Topic: My Big, Fat Saturn Return
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 30, 2011 04:31 PM
I had an awesome Saturn return.As my nSaturn and tSaturn crossed, I met and wooed/was wooed by my husband. There was a great deal of tumult in the couple years leading up to my return, but the span of time itself was actually (more than) quite pleasant. Has anyone else have a painless-to-downright pleasant Saturn return? ------------------ ______________ My Chart IP: Logged |
teasel Knowflake Posts: 6567 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 30, 2011 04:58 PM
It wasn't painless - there was some wonky stuff going on at home, a lot of fighting here and there over a specific subject that still gets us fighting. I started having dizzy spells again, whenever Saturn was close to, or on, my Saturn (in the 9th in Cancer, widely square Merc, and inconjunct Neptune). I remember feeling some depression in 2004.BUT, it was also a great time for me. I had Uranus conjunct Mars, square Moon/Venus/South Node, trine Uranus/ascendant. I briefly started drawing again, and connected with artists online. I joined a goal-setting site just before my 30th birthday (actually you were on that site for a while). I haven't accomplished nearly as much as I wanted to since then, unfortunately, but that was one of my favourite times, because I was breaking out of things like agoraphobia, and finding my place in the world again (or trying to). I was full of hope, and optimism, brief depressions and social awkwardness aside. One big regret is that I didn't throw myself back into the drawing/painting and keep at it. I think I was supposed to (Saturn Return bringing me back to my "thing" that also centred me). I had my reasons, but it still bothers me. My Dad ended up in the hospital in January 2004, bringing up one of my big fears for Uranus conjunct Mars in the 4th, but he ended up being okay. I'm really happy for you, by the way. IP: Logged |
CosmicKarma360 Knowflake Posts: 774 From: here and there Registered: Sep 2010
posted December 30, 2011 05:40 PM
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cooljen Knowflake Posts: 298 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted December 30, 2011 06:44 PM
I'm just beginning mine (my first). Saturn is currently sitting right on top of my natal Saturn (28 deg Libra), which is conjunct Pluto (26 deg) in my 12th house.According to the Saturn return calculator, I'll be experiencing this until October 2012. Yayyy - that was a sarcastic yay, because I'm not feeling too optimistic right now. ------------------ Leo with Scorpio Rising & Moon in Taurus. IP: Logged |
mockingbird Knowflake Posts: 2128 From: Registered: Dec 2011
posted December 31, 2011 08:11 PM
teasel - Thank you I think that's what a "good" Saturn return is about. He wants us to lay down a good deal of groundwork, and it seems like you did.Cosmic - Potential good side: Sudden, unexpected, and forceful insight...? cooljen - Have you noticed anything popping up? Or, wait, where was my mind - we're talking about Saturn here: Have you noticed anything bearing down? IP: Logged |
MyVirgoMask Knowflake Posts: 3671 From: Bay Area, CA Registered: May 2009
posted December 31, 2011 09:12 PM
I had an AMAZINGLY lovely Saturn Return too I was dreading it and it was lovely - I think it was because Saturn made fairly good aspects to my chart during that time. I think it's also when I started looking at my time alone as something great, I didn't need to be around people to feel less lonely. I could be alone and feel grateful and happy, and enjoy my own company. I felt like I became a real grown-up during my Saturn Return...and it's kind of cool too because Saturn rules my NN as well as my MC/10th house cusp. It's like somehow everything felt right during that time. And then I met my ex-husband at the end of it.... And then, after my Saturn Return, all hell broke loose
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cooljen Knowflake Posts: 298 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted January 02, 2012 10:23 PM
Hi mockingbird, Its probably a little too early to say. I noticed a couple of days ago when Saturn reached mine, I was feeling a bit down - contemplating what I'm meant to do, where I'm supposed to be, whatnot. It's nothing I'm not used to, I've frequently contemplated stuff like this long before. I've got Saturn & Pluto in the 12th, so I think that contributes to my introspection. But this bout of it seemed a little gloomier. This was I'm sure partly because my lack of enthusiasm for New Years and especially knowing that I'll be going through this Saturn return for the majority of the year. I actually have come to like New Years in the past few years, but this past year 2011 just wasn't that great. I can't complain about it, I know could always be much worse and that other people have had really hard times but for me, 2011 was just colored with a lot of frustrations and moments of sadness. Of course there were plenty of happy times but when I think of the year, the not so good moments stand out. So I just wasn't very optimistic about this new year. Its not that I felt pessimistic about it, just that I didn't feel like anything good would be coming. Now, after ringing in new year though, I feel much better about it. I listened to that weekly forecast from Anne Ortelee and she talked about this year being a 5 year in numerology and how people should check to see what their personal year number is to get an idea of how yours will be. This interested me because she explained how last year was a 4, and turns out was also a 4 personal year for me and apparently those are harder years full of frustrations and trials, so I was like 'ahhh I see, this year should be much better then!'. Anyway, we'll see what happens. Side note: I have in the past few months had a few dreams about pregnancy. I don't think its necessarily some prophecy of becoming pregnant or something. But, well in the first dream, I was 9 months pregnant, wondering how I got to this point without backing out of it sooner. I was not happy about it at all and was sobbing as I walked into the hospital to deliver the baby. The notable thing is that I was crying because I was scared, but not of the labor but because I knew that my life was now going to change completely and I didn't want that. About 2 months later (2 months ago), I had another pregnant dream, this time 9 months pregnant, in the hospital, about to go into labor. I wasn't scared this time, I was ready but very anxious. I really wanted to just deliver the baby. But that didn't happen yet. Then a few days ago, I had another dream, this time about the actual delivery. I delivered the baby, all by myself actually, and I was happy. This is all kind of random, but I think its supposed to symbolize some kind of rebirth for me or something, and for some reason I feel like maybe this ties into my Saturn return. IP: Logged | |