Topic: Most attractive Ascendant? just for fun
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2268 From: Pluto-Venusia Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 18, 2013 07:33 PM
quote: Originally posted by 11nahyt: From what I've observed,Libra asc Sag asc Taurus asc Capricorn asc And venus, Neptune or pluto in the first house
I'm a Libra ASC, and I also have Pluto in the 1st House. So there you have it -- I am utterly freaking fabulous! 
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LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2268 From: Pluto-Venusia Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 18, 2013 08:06 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geminisquared: Ultimately what makes someone attractive is their mannerisms and personality right? So hypothetically whats the most attractive rising sign?
Well based on that description (of overall persona, not just looks) my favorites Rising Signs would be: Scorpio Libra Aquarius Leo Sag Gemini Those ASCs stand out the most to me. They are also the people that I have the best conversations with! Fun folks! I honestly could stand to learn more about some of the other ones that I didn't list. IP: Logged |
LoVeLy Knowflake Posts: 475 From: Registered: May 2009
posted September 19, 2013 01:39 AM
For guys I <3 Virgo (Keanu Reeves OH MY GOSH SO CUTE) Gem and Sag  For girlies I <3 Virgo, Leo (My Mom is such a showoff though lol Jk jk jk) Sag and Lib (Paris Hilton) is LOVELY Kendall Jenner is super cute I think she is a Sag rising------------------ Sun in Virgo conjunct Venus ( 11th House ) Moon in Libra Rising sign Libra Honesty is Confidence - Hoodie Allen ❤ IP: Logged |
Diplopoda unregistered
posted September 19, 2013 01:55 AM
Whatever hers is, it complements her sun perfectlyIP: Logged |
11nahyt Knowflake Posts: 3431 From: Neptune. where the witches wear givenchy Registered: Feb 2012
posted September 19, 2013 03:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by LovelyAries86: I'm a Libra ASC, and I also have Pluto in the 1st House. So there you have it -- I am utterly freaking fabulous! 
you got any Leo in ya too? Or is that the Aries coming out? Haha IP: Logged |
LovelyAries86 Knowflake Posts: 2268 From: Pluto-Venusia Registered: Dec 2012
posted September 19, 2013 09:26 AM
quote: Originally posted by 11nahyt: you got any Leo in ya too? Or is that the Aries coming out? Haha
I actually don't have ANY Leo in my chart. So it's the Aries! IP: Logged |
bluesky Knowflake Posts: 70 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted August 18, 2017 06:04 AM
Well, I'm Virgo rising and am very sexual/ sexy! (Aries Sun, lots of Pisces, lots of Gemini). I think, OP, since you haven't met any of us, you can't judge. We are picky/ fussy and do not enjoy sex either without love or without the condom (check out the song Let's Talk About Sex). This is what we is all about, baby! We have our times of celibacy... I love clothes with lots of flair and like to look neat, but have unusual and or pretty clothes. No tattoos or piercings - not into it. I don't even have pierced ears. I am slim, will prefer to take the natural healing route wrt any health issues and am happiest on a mostly vegan diet. For a woman, I am considered geeky/ nerdy - march to the beat of my own drummer. Often considered to be shy/ aloof but in the midst of conflict, will often jump right in and show the opposition where it's at. All this having been said, an ex-boyfriend STILL thinks I am the bomb (after an enormous amount of history which I won't go in to) and thinks I am the sexiest woman on the planet. So there you go! IP: Logged |
FatedCinderella Knowflake Posts: 444 From: Registered: Mar 2016
posted August 18, 2017 11:40 AM
Capricorn ascedant...the guy is so handsome  IP: Logged |
colorful butterfly Knowflake Posts: 1661 From: USA Registered: May 2015
posted August 19, 2017 09:52 AM
I'm Virgo rising and I don't think much about me being sexy or attractive yet a lot of people ( men) seem to think so. I get told I look like alot of celebrities too. Personally, I just think I am kind of earthy, clean and neat. IP: Logged |
vickymadness Knowflake Posts: 2053 From: Minnesota Registered: Jan 2012
posted August 20, 2017 04:29 AM
ASC/Chart ruler conjunct planets is more telling and powerful imo.I noticed a pattern with people whose chart ruler is conjunct venus or neptune (higher octave of venus). They're mostly very attractive, beautiful, glamorous...etc. you name it.
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Solar_Leo_Queen Knowflake Posts: 2639 From: Planet Earth Registered: Jan 2014
posted August 20, 2017 06:34 AM
I find thatget attracted to people with beautiful eyes mostly, and they usually have either Cancer, Pisces, or Leo moon.Ascendant-wise, I would say Sagittarius (maybe biased bc that's my DC) would be the most attractive. I think of stallions when I see men with Sag rising *faints*. They're always smiling and always have a happy vibe to them. It radiates from their smiles and it makes you want to be happy too. I think Leo rising are pretty attractive too, with their beautiful thick hair. They're also very confident, which adds to their overall appeal. Third would probably be Virgo rising. Their faces and bodies are shaped "just right". It's different from Saturn/Capricorn because they're not too sculpted and they don't have that older person vibe. Mercury is very generous when it comes to looks. IP: Logged |