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  House Overlays!!! Who FEELS the impact most? (Page 2)

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Author Topic:   House Overlays!!! Who FEELS the impact most?

Posts: 809
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posted November 14, 2011 03:29 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As for my own opinion on the matter, the HOUSE person feels it more. The planet acts as a trigger, activating the house. But these should be taken into close observation with aspects between house rulers.

Say you have planets in your partner's 7H, but you don't make aspects to his 7H ruler... but he makes aspects to yours... it is more likely you will feel it more. I think aspects to house rulers are more important than house overlays, though these cannot be overruled, nothing should be actually... just taken into context.

My 2 cents.

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posted November 14, 2011 03:35 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
12H overlays are deep sh!t. There are not to be messed with. Something is not right with one of the partners, as you can see, opinions are divided... but this is the house of the self-undoing... except with the 12H you never know who's gonna get undone, the planet or the house. This is one of the most (if not THE most) complex and ambiguous house of the chart. Planets there should be taken with great care. This is not just from my recent experience, but from other observations as well. Same goes for planets in the composite 12H. It takes a lot of maturity for the people involved to make it work, and unfortunately, very few of us actually possess that.

Thank you for elaborating Hera! Gives me assurance that my lack of comprehending isn't steeped on being an amateur alone.

I'm trying to understand this guys Pluto conjunct Asc, in my 12H. I have an unsettling feeling I'm not gonna like the conclusion I may come to

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posted November 14, 2011 03:48 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Intense_Aquavixen:
Thank you for elaborating Hera! Gives me assurance that my lack of comprehending isn't steeped on being an amateur alone.

I'm trying to understand this guys Pluto conjunct Asc, in my 12H. I have an unsettling feeling I'm not gonna like the conclusion I may come to

Well, luckily for me, I'm Cap Asc, so anybody with Pluto in my 12H is still unborn or a toddler.

But my Pluto is on my bf's Asc from his 12H. Though I think he feels more my Saturn which is right smack dab on his Asc, same degree and all.

I will think about this and tell you how it feels. For me, hmmmm... well, he definitely uncovered my hidden... erm... sexual side. Who knew what a kinky little devil was under all that Cap mask I put on for the show. For him.... don't know exactly. I did get him into psychotherapy, though he feels it's not for him. I push him to analyze his subconscious drives, this is definitely something I want to peek into.

Dang, it seems like I am contradicting myself and that me (Pluto) - the planet feels it more...

Will think about this some more, alright?

EDIT: maybe I'm not the best example, because his Mars also conjuncts my Asc from the 12th and it's hard to know the difference with these two overlays and who feels what and from where.

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posted November 14, 2011 03:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
Well, luckily for me, I'm Cap Asc, so anybody with Pluto in my 12H is still unborn or a toddler.

That is funny!

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posted November 14, 2011 04:08 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
@ Hera...But you given me something to go on about my overlays with this guy!

With him I was able to be my intimate the real core of how I enjoy making love. He "just knew" how to bring out my deepest fantasy and aggression. Felt transforming. And he gives me the want to marry him, even though I'm no real fan of marraige!

And while other aspects are to be considered I'm really painting a 12H picture. He is Pluto Libra conjunct Asc in my 12H. I really DESPISE that he makes me break ALL my rules. And yeah it is like he can see right through me...This IS some very deep S*** indeed

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posted November 14, 2011 04:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Hera     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
It is deep Sh!t. We see right through each other too (I think me more than him... I definitely think I can see his true core.. which is what kept me from breaking up with him... oh... i don't know... hundreths of times already?). Like I understand him better than he understands himself. I made him aware of some things he wasn't up until I came along (like for instance, his submissiveness... he always claimed he wants to be the dominant one, but said I was the only one he'd allow to "possess" him... not going further, wrong forum lol).

And you're right about breaking the rules... He breaks all my taboos and I broke all his rules. Though he fights me all the way and vice-versa, we both gave into one another and submitted our previous rules/barriers for a path of union.

But as I said, 12H overlays are not easy. And they should be handled with maturity and a lot of care and understanding.

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posted November 14, 2011 05:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
It is deep Sh!t. We see right through each other too (I think me more than him... I definitely think I can see his true core.. which is what kept me from breaking up with him... oh... i don't know... hundreths of times already?). Like I understand him better than he understands himself. I made him aware of some things he wasn't up until I came along (like for instance, his submissiveness... he always claimed he wants to be the dominant one, but said I was the only one he'd allow to "possess" him... not going further, wrong forum lol).

And you're right about breaking the rules... He breaks all my taboos and I broke all his rules. Though he fights me all the way and vice-versa, we both gave into one another and submitted our previous rules/barriers for a path of union.

But as I said, 12H overlays are not easy. And they should be handled with maturity and a lot of care and understanding.

I completely agree with you Hera! Like I said you struck the chord I needed, to hear the right tune with this House

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posted November 14, 2011 05:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for hannarama     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by amowls**:
I don't have a very strong view point on it... I have the suspicion that the person who falls in your house will FEEL the aspects of that house more. Ie: Every time my Sun hits someone's 7th, *I* seem to be the one who is way more into them.

Perfect timing on your part, I was just looking at synastry I have with this really cool guy in my writing class (figures we met in writing... I have Gem ASC and Mars, and Jupiter in Gem and he has Moon in Aq. Venus in Gem and Psyche in Gem) and my Sun, Merc, and Venus fall in his 7th house. Although he's friendly towards me I feel like I'm more into him!

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posted November 14, 2011 07:05 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lonake     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^ That's been the case with people putting lots of planets in my 7th, they are more attracted.
When my Sun (also Asc ruler) conj someone's Dsc I always get overwhelmed by the attraction and I get so turned on by our differences, it's crazy, I find them so fascinating, every move, every interplay we have, it's hypnotic.
Their Sun conj my Dsc feels like it's the same, they look at me as if they've never met someone like me before and are so intrigued, and there's me thinking, OK so we're different, big deal lol. They seemed magnetized, overwhelmed. From my side as Asc I'm sitting there wondering, OK, so when are the differences gonna show up as conflicts? lol
This is just the way it works for me.

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posted November 14, 2011 07:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Capriquarius     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
12H overlays are deep sh!t. There are not to be messed with. Something is not right with one of the partners, as you can see, opinions are divided... but this is the house of the self-undoing... except with the 12H you never know who's gonna get undone, the planet or the house. This is one of the most (if not THE most) complex and ambiguous house of the chart. Planets there should be taken with great care. This is not just from my recent experience, but from other observations as well. Same goes for planets in the composite 12H. It takes a lot of maturity for the people involved to make it work, and unfortunately, very few of us actually possess that.

In my recent case, it has been the House person's undoing. He seemed to want to string me along indefinitely, or at least until he found a better version of me*, but he ended up doing everything that would drive me away.

His Sun activated my 3rd House, so I was very factual about the relationship, focusing on the facts only.

*An example of 12th House deception: He interrogated me about my favorite movies and used that information to try to find a version of me more tailored to his exact taste, on a dating website....and then stupidly showed me the profile (aha! His undoing! What DID he think he was doing??). And then he tried to backtrack by saying he created the page a long time ago and didn't log on since a year ago (which a cached page on Google proved to be a lie). He then kept insisting it was like a blog or social networking site to him, that it meant nothing..... Typical delusional 12th House Neptunian nonsense. And then he changed the content on the page to make it some kinda doublespeak so that he was making references to our relationship but keeping it sounding like he was speaking to the general female population. His Sun activating my 3rd House of facts made me say, "It's a ******* DATING site." THE END! No more 12th House synastry crap for me!! I'd rather just stay immature and keep subscribing to "The Rules" and "He's Just Not That Into You."

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posted November 14, 2011 09:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Hera:
12H overlays are deep sh!t. There are not to be messed with. Something is not right with one of the partners, as you can see, opinions are divided... but this is the house of the self-undoing... except with the 12H you never know who's gonna get undone, the planet or the house. This is one of the most (if not THE most) complex and ambiguous house of the chart. Planets there should be taken with great care. This is not just from my recent experience, but from other observations as well. Same goes for planets in the composite 12H. It takes a lot of maturity for the people involved to make it work, and unfortunately, very few of us actually possess that.

YEAP.... Thats what me and Pisces has
His Sun,Merc, Mars in my 12th.
(but his Merc conjunct my Asc)
My Saturn/Venus in his..

Composite has Venus in H12..

IDK in ways both of us has changed.. But I would have to say I have changed more.

Its been the most confusing thing Ive ever had to deal with..

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posted November 15, 2011 05:06 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Strange, I`ve never really experienced the 12th house overlay as "bad" or "disastrous"; more like a direct link to each other`s psyche. But I guess it depends how one can deal with being "seen" even in the darkest corners.

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posted November 15, 2011 05:22 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Strange, I`ve never really experienced the 12th house overlay as "bad" or "disastrous"; more like a direct link to each other`s psyche. But I guess it depends how one can deal with being "seen" even in the darkest corners.

I have yet to draw that "bad" distinction yet neither This House thus far just makes me feel "bare" to the persons aspecting it. Like they know me through and through to the core, which I consciously make effort to keep many things hidden as best as possible.

The 2 persons I've found to conjunct this house (Pluto conjunct my 12H) have both transformed my life a lot in a similar sense. I looked to the planet/house sign that's conjunct to help ascertain just "how" I would feel so bare to them both. In my own opinion...its been rather positive, not so much negative. But I'm still studying just a litte bit more

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posted November 15, 2011 07:02 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Ceridwen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Intense Aquavixen,

that has been my experience as well.

Maybe it depends on the aspects of the planet falling in the 12th house as well.

And as Hera stated, I also pay lots of attention to the aspects to the ruler of a housecusp.

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posted November 15, 2011 08:38 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Intense_Aquavixen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Ceridwen:
Intense Aquavixen,

that has been my experience as well.

Maybe it depends on the aspects of the planet falling in the 12th house as well.

And as Hera stated, I also pay lots of attention to the aspects to the ruler of a housecusp.

Yup you're right...Gonna have to agree that that makes a considerable difference

And from overviewing 3 charts last night into the wee hours of the morning, I'm gonna stand very firm on the HOUSE person being impacted by overlays. While many sites dictate this anyway...a good amount of astrologers differ of course. From my personal comparisons all signs point to HOUSE ppl

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posted November 15, 2011 10:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for starmoon     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
my humble opinion is that the house person feels it more most of the time, but that feelings will flow both ways when you have contacts to their house ruler and other supporting aspects in synastry. for example, i have a natal stellium of 6 that all contact someone in their 2nd house. i'm pretty certain this person will feel that contact much more than me. i also have my venus in my bf's 1st house, but because we have his venus conjunct my pluto the feelings will flow both ways. i think both charts need to be studied very closely and the overall picture taken into account before you can say for certain who will feel the impact most.

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