' hot hot...will seduce you effortlessly with glances that seem to speak volumes, just oozes sex appeal Of course, I may be biased because my Venus is at 24' Scorp  IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:21 AM
I think you are ^ My Venus & Pluto are in the early degrees of Taurus&Scorp.. and I'm more attracted to the early Sco Mars. Although a later Sco Mars can sextile my Capricorn Moon which is still nice. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:23 AM
Hera - quote: it would freak the hell out of me to be with someone with Mars/Pluto, knowing what I know. So I do understand what you're saying
OMG That would just be crazy! Twp Mars/Pluto people  lollll It would make for a good reality tv show! IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:23 AM
capri... ive never had the opportunity to be with someone with this much scorpio...well, actually yes, but the guys are too much like brothers for me, and funny enough, i usually dont get along with female scorpios in spite of being one...dunno why. i think two female scorpios cant be masters at the same time.this kid is different, he has enough fire, air and a little bit of earth, which is exciting...and im positive this is a first for me when it comes to mars in scorpio. that mars in scorp, the first time i saw him, i was:....  and i knew something else had to be going on astrology wise. his mars is in 12 degrees. my taurus moon is in 16 degrees. ive read that his mars opposing my ascendant is good, not a problem. if anything, it would increase the attraction the problem is the taurus moon and his scorpio mars IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:24 AM
BacktoEarthIP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:26 AM
quote: his mars is in 12 degrees. my taurus moon is in 16 degrees
I just love these Taurus-Scorpio oppositions in synastry. I think they are nice for long-term attraction and devotion. It can last a life time. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:27 AM
I think the reason it feels so good.. is also because Mars in Scorpio is dignified.. and both Venus and the Moon are well-placed in Taurus (dignified and exalted). So it just *fits* - like two puzzle pieces. His masculinity and your femininity are perfectly in sync. Having a Taurus Venus myself.. I've often had Taurus Mars men around in my life... but they're usually not right for me. Mars is lazy in Taurus. We're both playing a feminine role - so there's no balance. Scorpio is the best. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:35 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: I just love these Taurus-Scorpio oppositions in synastry. I think they are nice for long-term attraction and devotion. It can last a life time.
betty, what ive seen is that if the girl is the one with the taurus moon and the guy is the one with the scorpio placements, then it works better than the other way around. i think it is just like you said, it is more balanced this way because it is more like a ying-yang situation. feminine moon and masculine mars (even though scorpio is a feminine sign, but you get what i mean)
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