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  what is your vertex doing in your chart? (Page 3)

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Author Topic:   what is your vertex doing in your chart?

Posts: 2178
From: pluto
Registered: Dec 2011

posted January 19, 2012 12:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilithpluto     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Sabian


KEYNOTE: The power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer.

Nathaniel Hawthorne's story "The Great Stone Face" is used here in an allegorical sense to show the capacity for self-transformation latent in man. This power can be developed through visualization, when the emotions and the will are poured into the visualized mental image. At the highest spiritual-cosmic level this is the power used by the God-like Beings at the close of a cosmic cycle in projecting the basic Formula (the Word) which will start a new universe. In a biological sense, it is the power latent in all seeds — the power to produce and guide the growth of the future plant. A most fitting symbol for the last phase of the cyclic process. Within the end of the cycle the seed of a new beginning exists in potency — unless the entire cycle has proven to be a failure.

This is the last stage of the last scene of the great ritual play of cyclic transformations. It brings to us a realization of the power of archetypes as factors conditioning life processes. Thus we could use as a final Keyword: ARCHETYPALIZATION.

I like!

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Fondue Knight

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posted January 19, 2012 12:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Fondue Knight     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Vertex is at 29' Cancer. The sabian is: "A Daughter of The American Revolution"

I don't even know...

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posted January 19, 2012 01:26 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways:
If vertex conjuncts moon both ways between two people, what does it mean?

Please. What does the above mean in a non-romantic way, or is it necessarily romantic because it involves both moons and both vertexes?

Usually, the moon person feels nothing and the vertex person is left as the sucker. In this case, it goes both directions. I don't know if that's what you call "double whammy," but moon conjunct vertex both directions.

I'm struggling to understand this and its implications.

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Linda Jones

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posted January 19, 2012 02:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
YTA, I think Lotis White would be the one to answer this since she seems to have looked into the Vertex quite a bit. She's promised to answer some of my earlier ques. on this thread so I'm sure she'll get to it when she has time. Meanwhile I'll keep bumping so she doesn't forget

My 2 cents on what you have w/ your wife is that yes it is a "double whammy" if it goes both ways. And if it involves the moon, it most likely means that, for each of you, the emotional make-up resonates with the other. Depending on the tightness of the conjunction, this effect will be more or less. Imo it means that you 'get' each other emotionally. This is a good connection to have romantically or otherwise, as emotions are the basis of romantic love, no?

For an in-depth understanding of the sensitivity of the Vertex, I would look for Lotis White's posts on this thread (page 1?).

Hope this helps for the time being.

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posted January 19, 2012 02:28 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you very much Linda Jones.

The trouble is.... its not with my wife.. and I'm really hoping that it has no romantic connoctations.. and/or it means something that is not romantic based. As for how tight? One sits on top and the other is within two degrees or so..

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Linda Jones

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posted January 19, 2012 03:09 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Linda Jones     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
YTA, the conjunction seems tight and the effect will be both ways.

If we consider what Lotis White has to say--(I've copied select paras below which may apply to your case).
"The Vertex is the astrological point in your concerned with meaningful encounters, events that feel fated, and important turning points in ones life…

And good Key Word for the Vertex is: SYNCORNISTY

The Vertex is also known as DESTINY’S GATE, because of how the Vertex ties in with life-changing events and people in our lives….

The Vertex is the intersection that brings just the right people, at just the right time, at just the right place, with just the right information…. Together all at once in just the right way, to influence the important decisions you make... or even to force you through a chain of events to alter your path in life... change your perspective on a particular issue, or open yourself to a new way of being….

Also, Vertex events can sometimes start out as something that seems very negative…. but then overall that event leads us to some destination, or result that we’ve always wanted. Like you get into a car wreck and wind up in hospital…. Only to meet the man of your dreams who is a doctor at that hospital…or you get fired, but then get the job you wanted most at a different company… or your teacher tells you you’re an idiot, so then you work your butt off and become an expert in your field…or a distant relative dies, and you inherit enough money to build you’re dream house… or you get evicted, and then wind up with an opportunity to move to a place that you’ve always dreamed about going to….

This is the stuff of the Vertex people!

Vertex people and events tend to stand out in our minds, echo through our psyche. There is definitely something very compelling about the Vertex that makes us stand up and pay attention…. Vertex people and events make an IMPRINT on us…. And often it feels as if Vertex people and events come into our lives to deliver a very personal message that was made especially for us…. Whether this is true or not, the point is that it FEELS that way for the person who has their Vertex aspected…"

Since the Vertex is being aspected both ways, you may both end up affecting the other through your emotions even tho' romance may not be part of the scenario. I believe the Universe conspires to create circumstances or bring people into our lives either just when we need them or even if we are unaware, these circumstances/events/people somehow lead us closer to our destiny. For this the Vertex may play an important role. For example, in your case, both of you may, through your emotions, be lead to a better understanding or clearer path toward your individual futures. In essence, both of you could serve as each others' guides.

Comprende? Lol. Please forgive my inability to explain more fully as I'm still trying to grasp the numerous aspects of astrology.

Oh another thing, I seem to remember from somewhere that you have Pluto in your 7th, yes? This may make you feel uncomfortable allowing new situations to enter your life w/out having examined them fully beforehand. This may be a practical approach, but since life hardly ever follows a well laid out plan, lol, you may limit your own learning by any restrictions you may place on yourself through internal fears. You may benefit more by being slightly more receptive to the energies around you. Meaning, don't hold back, and don't doubt yourself. Leave yourself as open as possible to learning (without crossing any boundaries of course, which, from all the posts I've read so far, you seem to have firmly in place).

Now I really, really hope I haven't annoyed you by giving my personal opinion

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posted January 19, 2012 03:17 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
"Those who use the Vertex generally feel it is a point of karmic or fated connection. Some consider it a point of "wish fulfillment". It is perhaps most widely used in synastry. The Vertex is said to be activated at major turning points in our lives, most notably when we meet a significant other or end a significant relationship, and some believe it is triggered when there is a birth or death"

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posted January 19, 2012 03:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for YoursTrulyAlways     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thank you, Linda Jones!! Your personal input is much appreciated!

Thank you SaggiMC!

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posted January 19, 2012 04:32 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fireandice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Hi everyone
I've read this topic with great interest, as I've been looking into the topic of the Vertex recently, but I haven't found anything on the internet regarding my main question:

In Synastry, how would you interpret it if the two Vertexes are in exact opposition? Meaning my Vertex is conjunct his Anti-Vertex and vice versa. Maybe an opposition is not such a good thing (though it feels like a great thing), but still, the Vertex axis are conjunct.

In addition, I have Mars conjunct my Vertex and Saturn conjunct my Anti-Vertex. I know, a Saturn-Mars opposition, horror, but I've learned to handle it.

So his Vertex is also conjunct my Saturn (which is also my Chart ruler and in the 1st house, another big "gulp")... which should manifest more like a teacher - learner function, as I've read, but it's pure electricity - not sober at all ...

Bottom line: Do you have any interpretation about the Vertex axis conjunct, but the Vertexes in opposition?

Thanks very much.

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posted January 19, 2012 04:53 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anongrl10     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
^^ In your case, it seems to activate your well-known natal Sat-Mars opposition so it will not be a problem in terms of handling the Vertex-AntiVertex opposition. I would also look in his chart to see if/how he can handle this opp as well. It sounds like a destined-to-be type of relationship. If you know how to handle your Saturn-Mars opposition, it might feel like a re-do or a test on the same lesson with this person. Like acting out with someone what you have already learned natally.

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Posts: 421
From: Santa Monica, CA, USA
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posted January 19, 2012 05:56 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neptune'sDaughter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by fireandice:
Hi everyone
I've read this topic with great interest, as I've been looking into the topic of the Vertex recently, but I haven't found anything on the internet regarding my main question:

In Synastry, how would you interpret it if the two Vertexes are in exact opposition? Meaning my Vertex is conjunct his Anti-Vertex and vice versa. Maybe an opposition is not such a good thing (though it feels like a great thing), but still, the Vertex axis are conjunct.

In addition, I have Mars conjunct my Vertex and Saturn conjunct my Anti-Vertex. I know, a Saturn-Mars opposition, horror, but I've learned to handle it.

So his Vertex is also conjunct my Saturn (which is also my Chart ruler and in the 1st house, another big "gulp")... which should manifest more like a teacher - learner function, as I've read, but it's pure electricity - not sober at all ...

Bottom line: Do you have any interpretation about the Vertex axis conjunct, but the Vertexes in opposition?

Thanks very much.

Donks self on forehead. I completely forgot about the ANTI-VERTEX! lol *off to investigate...*

EDIT: anyone ever had vertex sq vertex and/or vertex sq sun?
"You may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one..."

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posted January 19, 2012 08:19 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Capriquarius:
^ maybe she just came to her senses and rid herself of a flip-flapping time-waster.



Im not afraid of love... Yeah he was a little scary.. But if he would give himself totally it would be a different story.. I wouldnt leave his side...

He's just playing games, and Im not a toy, so see ya in the next life fishy... or at work.. lol...

Im just done... He pushed the wrong button with me...
Now its turned into a self respect thing... I told him.. I HAVE to let you go, now..
If he 'really" wanted to be with me, he would have stopped me...
He's pride got hurt and he said "walk then" so I did..

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posted January 19, 2012 08:41 PM           Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lioness:

Im not afraid of love... Yeah he was a little scary.. But if he would give himself totally it would be a different story.. I wouldnt leave his side...

He's just playing games, and Im not a toy, so see ya in the next life fishy... or at work.. lol...

Im just done... He pushed the wrong button with me...
Now its turned into a self respect thing... I told him.. I HAVE to let you go, now..
If he 'really" wanted to be with me, he would have stopped me...
He's pride got hurt and he said "walk then" so I did..

That's right, use that Moon-Pluto to completely purge (Pluto) every memory (Moon) of him.

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posted January 19, 2012 09:04 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Capriquarius:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lioness:
[b] BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im not afraid of love... Yeah he was a little scary.. But if he would give himself totally it would be a different story.. I wouldnt leave his side...

He's just playing games, and Im not a toy, so see ya in the next life fishy... or at work.. lol...

Im just done... He pushed the wrong button with me...
Now its turned into a self respect thing... I told him.. I HAVE to let you go, now..
If he 'really" wanted to be with me, he would have stopped me...
He's pride got hurt and he said "walk then" so I did..

That's right, use that Moon-Pluto to completely purge (Pluto) every memory (Moon) of him. [/B][/QUOTE]

I can do this!!! Im a LIONESS for godsakes!

I now,know what my lesson was... I know what I had to tell him...
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest..
I saw him today and I SMILED!! so big... Not because I saw him, but because Im free from him...
PLUS I WON!! I WON... I won against him! lol

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Posts: 32
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posted January 20, 2012 05:22 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for fireandice     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anongrl10:
^^ In your case, it seems to activate your well-known natal Sat-Mars opposition so it will not be a problem in terms of handling the Vertex-AntiVertex opposition. I would also look in his chart to see if/how he can handle this opp as well. It sounds like a destined-to-be type of relationship. If you know how to handle your Saturn-Mars opposition, it might feel like a re-do or a test on the same lesson with this person. Like acting out with someone what you have already learned natally.

Thank you anongrl10! Somehow I've been so focused on the vertex - antivertex conjunction that I forgot about the conjuncting planets *slaps forehead*. The more I think about it, the more I believe you're right. I just hope I've learned my Mars/Saturn lesson well... Thanks again.

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Posts: 4264
From: Tropical Ocean
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posted January 20, 2012 05:25 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Moonfish     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
My Vertex sextiles my Sun 5 degs & trines my Saturn 3 degs.

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From: Santa Monica, CA, USA
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posted January 20, 2012 05:55 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neptune'sDaughter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Excerpt from:

"The Vertex represents something very different. It is the ultimate individuality, the unique creative Self without the reference points of the past. Imagine a pure you, a unique spark of the cosmos, that is not defined by interacting with material existence. The Earth represents our perspective, our pure point of view, our idea of ourselves as an individual element in the greater divinity. An identity without the need for ego defenses. An identity whose only purpose is to take part in that greater divinity in whatever way it can.

Vertex contacts, no matter what end of the axis they hit, assist the process of that divinity directly. This is why Vertex contacts often seem to come ‘out of the blue,’ with no hint, no trace, no preparation. It’s because Vertex contacts aren’t part of a process. We can’t figure out the ‘why’ of a Vertex contact, it just is–and usually the sense of ‘fate’ comes from the fact that something or someone is provided just at the point it is most needed; whether or not we ever knew that we needed it before. In an odd way, the Vertex acts as a secret and sacred ‘helping hand.’ It’s almost Uranian in the way it operates: we might suspect something on the way if a big transit to the Vertex is due, but we have a hard time guessing how it might manifest. And honestly, if we can guess, it usually means that what we guessed is precisely what won’t happen. We might be anticipating a lover, but Vertex contacts are just as likely to manifest as an offer, a friendship, or a turn of mind that takes us down a road we would never have anticipated. We might not even notice the impact until the transit or progression is long past. One of my most profound Vertex transits happened on the day I was offered a new job–the loss of which, a short time later, enabled me to establish myself as a full time astrologer. Without that job (and the loss of it), I wouldn’t be here.

Conjunctions to either end of the axis are the most profoundly felt. Vertex contacts help to reveal our divine fate, but conjunctions to the anti-Vertex are no less profound. The anti-Vertex allows us to process our divinity through the vehicle of ‘other’–when other’s planets fall on our anti-Vertex, we reveal ourselves through the ‘not I.’ Often, anti-Vertex contacts involve commitment and sacrifice beyond the call of duty, and we usually don’t mind fulfilling those commitments because we feel the divine pulse of our own spirit gradually unveiling in our actions. The point of all Vertex contacts is to reveal ourselves from a perspective that is higher and deeper than ordinary conscious awareness. In a way, the Vertex is beyond the Nodes, which are all about the development of consciousness. The Vertex unveils the “Watcher,” in us. The one who knows. The one who is beyond the conscious Self.

Squares from one chart to another’s Vertex axis will stimulate this ‘Self beyond self.’ The Vertex is not an energy that we wrestle with or try to develop, or struggle to integrate. It just is. Squares to the Vertex axis will urge us towards effortless being. Under Venus or Jupiter, we may feel loved or understood for the first time. With the outer planets squaring our Vertex, there may be a shock of removal that clears our path in a painful way. Mars may teach us about sexuality in a way that we never expected.

Sadly, relationships that are lesson-based are usually short term, and the Vertex is no exception. The trick is to step into them unafraid and unprotected, trusting in the divine wisdom of your own soul’s intelligence. It’s like that exercise we’ve all done in the theatre, where we’re blindfolded, led around by the hand and forced to trust our fellow actors. Ultimately, we stop feeling the need to cling, and allow ourselves to feel what it’s like to be free of fear, because there is a guiding force at work that knows where it’s going. As they say, we must remember that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience, and the Vertex leads the way."

My vertex and anti-vertex are in the same signs as my SN and NN with only 2* of separation. I guess that means that my developing conscious is exactly inline with my Self that just 'IS'?

"You may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one..."

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Posts: 421
From: Santa Monica, CA, USA
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posted January 20, 2012 06:13 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Neptune'sDaughter     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
From the same site as above:

"Vertex contacts aren’t necessary for long term relationships, the way Saturn contacts are. In fact, it isn’t common to see Vertex contacts in sustained relationships. Vertex contacts usually bring forth the kinds of experiences that may be intense and life-changing, but often short-lived.

The Vertex is often described as a ‘spiritual ascendant.’ It is said to be a point where we have ‘fated encounters’ that alter our life plans. However, the Vertex isn’t always about relationships. Anything eye and soul opening can enter our lives when the Vertex is activated. It can be jobs, creative projects, health issues, personal revelations. Much depends on what house the Vertex falls in. It is a point where encounters or events will bring some kind of personal enlightenment.

Why do Vertex experiences feel like ‘fate?’ We feel fated when our inner world meets the outer, when something is brought into our lives, seemingly from out of the blue, that feels as if it was meant to be. The ‘fated’ person or event seems to come from a place beyond our everyday reality to change our life direction or alter our consciousness. The Vertex is the place where we taken beyond mundane reality and are reminded that we are always profoundly connected to the greater mysteries and powers of life.

Whatever involves the Vertex will reach beyond ordinary mundane existence to remind and teach us that there is no such thing as ordinary mundane existence. Vertex happenings are a tap on the shoulder telling us that our ordinary perceptions are illusions, and that the truth of our lives is always found somewhere beyond material space and time. And this is why it’s considered a wake-up call to our real identity, our ‘spiritual ascendant’. The ordinary Ascendant causes us to define ourselves by our experiences; the Vertex concerns itself with what we are (or can be) beyond our external circumstances. Vertex contacts feel ‘fated’ because they lead us to roads we instinctively feel, but cannot yet see. Vertex happenings invoke the Watcher in all of us–the one who knows, the one who works hand in hand with the one who experiences. This is the symbolic reason it appears on the opposite side of the chart from the Ascendant. The Ascendant concerns itself with taking in ‘life’ experiences which reflect on soul; the Vertex concerns itself with spiritual experiences which ultimately effect life choices.

In practice, I’ve found that it’s the anti-Vertex more than the Vertex that is active in ‘fated’ relationship encounters. If the Vertex is the spiritual Ascendant, the anti-Vertex is the spiritual Descendant. It is ‘other’ through the deepest essence of Soul. If we allow it, if we are ready for it, the anti-Vertex contact can be more powerful than any other contact in the chart comparison. We feel as if this person is absolutely crucial to our soul’s development. The significance of this contact can resonate for years, long after the relationship has ended. However, there is one catch to Vertex and anti-Vertex contacts: we must be at a point where we are spiritually ready for the experience, or the Vertex contact may come to nothing. As Hamlet says, “the readiness is all.” (The exception comes when we have our own planets on the anti-Vertex; another person’s planet or midpoint that conjuncts the Vertex affects the polarity point of the anti-Vertex planet. It makes the Vertex a very active place.)

People with planets conjunct the Vertex are often driven forward in an almost magical way. I know an actor, an Aries, with Mars conjunct the Vertex in the fifth house. He hasn’t been out of work, give or take a month, since the age of 16. Highly unlikely in any actor’s life, but that’s the Vertex at work. It draws experience which moves us forward.

People with planets conjunct the anti-Vertex, particularly an important planet like the Sun or a ruling planet, are often unusually self-contained. Whereas most people seek to find themselves through ‘other’, the anti-Vertex people have a tendency to be their own ‘other,’ and not be inclined to partnership unless it’s a serious one. Not that relationships will not happen in their lives; on the contrary, the relationships that do occur will be highly charged and deeply significant. But you won’t find people with important planets on the anti-Vertex looking for any old warm body on a Saturday night. The planetary energy, whatever it is, is looking towards ‘other’ for spiritual completion, and nothing else will do. In fact, if the influence is strong, they may have a hard time understanding the day to day relationships and attractions that others experience. The planet involved with the anti-Vertex and the houses it rules will tell you the flavour of the encounters and what area of life will be affected via the anti-Vertex relationships.

In some, the Vertex is very active, in others, not so much. This depends on whether or not the Vertex is heavily weighted, and it depends upon the level of spiritual awareness, which cannot be measured in the chart. Vertices with conjunctions or vertices that hit a number of midpoints are particularly sensitive. It also can be very active by progression. And it is also related to how open and ready a person is for new experiences and turns in the road, something which cannot be completely measured. We all have the ability to turn away from fate.

If others’ planets conjunct our Vertex axis, we may very well feel as if we have waited for this person, for this experience, our entire lives. And that may well be the truth. Entire life directions, entire world views, can change when another’s planets conjunct our Vertex or anti-Vertex. We may divide our lives into ‘before’ and ‘after’ this Vertex-significant other.

If planets square the Vertex angle, then the development of this planet is crucial to whether or not I become aware enough (and brave enough) to meet my fate. For example, if Saturn is square my Vertex angle, then Saturn development would open the gateway for Vertex-inspired experiences. The more Saturn develops and the more we learn to use it constructively, the greater the possibility of Vertex experience. This could happen natally or it could happen through a contact with another whose Saturn squares my Vertex angle. If another’s Saturn squares my Vertex, their planetary development will affect my spiritual development.

Ultimately, interpreting the Vertex axis isn’t very different from interpreting anything else in the chart. Whatever house it falls in indicates the realm of experience the ‘awakening’ encounters will occur in. The sign describes the method/process of the experience and also the general flavour of it. The rulers of the Vertex axis play a part, as do any planets conjunct the Vertex axis and the houses they rule.

It’s good to remember that the Vertex axis does work as a point of fate, but it can only allow experiences that reflect in the rest of the chart; it opens doors to rooms we are not yet aware of. It isn’t a magic wand, conjuring up what we wish for. The Vertex impels us forward via the soul’s intention, but it cannot deliver what is not already there in nascent form.

You may think that the Vertex isn’t involved in your relationship, but look again. Was the Vertex active in either of your charts on the day you met? How about on your first date, the day you got married, or the birth of a child? Is it active in the composite? Take a look. You might be surprised."

-I like how she describes 'fated' situations as the inner meeting the outer world. And I was just wondering why I seem to get more 'activated' than the people who touch my vertex -I have Jupiter conjunct my anti-vertex and also my NN. I wonder if that is an answer to why Sags are so instrumental in my growth and why, of all signs, I seem to be more 'partnery' with them?

"You may say that I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one..."

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posted January 20, 2012 06:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anongrl10     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by fireandice:
Thank you anongrl10! Somehow I've been so focused on the vertex - antivertex conjunction that I forgot about the conjuncting planets *slaps forehead*. The more I think about it, the more I believe you're right. I just hope I've learned my Mars/Saturn lesson well... Thanks again.

You're welcome!

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posted January 20, 2012 06:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anongrl10     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lioness:
I can do this!!! Im a LIONESS for godsakes!

I now,know what my lesson was... I know what I had to tell him...
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my chest..
I saw him today and I SMILED!! so big... Not because I saw him, but because Im free from him...
PLUS I WON!! I WON... I won against him! lol

If he was a dick, I'm glad you got rid of him. We thought he's soulmate material!
Good for you for becoming FREE!

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Posts: 2895
From: Uranus
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posted January 20, 2012 07:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KarkaQueen     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Vertex in 7th house in Virgo.

Conjunct Node..

LAME. Like most of my chart anyway. :P

It's in 1 degree, btw.

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posted January 20, 2012 07:41 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by anongrl10:
If he was a dick, I'm glad you got rid of him. We thought he's soulmate material!
Good for you for becoming FREE!

LOL... I cant believe you said that... LOL!!!

No he's always been super cool and great with me... I think he's just adorable..

He's something, I just have to let go...

Its hard to explain... IDK what it is.. But I know deep down inside, this isnt right... I have to figure out a way to let it go.

BTW... His saturn and NN are conjunct my Vertex.

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posted January 20, 2012 08:11 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for anongrl10     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Originally posted by Lioness:
LOL... I cant believe you said that... LOL!!!

No he's always been super cool and great with me... I think he's just adorable..

He's something, I just have to let go...

Its hard to explain... IDK what it is.. But I know deep down inside, this isnt right... I have to figure out a way to let it go.

BTW... His saturn and NN are conjunct my Vertex.

Huh? Alright, I give up. In your previous post you said you WON and you had let him go already! And that he did something to hurt your Leo pride. Now you say you have no idea how to let him go and that basically he did nothing other than being adorable.
Sweetie, I've been trying to be supportive but it's hard to do so when you contradict yourself in every other post. LOL

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posted January 20, 2012 08:18 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for Lioness     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Im sorry... I know... Hear.. I will always think of him as adorable...

I won because he didnt get no azz... LOL..
He got nothing from me..

I am glad Im walking away, but yes its still hard at the same time..

See I dont think he's not sincere, and hes just after a piece... So Im going to walk away and not give him anything...

Its for the best.. He just wants to play.. you know...
Im not up for all the games..

Does that make better sense??

True my emotions about him, change day to day... Im sorry if its confusing you.. Imagine how it is for me...

I hate you, but I love you...

It really really sucks... Back and fourth...

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posted January 20, 2012 08:44 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for enchantress299     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Two of my most interesting encounters had to do with transits to my vertex/antivertex.

Long story short, when I had a transit to my Cancer Vertex in the 8th house, I met a man (who was a Cancer!) that I had a very intense, very short lived, sexual relationship with. This relationship was incredibly important because it helped me learn what I didn't want in my relationships. He moved out of state the following year.

When I had a transit to my Capricorn Anti-Vertex in the 2nd house, I met a man (who was a Capricorn!) that I only had a platonic relationship with, but who could have been a romantic partner if he hadn't have moved to another state within a few months of my meeting him. He was very important to me as well, because he helped me learn self-value (2nd house) and what I did want in my relationships. Both of them left my life very quickly and were not meant to stick around. They were simply there for my growth.

I always thought it was interesting that the themes were the same, but flipped. I'm trying to remember what was transiting during those times... I want to say that the North Node was transiting my Anti-Vertex with the Capricorn... But I don't remember what was transiting with the Cancer.

Either way, I thought it was an interesting manifestation of the Vertex at work. These experiences are why I usually think of Vertex transits/connections as 'temporary.' Kinda like the 'missed connections' board on Craigslist.

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