Topic: What sign would be attracted to plus-size women?
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 05:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: this synastry looks much better than the other one....your suns trine, your mercurys trine...venus trines sun....mars trine moon...but you have mars square mars, which could create sexual tensionout of a wild guess, i would say he does like you....or at least you two click very well and really get each other
He told me I look good dancing, I don't get to see him a lot though! He's taken so I'm being as respectful of that as I can but yes the sexual tension between us is palpable, what with his intense staring and all. He doesn't even notice my Scorp ASC, Scorpio Sun best friend is noticing him staring at me. How do are suns trine when I'm an Aries and he's a Capricorn? I did see a lot of blue, that's the only way I'd know anything trined or was squared or what. I was also concerned because of Neptune being in there. I'm a little afraid I'm seeing something when there's nothing, you know? Is there any way to tell who would like who more? IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 05:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: How do are suns trine when I'm an Aries and he's a Capricorn? I did see a lot of blue, that's the only way I'd know anything trined or was squared or what. I was also concerned because of Neptune being in there. I'm a little afraid I'm seeing something when there's nothing, you know? Is there any way to tell who would like who more?
oops...the blue lines confused me, LOL...but i think you might like him more becuase of the moon trining the sun...but his moon trines your mars....i think you like his personality more while he might think of you sexually more (and it doesnt help that his moon is in the 8th in scorpio, lol) ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 05:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: oops...the blue lines confused me, LOL...but i think you might like him more becuase of the moon trining the sun...but his moon trines your mars....i think you like his personality more while he might think of you sexually more (and it doesnt help that his moon is in the 8th in scorpio, lol)
Oh I can tell that lol. I must pick up impressions from him 'cause usually I'm not so invigorated but around him I am! But WHY do I constantly find guys who want me for sex and not a relationship. Maybe I should just go with the flow. But I'm afraid I'll feel ****** ... (this is all speaking in terms of us both being singly, btw.) So I'd fall in love with him first, or is there any upper-hand I have in this? IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 05:34 PM
honestly i cant tell....i'm not THAT good with synastry, LOL------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 05:37 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: honestly i cant tell....i'm not THAT good with synastry, LOL
Hey, you're better than I am. I don't get why doesn't at least show a grid of what squares and trines what with Synastry. OH, in the first one (the Leo) was there any indication of attraction or did it look more friendship based. IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 05:39 PM
possibly more friendship based....theres nothing binding you two...and theres that moon square sun....i have that natally, and its not an easy thing to deal with------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 73617 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 10, 2011 05:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by starfox: Venus in Aquarius?I have the above and I find some larger/plump women have a certain 'something' I really like about them and find attractive. But then I like slender women too..!
Only Mars in Scorpio I suppose I like 'em all really 
------------------ Want a peek in to my journal?
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hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 05:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne:
Hint hint!  IP: Logged |
starzy54 Knowflake Posts: 505 From: CA Registered: Feb 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:09 PM
My Venus Aqua/Mars scorpio,Pisces sun partner i think finds this attractive,and likes a voluptuousness figure so to speak.I am personally not stick thin,and have big curves. He's told me i have a "classical" type beauty that he is extremely attracted to.Classical in the sense of those old paintings perhaps depicting the bigger girls? lol idk exactly,but he has no problem with my size 12 self,tells me if i want to diet,to do it for MYSELF and no one else,as he likes me the way i am.I heard Pisces likes plus size somewhere.IP: Logged |
Choc Knowflake Posts: 647 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2011 06:15 PM
From my observations, Sagittarius/Jupiter! The occasional inner planet placements in Cancer/Scorpio/virgo [mother earth?] as well.
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Stawr Moderator Posts: 4662 From: N. America Registered: Nov 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:18 PM
I'm a female and I've dated/been attracted to scrawny guys, slightly athletic, the muscle arm six pack guy, chubby, average, husky.My body type has been described as thick. I'm 5'1'' and weigh around 136 pounds. I couldn't see me dating anyone shorter than me, I did date a guy two inches taller than me though. LoL And I couldn't date a guy who is MORBIDLY obese...other than that pretty much anything else...I think I've dated pretty much every race. Which is pretty easy to do in America LoL ------------------ Rising: Gemini Sun: Aries 11 Moon: Scorpio 6 Mercury: Taurus 12 Mars: Aquarius 10 Venus: Pisces 10 N.Node: Aquarius 9 Saturn: Capricorn 9 Juno: Scorpio 6 True Lilith: Scorpio 6 Jupiter: Cancer 2 Pluto: Scorpio 6 IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:28 PM
Men with Venus-Uranus aspects don't seem to care much about "outer shell". My ex had Venus in early Sag conj Uranus in late Scorpio and he specifically said he doesn't care and has dated big and skinny girls just as well. I'm plus sized myself (just overweight, not obese yet). Guy who's courting me right now has Venus in Scorpio conj Uranus also in Scorpio and finds me very attractive. Bull had Jupiter on DC, along with Gem Venus opp Uranus and he said I'm an "extremely attractive woman" (huh?). So, from my observations, Venus in Aqua/Venus-Uranus like all body types, as long as you're spunky enough for them.  IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted November 10, 2011 06:42 PM
I think venus in gem like skinny girls? And ehh... Do you really wanna get yourself involved with an aqua moon gem venus =/ IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 06:43 PM
@Hera - Oh I most definitely have spunk in the bag with extra to spare lol@NikiG - Just found the Capricorn's Facebook.... EUGH. "I've come to realize women really really love bouncers." Excuse me while I go scrub myself clean. IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1071 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted November 10, 2011 06:44 PM
I noticed men with venus in either cancer or taurus are attracted to heavier women.IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 06:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: I think venus in gem like skinny girls? And ehh... Do you really wanna get yourself involved with an aqua moon gem venus =/
Aw why not? Why *whines*? I thought I'd like the talking sans the excessive neediness. He gets my sense of humor...he gets my sense of humor mintgirl! How am I supposed to let him trot away? IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:46 PM
bouncers??? no WAY! i hate super bulky men as well as "pretty boys"....if i see a guys pictures on his profile of nothing but him shirtless and the pictures are of only his chest then PLEASE GAG ME WITH A SPOON!!------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 06:47 PM
quote: Originally posted by scrappydog: I noticed men with venus in either cancer or taurus are attracted to heavier women.
Now that I can vouch for. This Aries with Gemini moon and Venus in Taurus would NOT STOP bothering me. I would hang up on him mid sentence (rude, I know.) and I never flirted with him, nothing but he'd still call me back lol. He's one of my guy friends but he's so damn spunky. It was weird though it's like he pretended to like my Scorpio friend as a mask, or he liked us both but me more, I don't know. He stopped bothering her for awhile though but continuously called me. IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 06:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: bouncers??? no WAY! i hate super bulky men as well as "pretty boys"....if i see a guys pictures on his profile of nothing but him shirtless and the pictures are of only his chest then PLEASE GAG ME WITH A SPOON!!
I know... there goes his whole "deep and mysterious" vibe lol. Surprisingly he doesn't cheat though, or maybe I scare him too much. UGH. And he's not super-bulky, he's tall and fat lol (not dissing fat people, i'm fat. I'm just explaining.) IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:52 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: I know... there goes his whole "deep and mysterious" vibe lol. Surprisingly he doesn't cheat though, or maybe I scare him too much. UGH. And he's not super-bulky, he's tall and fat lol (not dissing fat people, i'm fat. I'm just explaining.)
lol dont like fat people either (strictly sexually talking)...i blame my leo moon for that one ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 06:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: lol dont like fat people either (strictly sexually talking)...i blame my leo moon for that one
I was pretty thick in high school and a Capricorn sun Leo moon liked me but it never went anywhere 'cause I thought we were just friends and then I started putting the clues together... IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 06:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: I was pretty thick in high school and a Capricorn sun Leo moon liked me but it never went anywhere 'cause I thought we were just friends and then I started putting the clues together...
ugh, i hate it when that happens....then i reconnect with a guy i liked later on on the internet and it turned out he had liked me too....and we're both like "why didnt you say anything!?" lol but sometimes i think guys only like me for give you a better picture, i'm 5'4" 150 lbs but 20 lbs is my breasts ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 10, 2011 07:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: ugh, i hate it when that happens....then i reconnect with a guy i liked later on on the internet and it turned out he had liked me too....and we're both like "why didnt you say anything!?" lolbut sometimes i think guys only like me for give you a better picture, i'm 5'4" 150 lbs but 20 lbs is my breasts
Yeah my Scorpio BFF has the same problem. She's probably a size 11 or maybe 13, idk. but she has HUGE Boobs so she always gets hugs from guys. Guys.... so ridiculous, maybe it's a good thing I'm forever single. IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 10, 2011 07:04 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: Yeah my Scorpio BFF has the same problem. She's probably a size 11 or maybe 13, idk. but she has HUGE Boobs so she always gets hugs from guys. Guys.... so ridiculous, maybe it's a good thing I'm forever single.
BWAHAHAHHAHA maybe its a scorpio trait to have tig o' aunt is a scorpio and she has bigguns too...every other woman in my family...nope ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted November 10, 2011 07:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: Aw why not? Why *whines*? I thought I'd like the talking sans the excessive neediness. He gets my sense of humor...he gets my sense of humor mintgirl! How am I supposed to let him trot away?
Bc gem venus is the one venus sign that can never commit. You're going to get cheated on. I've never seen one male venus in gem to be loyal =/ and added with an aquarius moon (very detached) that's only going to add to the liklihood of you getting hurt. =/ His aries mars will make him like the chase, leo sun will want attention (leo sun's are pretty loyal BUT) if you add this combo together you're not exactly looking at a faithful guy =/ IP: Logged |