Topic: Most attractive Ascendant? just for fun
Geminisquared Knowflake Posts: 630 From: nyc Registered: Nov 2011
posted November 28, 2011 12:29 AM
Most attractive rising sign? I know that astrology does not effect physical beauty, thats just genetics. Ultimately what makes someone attractive is their mannerisms and personality right? So hypothetically whats the most attractive rising sign?So make a list of your idea of the most attractive rising sign in order from 1 to 12. Then add the reason why this is my idea from my own person experiences 1) Scorpio over all sex appeal 2) Sagittarius adventurous and body 3) Cancer Angelina jolie, my ex and myself lolololol 4) Aquarius style and are just plain attractive 5) Leo CONFIDENCE IS KEY 6) Aries passionate 7) libra charming as hell 8) Gemini my mommy is beautiful inside and out  9) Pisces I never met any pisces rising but pisces sun are usually attractive to me 10) Taurus. meh. 11) virgo. Idk I never met any virgo rising. They don't really appeal to me anyways 12) capricorn I never met any cap rising either. IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted November 28, 2011 12:38 AM
In terms of universal perceptions of what is deemed 'attractive', it's usually sag and leo risings that look good.And actually, astrology DOES affect your looks lol. Esp your asc sign and aspects to it, if you have planets in the first house. I have an aries rising, first decan. And I do have a high forehead, naturally bushy eyebrows (which were obv shaped as soon as I hit my teens lol) height and slim build. I got my facial bone structure from saturn (it loosely squares my asc) I got a pretty striking look from uranus (it squares my asc exact) I have pretty obvious dimples from my libra moon, venus and mercury (moon and venus conjunct by 2 degrees in 7th house) Venus in first house makes some look 'pleasing'...Whether it be charming or attractive.
Mercury in first house makes someone slim. Sun in first house sometimes gives someone height. So yeah, it's genetics and astrology too. I like being an aries rising, gives me alot of willpower, determination, strength and I am passionate! It's a nice balance since I'm mo;re airy and earthy. IP: Logged |
RedScorp Knowflake Posts: 4934 From: The Sun Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 28, 2011 12:39 AM
1) Gemini ascendants I find to be overall physically beautiful. All, and I mean all, of the people I know with Gemini for ascendant are very attractive people.IP: Logged |
NativelyJoan unregistered
posted November 28, 2011 12:51 AM
I'll play .1. Aquarius Rising (Audrey Hepburn has this beautiful rising sign, clear eyes, funky hair, balanced face, quirky smiles, doe eyed) 2. Libra Rising (Never seen an ugly one, they are godly, dimples, seductive and charismatic) 3. Gemini Rising (Fun loving, silly, amazing grins) 4. Aries Rising (sexy, passionate, athletic and toned) 5. Leo Rising (regal, refined, vivacious hair, killer smiles) 6. Sagittarius Rising (beautiful eyes, jovial) 7. Scorpio Rising (seductive, hypnotic eyes, all around alluring and sexy) 8. Taurus Rising (structured face, balanced, conventionally beautiful) 9. Capricorn (never met one but from celebrities I've seen they're very coiffed) 10. Pisces Rising (dreamy expression, beautiful eyes, sweet smile) 11. Virgo Rising (clean, plain but pretty, earthy) 12. Cancer Rising (caring expression, round faces, all around cute and adorable) I'm an Aquarius Rising. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen unregistered
posted November 28, 2011 01:14 AM
I have Mercury in 1st house and am far from slim. But maybe the reason is that Mercury is not conjunct the ASC; instead Neptune conjuncts my ASC and ASC ruler is in Pisces, squared by Neptune- I guess there is a certain "limitlessness" to it. The ASC signs I am mostly drawn to are
1. Sagittarius - ASC 2. Pisces - ASC These happen by far most often. I cannot even really put my fingers on why this is so. IP: Logged |
frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1662 From: Here and There Registered: Apr 2011
posted November 28, 2011 02:11 AM
i have nooo idea i never know the ASC of the people i am most attracted to..i think i am attractive but i have NOT always been that way. i went through an awkward phase for the first 20 years of my life that included trichotillomania, obesity, acne, and wearing tacky animal print shirts.... i had to grow into my looks, and i even have Venus in my 1st house! that has always made me socially charming, though. thank god lol. i have Scorp ASC with Pluto closely conjunct it....i think that has been the reason for my extreme transformation(s) in appearance.. out of the ASC i have known , i think Sagittarius and Cancer ASC are very attractive. IP: Logged |
appleberry Moderator Posts: 2986 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted November 28, 2011 02:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: In terms of universal perceptions of what is deemed 'attractive', it's usually sag and leo risings that look good.And actually, astrology DOES affect your looks lol. Esp your asc sign and aspects to it, if you have planets in the first house. I have an aries rising, first decan. And I do have a high forehead, naturally bushy eyebrows (which were obv shaped as soon as I hit my teens lol) height and slim build. I got my facial bone structure from saturn (it loosely squares my asc) I got a pretty striking look from uranus (it squares my asc exact) I have pretty obvious dimples from my libra moon, venus and mercury (moon and venus conjunct by 2 degrees in 7th house) Venus in first house makes some look 'pleasing'...Whether it be charming or attractive.
Mercury in first house makes someone slim. Sun in first house sometimes gives someone height. So yeah, it's genetics and astrology too. I like being an aries rising, gives me alot of willpower, determination, strength and I am passionate! It's a nice balance since I'm mo;re airy and earthy.
Fascinating... where can I learn more about this?
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appleberry Moderator Posts: 2986 From: Venusian Registered: Jun 2011
posted November 28, 2011 02:47 AM
Well, I don't know the birth time of enough people in my life, especially people I am attracted to... so I don't know.I do know that my partner is Libra AC conjunct Pluto and so am I. My AC is first decanate and his is in the third. We are both considered better than average attractive people (I've heard people call him a '10' before), both tall, slender-athletic, both attractive eyes. We both have dark eyes, thick dark hair, olive skin, broad strong shoulders, slender noses... Hmmm... that's all I can think of that we both have in common for now... IP: Logged |
Betty Boop Knowflake Posts: 3377 From: Betty Boop Land Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 28, 2011 02:52 AM
Girls: Taurus/Cancer/Pisces/LibraBoys: Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 2632 From: Registered: May 2009
posted November 28, 2011 06:18 AM
Well, the most attractive personality to me is definitely a Leo-ascendant. I'm a Leo-Sun so that must be the reason. I simply can't deny their powerfull presence and I feel soo alive when I'm around them. LOVE it!My ascendant is the fragile Virgo with Mercury (chart-ruler) almost exactly on it (in 1st) .. I'm not exactly slim but that's also the last thing I want! I'm always afraid that I'll become too slim... not that strange if your dad always teased your mom because she was too slim while my ex encouraged me to eat a LOT (olives etc.) as he liked that fleshiness. Fear explained  IP: Logged |
Aya_and_baby Knowflake Posts: 1235 From: Space (and sometimes Antwerp) Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2011 06:37 AM
I would argue that, seeing the fact that not all of our genes are represented in our appearance, some are more dominant or codominant etc., not to mention that recessive genes can become dominant or more frequent purely for the sake of evolution... that your chart could be of influence in how your genes represent themselves in your appearance.Your entire chart though, not just your rising. For example, where you mentioned Cancer rising and Angelina Jolie as an example, my mother is also a Cancer rising and has no figure, even looks very masculine. My brother and I look quite alike, but for his Pisces rising conjunct Venus, I have Sagittarius rising conjunct Mercury. Also the most beautiful man I've ever seen that I know the rising sign of (I just don't know my current boyfriend's rising ) has Taurus rising. Also my best friend shares my Sagittarius rising with even an orb of 4 degrees and we couldn't have been more different looks-wise. So really, I couldn't say which rising would be the most attractive, but I do think each gives their own flavour of charm to a person  ------------------ [Insert catchy signature here.] IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 28, 2011 07:38 AM
quote: Originally posted by Aya_and_baby: I just don't know my current boyfriend's rising
Is this the guy from the horaries?? Either way, very happy for you that you have someone, Aya!! IP: Logged |
Hera Knowflake Posts: 8636 From: Olympus Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 28, 2011 07:44 AM
I am instantly drawn to Virgo risers, no idea why, but most of my boyfriends had Virgo Ascs. Beauty and attractiveness are in the eye of the be(er)holder lol. I'm Cap Asc, afflicted, far from beautiful, though kinda pretty, but the men I have dated all said I was the most bla-bla woman they have ever met. Must be my Moon-Neptune conjunction, I think, since it's generational with their Neptunes, they see me as their dream woman or something. Or they all had poor eyesight... IP: Logged |
popcorn Knowflake Posts: 3354 From: Registered: Aug 2009
posted November 28, 2011 07:53 AM
If I like peoples inside I always see the positive attractive in the AC. Positive peoples insides aura always show the positive side on the AC irrespective AC and sign.
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted November 28, 2011 07:54 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: I am instantly drawn to Virgo risers, no idea why, but most of my boyfriends had Virgo Ascs. Beauty and attractiveness are in the eye of the be(er)holder lol. I'm Cap Asc, afflicted, far from beautiful, though kinda pretty, but the men I have dated all said I was the most bla-bla woman they have ever met. Must be my Moon-Neptune conjunction, I think, since it's generational with their Neptunes, they see me as their dream woman or something. Or they all had poor eyesight...
Moon/Nep conj in H1?
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VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted November 28, 2011 07:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by Betty Boop: Girls: Taurus/Cancer/Pisces/LibraBoys: Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn
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rhiana_phaedra Knowflake Posts: 34 From: NZ Registered: Jul 2011
posted November 28, 2011 08:36 AM
The most attractive person I have ever seen in my life has Saturn conjunct their Aquarian Ascendant... The second most attractive has Pluto conjunct a Sagittarian Asc.
Both of them have an Aries Sun & Mercury so I'm more inclined to think it's that... IP: Logged |
Aya_and_baby Knowflake Posts: 1235 From: Space (and sometimes Antwerp) Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2011 09:00 AM
quote: Originally posted by Hera: Is this the guy from the horaries?? Either way, very happy for you that you have someone, Aya!!
Yep, same one! Thanks  Don't know what his rising is, even though I almost came close enough to him telling me his time of birth... But, imho and as objective as I can be about this, looks alone he beats the Taurus rising I mentioned. Best looking people I've seen always had some Libra in them though, my boyfriend has both Sun and Moon there, the Taurus rising has Venus and Mars there. Which means I'm effed since I've absolutely no Libra in my chart  ------------------ [Insert catchy signature here.] IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted November 28, 2011 01:21 PM
No matter what the sign, Venus conjunct ascendant = beautiful soft features. Super jealous here.IP: Logged |
Lonake Knowflake Posts: 9947 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted November 28, 2011 02:26 PM
quote: Originally posted by RedScorp: 1) Gemini ascendants I find to be overall physically beautiful. All, and I mean all, of the people I know with Gemini for ascendant are very attractive people.
I like Gemini Risings as well, sparkling, v.physically attractive in general. Maybe it's my Merc conj Dsc that is so fascinated w.them. Capricorn risings I find attractive, too. I've seen some absolutely striking women with this Asc, and I go gaga over amazing bone structure (Venus Cap).IP: Logged |
freebrainstorms Knowflake Posts: 1418 From: Registered: Sep 2010
posted November 28, 2011 03:35 PM
quote: Originally posted by Capriquarius: No matter what the sign, Venus conjunct ascendant = beautiful soft features. Super jealous here.
_____ why thank you hehehe
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frankie2912 Knowflake Posts: 1662 From: Here and There Registered: Apr 2011
posted November 28, 2011 03:50 PM
I'm not sure i have "soft" features and I have Venus conjunct ASC...but then again I don't know what "soft" is, because Pluto also conjuncts my ASC  IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted November 28, 2011 04:32 PM
Sagittarius rising is hot, regardless of receding hairline. (e.g. Jude Law) quote: Originally posted by freebrainstorms: _____ why thank you hehehe
*Pokes at your delicate button nose* quote: I'm not sure i have "soft" features and I have Venus conjunct ASC...but then again I don't know what "soft" is, because Pluto also conjuncts my ASC
I think of features as being soft when they have a flow to them, like they're balanced with each other. And feminine. Example would be Natalie Portman.Gosh, Pluto and Venus on the ascendant receiving a trine from Eros....I guess you have harmonious features, have an intense expression with strong eye contact, and an erotic undertone? If George Clooney's job in "Up in the Air" (where he gets paid to tell people they're fired) was real, you'd probably be an excellent candidate for his replacement. Pluto (ruthlessness) + Venus (diplomacy) IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 6614 From: Registered: Aug 2010
posted November 28, 2011 07:01 PM
I imagine sb like Kate W has soft features,but Natalie P??IP: Logged |
lindisfarne Knowflake Posts: 1108 From: she doesn't know that i left my urge in the icebox Registered: Oct 2011
posted November 28, 2011 07:05 PM
Geminis are very attractive Earth signs too.... I noticed this
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