Topic: Magi Astrology, anyone?
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 07, 2012 08:18 PM
I discovered Magi astrology about a couple of weeks ago, am fascinated and have some questions. Hope you all can help.1) While determining the heliocentric latitudes (am using tables from, do I read parallel and contra-parallel numbers from the Latitude column or from the Declination column? 2) For the Geo declinations, I’m assuming the numbers are read off from the Declination column, right? 3) How exactly is the orb between 2 planets calculated? For example, between Venus at 14° 4'57" N and Mars at 13°37'16" N, is the orb 0.27 or is it 0.67 (obtained by subtracting the 2 numbers)? Also, do the seconds have to be included in this calculation, and if so, how? I ask because Magi allow an orb of 0.3 or less for helio charts. 4) Does Vesta not show in the Helio charts (at least it didn’t in the site)? 5) Specifically, which asteroids does magi use for relationship synastry? 6) Re: Mystical Triangles—I have My Chiron trine His Neptune quincunx My Sun square My Chiron. However, My Venus is conjunct My Sun though at a wide orb of 4-5 degrees, therefore cannot replace My Sun in this Mystical triangle. But can it still have some sort of an enhancement effect on the triangle, enough to make it a Romantic Mystical Triangle? Thanks for answering and hope you don’t mind if I have more questions as I continue to learn. Happy New Year to everybody! IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted January 07, 2012 08:29 PM
I can't answer all of your questions but it's very important to know key dates such as day of first contact. If there was a harsh Saturn transit it'll override anything "magical" in synastry until you pick a day with easy transits to consummate or marry.I also recommend joining a Yahoo group for this. At best, nobody here cares for it and at worst is dead set against it. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 07, 2012 10:09 PM
Thanks, Capriquarius for letting me know. Your kindness is appreciated. I hope I didn't p*** off anyone by asking ;-)Is there a link to the Yahoo group? IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted January 08, 2012 12:57 AM
No problem. There are a few of them...I haven't read any of them since last year. There's also someone on Facebook who is certified: IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 08, 2012 12:55 PM
Thanks again, Capriquarius, I'll check those out and google groups on Yahoo.IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted January 08, 2012 01:00 PM
Hopefully they won't consist of the same two or three individuals under 87545789 usernames.IP: Logged |
JayR Newflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted January 08, 2012 01:00 PM
Hi Linda,I’m well versed in Magi Astrology and I believe I can offer some assistance. 1) The vertical measurement in the heliocentric dimension is latitudes. 2) Correct. 3) You subtract the lower number from the higher number to establish the orb in declinations. Also remember that the Magi Society and Magi Astrology uses a decimal system for fraction of degrees rather than minutes. Therefore, the heliocentric latitude maximum orb of 0.3 degrees equates to 18” when you convert it to minutes. 4) I’m sorry I don’t know the answer to this question. I do not use that site for chart preparation. If you find that Magi Astrology is your cup of tea, I would highly encourage you to join the Magi Society as their base software product, AstroGeometry, makes practicing Magi Astrology a breeze. And you get the base software as a part of your membership. Not that you can’t make do with other options, but if you get serious about Magi Astrology, you will progress much faster in your studies using the software that was designed for the Magi Astrology system. Plus, when you become a member you get access to the members only websites (there are several) and they have much more detailed and illuminating lessons and articles on Magi Astrology principles and practices then you will find on their main website, which is free to the general public. 5) Currently Vesta, Juno, Pallas and Sappho are the primary asteroids that the Magi Society promotes using in relationship CACs (combined alignment charts). In general, Ceres (which within Magi Astrology has principally business and financial symbolism) is not as critical in romantic relationships. While there are a few Ceres interaspects that matter in romantic relationship Magi Astrology, Ceres is mostly just relevant when it participates in combined symmetrical planetary geometry. 6) The longitudinal orb in Magi Astrology is 3 degrees. When three or more planets are a part of synchronized (same degree) planetary geometry, as is the case with a Mystic Triangle (a triangle composed of a Trine, Square and Quincunx) you can expand one (and only one) interaspect within the synchronization up to, but not exceeding 4 degrees. Under Magi Astrology guidelines any aspect over 4 degrees, such as your Venus, does not count within the geometry you described. Also, please keep in mind that every time you expand the orb, you inherently weaken the geometric structure and therefore it is less powerful. Meaning even if your Venus was at 4 degrees, while if would qualify as a Romantic Mystic Triangle, the power and efficacy of that structure would be a good deal weaker than a Romantic Mystic Triangle in which all the romantic planets were within a 3 degree orb. Best of luck to you with your Magi Astrology studies. I highly recommend you find their books on the used booksellers market (Amazon, eBay, Powell’s, Abe’s, etc….) as they will be a huge asset in progressing quicker in learning the system. Their first book, “Astrology Really Works” is a little dated as it doesn’t include any of the asteroids or outer planets, but it explains and expands on many of the fundamental principles of Magi Astrology and is well worth having. The third book “Magi Astrology; the Keys to Success in Love and Money” (often referred to as just “Love & Money”) is also exceptionally helpful. The Magi Society has made the first 14 chapters available for free in .pdf format and you can download it here ,or here . Although if you can get your hands on the copy of the published book I would recommend it, as Chapter 15 includes a bunch of aspect and interaspect interpretations that are super helpful. Their 2nd book, “The Magi Society Ephemeris; Including Secrets of Magi Astrology” is the rarest and by far the most expensive of their books on the used book market. It is for advanced or very experienced intermediate level Magi Astrologers as it covers the Magi Society’s theory’s on midpoints to include Magi Quads and midpoint crossings. The Ephemeris part of the 2nd book is dated, but astrologers purchase it predominantly for the first one hundred or so pages that have all the lessons and examples on how to apply midpoints within the Magi Astrology system. Also, here are some links to some other Certified Magi Astrologers who have good information on their websites: • Magi Kevin • Magi Bette • Magi Sandy
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Capriquarius unregistered
posted January 08, 2012 01:01 PM
^ awesome! Thank you for all that info, Knewflakey.IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 08, 2012 01:27 PM
Thanks, JayR, for that boat load of info. Now I have a lot to work with  In order to be clear about your answer to question 3)"You subtract the lower number from the higher number to establish the orb in declinations," what would the orb between Venus at 14° 4'57" N and Mars at 13°37'16" N be? Thanks so much for your time in answering such a basic question  IP: Logged |
JayR Newflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted January 08, 2012 03:28 PM
Hi Linda,I’m happy to offer my assistance. Everyone was new at some point and almost all of us had folks that helped point us in the right direction as we were progressing through our studies. I’m just paying back the kindness that was extended to me by several aficionados of Magi Astrology. I would calculate 27’ 41”. However I will stipulate that I exclusively use the Magi Astrology system which is decimal based and therefore this is not my area of expertise, and anyone who has a correction please chime in . The Magi Society promotes a 1.2 degree max orb in declinations for two planet aspects which equates to 1 degree 12 minutes and it would make your Venus – Mars parallel well within orb. Since I’m sharing, adding on to the earlier suggestions of Capriquarius …. My biggest pet peeve in online forums is how much inaccurate Magi Astrology information thrives. When it comes to helpful resources on the web outside of the Magi Society’s websites or the certified Magi’s websites, I have not found much worth my time. I would say that several years ago there were indeed a select few Magi Astrology related Yahoo groups that were helpful due to some very knowledgeable and accomplished participants. Sadly, all of those groups have either disbanded (such as Magi-Un Group) or they are now almost exclusively populated by people who are not Magi Society members and who do not know or fully understand the concepts and therefore you get lots of flat out wrong information along with a glut of topics and threads not even related to Magi Astrology (such as MagiAstroTopics Group). A word to the wise; be it here or astrology weekly’s forum or astro dot com’s forum or a yahoo group or a tribe group etc…when you have anonymous participation keep in mind it’s harder to ascertain the validity of the comments you are receiving. When it comes to Magi Astrology, if the person clarifying or expanding on the methodology is not a CURRENT member, and is not using the Magi Society software, then that might be a hint they may not be as credible as someone who is. The Magi Society is polarizing on many levels and there are a lot of people in the astrological community who very much resent the Society’s stance on several issues and take every opportunity to attack or discredit or besmirch the Magi Society and its members. Because of the inherent static that the Magi Society and their often controversial opinions attract, it is next to impossible to find a civil on-line forum in which sincere students can create a meaningful dialog about the methodology. Virtually all of the expert level Magi Astrologers I know, refuse to participate in open online forums, because it isn’t fun and it isn’t worth the hassle to deal with the rancor. I will be the first to admit that Magi Astrology is not easy to absorb. The books are not indexed, the websites are not indexed and I personally have never met anyone who was an advanced Magi Astrology practitioner who did not create their own information indexing/retrieval/notes system to enable them to organize the information efficiently for themselves. But the information is out there, and if you are willing to put in the effort, you can get yourself up to speed. If you get stuck, some of the Certified Magi Astrologers offer tutoring and that can get you back on track, and of course the Magi Society offers certification courses to their members who have joined at a professional level. Linda, wishing you the best of luck in your studies and if I can be helpful in the future, don’t hesitate to ask. JayR
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Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 08, 2012 04:41 PM
Thank you again, JayR. I think it's pretty decent of you to help, especially w/ the orb calculation :-). 27'41" is the orb I was leaning towards but wanted to be sure. I now know how to proceed. I like how you give complete information when you answer and how you made me feel comfortable asking.Thank you also for your comments about the Yahoo groups and your words to the wise. I hadn't thought about the drawbacks (information wise) of anonymous forums. I think it's unfortunate that "it is next to impossible to find a civil on-line forum in which sincere students can create a meaningful dialog about the methodology", because I'm sure there are a lot of unbiased, seeking-to-learn type people like me who could benefit. I hope things can change for seekers in the future. Peaceful on-line forums on Magi Astrology would be perfect. I appreciate your good wishes... and if I could take you up on your offer to not hesitate to ask you in future (of course keeping in mind that you're probably very busy), what would be the best way? Thanks. Linda  IP: Logged |
indy19 Newflake Posts: 1 From: NJ, USA Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 26, 2012 09:26 PM
Hi Linda, I'm not sure if you will still see this but I would highly suggest that you join the yahoogroup "magiastrotopics". it's not as active as it used to be, but if you go through the archives, you will find a wealth of information about the answers you're looking for. The thing is, the magi haven't added that much more to their public information highway in a few years now so much of the stuff that's in the message archive is "current". So I would suggest that you (or anyone trying to find out more about this) take a look at their main site here: and then go onto join the yahoo group. Don't hesitate to ask questions but make sure that the questions are specific to magi info. I'm going to bet that you'll be happy you joined. Thanks, Indrani. IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1635 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted January 27, 2012 11:27 PM
Thanks so much, Indrani.It was thoughtful of you to pass along this information. I see that you are new to Lindaland :-) Happy New Year! IP: Logged |
Leonine8 Knowflake Posts: 148 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted January 29, 2012 10:46 AM
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted January 29, 2012 11:33 AM
I am one of those, who have certain reservations, when it comes to some of the claims and especially the "tone" of the view Magi sites that are still in existance.BUT nevertheless, even though I do not agree with all they claim, there are certain things I find intriguing and interesting about their methodolgy. For example, judging from what I have read, I like that there seems to be a very systematic approach. And what I find to be very interesting and signficant, is the inclusion of declanational aspects and the use of a reasonable orb. But the concept that I find to be by far the most important (I have come to the same conclusion based on my observation of synastry charts and natal charts, and felt even more confirmed, when I found that again in their books), is what they call "planetary synchronization". I had used a different name for this for myself, "Closed circuits", but it basically depicts the same; three or more planets which are aspecting each other always have an interdependent relationship to each other. For example in my own chart I have such a interrelation of Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto (Jupiter squares Neptune and quinkunx Pluto; Neptune sextiles Pluto) - they are not acting independently, but whenever I describe the square between Neptune and Jupiter, I also have to take Pluto into consideration, as both are connected to it. If I understand it right, the Magi see these planetary synchronization as important as well. IP: Logged |
JayR Newflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted February 01, 2012 10:16 AM
Hello Leonine8, One of the fundamental tenets of Magi Astrology is “nothing ever cancels out,” every alignment is in play, especially in romantic relationships. When you have a preponderance of helpful alighnments it helps to create more frequent and longer periods of ease in the relationship and it helps you get through the turbulent time periods as you know how pleasant it can be in the non-turbulent times. As a general rule you are correct that more linkages and less clashes indicate compatibility. However, some of the more powerful Saturn clashes and Saturn midpoint clashes such as Saturn-Jupiter [Nuclear Clash], Saturn-Chiron [Heartbreak Clash], or Saturn-Juno [World War Clash], as a for instance, can be especially turbulent regardless of how many wonderful linkages there are in the CAC [Combined Alignment Chart]. From a Magi Society and Magi Astrology perspective, when talking about Juno symbolism you want to always go back to its nature. Many people just focus on the sexual element and ignore the other key Juno symbolisms. Just like Mars, Venus and Pluto, all of which have sexual elements to their symbolism, Juno is not exclusively sexual and it has additional meaningful symbolism. Juno’s nature is illusionary, its nature is fleeting, its nature is selfish, its nature is narcissistic, and its nature is deceitful. Its nature in relationships is to make sex the center of the connection, and eschew and or diminish emotional and spiritual intimacy in favor of overwhelming physical intimacy. By its very nature Juno does not want deep, profound connectedness, which is what Chiron is most seeking. Most Juno linkages in romance promote illusionary and unrealistic thinking, idealistic and impractical outlooks. Juno linkages with other sexual planets create sexual attraction, and action, that is often fleeting and will not last. There are a few Juno linkages that are exceptions to the rule. Jupiter linkages with Juno help to promote more realistic thinking and pragmatic outlooks. Neptune linkages with Juno eliminate the fleeting nature of Juno as one of Neptune’s primary symbolisms is longevity. Neptune also helps bring at least of measure of romance to the party. Chiron linkages with Juno also eliminate the fleeting nature and they allow for more emotional and spiritual connectedness, but neither Neptune nor Chiron can mitigate the unrealistic, pie-in-the sky, illusionary outlook. Linkages by-in-large promote Juno’s nature. It actually can be helpful for couples to have a few Juno clashes [non-Saturn, of course] as those clashes help with curtailing the illusionary, unrealistic and impractical relationship outlooks. You certainly need a little Juno help, as in linkages, to get the relationship fire started, but in this case a little goes a long way. Also worth noting is that one of Juno’s primary symbolisms is sex outside of marriage. When you get married the Juno influence, specifically in the sexual arena, does not function quite like it did before you were married.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 01, 2012 11:16 AM
I don`t know if this link has already been posted, but I quite like this site and the explanations there. Also one thing to consider, if you want to learn Magi astrology or at least study it, I`d recommend keeping to the rules of that system. For example: I do not really agree with the Magi interpretation of Juno, but I accept that this is part of their system, and as long as I am checking compatibility charts according to their system (based on the informations they had been giving on their website, and the first and third published book - I am not a member, so I do not have "inside information"), I stick to the symbolism they teach within their methodology.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 02, 2012 08:55 AM
BTW Jay, thank you for shedding light on Magi astrology.  IP: Logged |
Leonine8 Knowflake Posts: 148 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted February 03, 2012 12:39 PM
Hi JayR,Wow, that's so interesting, and Inadmit I had to read it twice before it really sank in. You expressed it well, and I think I had to get past the first reading of what I wanted to hear to the what it really said part, lol. Am I understanding correctly that Magi does not ive much or any regard to sextiles? I have a Venus sextile Neptune in synastry, but I'm not sure it's a linkage. Thanks, JayR.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 03, 2012 03:19 PM
As far as I understand it, sextiles are no linkages, though they are being considered in planetary geometry / synchronization.Linkages are: conjunction and trine parallel quinkunx and contraparallel (but if Saturn makes a quinkunx or contraparallel, this is considered a clash) 'For planetary synchronization all aspects which are a multiple of 30° are being considered; but only the ones I mentioned are linkages.
Linkages have a stronger positive, harmonious, attracting influence than "normal" aspects. Hope I got that right.  EDIT: Also the used orb is 3°, as mentioned, and if they state 3°, they REALLY mean 3°; exception is in important planetary geometry, one aspect, but only one, may be up to 4° (important planetary geometry is a Grand trine for example).
So your Venus sextile Neptune, if within 3 degrees, might link to another planet through quinkunx, and thus making a Yod, or there might be a Golden Rectangle. If one of your Chirons aspects Venus and Neptune, all three romance planets would be clustered together, and that would be a big factor for romantic attraction. If there is a linkage of Venus or Neptune to Chiron in the longitudes (conjunction - trine - quinkunx), then you would have a Romantic Super linkage, of purely romance planets, and that is one of the best things to happen in a comparision. Int his instance the sextile becomes very significant, as part of planetary geometry. If it is an isolated sextile, it is far less significant I think.
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JayR Newflake Posts: 16 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted February 03, 2012 10:31 PM
Hello Ceridwen,Yes, without question Magi Astrology is very systematic and exceptionally logical. The Magi Society asserts that they are the largest association of scientific astrologers in the world. Theirs is a methodology based on research using generally accepted scientific protocols and it shows in how their brand of astrology is practiced. Planetary synchronization is a pillar of Magi Astrology. On their general website , members only websites and in their second book, “The Magi Ephemeris and Other Secrets of Magi Astrology” they devote a lot of energy to identifying and interpreting multi-planet synchronizations. I would agree with your comments on not mixing non-Magi Astrology methodology into the system. Many beginning students of Magi Astrology who have a history with other popular astrological methodologies often find this to be the most difficult challenge. If you have been exposed to other methodologies, fully embracing and understanding Magi Astrology requires a willingness to let go of much of what you have previously accepted. My first Magi Astrology mentor told me from the very beginning of my studies that if the current astrological methodology I was using met my standards in its accuracy and efficacy, then Magi Astrology was not for me. It was his experience was that only those who were not satisfied with the results of their current astrological methodology would be able to fully embrace and practice Magi Astrology. I concur with your answer on sextile aspects. In Magi Astrology they are considered helpful, but not so helpful in and of themselves to be considered an enhancement aspect. If they are a part of multi-planet geometry they are relevant, but only in the context of the geometry in which they participate. Also, as an FYI, in recent years the Magi Society has sub-divided the linkage category. Conjunctions, trines and parallels are referred to as “pure linkages” to separate them from the non-Saturn quincunx and contra-parallel linkages which are still called linkages. Pure linkages are promoted to be more powerful and more helpful. Ceridwen, I appreciate the thank you. I enjoy sharing thoughts on Magi Astrology.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 04, 2012 07:55 AM
Hello Jay R,it`s interesting with Magi Astrology and me. I certainly do not want to get into a philosophical debate about it, because that is usually where I get turned off by their way of expression, as I find it to be quite jugemental, but on the other hand at least they are honest about it. And let`s face the fact most astrologers are judgemental, they just try to sugarcoat it. So there is something about the tone especially on their official website, that puts me off, yet I am intrigued by their methodology. So it is best for me to set aside any kind of philosophical discussion and just stick to the astrological method, at least for now. It`s kinda weird, I got introduced to Magi astrology 7 years ago, just one day before my birthday, and since then it`s been a very "fluctuating relationship" for me. But in a nutshell I am still intrigued, and still, from time to time, am drawn back to study it. It is just now that I was checking for the astrology of that day, which was natalizing my relationship with this kind of astrology. And in the event-chart of that day I found: in tropical: - Sun conjunct Pluto - proximity enhanced Venus conjunct Chiron (but trine Sappho and semisextile Ceres) - a T-square of Mars opposite Jupiter, with both being square retro Saturn) - a bi-directional and proximity enhanced Neptune-Juno-trine - Mercury contraparallel Saturn - Neptune parallel Pluto, and both being contraparallel Mars - Jupiter parallel Chiron (which mimicks my natal Jupiter contraparallel Chiron) - Venus contraparallel Vesta and in helio: - Earth/Moon opposite Pluto (transdimensional) - Grand Trine of Mercury trine Mars trine Chiron - Saturn opposite Chiron (orb: 3.2) square Jupiter - Earth latitude Neptune - (Venus latitude Vesta) contralatitude (Mars latitude 1Saturn) - Venus conjunt and contralatitude Mars I think from that it is clearly to see why I am often turned off and very intrigued to it at the same time. On the plus side, as I understzand it: - geo enhancement of Venus and Chiron - geo enhancement of Jupiter and Chiron - geo declinational synchronization of Neptune, Pluto and Mars (is that a Magi Pyramid btw?)1 - helio GT of Mercury, Mars and Chiron On the minus side: - geo T-square of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn - helio T-square of Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn (so the Nuclear clash is transdimensional and adding a Heartbreak activation to it)
I am not sure what to make of - Venus conjunct and contralatitude of Mars - the quadruple interconnection of Mars - Saturn and Venus-Vesta in the helio, with Venus-Vesta being transdimensional plus the Sun-Pluto enhancement would indicate some kind of compulsion I guess, and together with Earth latitude Neptune certainly describes the powerful and lasting impression that "encounter" left on me. I was also checking for some transits to my chart at that day and found:
geo: Tr Chiron square Uranus Tr Uranus parallel (Jupiter contraparallel Chiron) helio: Tr Jupiter parallel Vesta Tr Saturn parallel Uranus absolutely precise Tr Uranus contraparallel Chiron I guess the transdimensional transit of Uranus to natal Chiron would be the outstanding feature here, probably also hinting at the "fluctuating connection". Also interesting,s ince Uranus represents astrology So with that off my chest I think I can focus on the methodology now.  IP: Logged |
Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 04, 2012 08:12 AM
JayR,"Planetary synchronization is a pillar of Magi Astrology." I definitely completely concur with that. "nd in their second book, “The Magi Ephemeris and Other Secrets of Magi Astrology”" Unfortunately that is the one I don`t have. I have studied "Astrology really works" and even more so and repeatedly "Love, money and success" and of course their official website, and the websites of Magi Helena and Jupiters.web; especially the last one helped me in understanding, though of course I don`t know how precise my understanding really is. I am just doing the best I can.  I haven`t delved into the concept of Magi Quads and midpoints crossing yet, as I am still trying to get a firm grasp on the other basic concepts. "ld agree with your comments on not mixing non-Magi Astrology methodology into the system." Yes, I think that is very important. You have to first thorougly understand and gaining the skill to appropriately apply a certain methodology. If this is not being accomplished, how can I be surprised, that it "does not work"?
"I concur with your answer on sextile aspects." I am glad to hear that, because that means that I did really understand this "piece of the puzzle".
"Also, as an FYI, in recent years the Magi Society has sub-divided the linkage category. Conjunctions, trines and parallels are referred to as “pure linkages” to separate them from the non-Saturn quincunx and contra-parallel linkages which are still called linkages. " Yes, I read about that. And it definitely makes sense.
Also, would that mean that a planetary ecclipse be one of the strongest enhancing aspects then? (of course depending on the symbolism of the planets) "I enjoy sharing thoughts on Magi Astrology." I enjoy sharing thoughts on Magi Astrology as well; there is not often opportunity to do so, unfortunately.
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 04, 2012 01:58 PM
Jay R,I`ve been checking my natal chart; it is a strange thing I never did that in a consistent ways, just noticing fragments here and there, but this leaves me with some questions. (1) geocentric - heliocentric ------------------------------- I notice that sometimes the heliocentric charts are being used, and I wonder how important are they compared to the geocentric and what is their qualitative difference in an interpretation? (2) planetary ecclipse and orbs:
I have in my geocentric chart: Sun conjunct Mercury, but also ALMOST Sun parallel Mercury; the orb is 1°16, so almost 1.3 in decimal, and if I am rightly informed, then only an orb of 1.2 is applied, right? I was wondering if the fact that there is already an aspect in the longitudes allows for expanding the natal orb? (I think I have seen it done in synastry, but is it okay in natals, too?) Also, Sun parallel Venus and Mercury parallel Venus (both are well in orb). This means that if I can allow an orb of 1.3 for Sun parallel Mercury, there is a planetary configuration of Sun, Mercury and Venus in the declinations. Is this a Magi Pyramid? Or is it not considered one because, I think, I read only selected planets are used for the Magi Pyramid, and Mercury is not one of those? Also, I just noticed that both Mercury and Venus are EXDEC. I counterchecked, and Mercury is only 5 minutes of orb from its highest possible declination, and Venus actualy is PRESICELY on the highest declination (and additionally the planet in my chart that has the highest declination)
Also, if I glimpse at the helios I see that there EARTH is opposing Mercury and they are part of planetary geometry there (making a T-square with Jupiter)
So the Sun-Mercury aspect actually is: - a bi-level aspect, possibly a planetary ecclipse? - a transdimensional aspect? And Mercury being part of - an ecclipse - a transdimensional aspect - being EXDEC - being part of the planetary synchronization of Sun-Mercury-Venus in geo, and being part of a T-square of Earth-MErcury-Jupiter in helio Does this mean it is has special emphasis in my chart?
(Knowing myself, it would indeed make sense) That triple parallel probably would indicate something like being a person(Sun) who loves (Venus) to communicate (Mercury), right? Or even give some verbal skills? But how are the activation aspects being interpreted in a natal? Lke that T-square of EArth-Mercury-Jupiter in helio? In a CAC it would probalby be negative / clashing, but how is it in a natal? Especially since these planets are not that "hostile" in nature?
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Ceridwen Knowflake Posts: 6394 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 04, 2012 03:23 PM
(3) Juno in personal aspect and its counter-medicine? -------------------------------------------in geo I have following planetary synchronization, involving Juno: Moon-Saturn-(Chiron)-Juno Moon bidirectional quinkunx Saturn (0.1) Moon bidirectional sextile Chiron (2.9) Moon semisextile Juno (0.1) Saturn widely square Chiron double retrograde (3.1) Saturn bidirectional Juno (0.0) Chiron widely semisextile Juno (3.1) ° probably Chiron is not really a part of that synchronization due to the wide orbs? ° also how important are planetary synchronizations which contain semisextile and sextile instead of enhancements or even activation-angles? in the declination I have: Moon parallel Uranus 0.3 Moon parallel Juno 0.7 Uranus parallel Juno 0.9 Moon contraparallel Pluto 0.6 Uranus contraparallel Pluto 0.2 Pluto contraparallel Juno 1.3
the orb of Pluto/Juno again is above the usual orb - does it still count? And if so, to what degree? Also, if Juno symbolism includes infidelity and Uranus also is indicative of change, wouldn´t that be signs of a person, prone to cheating or a "wanderer"? But I am not like that. Maybe I am a tad indecisive, but fidelity is something that is important to me. I was wondering if this configuration in helio might act as a "balance" then? Neptune latitude Vesta 0.3 Jupiter contralatitude Neptune 0.3 Jupiter contralatitude Vesta 0.0 (4) I was wondering if this was a planetary synchronization?
Jupiter conjunct Ceres Jupiter/Ceres square Neptune Jupiter quinkunx Pluto Jupiter semisextile Pallas Neptune sextile Pluto Neptune sextile Pallas Pluto trine Pallas very closely (orb: 0.1) (5) interlocking planetary geometry ------------------------------------- how is it interpreted if there are interlocking planetary geometry or even just a single planet aspecting one other planet, which is involved in planetary geometry otherwise?
example from my helio: T-square: Earth opposite Mercury square Jupiter (the Earth-Jupiter square is 3.7 degree, but I expanded the orb because it is a significant planetary configuration - is that valid?) Mystical triangle: Earth trine Uranus Earth square Ceres Uranus quinkunx Ceres (orb 0.3) Yod: Earth sextile Chiron Earth quinkunx Mars (orb: 3.7) Mars quinkunx Chiron so Earth is participating in three different aspect figures / planetary geometry; does that bear a special meaning? And how do I interprete these interlocking triangles? Also, additionally there is: Mercury trine Chiron (0.4) Mars trine Jupiter (0.1) Venus square Chiron
(6) focal planet ------------------- I noticed that Sandy mentioned focal or focus aspects on her website, when she was analyzing natal charts, and I wondered what makes a planet a focal planet?
Sorry, I know these are many questions, but I just try to wrap my mind around all this,a nd I want to do it the right way, cause I will not get any accurate results if I am allowing too big orbs for example, or don`t know how to judge the value / importance of certain aspects and aspectfigures.
I will understand though if you don´t have the time or if there might be things that are not yet published and therefore cannot be answered. Nevertheless I would appreciate it very much, if you could help me with these questions. IP: Logged | |