Topic: Scorpios and forgiveness?
Anjellyfish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: AR, United States Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 03:23 AM
Not trying to dog anyone or a certain zodiac sign with this post. Anyways, I have noticed from much personal experience (and those of my friends who are acquainted with astrology have observed this) that some Scorpios or who have strong Scorpionic influence, aren't very forgiving. Like...if you wrong them or do something that hurts them or makes them angry of any nature, even if unintentional....they are quick to cut ties with you/disown you/silent treatment, etc. and depending on how evolved they are, they may also seek revenge. It doesn't seem to be with all of the ones I know..I'd say 50%? They seem really quick to cut someone off over stuff.Anyways...has anyone ever noticed this? Curious as to why they are like this. Ever noticed any other astrological signs or placement who may do this? IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 03:36 AM
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Venus Moderator Posts: 1776 From: Registered: Mar 2011
posted January 11, 2012 03:56 AM
wow, major deja-vu im pretty sure i answered the same exact question before on LL, still a great question.first, RP u're great really one of the closest to my heart on LL anjellyfish, im a libra sun but have scorpio in my moon, venus, and pluto. Everyone says scorpios are vengeful, un-forgiving, but they never stop to think why! scorpio, at least how i experience it, are all or nothing people. they're not the first to warm up, but when they do it's for good. they have a passive low expectation attitude towards emotional connections, thats why they seem distant, because once they step inside an "emotional connection" (any kind of relationship not necessary a romantic one) they poor it all in! intense, and over-powering but also very fragile thats in short a scorpio's heart, its not that they dont forgive, most of them do, but its not the same anymore, they cant forget because they cant help it.. if you lost their trust, alas its gone forever..
------------------ "I dwell in the midst of a perfect race, I the most imperfect.." Khalil Jubran IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 06:22 AM
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affy Knowflake Posts: 200 From: Neptune because it's blue Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 07:05 AM
What RegardesPlatero said is so true I've had that experience with my best friend who is a Scorpio rising. He just shuts down completely if he's angry with me, but for some reason he's learnt to accept my faults & comes back. He is a Virgo Sun - Sag moon.IP: Logged |
mintgirl123 Knowflake Posts: 2400 From: Registered: Nov 2009
posted January 11, 2012 07:19 AM
I think it depends on the extent of the situation. If it's betrayal then Scorpios, Virgos and Leos will never be able to bounce back from it. They would cut you off and no way would you be able to get them back.Forgiveness can be granted, but that doesn't mean you'll be part of their lives ever again. IP: Logged |
doommlord Knowflake Posts: 2601 From: israel Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 11, 2012 07:59 AM
usually it depends on the situation and who was hurt other then the scorpiofor me atleast it is very hard for me to forgive and forget... usually i firgive for small insults cause people usually dont make them intentionally so it doesent hurt much but there were one time when i had a person in my class who made fun of me.... i knew he was just kidding but the things he said reminded me of some past thing id rather not talk about....and it hurt me real bad ..... i never talked or even looked at this person and he was in my class for 6 months....
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Anjellyfish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: AR, United States Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 01:41 PM
I have some friends who are Scorpios who are really forgiving and just let stuff go and forget about it. Then I know like two Scorpios, who even the slightest thing you do (I did actually wrong one of the past I had been difficult to deal with and kindof emotionally unstable at the time and said some mean stuff, but not overly mean? It wasn't intentional, I was a kid at the time and had a lot of mental health issues, to put it that way) makes them cut ties with you and if you cancer or died, they wouldn't care. One was vengeful. They weren't terribly evolved. The other, all I did was stick up for a best friend who he hates for whatever unknown reason. I've seen people bring this up before, was curious what anyone's thoughts are on it. But I've also noticed this with other water signs, if they are unbalanced. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa unregistered
posted January 11, 2012 02:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by RegardesPlatero:
If you hurt a family member, friend, or other loved one of a Scorpio, it will be MUCH harder for them to forgive you than if you only hurt the Scorpio.
That's so true!!! My best friend has five or six Scorpio placements including ASC, Sun, and Venus and Moon in Capricorn (you know, just in case all that intensity wasn't enough...) and she still hates my ex-boyfriend for what he did to me even though I've let it go! Every time I bring it up she gets irritated/****** -off (but at the thought of him) and says "I just want to punch him." Makes me feel special. I love Scorpios.  IP: Logged |
hannaramaa unregistered
posted January 11, 2012 02:48 PM
quote: Originally posted by Anjellyfish: I have some friends who are Scorpios who are really forgiving and just let stuff go and forget about it. Then I know like two Scorpios, who even the slightest thing you do (I did actually wrong one of the past I had been difficult to deal with and kindof emotionally unstable at the time and said some mean stuff, but not overly mean? It wasn't intentional, I was a kid at the time and had a lot of mental health issues, to put it that way) makes them cut ties with you and if you cancer or died, they wouldn't care. One was vengeful. They weren't terribly evolved. The other, all I did was stick up for a best friend who he hates for whatever unknown reason. I've seen people bring this up before, was curious what anyone's thoughts are on it. But I've also noticed this with other water signs, if they are unbalanced.
I wonder if those with an abundance of Scorpio in their chart act like Libra or Sagittarius (their neighbors)? My Scorpio best friend is very loyal but she's also good at picking her battles. She attributes it to her crazy Leo brother whom she's been at war with since they were little.
Scorpio sun, Sagittarius moons have always been quick to cut me off. Being an Aries sun, Taurus moon I don't really understand cutting someone that you once enjoyed, off. Unless it's like RP's case in which personal safety and well being was involved, there's no reason you can't buck up and work out the kinks in the friendship. You can't just cut someone off whenever your mad or you'd have no friends left. You know? In any case, my best friend does not cut people off. Even people who are unhealthy for her. She will wait for the perfect opportunity (re: when she has the upper-hand with her facts) to argue. But she'll still stick by someone. I know two other Scorpio sun, Sag moons and one has had the same friends off and on since high school. The other is quite jovial and popular, which I doubt you can be if you're running around cutting people off. I would say those Scorpios were just immature that you dealt with.
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Anjellyfish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: AR, United States Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 04:32 PM
I'm an Aries with an Aries moon, so I don't get the cutting-off thing either...I can't comprehend why if you cared about someone, or had an emotional attachment, you could just become dead to them emotionally. Unless you felt like your safety around them as in danger (like...they're physically abusive or sexually harass you) like RP said. When someone does something that hurts me or I get mad...I just let it go, I get over it anyways in a few hours to a few days. Said Scorpio friend who cut me off over really stupid stuff, has a sagittarius mercury and some other sagittarius placements, but has a Scorpio mars and in my experience, people with Scorpio mars are very unforgiving at times and don't even want to hear about the person. She cut me off to the extent (so stupid and trivial) that she doesn't want her closest friends to talk to me or have anything to do with me. Anyways, I've seen Pisces do the same thing. Not Leos...Virgos and Capricorns depending on other placements if they can't get their way with a person.
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hannaramaa unregistered
posted January 11, 2012 04:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Anjellyfish: I'm an Aries with an Aries moon, so I don't get the cutting-off thing either...I can't comprehend why if you cared about someone, or had an emotional attachment, you could just become dead to them emotionally. Unless you felt like your safety around them as in danger (like...they're physically abusive or sexually harass you) like RP said. When someone does something that hurts me or I get mad...I just let it go, I get over it anyways in a few hours to a few days. Said Scorpio friend who cut me off over really stupid stuff, has a sagittarius mercury and some other sagittarius placements, but has a Scorpio mars and in my experience, people with Scorpio mars are very unforgiving at times and don't even want to hear about the person. She cut me off to the extent (so stupid and trivial) that she doesn't want her closest friends to talk to me or have anything to do with me. Anyways, I've seen Pisces do the same thing. Not Leos...Virgos and Capricorns depending on other placements if they can't get their way with a person.
Mercury in Sagittarius... I wonder if these people blow things out of proportion easily? Since that's the way you process things is through Mercury and such. Sag tends to throw out a lot of empty threats too... IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 04:43 PM
^^I don't know. I've a Sag Merc and I don't do that. I'm more inclined to believe that a Scorpio Mars is just unforgiving. Mercury is not about how you act on your emotions; Mars is or can be. Mercury will talk or communicate. Sag Merc people are very fond of being rational, use common sense, speak to the point, and I don't see in all this anything about threats or lack of forgiveness. A watery Moon or Mars would or could act vindictively. Merc Sag is too straight an arrow to play such games. IP: Logged |
NickiG Knowflake Posts: 5821 From: Pluto, next to Ami Ann Registered: Jul 2010
posted January 11, 2012 04:47 PM
anjellyfish, it depends on what level their scorpio placements arei know this is talked about a lot, but i really cant stress it enough i have 3 scorpio placements, including my sun, and the minor things i can forgive, but if you break my trust with a HUGE thing, it would take forever for me to trust you again and possibly even longer for me to forgive you i also believe (after a lot of observation) that the more planets you have in a sign the more pure the energy is for example, a person with only one planet in scorpio will act more like your average scorpio would (or rather, what you might have read about the sign) but a person with a packed sign acts more true to what the energy really is (i know leos who dont act "leoish") and i dont act like your typical scorpio ------------------ I once saw a sign that said "sin is death" but if "all deaths are suicide (linda goodman)" and suicide is sin, then shouldnt "death is sin" be more appropriate? when organic is used to describe food then you know we have come to a dark age in history IP: Logged |
Malena Knowflake Posts: 237 From: Registered: Apr 2011
posted January 11, 2012 07:00 PM
I have four planets in Scorpio. I think my issues with anger/forgiveness are modified by my Mars in Capricorn (which infuses my anger with a sense of pragmatism) and Moon in Leo (which makes me more magnanimous than I might be otherwise).My biggest issue with forgiveness is when the other person can't admit they did something jerkish. If I say to you "Hey, it kind of sucked when you did X" and you come back with a bunch of weaselly excuses about why it wasn't SOOOO bad or how I'm making a big deal out of nothing, then I'm done with you. On the other hand, if you come back with "Yeah, you're right, that was kind of crappy. I'll try not to do that again," then as far as I'm concerned the issue is closed and we're cool. I don't expect massive grovelling apologies, just show me that you get why there's a problem. I do my best to hold myself to these same standards. Part of it is that I don't confront people very often, and I try to give a lot of benefit of the doubt. So if I've gotten to the stage of expressing anger at you, it's kind of important and it only makes me angrier when the other person brushes that off. I don't hold back in order to be passive aggressive; usually I am genuinely trying to roll with it and convince myself not to be angry. IP: Logged |
Anjellyfish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: AR, United States Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 07:01 PM
The merc Sag person is really passive-aggressive and will play games when it comes to, you...talking in code like some females do? I don't have her exact time of birth so I don't know what any of the aspects or anything else is to her mercury or mars...she is a run-of-the mill mars in scorpio though. Her only Scorpio placements are Sun in Scorpio (on the scorpio-sag cusp) and her mars in scorpio. And they aren't conjunct. Any other Scorpios (maybe just 2 others) I had this issue with, I never did a natal chart on them. I think they probably had a lot of leo influence though. They also seemed leonine.@ NikiG never thought of it that way, I guess because I've never seen anyone talk about it. But it would make a lot of sense. IP: Logged |
Anjellyfish Knowflake Posts: 159 From: AR, United States Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 11, 2012 07:03 PM
****you knowIP: Logged |
ladyvi Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Arakkis Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 02:56 AM
Most of the Scorpios I know are fairly forgiving! These people have an abundance of Scorpio in their chart though so I think the lack of Squares and Oppositions make it easier for them. Scorpio moons on the other hand, especially in an Air or fire sign will make no hesitation to cut someone off without thinking twice. I have Virgo moon in 8th and even though its not much Scorpio besides Pluto, I cut people off and will never talk to them again. I'll forgive but never ever forget. And even if I may speak with that person again or even be friends with them again, it will never be the same and I will always remember to keep my distance from them. I think Virgo and Scorpio are the least forgiving when it comes to being betrayed. I see Virgos cut people off a lot easier than Scorpios but are more likely to have that person they cut off in their lives again. Scorpios are 50/50 A Scorpio friend of mine can be at a table with someone who betrayed her before and won't even acknowledge her presence. But also she has some friends who keep betraying her but she will never truly cut them off. I guess it depends on their initial meeting and relationship with the person. If she knew they would be a fake friend from the beginning she will have an easier time letting them go if they were able to get close to her then betray her she is more hurt, but also more willing to forgive them. IP: Logged |
ladyvi Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Arakkis Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 02:58 AM
quote: Originally posted by NickiG: anjellyfish, it depends on what level their scorpio placements arei know this is talked about a lot, but i really cant stress it enough i have 3 scorpio placements, including my sun, and the minor things i can forgive, but if you break my trust with a HUGE thing, it would take forever for me to trust you again and possibly even longer for me to forgive you i also believe (after a lot of observation) that the more planets you have in a sign the more pure the energy is for example, a person with only one planet in scorpio will act more like your average scorpio would (or rather, what you might have read about the sign) but a person with a packed sign acts more true to what the energy really is (i know leos who dont act "leoish") and i dont act like your typical scorpio
Agree I see people with more of whatever sign they are being more evolved.
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T Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted January 12, 2012 03:06 AM
Many of my besties have been Scorp girls or Scorp gay guys and they are always forgiving of others (never a need to forgive me for anything as i've done because I never 'cross them'). We just click and usually have a strong bond. I think when they love you enough, forgiveness comes easier, but if you are an aquaintence then it might not work out as well.I tend to like my opposite sign alot and find them sensitive, understanding, honest and of high character, though those examples are only the ones ive gotten to know well. I've heard horror stories and have also seen the bad side of some of them. I know there are some "dirty" ones out there too. But for the most part, I am very fond of them and the issue of forgiveness has never issue...
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T Newflake Posts: From: Registered:
posted January 12, 2012 03:08 AM
& i'm a Taurus for those who didnt know.IP: Logged |
ladyvi Knowflake Posts: 85 From: Arakkis Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 03:53 AM
quote: Originally posted by T: Many of my besties have been Scorp girls or Scorp gay guys and they are always forgiving of others (never a need to forgive me for anything as i've done because I never 'cross them'). We just click and usually have a strong bond. I think when they love you enough, forgiveness comes easier, but if you are an aquaintence then it might not work out as well.I tend to like my opposite sign alot and find them sensitive, understanding, honest and of high character, though those examples are only the ones ive gotten to know well. I've heard horror stories and have also seen the bad side of some of them. I know there are some "dirty" ones out there too. But for the most part, I am very fond of them and the issue of forgiveness has never issue...
I get along with them too! Probably one of the easiest to get along with signs to get along with even though we are "opposite" I also have strong pluto in my chart so that could be why. IP: Logged |
RegardesPlatero Knowflake Posts: 4367 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted January 12, 2012 04:06 AM
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lilithpluto Knowflake Posts: 3165 From: pluto Registered: Dec 2011
posted January 12, 2012 07:28 AM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: I think it depends on the extent of the situation. If it's betrayal then Scorpios, Virgos and Leos will never be able to bounce back from it. They would cut you off and no way would you be able to get them back.Forgiveness can be granted, but that doesn't mean you'll be part of their lives ever again.
Nice. Agree! 
Leo Sun with Libra/Mars/Pluto in 1st house so I guess I do have some scopio influence somewhere in the chart. Yes, I cut out ppl but really less than 5 of them but mostly because of betrayal that hurt me deeply.. instead of revenge (very tiring.. I always believe that they will have karma coming) I guess cutting them out seems more "humane" IP: Logged |
StoneAgeQueen Knowflake Posts: 27 From: U.K Registered: May 2011
posted January 12, 2012 08:49 AM
I have Scorpio moon and a lot of Pluto aspects and I'm generally quite a forgiving person, unless someone pushes me too far and then I have no problem with cutting them out of my life for good. I think that people with a lot of Pluto in their charts generally have a good understanding of human nature, so we understand why people do bad things sometimes. Maybe that's what makes scorpio moons so different from scorpio suns, as the sun is the ego. IP: Logged |