Topic: Mars in Scorpio--How do they pursue?
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 03:41 AM
I don't like this placement in romantic partners but my Scorpio Jupiter keeps attracting it. And it usually ends up squaring my Aqua Merc  Anyway. With the last one that had it, We were taking a night course together and after 2 meetings he changed his seat to sit right next to me. When a guy like that is interested in you, it is hard to ignore it. I tried to stay light, only talk to him if I had to, etc. but he kept trying to READ TOO MUCH into everything I said, every movement I made. He assumed that just because he was attracted to me with an intensity, that I felt the same, and that everything I did was calculated with him in mind. This was his manner, to me. *Not* the other way around. His mistake. So, he'd get rattled sometimes, cos I was so nonchalant & held the power, etc. etc. We did become *friends* but we did not date, and we did not have sex. But even in trying to have a friendship (and our friendship was mainly due to us both having Mars conj Saturn) he'd still be the same in the conversations, all point blank, all wanting to know things that I did not want to share (am v.secretive). I could tell he was still attracted to me, I told him to drop it. He didn't try to touch me, but I could read it. He said he couldn't help it. Kept calling me alluring. That, plus the weird communication, ended that friendship. 90% of the men I date: MARS IN AIR. And for a reason. I know the women here all go over this placement but I don't see it. I'd rather have Mars/Pluto.IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 03:48 AM
lonake, you bring a good point my crush, who happens to have the mars in scor conjunct sat. and that mc also in scorp... he has very intense eyes, i mean, i could feel the scorpio oozing out of him.i wonder how my scorp placements will react when things get more serious. i mean, im a scorp myself. i love digging inside of people but i dont want you to be digging inside of me at all. i know we can be nutty.  i think it is scary, to open yourself so much and be all vulnerable to someone like that... i know because i know myself and i know how much i can extract from someone and how i can use that to elevate or destroy someone, if i wanted to. oh gods, im talking like a typical scorpio here: the depth, death, the mysteries... by the way, i have mars in aqua, his venus is in gem. so, his mars and my venus would square, hope that adds more intensity to the bed activities, at least.  IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 04:08 AM
Hmm. Welllll I'm OK with vulnerable with Plutonian types, but not with someone who is going to read too much into my statements (when they're obv meant to be frivolous) since I do like playing around with words when it suits (Aqua Merc --sq their Scorp Mars-- conj DSC, as H3 ruler, also Air Mars in the 3rd). It's really the sq that grates on me  Did you say you 2 have Sun conj Mars? Those 2 together lend to some serious sexual attraction. As in, no joke. Stronger than Mars/Venus imo. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 04:17 AM
quote: Hmm. Welllll I'm OK with vulnerable with Plutonian types, but not with someone who is going to read too much into my statements (when they're obv meant to be frivolous) since I do like playing around with words when it suits (Aqua Merc --sq Scorp Mars-- conj DSC, as H3 ruler, also Air Mars in the 3rd). It's really the sq that grates on me 
some folks do that to see how'll you react it is like a test and youre prolly thinking: let's get to the point, what do you really want to know? dont play with me. annoying indeed.  quote: Did you say you 2 have Sun conj Mars? Those 2 together lend to some serious sexual attraction. As in, no joke. Stronger than Mars/Venus imo.
no my sun has 23 degrees, so no mars-sun conjunction now, bed activities are good...but what are the aspects that add the other nice components such as, affection, care, sentimentality? which aspects are those? the sexual/lust aspects seem to be sun-mars, venus-mars, venus-venus, mars-mars maybe aspects in connection to the moon, jupiter and neptune are the 'love' aspects... is that the case? IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 04:26 AM
Oh.....there are a few possibilities. These jump out to me, Sun/Moon/Venus on IC/DSC or in 4th/7th Moon/Venus to Sun/Moon/Venus/Jupiter ^ I'd put the emphasis on conj/trine, but I've personally enjoyed the sq/opp too, so it depends I guess on how much tension you can live with.IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 04:32 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [B]Oh.....there are a few possibilities. These jump out to me, Sun/Moon/Venus on IC/DSC or in 4th/7th
we're talking about synastry right? so, when you say 4th or 7th house, are you saying person a's sun, moon or venus in person b's 4th or 7th house? quote: Sun/Moon/Venus on IC/DSC
does it mean person a has sun in scorpio and person b's IC is in scorpio or person a has sun in scorpio and person b's ic is in cancer, forming a trine. which one? im just trying to understand the format. thanks a bunch
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Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 04:39 AM
Yea synastry. In a natal, those would just be synonymous with either being comfortable in your skin, acknowledging the beauty in yourself & in others, feeling at home with yourself, wanting to accommodate others, looking after the partner's interests, being sure of your worth, needing a pleasing/beautiful non-hostile environment, etc. esp the conj & trine. So you can see how this translates to a synastry, being secure in the other's affections, feeling at home with them, ease, comfort, sharing similar likes, open to compromise, finding them beautiful, care, concern, devotion.Hmm when I wrote IC/DSC I was just thinking of the conj, but a trine to that angle would not hurt a bit. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 04:52 AM
Lonake - quote: He assumed that just because he was attracted to me with an intensity, that I felt the same
I had this happen with a guy who had Sun/Mercury/Venus/Mars all in Leo.. with a Taurus Moon - which may be opposite his Pluto in Scorpio - but I don't know his TOB. It was so annoying. But it hasn't happened with Sco Mars guys. I feel like they have accurate intuitions about me. They don't mis-read me. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 04:55 AM
chocogold - quote: maybe aspects in connection to the moon, jupiter and neptune are the 'love' aspects... is that the case?
I think Moon/Venus conj/trine/sextile can be very loving aspects. Moon-Moon... and Venus-Venus can be nice as well. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 05:03 AM
ok lonate and bettythanks a bunch! astrology is fun so, no moon aspects other than our moons being ruled by venus and no venus-venus aspects either. but this is what i was able to figure out based on looking at the chart and applying lonake's aspects - my moon in taurus (16 degrees), he has 4th house and IC in taurus (9 deg). no conj (unless one decides for a wide orb) - moon taurus trines his jup in cap - jupiter in pisces squares his venus in gemini - venus and sun in scorpio opposes his IC/4th house in taurus - sun and venus in scorpio trines his DSC in cancer there are not too many conjunctions and, my chart doesnt make that many connections to his air placements, except for my mars in aqua. important question does this mean that the relationship would mean more to me? as in, i would love more because he is hitting more of my placements? O_O also his IC is conjunct to my AC, making his MC conjunct to my DC, if this means anything. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 05:28 AM
ps.if you guys dont mind what do these two aspects mean? i cant find anything on the ic. i understand the rest. i know that the 4th house represents the home, which means that building a nesting environment would be compelling in the relationship but ive no idea about the ic, unless it is supposed to be the same as the 4th house. - venus and sun in scorpio opposes his IC/4th house in taurus - my moon in taurus (16 degrees), he has 4th house and IC in taurus (9 deg). no conj (unless one decides for a wide orb). ???? thanks IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 03, 2012 05:58 AM
Anything that opposes the ic conjuncts the mc ryt? IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 06:09 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: Anything that opposes the ic conjuncts the mc ryt?
i made a mistake in another post. my sun conj my mercury and my venus conj. pluto. but, unless you decide for a wide orb, not all my scorpio placements conjunct his MC. his MC is in 9 degrees. my sun and mercury are in 23 and 17 degrees, respectively, and my venus and pluto are in 7 degrees. so, only my venus and pluto seem to conjunct his MC. what does this mean Sand, do you know? i dont see many people paying attention to IC, MC that much. it is always about the DC and the AC. the pluto aspect sounds bad.  also, his saturn in scorpio (10 degrees) conjuncts my venus and pluto, and maybe, mercury (if one chooses a wide orb) that saturn aspect sounds bad too.  sigh... so his mars not only conjuncts my venus but also my pluto.....phew! that pluto aspect to my venus sounds bad. i mean, i like pluto im very comfy with my own plutonic energy. but, people always comment that pluto and saturn are harsh planets in synastry.
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted May 03, 2012 06:47 AM
According to this Venus is a good thing and Pluto myt not be so bad for plutonic careers.—mean ingful-career-connections/ He's an 84? Jupiter in cappy? Wat r u? U hit quite a few in my chart. I'm mars 22 Scorpio, Venus 6 Taurus, sun 16 Taurus. But oppositiony I guess.. IP: Logged |
Starry~* Knowflake Posts: 402 From: New York, USA Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 03, 2012 07:15 AM
A person I'm dealing with now has mars in scorpio conjunct pluto in his natal.Talk about dominating. I've started noticing this ever since I got into astrology and pulled up his birth chart. We are talking everyday and he would say stuff like "oh, you should give me a msg before you go to work tomorrow morning..and I don't know if you're going out after work tomorrow...but I'll be home, just so you know." I would say goodbye to him when we head to sleep and end the convo - "Ok, well, uhhh..I'll talk to you later then. Bye." He'll be like "..Give me a proper goodbye." But I've known him for a long time. He's very aggressive at times and comes off strong. Typical of MIS? or just maybe the fact that he has his mars/pluto/merc in scorp, all in the first house? IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 08:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: he kept trying to READ TOO MUCH into everything I said, every movement I made. He assumed that just because he was attracted to me with an intensity, that I felt the same, and that everything I did was calculated with him in mind. [...] I'd rather have Mars/Pluto.
I can relate to what you said as a Mars/Pluto person. It is sometimes difficult to understand how come the other person doesn't feel the intensity, the sparks, the madness lol, when it consumes me like nothing else... But I always had this fear of being ridiculous, so I wouldn't chase a person if the signals are not positive, I walk away (eventually) and usually they don't even know I had a crush on them. I don't like to put people in weird positions and I certainly don't want to put MYSELF in the position of being rejected.  You're a Mars/Pluto person too, no, Lonake? Square, if I remember correctly? You never felt like this? IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3092 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 03, 2012 08:47 AM
I think Lonake has Moon/Venus - Pluto (which, by the way, is intense also!)  IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 08:50 AM
No Mars/Pluto? Not even a tiny little square?! Oh brain, the things you do to me!! I was under the impression she did... Sorry then!IP: Logged |
Doux Rêve Moderator Posts: 3092 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:03 AM
Wait.. maybe she does. Okay, hafta wait until she chimes in again and tells us!IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:14 AM
Lonake's Mars is in Libra.. so it might be conjunct Pluto? I didn't think it was, though. quote: Oh brain, the things you do to me!!
LMAO chocogold - Post the synastry! It's too difficult to try to imagine how this might pan out based on just the particular aspects you listed. Starry - I've met a guy with the Mars/Pluto conj in Scorpio ( no Merc in the mix). I've known several people with Venus/Mercury/Pluto conj in Scorpio, all Libra suns... and one with just Mercury/Pluto conj. The only one who would say similar things to your guy - is the one with Mercury/Pluto. The Mars/Pluto guy is very very quiet.. although he can be physically aggressive, but he never verbalises anything. The Ven/Merc/Pluto people are as sweet as pie.. but the sweetness can at times be manipulative in nature. quote: Typical of MIS?
Having Mars conjunct Pluto and Mercury.. means that.. he will never be a typical example of MIS. He has some shades of Gemini Mars in there, and the added oomph from Pluto. The MIS guy I love, has nothing conjunct his Mars. He has Mercury in Cancer trine Neptune. He has the nicest warmest voice and he says such nice things. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:23 AM
ok betty, here it is! if you want the composite too let me know, but i think composite has a different purpose that doesnt relate to what we are curious about...IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: According to this Venus is a good thing and Pluto myt not be so bad for plutonic careers.—mean ingful-career-connections/ He's an 84? Jupiter in cappy? Wat r u? U hit quite a few in my chart. I'm mars 22 Scorpio, Venus 6 Taurus, sun 16 Taurus. But oppositiony I guess..
yep. he is 1984. thanks for the link.
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:29 AM
Lol! The guy I wrote about on page.. 2 (I think) was in 84 too. Party!  Ohhh, he's like a week younger than the Gemini with the love poems! He had a Tau Venus though. IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 09:38 AM
OK! WoW A lot happening there...  quote: and, my chart doesnt make that many connections to his air placements, except for my mars in aqua. important questiondoes this mean that the relationship would mean more to me? as in, i would love more because he is hitting more of my placements? O_O
No. It does not mean the relationship will mean more to you, nor does it mean that you would love more. However, what it does mean - is that the unaspected planet simply cannot connect. The main ones are.. his Mercury and his Pluto. The fact that his Mercury is unaspected can mean that, as time goes on - you will find him too quiet, or non-communicative.. You might not like the way he thinks or you might not understand what he is getting at. My parents had this.. My mum's Mercury is unaspected in the synastry and she felt as though my dad was never really understanding her and often critical. This says nothing about -love- as such. I mean you are clearly STRONGLY attracted to each other and I do think you could both fall in love. The Mercury issue - is something that would come to the surface, once the sexual attraction dies down a bit - maybe in a couple of years (if you are still together). Because for now - in the initial stages, it's likely that you are both so attracted that nothing else matters. About his unaspected Pluto - I think this means he has no real hold on you. You have a kind of power over him since your Pluto connects to his Mars. But his Pluto does nothing to your personal planets so he has no way of 'holding on' to you. If you wanted to leave, he couldn't keep you hooked. I think he's the one in a more vulnerable position here, if that's what you were wondering. You could have him for breakfast. The Moon/Moon quincunx is not bad. Both Moons are Venusian, as you were saying... so I would count this as a significant aspect. Usually the quincunx is seen as minor.. but in this case it could feel like you have a close bond due to the Venus connection.
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Starry~* Knowflake Posts: 402 From: New York, USA Registered: Nov 2011
posted May 03, 2012 10:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: Starry - I've met a guy with the Mars/Pluto conj in Scorpio ( no Merc in the mix). I've known several people with Venus/Mercury/Pluto conj in Scorpio, all Libra suns... and one with just Mercury/Pluto conj. The only one who would say similar things to your guy - is the one with Mercury/Pluto. The Mars/Pluto guy is very very quiet.. although he can be physically aggressive, but he never verbalises anything. The Ven/Merc/Pluto people are as sweet as pie.. but the sweetness can at times be manipulative in nature.
Aww...I have venus/merc/pluto stellium in scorpio in my 1H...I guess I can be sweet........sweet poison that is. Bwhahahahahahahah !!!  But this particular guy I know he can be very aggressive once he decides on what he wants..and there is no stopping him. I guess that's the MIS and pluto power. :P His pluto conj my venus merc and pluto stellium super tight. Also his mars conj my venus in scorp. Alot of pluto/venus mars/venus between us..and that aspect goes both ways. ~_~ IP: Logged | |