Topic: Mars in Scorpio--How do they pursue?
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 11:30 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: Lol! The guy I wrote about on page.. 2 (I think) was in 84 too. Party!  Ohhh, he's like a week younger than the Gemini with the love poems! He had a Tau Venus though.
mmm....tau venus that sounds nice. because he will be fixed and stable mine with that venus in gem...dunno. IP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 2086 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted May 03, 2012 11:38 AM
If we're pursing you, you'll never know until its too late. (too late as in, theyve already won you over) Mwah ha ha.  "..They wear hooded jackets and spend months sending you icy stares..." I'm pretty sure I've done this once... JK. Hahahaa IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 03, 2012 11:46 AM
quote: You could have him for breakfast. [/B]
this has been confirmed. this is the second time i hear this. yeah!!!!!!!!!!! i like this. because ive been attracting the opposite. one last q, betty. what about his many gem placements? according to studies, gem men actually marry scorpio women very often, but besides this... could his gem and mutable placements be a problem because im too fixed and watery? the only signs that are hitting his gem placements is my aqua mars and my sag positions... that's all ive always heard that because of my scorpio placements, i need/require someone who could match my chart and im not sure if all that air does that. thus far, it looks like we have stronger sexual aspects, and not as many love and care aspects. thanks a bunch!
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appleberry Knowflake Posts: 1061 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted May 03, 2012 01:54 PM
Recently involved with a Mars in Scorpio guy... extremely passionate, which was great, but also he wasn't in control of his feelings and lost all logic... not in a physical way, just emotional... and I would agree that they are somewhat controlling, partially because they dont seem to be able to see the other persons point due to their own bubbling over of emotions whether good or bad... there just isn't any room for anything else!Yes, I agree they know how to make a woman feel like a woman... in so many ways... was lovely, if not for geographical distance, I would definitely still be there enjoying! IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 03, 2012 05:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by chocogold: mmm....tau venus that sounds nice. because he will be fixed and stable mine with that venus in gem...dunno.
Yeah, he was fixed lol! Had a crush on me since first year in medschool but told me in our 5th year. Barely spoke to me too, lol. Then, bam! on my birthday he sends a card and his first love poem to me. Unfortunately I could not return his feelings, though he was a nice funny guy and not at all creepy (well minus what I've said previously). I apreciated him on many levels but just didn't feel that way... He followed me to the city I live in now after we graduated, but have not stayed in contact (I guess he resented me... ) He once dedicated this song to me, which is quite fitting for MIS, no? (Betty you're in it you know? lols) And the irony is that just today an old romantic interest made a return and guess this! MIS. 84. Hahahahaha! Oh and by the way, Choco, I dated Gem Venus and they're not as bad as they're described. 
quote: according to studies, gem men actually marry scorpio women very often, but besides this...
Yep. True. My cousin and her hubby - he's a Gem and she's a Scorpio. He cheated on her once though. I never saw her like that - so damn calm and calculating, freaked me out. She forgave him but I imagine he paid for it fully. They got married after like 11 years of dating and now have a little boy. Quite a happy family, though it wasn't always so easy. Goodluck hehe! ------------------ Whatever you give to a woman, she will make it GREATER. Give her SPERM, she will give you a BABY. Give her a HOUSE, she will give you a HOME. Give her GROCERIES, she will give you a MEAL. Give her LOVE, and she will give you her HEART! She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So, if you give her CR@P, be prepared to receive a ton of SH!T! IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 10:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by chocogold: also his IC is conjunct to my AC, making his MC conjunct to my DC, if this means anything.
LOL Yes it does (!) Angle conj are a big deal, they make someone stand out in the crowd. Is this someone you're talking to?. . . I had my Mars/Saturn/Pluto conj various MC of people I know, we related favorably to each other. MC is sort of like a lighthouse for someone traveling to a distant port. If you're on someone's MC they're generally going to look up to you, have a certain reverence/respect for that quality (whatever placement is conj). It's because on a certain level they want to breathe it in and become it, they see aping those characteristics as a way to stand out and be someone to be recognized. Then usually the planet person admires those qualities in the MC person in a strange sort of reversal Maybe it's a self congratulatory thing. Sort of like ASC conjunctions. When the planet person sees MC achieving something it's often that they give themselves a pat on the back haha as if they had something to do with it. They see the achievement reflected back onto them somehow, it bolsters them in the process. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 10:14 PM
quote: Originally posted by Starry~*: He'll be like "..Give me a proper goodbye."
I'm gonna be sick. Haha. I'd be like give me proper directions to the nearest exit (!) J/K! quote: Originally posted by Starry~*: But this particular guy I know he can be very aggressive once he decides on what he wants..and there is no stopping him. I guess that's the MIS and pluto power.
Yea I'd say so. Mars/Pluto = bulldozer. I know some people with the conj in Scorp so I believe you (!)IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 03, 2012 10:15 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: You're a Mars/Pluto person too, no, Lonake? Square, if I remember correctly? You never felt like this?
Yes Mars/Pluto conj in Libra. But not the same as Scorp Mars ime. And heaven help me, I just met a guy with Taurus Mars opp Scorp Pluto tsq to Aqua Venus. So I will have more Mars/Pluto to share in the future lol IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 04, 2012 06:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: Yep. True. My cousin and her hubby - he's a Gem and she's a Scorpio. He cheated on her once though. I never saw her like that - so damn calm and calculating, freaked me out. She forgave him but I imagine he paid for it fully. They got married after like 11 years of dating and now have a little boy. Quite a happy family, though it wasn't always so easy. Goodluck hehe!
if mine did something like that, i'd sure have him for breakfast! ok, ill be more optimistic about that gem venus...still.. IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 04, 2012 06:17 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake:LOL Yes it does (!) Angle conj are a big deal, they make someone stand out in the crowd. Is this someone you're talking to?
thanks for the explanation. is someone im talking to. but, im being very cautious... especially because of the gem placements. other than the fact that whenever i hear of gems i think cheaters, unreliable, two-faced liars because of one single relative that made my life miserable. i still dont know if this is good for me since i have little air. so, im curious if things would really take off because im not hitting many of his gems. this is the question i posed to betty. other than that, i like them, they are challenging and they like me too. it is funny how different gems and scorps are but we can keep ourselves entertained.  but as boyfriends? nope ive always ran away from them. lonake, do you have an email? there is something important i want to tell you. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 04, 2012 07:01 AM
I just added it to my profile.IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 04, 2012 07:08 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: I just added it to my profile.
got it. sent you an email. IP: Logged |
FireWire Knowflake Posts: 370 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted May 04, 2012 06:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by OpiumBreast: Mars in Libra is the ultimate lover. I mean just look at the two words Mars and Libra. The love that they give you is otherworldly. It takes you high into the sky :-)
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Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 05, 2012 10:37 AM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: [QUOTE] Yes Mars/Pluto conj in Libra. But not the same as Scorp Mars ime. And heaven help me, I just met a guy with Taurus Mars opp Scorp Pluto tsq to Aqua Venus. So I will have more Mars/Pluto to share in the future lol
Yes yes, I remember now! And your M/P also conjuncts Sat, no? Yeah, I remember thinking we have a similar combination of malefics (tho I have it worse since they're in opposition). I agree that there is a difference, but somehow I do get where MIS is coming from.  Oh wow re: that guy! I guess it would have been easier if the t-sq was not fixed! What does your chart do to his t-sq? IP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 05, 2012 02:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by FireWire: 
mm, i dont think that this is the result of the mars in libra, but maybe, the venus and moon of the individual. mars in libra doesnt act like that. esp. because mars is in exil there, it is not the best position in a man's chart. sure, it may give the person a strong sense of fairness and a passive attitude but when it comes to making the other person feel good, as in the love attitude/courtship style, that would come from venus more... anyways, ill take a mis over a mars in libra anytime especially because mars in perfect. scorpio is ruled by mars. mis tend to be very loyal and have staying power. on the other hand, a mars in libra runs away when things get too tough/dramatic and can be very flighty. of course, this depends on the aspects IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 05, 2012 03:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: What does your chart do to his t-sq?
Not much, I have Jupiter conj his Pluto, so its opp his Mars & sq his Venus. But we both have Venus sq Pluto/Mars, and Mars/Pluto so I guess that's the draw...IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 5791 From: Aries fantasy land ^_^ Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 05, 2012 04:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Lonake: Not much, I have Jupiter conj his Pluto, so its opp his Mars & sq his Venus. But we both have Venus sq Pluto/Mars, and Mars/Pluto so I guess that's the draw...
Well definitely won't be boring! Was thinking more about your Asc/DC axis - I remember you're Leo Asc (again awaiting confirmation lol.. Aries short memory haha). Is your DC close to his Venus? I actually did date someone whose Asc/DC axis (and another one with NN/SN) was right on my malefic oppo and hmmmmmmm... I usually project one side of the opposition onto others, so I only express one player at a time, that way I don't have to deal with the whole configuration. Well, with this guy, there was no such thing! Everything was taken to extremes and to a level I had no clue existed. Both the Asc/Dc guy and the NN/SN one are the only men I honestly, truly loved. With all my being, all the way. It was uncomfortable for me the whole time, but it eventually made me realize it's all in me, all the macabre, the dark, the repellant, the twisted... all in me. And accepting that is still a work in progress.  If you both have that in natals, guess the comp has it too. Wow... Two very intense people in a very intense relationship. Drooling! lol IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 05, 2012 11:29 PM
Zero planetary oppositions (only planet to angle) so I'll never experience what you had *but* I have noticed that the strong opps on someone else's axis are a draw, I guess primarily because the angles ground the chart, and the Asc is the body..but any person's opp on anyone's axis are operating on the same frequency, for better or worse. Sounds like you felt very passionately for them  His Venus is too far to be conj my DSC, but is conj my p.Venus in Aqua (just checked), so my p.Venus is tied into his n.t-square. And you're right about the composite, it has Mars opp Venus tsq to Pluto. The comp Mars is conj my Asc, Venus conj my Dsc, Pluto sq the axis, 1*. O I never noticed that you're an Aries. I love them, that's my MC. (Just browsed back to the adoption thread)....haha you're gonna laugh right now, cos your Mars opp Pluto (and my Pluto too) are sq my Venus. So it's fitting that we're talking about this How funny.IP: Logged |
FireWire Knowflake Posts: 370 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted May 06, 2012 09:31 AM
quote: Originally posted by chocogold: mm, i dont think that this is the result of the mars in libra, but maybe, the venus and moon of the individual. mars in libra doesnt act like that. esp. because mars is in exil there, it is not the best position in a man's chart. sure, it may give the person a strong sense of fairness and a passive attitude but when it comes to making the other person feel good, as in the love attitude/courtship style, that would come from venus more..., all I did was wink at what the poster said. There is no 'black and white' of anything, just a general energy and interpretation of how that energy will manifest, rather than things being so matter of fact. Just my experience--almost ALL of my close friends have a MIS in Scorpio. I personally find these people I know to be the most passive-aggressive, and indirect people I've ever met. But I don't think that is at all a quality of MIS (I don't find it easy to make blanket statements about the planetary placements). I have to constantly urge them to defend themselves or they get completely run over. They are very sensitive, and have a lot of drive, but they get distracted by their emotions in pursuit of of a goal, sometimes. Perhaps overwhelmed by their passion and zeal? I don't know. Two of these individuals also have a Mars(Scorpio)/Pluto(Scorpio) conjunction, which is remarkable in terms of 'text book' readings. The most aggressive and focused friends I know have MIL and a Mars(Libra)/Pluto(Scorpio) conjunction, one guy, one girl. I dare you to stand between them and a goal, you will get bulldozed over in no uncertain terms. They will do their best to 'work' around you and minimize damage and harm in the name of being 'fair.' Probably the conjunction at work and it gives tremendous staying power. In fact, I personally don't know anyone with a MIL that does NOT have the conjunction. So, I'm not sure how that energy would manifest in, then again, none of the energy can really manifest in 'isolation' can it...unless it is unaspected, and even then because it is unaspected, you have a whole new interpretation based on that factor.  quote:
anyways, ill take a mis over a mars in libra anytime especially because mars in perfect. scorpio is ruled by mars. mis tend to be very loyal and have staying power. on the other hand, a mars in libra runs away when things get too tough/dramatic and can be very flighty. of course, this depends on the aspects
Very nice. I'm sure this is from your experiences, and that makes complete sense why you would feel that way! quote: Originally posted by Lonake: Mars/Pluto = bulldozer. I know some people with the conj in Scorp so I believe you (!)
This is true, from my experiences. What I will say, about my experiences with this group, is that they pursuit of anything, can be very gradual but steady. They will get what they want, when is truly what they want. Maybe a little all or nothing, very small room for an inbetween when it comes to desire. But, emotions and feelings (and any number of Scorpionic/Plutonic elements) that are not managed and 'balanced' properly, and all hell breaks loose.
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polysigh Knowflake Posts: 180 From: Chicago, USA Registered: May 2011
posted May 06, 2012 11:43 AM
quote: Originally posted by appleberry: Recently involved with a Mars in Scorpio guy... extremely passionate, which was great, but also he wasn't in control of his feelings and lost all logic... not in a physical way, just emotional... and I would agree that they are somewhat controlling, partially because they dont seem to be able to see the other persons point due to their own bubbling over of emotions whether good or bad... there just isn't any room for anything else!Yes, I agree they know how to make a woman feel like a woman... in so many ways... was lovely, if not for geographical distance, I would definitely still be there enjoying!
I agree with this. I had posted this topic last year about a MIS guy I had recently become involved with. I ended up calling him out on his game playing and he went off on me with extreme anger. That was the end of it. I feel like his pride kept him from apologizing. His pluto was almost exactly conjunct my venus so maybe that played a part as well. do MIS peeps mostly show anger when they feel rejected or hurt? His reaction seemed so visceral and overly emotional, not at all proportionate to the situation, it was a little crazy. I thought his virgo venus would temper some of the scorpio energy but boy was I wrong!! IP: Logged |
polysigh Knowflake Posts: 180 From: Chicago, USA Registered: May 2011
posted May 06, 2012 11:46 AM
bumpIP: Logged |
chocogold Knowflake Posts: 212 From: USA Registered: Aug 2010
posted May 06, 2012 12:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by, all I did was wink at what the poster said. There is no 'black and white' of anything, just a general energy and interpretation of how that energy will manifest, rather than things being so matter of fact.
lol, i think you misinterpreted my post. my point was that what the original poster referred to in terms of mars in libra is not a result of the mars but of other placements, most likely than not, the venus and the moon. because venus is the planet that most strongly indicates the love/romantic style....which is what she implicated.
as to who has more staying power or who is more you said, nothing is matter of fact. so i laugh reading at how stereotypically positive are your descriptions of mil and how stereotypically negative are your descriptions of mis, as if it were a competition. as for your experiences with the mis and mil, i will state this: Very nice. I'm sure this is from your experiences, and that makes complete sense why you would feel that way!  IP: Logged |
FireWire Knowflake Posts: 370 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted May 06, 2012 12:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by chocogold: so i laugh reading at how stereotypically positive are your descriptions of mil and how stereotypically negative are your descriptions of mis, as if it were a competition. as for your experiences with the mis and mil, i will state this: Very nice. I'm sure this is from your experiences, and that makes complete sense why you would feel that way! 
My experiences with MIS are not 'stereotypically' negative, but they are certainly not what people typically characterize as strengths of MIS or the hallmark traits of the placement. My experiences with MIL are not stereotypically positive, but they are certainly not what people typically characterize as the weaknesses of MIL or the hallmark traits of the placement. Deeming anything positive or negative, in this case, depends on ones personal experiences, preferences and ideas about the traits of both of the signs/placements, rather than objective, precise measures, I feel. If a person doesn't like a certain behavior, or energy, then those traits in a person/sign/aspect may not 'do it for them' if that makes sense and they are turned off. I love my MIS friends to death, and if they needed to pick someone to fight with and for them--they know exactly where to go to get the job done. In discussing them, I present my experience showing the extreme polarities that can exist amongst astrological ideas, not to compete with you but for discussions sake. So its nothing personal, in trying to deconstruct your argument...etc, much broader than that. But in reality (whether it is sarcasm or not) you get the *exact* point that I was trying to make--our experiences shape our perceptions of many of these things. The role personal perspective and experience plays in astrological perceptions seems to be discounted a lot of times, even though it relates directly to experience. That is exactly what I was trying to get across and I have said this many times on the board! I like your name, btw! It makes me think of a song by Esperanza Spalding! IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 06, 2012 07:32 PM
quote: Originally posted by polysigh: His reaction seemed so visceral and overly emotional, not at all proportionate to the situation, it was a little crazy.
That's been my experience.
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Lonake Moderator Posts: 9347 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted May 06, 2012 07:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by FireWire: My experiences with MIL are not stereotypically positive, but they are certainly not what people typically characterize as the weaknesses of MIL or the hallmark traits of the placement.
I get what you're talking about here, that you've only looked at the charts of MIL people w.Pluto conj, those you know, and it just so happened that it turned out that way. I don't think anyone's arguing that point Logged | |