Topic: Capricorn Sun Personality
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 4946 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted February 09, 2012 11:16 PM
I found this on the internet, and I find this description rather interesting and, honestly, a better description of who I am than Linda Goodman's Sun Signs, no disrespect intended.
quote: Capricorn Glyph - Jennifer Copley Capricorns are classy, practical, reliable and thoughtful. Powerful ambition combined with an excellent work ethic increase their likelihood of success. From early childhood, most Capricorns are self-disciplined, serious, determined, mature and able to persevere in the face of adversity. Capricorns tend to work hard and rise in their chosen fields to achieve high status. In their careers, they often end up in positions of power, earning the respect of others rather than simply asking for it. Most Capricorns keep their promises and fulfill their obligations. They are less likely to stand people up or waste their time than those of other signs, and they have little tolerance for “flakiness” or unreliability in others. Diplomatic and Humorous One of Capricorn's more appealing traits is an excellent sense of humour, which tends to be rather wry or dark. When Capricorns feel hurt, this humour can become sarcastic and cruel, but the rest of the time they are inclined to be diplomatic, preferring to avoid unnecessary conflict. Capricorns are unlikely to participate in embarassing dramatic public scenes, and they prefer rational discourse to emotional outpourings. Cautious and Self-ConsciousCapricorns are very logical and intellectual, which can make them seem detached or even cold because they don’t show their emotions easily for fear of being vulnerable. They are actually quite sensitive with those they care about, though they can be ruthless in business. Capricorns don’t usually bring their problems to others, but instead suffer in silence. They find it hard to open up to other people and so have difficulty establishing deep relationships, though when they do they tend to be very loyal, reliable and trustworthy friends. Capricorns can be over-conventional, afraid to break with tradition or try new things because they are more comfortable with what has been proven reliable over time, and this wariness may extend to new relationships as well. Capricorns are slow to trust, and they don’t let their emotions show easily. Most have a deep fear of public humiliation and a strong streak of self-consciousness, which prevents them from making dramatic fashion statements or emotional scenes in public. When they are feeling anxious or low, others rarely know it. Capricorns have good memories, both for those who have helped them and those who have harmed them. Being honourable by nature, most will repay a debt or a good deed with something equivalent or better, and some will repay a bad deed with revenge. Prone to Anxiety and Depression Capricorns often suffer from low self-esteem, as they tend to be very hard on themselves. This tendency toward negativity can become full-blown depression if they’re not careful. To guard against the tendency to spiral downward into melancholy, they need to give themselves a little leeway and not expect perfection all the time. Capricorns are also prone to anxiety, and this combined with a tendency toward cleanliness can in some cases manifest as a germ phobia. Obsessions and compulsions are also common with this sign. Prudent and Hardworking Capricorns make prudent investments and are good at earning money from a variety of sources. Unless the ascendant falls in a more careless sign, they maintain a balanced budget, save money and continue to invest wisely, because they don’t feel safe until they’ve accumulated a large nest egg and have lots of possessions. These tendencies, combined with the Capricorn work ethic, make Capricorns excellent business partners and providers unless the ascendant is in a less reliable sign. Capricorns are drawn to the fine things in life, and they are excellent at gathering assets that are likely to increase in value. However, taken to the extreme, practicality with money can tip over into self-deprivation and miserliness. Fitness Activities Capricorns usually stay in good shape because most have a strong need for exercise, and they are not inclined to overindulge. Many run or play sports such as tennis, soccer or hockey. Regular exercise helps stave off the negative feelings that tend to afflict this sign. Most Capricorns have some sort of fitness routine, or else they watch their diets. They tend to be on the slim side to begin with and are less likely to become obese or unfit than those of other signs, though having a more decadent ascendant can override these healthy tendencies to some degree. Delayed Rewards
Capricorns are the old souls of the zodiac. When they are young, they seem older and more mature than their peers. Most view children their own age as immature and seek out older companions who are more on their level.Capricorn children are usually good at amusing themselves and not bothering others. Some Capricorns get picked on in school because they earn good grades or are shy and withdrawn. Those with the ascendant or moon in a fire or air sign tend to be more extroverted, however. Most Capricorns go through more than the usual amount of hardship, but the bulk of this hard karma tends to occur in the first half of life, as if the Capricorns want to get it all over with at once so that they can move on to better times in the second half. In keeping with this trend, Capricorns have a tendency to age in reverse, looking younger than their biological age as they grow older and becoming more youthful and laid back when they reach middle age and beyond. Highly Active Capricorns are usually very active and have little tolerance for lazy people. They tend to engage in productive activities in their spare time and most have many hobbies. Capricorns are not likely to sit around in front of the TV unless they can do something useful while they’re watching or the program is educational or informative. They like to be busy and usefully occupied. Many Capricorns have musical talents, but most are too practical to do this as more than a sideline or a hobby.
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L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 12:24 AM
really it sounds like all the other capricorn personality profiles i've read. For me, I can identify with about a quarter of it. The germaphobe thing deeefinitely though lol.IP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 12:36 AM
Best one I've read so far...all of it true for me to a t-bone steak fiddle mah jennison jonery.IP: Logged |
Capriquarius unregistered
posted February 10, 2012 12:45 AM
Lol I thought my borderline germaphobia was reflective of Virgo rising with Pluto in the 1st but come to think of it, I know a Cap with Sun & Mars in the critical 29th degree, Libra Moon, Cap Mercury, and Sag Venus who is a full-blown germaphobe. I think being further into the sign makes his germaphobia more intense than mine - he even carries a spray bottle of isoprophyl alcohol around, disinfecting handrails and doorknobs. Ingenious. Cheap, effective, benefits all. (I woulda wanted to hang out with him so much more if he didn't have that annoying "please validate me!!" Libra Moon afflicted from a hard aspect with his Sun.) Gotta love me fellow Caps (the ones offline, anyway)!IP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 12:51 AM
biterphobia too...fear of people bitin' my style fakees.IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 10, 2012 04:38 AM
Thanks for this, Ian. I don't find much difference though between this one and other articles I've read on Cap suns. But then again I've read quite a bit about this Sun sign as I find most Cappies truly fascinating. IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 05:13 AM
what sign are yu anon???IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3948 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 10, 2012 08:03 AM
A lot of this fits me, but I'm not germophobic, because germs build immunity, and how can I become a superimmune (the "best" at immunity...I'm just SO ambitious) without them?Though I do hate touching raw meat. And bugs. And wait...other people sometimes gross me I couldn't be a hairdresser touching hair... LOL maybe I AM! I have Mars in Gemini and that explains a lot about my work "ethic." When I was young and could afford to, I would either work non-stop all day and into the night or, too often, not at all. I did well in school by having a good memory (see description above) and cramming. Most Caps I know sincerely don't want to let anyone down. They say that Pisces must "serve or suffer." I have felt the same calling, and I would NEVER stand anyone up. If people are relying on me for anything, I feel like I lose a part of my identity if I'm not there, fulfilling my obligations and showing I care. IP: Logged |
anongrl10 Knowflake Posts: 4557 From: Registered: Sep 2011
posted February 10, 2012 09:04 AM
quote: Originally posted by L0veLess: what sign are yu anon???
LOL why? I keep talking about me in all over the LL board, u sure you want to hear this once again?  IP: Logged |
SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 10, 2012 11:27 AM
here's a good resource ALL depends on how your sun sign's aspected, because if in hard aspect to an 'outer' then it will seriously modify how your sun express. Plus what house is it in and other aspects.
You sun sign does not act alone and it just a part of your personality.. Basic astrology forum, Learn the basics + House systems. Search Engine for LL
------------------ I love the parable, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, BUT if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for life.” IP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 04:15 PM
I know what you mean Saggie doo pop....I have neptune conjunct sun in cap in the eighth...and I go from ephemeral beautiful, charming, galliant a dark brooding joker/batman a serious administrator all faster than you can say give me the heps joodie!IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by anongrl10: LOL why? I keep talking about me in all over the LL board, u sure you want to hear this once again? 
lol i havent seen!!! yes i'd like to hear it again (even if i havent yet)  IP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:39 PM
Me too. Spill the beans.------------------------------ IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:40 PM
lol all these vids whats up with thatIP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:42 PM
The tools I need have been castrated from my life... I'm a plutonian....can you see it....I am not from this earth, and there are thousands more like me.IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:43 PM
uuuuuhhh hah okay :PIP: Logged |
Chironrising Knowflake Posts: 590 From: Chicago, IL, USA Registered: Dec 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:45 PM
Two horses, one is brown, one is is assumed one is black and one is white, but in reality, one is brown one is read....I have music and video, but no one to video and no one to musicate....the subject matter is astrology only, as i know nothing tools for engaging are limited, but i use them fully. IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 06:46 PM
ahhh thats fine hah and i did assume black and whiteIP: Logged |
Desiring Shadows Moderator Posts: 2085 From: UNITED STATES, BABY Registered: Jan 2012
posted February 10, 2012 10:16 PM
I have a Capricorn friend who I love so dearly. She is responsible, confident, loyal and has a practical sense of humor. She also gets mad very easily. I have a feeling she is an aries ascendant, or a fire rising. The only thing that annoys me about her, is I will say something that will irritate her, or she'll just disagree with something I say, and make me feel bad about it for a long time. She'll just yell at me and complain to me, explaining how if I said it a certain way I would look "smarter." I guess that's the teacher in capricorn. Or maybe its just my annoying friend. Either way, I need to talk to her about that, because she really made me feel bad when she last did that. IP: Logged |
L0veLess Knowflake Posts: 1293 From: Midgard Registered: Feb 2011
posted February 10, 2012 10:19 PM
quote: Originally posted by Desiring Shadows: I have a Capricorn friend who I love so dearly. She is responsible, confident, loyal and has a practical sense of humor. She also gets mad very easily. I have a feeling she is an aries ascendant, or a fire rising. The only thing that annoys me about her, is I will say something that will irritate her, or she'll just disagree with something I say, and make me feel bad about it for a long time. She'll just yell at me and complain to me, explaining how if I said it a certain way I would look "smarter." I guess that's the teacher in capricorn. Or maybe its just my annoying friend. Either way, I need to talk to her about that, because she really made me feel bad when she last did that.
wth thats sad! she yells at yu?? like really yells and really gets mad?? ya yu should talk sheesh! IP: Logged |
Faith Knowflake Posts: 3948 From: Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 11, 2012 08:47 AM
Chironrising, I think we are both Cap sun/Pisces moon (?) but SO different.Your sun conjunct Neptune explains a lot!  Anongrl never came back? Pretty sure she is Sagittarius. Desiring Shadows your Cappy friend must be very lovable indeed if you still love her in spite of those really annoying habits you mentioned. I don't know any Cappies who yell at their friends. I've been a b!tch before, but never like that.
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Aquacheeka Knowflake Posts: 2321 From: Toronto Registered: Mar 2012
posted March 06, 2013 11:48 AM
I know this thread is old but thanks for this, YTA. The more I discover about Capricorns, the more I admire this sign. People who only get better with time:-)IP: Logged |
cappy1277 Moderator Posts: 1451 From: philadelphia,pa Registered: Jul 2009
posted March 06, 2013 12:44 PM
Like a fine wine!  IP: Logged | |