Topic: What sign would be attracted to plus-size women?
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1428 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 10, 2011 11:32 PM
I consider myself kind of an “Astrological Anthropologist” (and Statistician!) with my specialty being men so bear with me (Pallas in the 1st conjunct Fraternitas, forming an air grand trine with Moon in the 9th and Mars in the 5th)…I think a whole lot of factors go into this. On top of Sun sign, Moon and Venus and aspects there is environment and self-esteem, the latter being a biggie (no pun intended). As for Sun signs – I have seen guys from most signs with fuller figured women. However, I have noticed that far more Aquarius men date women of all sizes and most of them even have a preference for larger women. I think it is because they don’t care about what anyone thinks or says, they like what they like. Even in high school, when image was everything. Then probably Capricorn men. Actually, that may be a tie. Now that I think about it a lot of Caps seem to like “thick” women. Capricorns don’t seem to care what people think about the “looks status” of their dates, they care about status having to do with career, money (not of their dates, well most of the time)… Leo men are tricky. It really depends on how secure they are with themselves and their standing. They care about how it looks to their friends and to the public. They want people to think that they can get the “hottest girl in the room” but according to society’s rules fuller figured women are not the most desired women. I know one with a Cancer Venus and he is a “No Fat Chicks” type through and through – he is also insecure about his own looks and standing in life. Although I have found that Leo men do prefer some curves as opposed to very slender women. I read in Sextrology that this is because they like women who fit that stereotypical look of the “fertility goddess” who will bear lots of children (5th house rulership and all). I have noticed that they will be with a more thicker woman if they have obvious curves, that good bust-waist-hip ratio. I know firsthand - I am 5’10”, a size 14, but I have Libra Moon/7th house stellium curves - full bust, flat stomach and child bearing hips (I even have obvious abs some years, lol) - and I have dated my fair share of Leo men, even those with Virgo risings and Virgo Venuses (2)! One of the Leos dated mostly plus sized models who were taller than him (he is only 5’8” – I can’t believe I dated him, I blame my early 20s). The other V-rising Leo just preferred curvy women, larger booties in particular. (Especially when JLo came along, then it was “okay” to like curves and rounded booties, I had to beat the Leos off with a stick! Thanks to Kim K. for bringing it back!)… Taurus men are said to like women on the heavier side. In Sextrology specifically, it says that they are likely to date “very heavy” women. The reasoning they give is offensive though (bigger girls will work harder for them since Taurus men are lazy, that is their quote not mine). Most of the ones I know do as well but not quite as heavy as they were talking in that book. I know one who is a fat-phobe though, I have to look up his info…My Taurus ex was a fan of fuller figures (I love alliterations!) and he had specific likes, he preferred larger hips and thighs (yay for me!). He has Venus in Aries and Moon in Scorpio and his mom is a Scorpio, guess what type of figure his mom has? I know lots of people are saying Cancer but I haven’t really found that to be the case. I know one Cancer who married a curvy woman and she is a Sag with a Bette Midler in her prime, knockout body but he is a tall, more husky man. The ones I know are kind of small in stature though so that could be the reason (they could have a lot of Virgo, idk I have to chart them). Scorpio men are a mixed bag. Some like larger women, some like thin women, you just never know. I have found that the huskier ones definitely prefer their opposite, very small boned women. Lots of people say Pisces also but I only know one who prefers them but he is such a loser - he uses women for money and they are all more successful than him. I don’t even like to count him but okay, there’s one. The others date and marry small, long haired, Gwyneth Patrow dressed like a hippy types… Aries men, another mixed bag. Some do, some won’t. I can’t even sense a pattern with them. I can think of one specific example of a “do” though – my maternal grandparents! Granddad was a tall and very slender Aries (Venus in Aquarius, Moon in Leo) and my grandma was a heavy Aries. They used to call him “Jack Sprat” (“…could eat no fat, his wife could eat no lean…” kind of messed up when you think about it!). Gemini, again, it is all different. Some only date tiny, pixie-like women (because they are smaller guys too) and some just date anyone. I know one who has a specific type and dates heavier hourglasses with huge boobs. He is a big guy himself, MMA guy, but all muscle. Virgo men are extremely critical. I have heard my friends talk about women’s “huge thighs”, “guts” and “cankles”, even though they are not “all that” themselves. Honestly, I am shocked that I have been with 2 Virgo ACs but I must have “perfectly” fitted what they wanted. Actually, now that I think about it, there was one other guy who preferred to date larger women but I think he was more like the exception, not the rule. Libra men are rare in my men-friend collection, I don’t know that many. The 2 that I know fairly well prefer average sized, beautiful women. One that I knew very well was my Taurus friend’s ex. He was cruel, used to make backhanded comments about her weight and she wasn’t even heavy! She was just a textbook short “pear” with a larger lower half, actually built exactly like Rachael Ray (she even looks like her and they have a similar cultural background). He is now married to a “perfect woman” she is average to curvy though, not a small woman. Sagittarius men seem to prefer athletic women, just like themselves. However, my best guy friend has Venus in Aquarius and Moon in Capricorn and he likes a fuller figure. Although, he admitted that he dates younger, heavier girls because he thinks they have lower self-esteem and won’t cheat. This stems from his being cheated on all they time by “the hottest girl he ever dated” who was model-esque - tall and slender with big boobs for no good reason (methinks she was using him). Keep in mind, he isn’t the hottest guy I’ve ever seen and he is a big cheater…Some men just have a lot of nerve… I myself am a Leo with Aqua rising, Moon in Libra, Mars in Gemini and I am not into heavy men, even though I fit into the “plus-sized model” (lol) category. I don’t even really like big muscles (except on The Rock for some reason, people always have their exceptions). I always joke that I am a “fat” fatist. As for my own stats (only the ones I dated for at least 3 months - I found a couple y(ear)obs thanks to Facebook): - Capricorn (Venus in Cap, Moon – Not ure, could be Taurus or Gemini that day. I am thinking Taurus because he was so, I’ll say, “not exciting”), - Capricorn (Venus in Scorpio, Moon in either Sag or Cap, I am leaning toward Sag because I vaguely remember doing his chart a long time ago and telling him his Moon was in Sag), - Aries (I forgot his birthday and his name is too common. Sad because we went out for a few months. I was in my early 20s what can I say!), - Gemini (Venus in Gemini, Moon in either Aqua or Cap, I am leaning toward Aqua because he was a weird mofo!), - Leo (Venus in Virgo, Moon in Taurus) - Capricorn (Venus in Cap, Moon in Leo), - Leo (Venus in Libra, Moon in Scorpio - the Libra kind of explains his plus size 'modelizing'!) - Scorpio (Venus in Libra, Moon in Pisces) - Taurus (Venus in Aries, Moon in Scorpio) - Leo (Venus in Virgo, Moon in Taurus – OMG, a 2nd one with the same Venus/Moon combination!!! Born six years apart!) So, for myself it looks like mostly Moon in Taurus and Venus is varied. But, with the other guys I mentioned, there is an Aqua theme…
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BearsArcher Moderator Posts: 731 From: Arizona with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2010
posted November 11, 2011 01:18 AM
quote: Originally posted by downtomars: [b]Leo men are tricky. It really depends on how secure they are with themselves and their standing. They care about how it looks to their friends and to the public. They want people to think that they can get the “hottest girl in the room” but according to society’s rules fuller figured women are not the most desired women. I know one with a Cancer Venus and he is a “No Fat Chicks” type through and through – he is also insecure about his own looks and standing in life. Although I have found that Leo men do prefer some curves as opposed to very slender women. I read in Sextrology that this is because they like women who fit that stereotypical look of the “fertility goddess” who will bear lots of children (5th house rulership and all). I have noticed that they will be with a more thicker woman if they have obvious curves, that good bust-waist-hip ratio. I know firsthand - I am 5’10”, a size 14, but I have Libra Moon/7th house stellium curves - full bust, flat stomach and child bearing hips (I even have obvious abs some years, lol) - and I have dated my fair share of Leo men, even those with Virgo risings and Virgo Venuses (2)! One of the Leos dated mostly plus sized models who were taller than him (he is only 5’8” – I can’t believe I dated him, I blame my early 20s). The other V-rising Leo just preferred curvy women, larger booties in particular. (Especially when JLo came along, then it was “okay” to like curves and rounded booties, I had to beat the Leos off with a stick! Thanks to Kim K. for bringing it back!)…[/B]
I agree with what you say but I also have to ask the OP what she means by "plus size"? For me, when I was super skinny I found that men were not as attracted to me as when I was curvy (as I am now). I have dated fellow Archers, Aries, Gemini (once was enough), had a puppy college love with a Pisces, was married to a Virgo (he never critized my looks and would often compliment me on my body), was engaged to a Taurus, dated a few Aquas, Leos, never did well with Cappys or Libras- can't say I ever dated a Scorp..and I always found Cancers very "brotherly". In every case, the men I dated complimented me more when I had curves. Actually, I should say I was more aggressively pursued as a curvy woman than when I was 5'9 and weighed 110lbs. Like you, I am a curvy woman but I am blessed with the large bust, small waist and larger hips (hour-glass figure) with the sterotypical strong / long Saggie legs. My ex-husband was a Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Merc in Virgo, Mars / Venus Leo and Pluto in Leo- Taurus rising. It scared the hell out of him when I started losing weight and even my Taurus and Leo friends (male) asked if I had cancer because I had dropped back down to a size 8. I am married to a Leo sun, Pisces moon, Venus in Virgo...wait for it.. conjunct his Venus rising... conjunct... Pluto in Virgo . He absolutely hates skinny women but loves curves. I'm almost 42 and I want to lose 20-30lbs and he looks at me like I grew another two heads and says "What in the hell are you talking about? You are perfect, I love your body and your curves". He is very weird (to me) LOL... But, I also keep myself up and dress well because of my job and because I am a foo foo. He loves when I wear jeans and a T-shirt and thinks my business outfits are fine but he is more turned on when I am in my "gotta clean everything (pluto conjunct ACS in Virgo) mode" wearing yoga pants and a T (no bra) LOL.. Now, if I ever decided to go with short hair, he would have a full on fit. He LOVES long hair (mine goes almost to my waist) and loves to play with it. The truth be told, what he hates most is the short hair thing and a dirty house. Me being a Saggie you would think the house is in chaos. Thank goodness for the Virgo rising / Pluto aspect because we have one hell of a clean house for having 3 pets (and an Army husband that goes into the field a week out of every month LOL). Oh..and soon we will be bringing in our 4th furbaby....
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hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 11, 2011 01:21 AM
Down to Mars - First off, THANK YOU for your thoroughness! It's much appreciated. Sigh at the fat assumptions. I suppose that's all the more motivation for me to lose weight. I'm young, I can do it and I don't fit the apparent "fat girl" stereotype that has us being hussies and weak-willed. No ma'm. I have class and pride no matter my size... I had a Virgo like me in high school, he'd dated a heavier girl before me but he was quite immature so I let that go real quick. I liked a Gemini, at least he wasn't rude about rejecting me and continued to be friendly. Then there was the Libra, I think he liked me but I mean it was high school and I had no status - didn't really care, so what was the point, right? He was into mind games though. I liked a Leo then as well, but knew the Libra better thus pursued him more (I say 'pursued' like we actually talked about dating but I mean I interacted with him, really.) I REALLY liked this Capricorn/Leo guy but our timing was off and I didn't jump when I had the chance 'cause I was too shocked he liked me too... he was always really nice to me though, didn't treat me like we were unequal. Let's see post-graduation there was two Taurus'. One was bisexual and liked my best friend but went out on a blind date with me 'cause he knew he'd see her (no way was I going alone. And no, I didn't know about his sexuality 'til after of course.) One had a girlfriend he'd been with for 3 years. He was weird though. He liked me, but I think he was too shy or intimidated to really pursue me. He was a shrimp though, but again his girlfriend was really heavy when he first met her. Trying to think... Nope, then after that was a Cap rising, Leo sun, Sag moon and he "dated" me but that was a f***** up relationship. Another HEAVY connection (no pun intended) I had was with a Cap rising (allegedly) Leo sun, Cap moon. We had a mind blowing psychic connection, it was weird. I was crazy over him but again, he liked my best friend. I think the Aquarius my best friend is in a complicated relationship now likes me, but him and I know better than to really ever talk about it. It's like an unspoken understanding between us, aside from the fact I see him as my little brother and I would never, ever date a Bob Dylan look a-like. Another Aquarius I met online (but didn't share an attraction with. I just wanted help on astrology....) he had Capricorn rising as well. OH! Scorpios with Sagittarius moons - attracted them for awhile too. One STILL makes inferences towards me even though he has a NEW girlfriend. The other guy was way too sensitive for me. He hit on me online, and I tried playing it off like "Oh, don't you think highly of yourself." and apparently that was too much for him to handle 'cause he didn't want to talk to me anymore... it's too bad 'cause I like them a lot in the beginning. Older men ALWAYS hit on me and it's highly unnerving and makes me feel dirty. One in particular was a Sagittarius... (it's sad I know that, but I worked at a Tag Agency and saw driver's licenses every day out of necessity) So yeah, not a lot of experience or interaction with Libra, Virgos, Pisces (1 Pisces but he was friends with all the girls) Aries or Geminis.
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted November 11, 2011 01:22 AM
some women don't look good thin. can't splain y tho but i've seen that phenomenon lol! maybe if they have an innocent face i dunno..IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 11, 2011 01:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by BearsArcher: I agree with what you say but I also have to ask the OP what she means by "plus size"?
I'm a size 18, but I'm only 5'07" so I probably look larger (that's me being realistic though I've been told I carry my weight well.) quote: For me, when I was super skinny I found that men were not as attracted to me as when I was curvy (as I am now). I have dated fellow Archers, Aries, Gemini (once was enough), had a puppy college love with a Pisces, was married to a Virgo (he never critized my looks and would often compliment me on my body), was engaged to a Taurus, dated a few Aquas, Leos, never did well with Cappys or Libras- can't say I ever dated a Scorp..and I always found Cancers very "brotherly".
Capricorns are so hard for me to understand, but I've liked them the most ever since the first one broke my heart in middle school. Cancers - yes, I also feel that familial vibe with them and have never been sexually turned on around them. quote: In every case, the men I dated complimented me more when I had curves. Actually, I should say I was more aggressively pursued as a curvy woman than when I was 5'9 and weighed 110lbs. Like you, I am a curvy woman but I am blessed with the large bust, small waist and larger hips (hour-glass figure) with the sterotypical strong / long Saggie legs.
I have the hour glass figure! Just not the flat stomach. Or the long legs. quote: My ex-husband was a Virgo sun, Gemini moon, Merc in Virgo, Mars / Venus Leo and Pluto in Leo- Taurus rising. It scared the hell out of him when I started losing weight and even my Taurus and Leo friends (male) asked if I had cancer because I had dropped back down to a size 8.
LMAO! quote: I am married to a Leo sun, Pisces moon
Oh stop here. I can't even handle you snagged a Leo sun/Pisces moon. Talk about SWEETHEART. quote: Venus in Virgo...wait for it.. conjunct his Venus rising... conjunct... Pluto in Virgo .
Lol... if only I understood why that was a big deal... :/ I'm an astrological novice when it comes to aspects. quote: He absolutely hates skinny women but loves curves. I'm almost 42 and I want to lose 20-30lbs and he looks at me like I grew another two heads and says "What in the hell are you talking about? You are perfect, I love your body and your curves". He is very weird (to me) LOL... But, I also keep myself up and dress well because of my job and because I am a foo foo. He loves when I wear jeans and a T-shirt and thinks my business outfits are fine but he is more turned on when I am in my "gotta clean everything (pluto conjunct ACS in Virgo) mode" wearing yoga pants and a T (no bra) LOL..
Totally writing these aspects down for future reference! I'm surprised at the Virgo being nonchalant about curves though. I mean now and days "plus size" IS a size 8... IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 11, 2011 01:36 AM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: Bc gem venus is the one venus sign that can never commit. You're going to get cheated on. I've never seen one male venus in gem to be loyal =/ and added with an aquarius moon (very detached) that's only going to add to the liklihood of you getting hurt. =/ His aries mars will make him like the chase, leo sun will want attention (leo sun's are pretty loyal BUT) if you add this combo together you're not exactly looking at a faithful guy =/
I don't think Venus in Gem can NEVER commit. I read somewhere Geminis have high ideals for love and are very loyal when they settle down. I don't think I'll get cheated on just 'cause of his signs 'cause it has to do with how mature the person is. Sure, me and these guys are in our 20-somethings but I don't see this particular Leo as having the heart to cheat. I feel like he might be empathic, unless I just caught him when he's heartbroken... IP: Logged |
BearsArcher Moderator Posts: 731 From: Arizona with Bear the Leo Registered: Apr 2010
posted November 11, 2011 02:07 AM
Hannarama, Downtomars was talking about Virgo rising/ Virgo venus, especially with Leos. Leos are known for desiring the best of the best because of their nature. Virgos strive for perfection and can be hyper critical... Now combine that Leo man with the Virgo in Venus (planet of love) and ACS (what they show the world) and you could end up with the type of man that only wants a trophy wives with the perfect body. I think that still applies for a Leo like mine, however, it all depends on what they see as perfect. My Leo has Mars in Taurus and is very earthy. It also happens that his Venus in Virgo sits right on my Pluto in my first house. Long story short- we have a crazy karmic connection plus his that Pluto conjunct Venus results in a very intense sexual, physical and chemical attraction. At times I thought that bond made him blind (love is blind) to my imperfections but it doesn't because he seems them clearly, only he embraces them and loves me just the same. That said.. remember the list of men I dated and had in my life.. They never went too far past infatuation until they caused me intense boredom. This Leo, this hubby of mine makes me crazy in love and crazy at the same time LOL.. I do love his Pisces moon. He has this bad boy but sad boy quality all at the same time. I am compelled to protect him but I know he can protect me more than I can him because of his strength and experience. I also have to add, size isn't the deciding factor in what a woman beautiful. The way we carry ourselves means everything. I think if women acted like that picture of the cat looking in the mirror (the one that signifies Leo) and instead of a cat we saw ourselves as a lion- well, people would also see us as different.
I do understand what you are saying though. I still crack up when men check me out, especially when I notice them looking at my rear end. I work with Soldiers and many of them are young enough to be my kid LOL.. I want to say "really.. you do know that I am your mom's age". My hubby thinks it's hot but I still blush.
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mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted November 11, 2011 02:41 AM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: I don't think Venus in Gem can NEVER commit. I read somewhere Geminis have high ideals for love and are very loyal when they settle down. I don't think I'll get cheated on just 'cause of his signs 'cause it has to do with how mature the person is. Sure, me and these guys are in our 20-somethings but I don't see this particular Leo as having the heart to cheat. I feel like he might be empathic, unless I just caught him when he's heartbroken...
Gems have this grass is greener mentality and are really curious. They like variety. I think it's more sags who are the type that might wanna be free, but when they do settle down and commit, they are pretty loyal. Geminis aren't =/ ESP venus in gem. IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1428 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2011 02:49 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: some women don't look good thin. can't splain y tho but i've seen that phenomenon lol! maybe if they have an innocent face i dunno..
Some women are just meant to be fuller figured and have a little weight on them. I am 5’10” and if I go smaller than a size 12, then I look like he!l. A size 14 is what works best for me (meaning I don’t have to starve or struggle to keep it up) and what looks best. I think proportion (bust-waist-hip) and health are keys though. I am very active (Mars in Gemini in the 5th) and I am a health nut (a couple of my degrees are even health related, certificate in athletic coaching and I have toyed with the idea of getting my personal training license - Chiron in Taurus trine Saturn in Virgo) so this is just my natural state. I was a 12 throughout high school but I lost some weight and was a size 10 right after graduation. I didn’t look good at all. I didn’t even get a date until I went up to a 14! I am large boned and I have a large head (Leo/Aqua axis) so when I get to a certain point my bones stick out too much and my neck gets even skinnier and I look like a lollipop. Then my face gets odd because I have that Leo, feline bone structure (wide, high cheekbones, pointy chin – think Madonna and JLo), it gets more exaggerated. My clavicle is well defined anyway and thinking about it being more pronounced gives me the chills. That is just me though, we are all beautiful in our own way. Something to think about: No attention from the males at that time but I got compliments from women left and right… I used to struggle with body image issues growing up but love my body now! I love the way it looks, the way it feels. I always toy with the idea of pulling a Samantha Jones and getting a tasteful nude done, I will someday (I was thinking next year actually)! I know this has been said a million times but here I go again: It is all about attitude! Hannarama, you sound like you have the right attitude but you can be unsure sometimes. Size 18 at 5’7” is not bad, 5’7” is taller than average and us taller chicks can get away with more…did you ever see this website: - it is a site with pics uploaded of real women of all height, weight and size combinations. It kind of helps to see others with the same bodies because then you can see “hmm, it’s not how I thought it was!”, plus it is interesting to see how much sizes vary, even with women of the same height and weight… quote: I also have to add, size isn't the deciding factor in what a woman beautiful. The way we carry ourselves means everything. I think if women acted like that picture of the cat looking in the mirror (the one that signifies Leo) and instead of a cat we saw ourselves as a lion- well, people would also see us as different.
So true BearsArcher, so true…
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downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1428 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2011 03:21 AM
DP, sorryIP: Logged |
BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 11, 2011 03:43 AM
Chubby chasers come in all signs I imagine. IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 11, 2011 05:33 AM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: i believe an aquarius would be far less critical of others appearance
No way, Aqua men have an inner snob, they want the cream of the crop.
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bethcarliseh Knowflake Posts: 555 From: Ontario Canada Registered: Mar 2011
posted November 11, 2011 07:12 AM
signs that can't get other womenIP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 11, 2011 04:41 PM
quote: Originally posted by bethcarliseh: signs that can't get other women
but they can get plus-sized ones? Why's that? IP: Logged |
Lehia2 Knowflake Posts: 174 From: Registered: May 2009
posted November 11, 2011 09:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Capriquarius: I know a Taurus with Moon in Cancer/Venus in Aries who does. Not sure what aspects are made to his Moon/Venus, but from what I've seen, aspects are more influential than sign. For example, there's this guy with Venus in Capricorn, so you'd think he'd prefer a skeletal body type, but since Mars trines his Venus, he actually prefers the super-athletic body type.
Lol ditto on this. My brother is a taurus/cancer moon and most of his gfs have been pretty curvy. My bf has cappy venus, mars trine venus, and he doesnt mind whenever I put on weight as long as I keep going to gym and have some muscle definition to show off :P . He also mentions how he likes meat on the bones and most female celebrities he's into arent the skinny type. Both my brother and bf are very athetic spec my brother. He's always been in tip top shape.
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BelligerentPygmy Knowflake Posts: 1145 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted November 12, 2011 08:26 AM
Downtomars, that thing you said about Capricorns being anti-status and not caring what people think, couldn't be further from the truth. I've dealt with enough Capricornian guys to be able to say that they definitely, definitely have hang-ups revolving around what other people think of them and the people closest to them. In fact I'd put them on the list of being the least likely to date someone oveweight - or even anyone that doesn't fit a certain set of socially acceptable specifications, in general.Out of the guys who exclusively date larger women that I've interacted with, the thing I've noticed is that it always seems to boil down to them finding a lot of extra flesh extremely comforting or reassuring and from there, erotic, along with the idea of a large woman in the kitchen cooking for them, or aggressively defending or protecting them in some way. I think that's why, if you *can* find this type of thing in a chart at all, you need to look to see what the moon is doing, that it's some kind of unresolved Oedipus-type, mommy-thing, or even look to Ceres, because there's always a strong 'desire for nurturing' theme in these guys. Even look to see what the fourth house is doing, or the fourth house ruler. Personally I'm not really attracted to larger men, never have been and usually the chubby-chaser type run from me because both physically and personality-wise I'm totally the opposite of what they find attractive; I'm 5'0'', my weight naturally hovers in the 90-pound range, and while I do have a feisty side to me that I let come to the surface at times that call for it, by and large I'm fairly mellow. I'm not the nurturing type either and I hate to cook, so any guy that wants a woman to take care of them usually finds me repulsive because I won't do it and it's innately the polar opposite of who I am. IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 1428 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 12, 2011 10:34 AM
quote: Originally posted by BelligerentPygmy: [B]Downtomars, that thing you said about Capricorns being anti-status and not caring what people think, couldn't be further from the truth. I've dealt with enough Capricornian guys to be able to say that they definitely, definitely have hang-ups revolving around what other people think of them and the people closest to them. In fact I'd put them on the list of being the least likely to date someone oveweight - or even anyone that doesn't fit a certain set of socially acceptable specifications, in general.
They do care about status, like I stated in my post, but they care more about if the woman is upstanding (no reputations, no "skanks"), stable, she might be a touch "Stepford" but it is not about looks and/or weight. That is not of major importance. They just don't want an irresponsible hot mess, that doesn't "look good" status-wise. She might even be someone a little needy (I have observed that in a few cases also, a Cap savior).If they get a beautiful woman then that is a bonus but I have not found that they are on the hunt for them. To boil it down: they like women with something going for them. Actually some of them are even a little egotistical and actually want to be the "good looking" one in the relationship... IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 15, 2011 10:20 PM
For NikiG (or anyone)I'm convinced this guy has Scorpio rising, and adjusted the time accordingly. Is there any drastic difference in the synastry? IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 15, 2011 10:38 PM
NickiG.... seeeee ...........MEEE hahaIP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 15, 2011 10:43 PM
this one actualy places your moons in opposition which can cause tension and your mars are squaring...further tensiontheres also some trines between a moon and sun and a mars and moon....although theres not a harmonious moon-moon connection, there is definitely lust and a mental connection (theres also a mercury-mercury trine)....its possible it could be purely sexual with you two ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 15, 2011 10:46 PM
it could even be a friends with benefits kind of relationship if he wasnt already involved------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
hannarama Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted November 15, 2011 10:55 PM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: it could even be a friends with benefits kind of relationship if he wasnt already involved
fits more along what i feel too, i don't see him as a settle down and get married type for ME, but rather something like that. Cross my fingers and hope it works out in my favor lol I could use the practice. IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted November 15, 2011 10:56 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannarama: fits more along what i feel too, i don't see him as a settle down and get married type for ME, but rather something like that. Cross my fingers and hope it works out in my favor lol I could use the practice.
 ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
a_may_gemini Knowflake Posts: 375 From: Los Angeles, Calif Registered: Sep 2012
posted September 26, 2012 12:59 PM
I'm a Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, and Libra AC and I'm probably the fattest Gemini chick I know. I encounter a lot of Gemini girls, I often make friends with them and they're all athletic and thin. My best friend is a Gemini Cancer Aquarius and she's small boned, athletic, and thin. I actually feel like I'm very fat. I've always felt like I'm fat... but maybe that's just Saturn on my Asc being super hard on myself. I'm 5'3 or 5'4 ft, I weight around 125 lbs, large busted (Jupiter conj Asc), and i have to buy dresses size 10 or 12 for the bust and have it taken into a 6 at the waist. I'm actually athletic and like working out but for some reason, I still think I'm fat. That being said, I'm a bit of an odd ball because I'm somewhere in the middle- I'm not thin but I'm not "average" or plus sized. I've been rejected as "fat" by a lot of guys and then oddly enough, with the same token I get a few guys who say I'm perfect. My opinions on the signs and what they like probably won't match up with what others have previously posted (probably due to age and demographics).Aries- usually into skinny chicks and if they're fit themselves, they'll like super fit girls. Taurus- They're into more "meaty" chicks and if they're a bit heafty themselves, they'll like a girl who's similar to them. Gemini- They prefer slender/thin women as they tend to be on the tall athletic spectrum. I only went with 2 Geminis and both of them were tall and had 6 packs and said I was perfect. With the exception the 2 mentioned Geminis, all the others I've encountered often say they like really slender girls and prefer small busted to boot. Cancer- I sense they like more Ruebensque women. I've only met about 10 of them and most of them were into "fat chicks." Leo- most are into fit chicks, like really super fit (kinda similar to Aries). I'm considered too fat for most of them. I've not encountered a Leo male who would accept an overweight woman unless he's older and overweight himself. I was with a Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo rising with Virgo Venus and he's 6'3 and always looms around a lean but muscular 165lbs. His ex-gf before me was like 5'6 ft and 165lbs but he didn't go after her, she went after him and after a few months of saying "no" to her and me saying "no" to him, he gave into her. He always had thin/athletic ex-gfs because he went after them. The big ones go after him hardcore. I noticed big chicks go after my Leo male friends like flies to 3 day old garbage. Virgo- I don't think Virgo guys really care so much. It seemed like they have no preference and I've had a lot of male Virgo friends who have dated skinny chicks to fat chicks but it was really whatever was chasing them cuz Virgo guys don't do a good job of pursuing. Libra- I think the chubby Libra guys tend to prefer skinny/thin girls as opposed to the athletic/fit/muscular types like curvy (in the true sense of the word, not the euphemism for being overweight/fat). Scorpio- They like skinny/thin chicks mostly... doesn't matter if they're fit or hefty. Most of them would consider me to be fat. Sagittarius- They're a bit weird. They are ok with screwing pretty much any kind of chick that gets thrown their way. As far as what they go after? Athletic and wild chicks. I've met more Sagittarius who are tall and really muscular and they go after me hardcore and get royally hurt when I say "no" to them. Sagittarius never gets butt hurt over anything but something about a Gemini saying "no" to them is a major ego bust. My problem is, I don't like muscular types, nor Sagittarius. Capricorn- I think they like trophy looking chicks which is whatever is in "fashion" for a woman to look like, that's what the Cap would be into. Given the "fashion" now, I'd say they'd most likely be into really thin women with large bust. Aquarius- The only Aquas who would be ok with a fat chick would be ones that are big themselves. I've met a lot of athletic Aquas in their 30s and 40s and they all have an inner snobbery saying they aren't into big chicks but they will be platonic friends with anyone. Aqua guys like solid and sturdy looking women but she can't be carrying extra weight or fat. Pisces- I've met Pisces guys who are are small and skinny and they go for ones who are like them (small and skinny) and the ones that are overweight, they tend to not have much of a preference. To answer the OP's question, I think it's Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, and those who are out of shape Pisces.
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ail221 Moderator Posts: 7119 From: Hanging Gardens of Babylon Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 26, 2012 01:06 PM
O______o what exactly is fat? side-eye IP: Logged | |