Topic: Sabian Symbols
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 11:09 AM
What are your main Sabian Symbols?I look at: -Sun -Moon -Ascendant -Anything in the first house Here are mine: Sun: Cancer 9. A tiny nude miss reaching in the water for a fish. Keywords: innocence, lack of inhibition, curiosity, new experiences Moon/Neptune: Capricorn 9. An angel carrying a harp. Keywords: purity, innocence, spirituality, fantasy, hope, faith. Ascendant: Libra 13. Children blowing soap bubbles. Keywords: games, fun, joy, childish behaviour, time to relax, experiencing new activities, curiosity. Here is the website. I like the Sabians with the most mysterious symbols.. that have to do with the occult.. those are the most interesting! s.html What are your Sabians and do you feel they show yourself correctly? IP: Logged |
downtomars Knowflake Posts: 945 From: NY Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 07, 2011 11:40 AM
Sun - This kind of works with my Aquarius rising and Uranus MC as well... quote: Sun: Leo 8. A Bolshevik propagandist. Keywords: activity, manipulation, ideals, good or bad vision, group activities, a convincing person, persuasion.
quote: PHASE 128 (LEO 8°): A COMMUNIST ACTIVIST SPREADING HIS REVOLUTIONARY IDEALS. KEYNOTE: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order. This symbol, beyond all present-day socio-political controversy, represents the activity of destructive or catabolic forces (one aspect of the Indian god Shiva) in answer to the type of confrontation suggested by the symbol for Leo 6°. The old order is confronted by the youthful drive for a new way of life and a new sense of values. As the old order refuses to yield its prerogatives, this refusal polarizes violent revolutionary action. The revolutionary may have beautiful dreams of a "classless" society free from greed and harsh struggles for survival, but the first practical result of his activity almost inevitably appears as "chaos." Yet chaos is a state of being that calls for a new descent of the power to reorganize and differentiate. Alas, such a descent most often is still based on old concepts, and one witnesses a struggle for personal and dictatorial power. This is the third stage of the twenty-sixth sequence of five phases, and ideally it could show how the vision of a cosmic order (stage two) might heal the potential conflict between an obsolete Establishment and its youthful challengers (stage one). But reality today presents a more cruel picture of CATABOLIC ACTION.
quote: 8Ί Leo: A communist activist spreading his revolutionary ideals. Leavening of the inchoate materials of a new order by a forceful vision born of repression and misfortune. Revolution.
Moon - I've always liked this one... quote: Moon: Libra 25. Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf. Keywords: wisdom, experience, creativity, imagination, symbols, to find the meaning, to understand life at a profound level.
quote: PHASE 205 (LIBRA 25°): THE SIGHT OF AN AUTUMN LEAF BRINGS TO A PILGRIM THE SUDDEN REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY OF LIFE AND DEATH.KEYNOTE: The ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning. The mind open to the multifarious wonders of natural processes, because it sees everything with fresh eyes, not only witnesses simple facts, but pierces through appearances and perceives the great rhythms of universal life. Without such a faculty the aspirant to spiritual realities is always looking for "elsewhere." Yet the spirit, life, God is ever present, here and now. And every death is an omen of rebirth. At this fifth stage of the forty-first five-fold sequence of phases of the cosmic process, the implications of the four preceding stages are brought to a new state of consciousness which is truly the spiritual state. It is a state of CLAIR-SEEING, or "seeing through." This world is illusion only to the individual who cannot see through its phenomena and fails to apprehend the reality these phenomena reveal even as they conceal it.
quote: 25Ί Libra: The sight of an autumn leaf brings to a pilgrim the sudden revelation of the mystery of life and death. Discovery of deeper elements of wisdom after intellectual knowledge wearies. Growth through awareness of basic meanings.
Rising - This one makes sense also... quote: Asc: Aquarius 2. An unexpected thunderstorm. Keywords: inventiveness, creativity, anger, ambition, determination, change, surprise, accident, choleric person.
- from quote: PHASE 302 (AQUARIUS 2°): AN UNEXPECTED THUNDERSTORM. KEYNOTE: The need to develop the inner security which will enable us to meet unexpected crises. An interesting connection can be made between the symbols for Taurus 1° and 2° "A clear mountain stream" and "An electrical storm" and those for Aquarius 1° and 2°, two hundred and seventy degrees apart (a "waning" square, in terms of a cycle of relationship such as the lunation cycle). In the first case we deal with energies or activities that can be related to the natural development of the individual. But here we are primarily concerned with social, collective processes and the function of the individual within them. The symbol itself "An unexpected thunderstorm" could be given a very positive meaning in an arid environment, but the emphasis on "unexpected" tends to accent the sudden and dangerous character of the event. Such a thunderstorm in a region of dry hills can cause a devastating flood. At any rate, it refers to an event for which one is not prepared a menace to men's works. Seen as a second stage symbol thus in contrast to the preceding one this scene stresses the fact that nature may reduce to impermanence the seemingly most permanent endeavors and constructive activities of men. Under a downpour of rain, adobe brick can return to mud. All human institutions and their achievements can be washed away, even in their day of great glory. "Dust you were, dust you must become." This is NATURE'S CHALLENGE.
- from tm quote: 2Ί Aquarius: An unexpected thunderstorm. Liberation from adverse conditions through violent spectacular developments. Galvanizing to action. Cosmic visitation.
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athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 12:41 PM
I like your Sun.. Haha.IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 1377 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 07, 2011 12:49 PM
I like the link you posted, Athenegoddess, especially the poignant keywords.I definitely relate to most of mine: Sun-Mercury in 1st house: 26 Sag Sagittarius 26. A flag-bearer. Keywords: symbol, to represent a group, to sustain an idea, courage, respect, sacrifice. Moon: Aquarius 18. A man unmasked. Keywords: hidden actions/traits/thoughts will be revealed, to reveal the truth, lies won't stand for long, self-betrayal. ASC: Sagittarius 8. Rocks and things forming therein. Keywords: composition, roots, foundation, inner side of a person, hidden existence. planets in 1st house: Neptune: Sagittarius 10. A golden-haired goddess of opportunity. Keywords: protection, good fortune, support from others, reward, confidence. NN: Sagittarius 11. The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple. Keywords: wisdom, reconciliation, experience, to search for knowledge. Venus: Capricorn 7. A veiled prophet of power. Keywords: vision, experience, wisdom, mystery, power, potential, confusion. IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: won't_disclose Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 07, 2011 12:50 PM
quote: Originally posted by athenegoddess: I like your Sun.. Haha.
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athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 12:54 PM
Ceridwen, your moon is interesting. How does that unfold for you?
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MertSerimer Knowflake Posts: 787 From: where the fun is Registered: Mar 2011
posted December 07, 2011 01:11 PM
Mines suck as expected...Sun: A LITTLE CHILD LEARNING TO WALK WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF HIS PARENTS. KEYNOTE: The natural assistance of superior powers during crises of growth. At an early stage in its development, every living organism must make an attempt to overcome the power of gravitation, or rather to learn to use it in order to fulfill the purpose of its life. This implies passing through a critical state of growth growth in freedom, potency and individuality, inasmuch as "walking" always symbolizes self-induced progress. In such a crisis the individual is not left alone. Some more evolved Power and Intelligence watches, encourages and gives examples to be followed. As usual, this fourth stage symbol in the forty-ninth sequence gives a hint of technique. It presents a picture of the conditions under which a RESOLUTION OF CONFLICT can be ensured, whether at the organic, the personal or the super-personal level of unfoldment. MC: CHILDREN PLAYING ON THE BEACH, THEIR HEADS PROTECTED BY SUNBONNETS. KEYNOTE: The protection society affords to as yet immature individuals as they begin to deal with the powerful energies of their unconscious nature. What we call "culture" is an attempt to limit and define the areas of consciousness and interpersonal or group behavior within which growth and exploration into super-physical realms can be considered safe and sound. Sun and sea are powerful forces; they can kill as well as illumine and inspire, as can various kinds of forces within man's unconscious. The cultural and religious institutions of society aim to act as protective agencies, especially for the youth. Overprotection and hypocritical behavior by supposed grownups defeat this purpose, and today we are witnessing an at least partially healthy rebellion against the protective paternalism of social institutions. This, however, does lead to many a symbolic "sunstroke." This is the third symbol in the fifty-second five-fold sequence. It brings to us a realization of the value of PROTECTIVENESS, yet also evokes the negative possibility that too much protection may be unhealthy and defeat its purpose. ASC: ILLUMINED BY A SHAFT OF LIGHT, A LARGE CROSS LIES ON ROCKS SURROUNDED BY SEA MIST. KEYNOTE: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth. Men who do not depend upon collective values, traditions or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion. They are sustained only by the power within them, to which a light above answers. The symbol tells us: "Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an Individual a son of God." This second stage symbol presents us with a realization in polar opposition to that evoked by the preceding scene. It implies the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION. MOON: AN OFFICER INSTRUCTING HIS MEN BEFORE A SIMULATED ASSAULT UNDER A BARRAGE OF LIVE SHELLS. KEYNOTE: The need for thorough rehearsing before any complex and inherently dangerous social ritual in which power is used or evoked. In this fifth symbol of a series dealing with the confrontation with superpersonal group or occult power we see a picture which once again synthesizes what the four preceding symbols have implied, rather than stated. In social life, as well as occultism, conflict is always to be expected; one must prepare for it. At the close of the great cycle in the zodiac, the sign Pisces a deep-seated struggle is inevitable at least to some extent. It can be a struggle against the ghosts of the unfulfilled past, the "unlived life," or a confrontation with accumulated and often-eluded karma. Indeed, Pisces refers to a period in the year during which many generals and admirals have been born. The rules of the game, at least in traditional forms of warfare, can be known. One may have to rehearse the dangerous play, just as our astronauts endlessly rehearsed every step in the moon-landings. Individual rashness cannot be tolerated. Even a deliberate sacrifice must play a well-conceived part like the sacrifice of an important piece in a game of chess. This is the last symbol in Scene Twenty-three. The entire scene dealt in various ways with the process of integration of the individual into a social Whole, a community, an occult Brotherhood. A concluding Keyword could be VALORIZATION. The concept of group-value dominates the entire scene. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 1377 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 07, 2011 01:13 PM
I am always striving to get to the "real truth and bottom of things", especially when it comes to emotions. Being authentic and true to myself is a biggie for me.I also see in myself and others the tendency to "comfort-lies"; but it is not my place to tell anyone, unless I am asked. There is a reason for every single "comfort lie", and sometimes, taking this cushion away, can be unbelievably cruel emotionally. But for myself, I strive for self-honesty in every respect, even if it is painful, and it often is. The problem with this is, that I don΄t easily believe anything people are telling me, if it concerns their emotional state, as I have seen too many people lie to themselves in this regard. So, this means, in a nutshell I am never completely free of doubt, always searching for that deeper truth, deeper layer,d eeper motivation within. I can`t take anything that is being said to me at face-level, always wondering about the "behind". IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: won't_disclose Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 07, 2011 01:16 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: I am always striving to get to the "real truth and bottom of things", especially when it comes to emotions. Being authentic and true to myself is a biggie for me.I also see in myself and others the tendency to "comfort-lies"; but it is not my place to tell anyone, unless I am asked. There is a reason for every single "comfort lie", and sometimes, taking this cushion away, can be unbelievably cruel emotionally. But for myself, I strive for self-honesty in every respect, even if it is painful, and it often is. The problem with this is, that I don΄t easily believe anything people are telling me, if it concerns their emotional state, as I have seen too many people lie to themselves in this regard. So, this means, in a nutshell I am never completely free of doubt, always searching for that deeper truth, deeper layer,d eeper motivation within. I can`t take anything that is being said to me at face-level, always wondering about the "behind".
Can't recall although I've seen your chart. Do you have any Pluto-Moon aspects?
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amowls** Knowflake Posts: 954 From: Registered: Dec 2010
posted December 07, 2011 01:19 PM
Sun: Aquarius 20. A big white dove, a message bearer. Keywords: to bring news, communication, intellectual abilities, a good message, inspiration, fortune, skill.-Interesting because I'm named after the angel Gabriel w/ Fomalhaut conjunct my MC Moon: Libra 24. A third wing on the left side of a butterfly. Keywords: illimitable potentiality, distinctiveness, originality. ASC: Gemini 28. A man declared bankrupt. Keywords: difficulties, inability to manage a situation, crises, even when everything seems well a disaster can happen, the power to pass over crises. Chiron: Gemini 24. Children skating on ice. Keywords: joy, play, fun, satisfaction, amusement. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 1377 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 07, 2011 01:22 PM
Anon,nope, no Moon-Pluto-aspect, unless you count a trine with 8 degrees? Moon is contraparallel Pluto though my tightest midpoint-picture is Moon=Mercury/Pluto and another tight one is Moon=Sun/Pluto though. Moon rules my 8th house, and Pluto opposes my IC at 4 degrees.
But no real Moon/Pluto-aspect, no. IP: Logged |
mir Knowflake Posts: 667 From: Registered: May 2009
posted December 07, 2011 01:46 PM
Yea.. Leo 8 is truly GREAT! I'm sure I would even pick it out of all sabians without knowing... PHASE 128 (LEO 8°): A COMMUNIST ACTIVIST SPREADING HIS REVOLUTIONARY IDEALS. KEYNOTE: The emotional and ideological attempt to return to a state of non-differentiation and chaos as a prelude to a new type of order. (coincidentally I have my sun there also ) MertSerimer;
quote: Mines suck as expected...Sun: A LITTLE CHILD LEARNING TO WALK WITH THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF HIS PARENTS. KEYNOTE: The natural assistance of superior powers during crises of growth.
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Xiiro Knowflake Posts: 432 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted December 07, 2011 03:51 PM
Mine are:Sun - Sagittarius 11. The lamp of physical enlightenment at the left temple. Keywords: wisdom, reconciliation, experience, to search for knowledge. Moon - Virgo 11. A boy molded in his mother's aspiration for him. Keywords: to try to meet the expectations, to become what another person or the society wants for you, even you succeed you may realise that is not what you want, to achieve a good social position. ASC - Aries 20. A young girl feeding birds in winter. Keywords: protection, generosity, nourishment, the native good qualities of human beings, a character unchanged by the world's temptations, a chance which comes in the last moment or unexpected. Chiron 1st House - Taurus 1. A clear mountain stream. Keywords: freedom, purity of soul, morality, healthy principles, solitude, a clear situation. IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 03:53 PM
^Tell me about your father?Sagittarius 11 is one of my favorite Sabians. IP: Logged |
Geminisquared Knowflake Posts: 62 From: nyc Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:15 PM
Frome my asc: Cancer 28. A modern Pocahontas. Keywords: genuine spirit, skill, communication, a pleasant person, popularity, intelligence, courage, childish attitude. **** YEAH FAVORITE DISNEY PRINCESS. I would like to think I have all these qualities. Accept the childish part, but thats true about me :P I really relate to these. I've also been trying to find out more about sabian symbols so this is an amazing find. IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:17 PM
Do you look like Pocahontas? lol..IP: Logged |
Geminisquared Knowflake Posts: 62 From: nyc Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by athenegoddess: Do you look like Pocahontas? lol..
Uhh no but I am exotic looking like her. I'm also male... IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 293 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:20 PM
Oh, haha.IP: Logged |
Fondue Knight Knowflake Posts: 135 From: NY Registered: Nov 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:24 PM
quote: SUN Cancer 2. A man suspended over a vast level place. Keywords: contemplation, comprehension, inability to act.
I'm introspective and my Cancer placements make it difficult for me to be straight forward about things. quote: MOON Virgo 8. First dancing instruction. Keywords: to learn, to develop a skill, talent, art, to teach, to assist, a friendly attitude, to establish relations, to cooperate.
I love art. I'm an aspiring teacher. I feel the need to help others. I'm pretty easy going when it comes to dealing with others. quote: ASC Sagittarius 16. Sea gulls watching a ship. Keywords: opportunity, intuition, to help, to ask for privileges and rewards.
I do feel intuitive and help others. I wouldn't mind being rewarded for my hard work. ![]( quote: URANUS (conj. ASC from 12th) Sagittarius 15. The ground hog looking for its shadow. Keywords: to search, to predict, to foresee, symbolism, intelligence, to try to anticipate, skill. reassurance, timidity.
No idea. ![]( quote: NEPTUNE (1st House) Capricorn 2. Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment. Keywords: memories, past problems, melancholy, sensibility, to hide a dramatic event, moral values, honour.
Tough childhood that I still cling to. Need to leave the past in the past. IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 1377 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted December 07, 2011 04:35 PM
Xiiro,your Sun is on the same degree as my NN, and it is one of my favourite Sabians as well. IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 1260 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted December 07, 2011 05:41 PM
My ones actually make sense! But dunno why some of them are different from the ones I've read from other sites. I'm usually "A cameo profile of a man in the outline of his country" for my asc Keywords: leadership, the power to represent a group, courage, loyalty, nationalism, important social position, the most important people from a country, popularity, social support, masculine qualities.ASC- Aries 2. A comedian entertaining a group. Keywords: intelligence, amusement, friendship, social life, friendly attitude, outgoing person, dreamy, not to take life serious, not being materialistic, impulsive, trying to make an impact on others, persuasion, active, entertaining. For my sun, I'm like at 10'58 virgo. Actually both of these I can relate too. Virgo 10. Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows. Keywords: transcendental powers of comprehension, the inner and outer facets of reality are merged in the effectiveness of judgment, intelligence, the ability to understand both sides in every given issue. Virgo 11. A boy molded in his mother's aspiration for him. Keywords: to try to meet the expectations, to become what another person or the society wants for you, even you succeed you may realise that is not what you want, to achieve a good social position. MOON-Libra 17. A retired sea captain. Keywords: the presence/involvement in life is not pregnant, reserved attitude, maturity, solitude, wisdom, acting like a experienced person, a good adviser. My MC Capricorn 1. An Indian chief demanding recognition. Keywords: leader, courage, social position, ambition, determination, tenacity, fidelity, a simple world, lack of sophistication. My DESC Libra 2. The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh. Keywords: evolution, to achieve a new level, vision, promises, progress, connection with the past, the relation with the ancestors may be emphasized, history.
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Xiiro Knowflake Posts: 432 From: San Diego CA, USA Registered: Jun 2011
posted December 07, 2011 05:51 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Xiiro,your Sun is on the same degree as my NN, and it is one of my favourite Sabians as well.
I was surprised that it sounded so cool. Things like this tend to to be very odd for me. I'm used to reading crap like "Sagittarius 11 - A rhino and a narwhal fight to the death, their blood is paisley". IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 2055 From: won't_disclose Registered: Sep 2011
posted December 07, 2011 06:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Ceridwen: Anon,nope, no Moon-Pluto-aspect, unless you count a trine with 8 degrees? Moon is contraparallel Pluto though my tightest midpoint-picture is Moon=Mercury/Pluto and another tight one is Moon=Sun/Pluto though. Moon rules my 8th house, and Pluto opposes my IC at 4 degrees.
But no real Moon/Pluto-aspect, no.
It rules the 8th so it's a Plutonian moon. Has the depth of Pluto and colors Pluto's depth. Love the midpoint tight conjunctions though! Neptune would have to do with "lies" of all sorts I guess. Or even Venus in a watery sign. Your intolerance of them and doubting others as a result, that has Plutonian taste for me. IP: Logged |
Fuzzy Knowflake Posts: 78 From: Libra 25° Registered: Aug 2011
posted December 07, 2011 06:28 PM
quote: Originally posted by downtomars: PHASE 205 (LIBRA 25°): THE SIGHT OF AN AUTUMN LEAF BRINGS TO A PILGRIM THE SUDDEN REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY OF LIFE AND DEATH.KEYNOTE: The ability to discover in every experience a transcendent or cosmic meaning. The mind open to the multifarious wonders of natural processes, because it sees everything with fresh eyes, not only witnesses simple facts, but pierces through appearances and perceives the great rhythms of universal life. Without such a faculty the aspirant to spiritual realities is always looking for "elsewhere." Yet the spirit, life, God is ever present, here and now. And every death is an omen of rebirth. At this fifth stage of the forty-first five-fold sequence of phases of the cosmic process, the implications of the four preceding stages are brought to a new state of consciousness which is truly the spiritual state. It is a state of CLAIR-SEEING, or "seeing through." This world is illusion only to the individual who cannot see through its phenomena and fails to apprehend the reality these phenomena reveal even as they conceal it.
Hey, your Moon conjuncts my Moon and Ascendant! ![]( I always loved that one too, I felt like it fits really well.
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sand Knowflake Posts: 1632 From: Registered: May 2011
posted December 08, 2011 04:38 AM
-SunTaurus 17. A battle between the swords and the torches. Keywords: conflict, competition, the eternal struggle between the practical necessities of life and the motives and meanings. -Moon Leo 3. A woman having her hair bobbed. Keywords: independence, fashion, exhibition, pride, decision, courage, self-expression, relations. -Ascendant Scorpio 1. A sight-seeing bus. Keywords: curiosity, enthusiasm, courage, friendliness, socialisation, to expect new experiences, to take advantage from opportunities. -Anything in the first house -Pluto same as the Asc. -Mars Scorpio 23. A bunny metamorphosed into a fairy. Keywords: imagination, creativity, transition, transformation. -Saturn Scorpio 13. An inventor experimenting. Keywords: creativity, intellectual abilities, resources, cleverness, a different way to think. IP: Logged | |