Topic: Unaspected Planets--Pull Them Up and Don't Stop
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 24, 2012 03:09 PM
Your Unaspected Planets—Pull Them Up and Don’t Stop By amiann | Published: February 24, 2012 If you are fortunate to have an Unaspected Planet, you have buried treasure. It may be shipwrecked, as in days of old. It may be capsized.It may be on the bottom of the ocean, but you have it. Astrology never lies. Astrology is never wrong. The Astrologer may be, due to human error or inexperience. However, if your chart is accurate, that chart is a picture of you. As such, if you are fortunate enough to have an Unaspected Planet, you are fortunate, indeed. It is a responsibility.Personally, I don’t think one can unearth one’s Unaspected Planet without maturity. I think God set it up that way because the power in an Unaspected Planet is too strong for the immature soul. By the process of unearthing it, you learn it’s lessons. Then, you will have unique opportunities to use them, as that is the nature of God’s Gifts. They are for yourself, but, also, to be used for others. God wants to get TO you, so He can get THROUGH you. I am going to talk about each Unaspected Planet. Sun—The Unaspected Sun can shine as no other, if the person can bring it up from it’s buried state and allow it expression. There are more famous people with Unaspected Suns than any Unaspected Planet. I can see this, as one would have a very unique way about himself, if he had to earn it and learn it, without help from “others”. Others are aspects, as they link planets. An Unaspected Planet is a feral child. He can, truly, go either way, as can an orphan. The Sun is our ego, our identity. If the Unaspected Sun has a buried identity and manages to bring it to the fore, he will, by the nature of the process, have a strong identity, which can burn like a pure flame, unlike another. Moon–The Unaspected Moon is a child locked in an adult’s body. He truly is as innocent at heart, as he seems. People may resent him, as they think it is an act.It is not. This gentle soul is like no other. He is a tremendous gift to others, although he may suffer, a great deal. He may have had no real mother. Hence, part of his innocence is his real need for mothering. He has a way about him that makes others want to mother him. He is the eternal lost child, the eternal Peter Pan, as was Micheal Jackson, although he was not a true Unaspected Moon. He captures it’s spirit, though. Venus–The Unaspected Venus was put on earth to learn about love. It is a weighty lesson. However, as with all Unaspected Planets, the native won’t stop until he is done. Either that, or he gives up completely. There seems to be an either/or dichotomy with Unaspected Planets. At any rate, the Unaspected Venus must learn about love through the doing. Love is the hardest part of being a human. It is the easiest, as well, as it is so natural. The Unaspected Venus must learn the lesson of how to use love. Love is a cruel taskmaster in that you do not tell him what to do. If you do, he will bite. You must yield. Yield to yourself. Yield to life. Yield to others. In yielding, you will be pricked . You will have pain the force of fire. However, within the pain, you will cast aside dross. You will find that under the dross is a purity of spirit, as in a child. You have had to make a very long trip to get back from where you started. Mars–The Unaspected Mars must learn about drive,passion, anger aggression and assertion. That is quite a lot. The Unaspected Mars native could get himself in to trouble. It is a Herculean task. I have seen one out of control Unaspected Mars. When the native goes on an anger roll, hide your heads. He seems to have a white hot anger, consuming all.However, when it is over, he seems to come out of a self administered trance and act like little happened. Meanwhile, you are scratching your head, sitting in the midst of ruble. The Unaspected Mars must learn to moderate and modulate his anger. If not, he is headed for disaster. Go to Anger Management, if you need to. Grab a hold of that fierce beast. You were endowed with it for a reason. Remember, it is a gift, but you must earn it. Jupiter–Unaspected Jupiter is thought to allow for unusual luck and good fortune. There may be a natural optimism and good cheer. This draws others to them, as they radiate a charisma. One likes to be near an Unaspected Jupiter, in the hopes that is will rub off. Saturn–Unaspected Saturn is a very special person in that he has a great deal of integrity. He embodies the best of Capricorn. The employer for whom he works will have found a prize.He seems to have a sensitive conscience.He will be a friend on whom one can count.He is a serious person, one on whom you can rely. That means a lot in this day and age of “me, me, me”. You know what I mean. I am certain. Uranus–Unaspected Uranus is one of my favorites. Instead of making Uranus buzz up to the ceiling, it calms Uranus down. The striking feature of the Unaspected Uranus is his creativity. The closest thing you will see to a walking Picasso is an Unaspected Uranus. Every facet of his being is creative, from his speech to his mannerisms. He does it his own way, but it is not strident. He has nothing to prove. He knows who he is. He knows what he has. He uses it in an understated way, which makes it all the more striking. Pluto–Unaspected Pluto must learn the lessons of power. Uh huh, it is a huge task, not for the faint of heart. The Unaspected Pluto is a force to be reckoned with. I suppose some of them may roll up into a ball and abrogate use of their gift. However, with the Unaspected Pluto, I doubt it. I cannot see him going under the bed. He will wield power, his currency. He will misuse it, no doubt. Picasso did not start painting masterpieces, right off the bat. The Unaspected Pluto may be a pure demon on wheels, running over everyone and everything until he learns that the truly powerful speak with a whisper, not a shout. ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 24, 2012 03:47 PM
I don't see unaspected as *buried treasure* In fact I see them as a Disadvantage, something in the psyche or personality is not integrated - at all. I see it as unpredictable, going to extremes even. Something not properly under controla of the person involved.... almost like a ticking time bomb, never quite knowing when something or someone is going to 'flare up' or go off on one...from the 'unaspected moon thread' I'm just updating this thread with info from a recent post on here regarding unaspected moon... “Moon unaspected: these people may feel out of touch with their home, family, emotions and roots, but make strenuous efforts to overcome the problem.” quote:
Aspects form a vital component of the interpretation of the natal chart. They link the planets that are the active and dynamic factors of the horoscope. Each link means that a piece of our psychic energy is making contact with another part, and that these parts not only influence each another and can work together (or work against each other), it is also particularly true that they see each other and experience each other consciously. This makes it possible for us to get to know ourselves. It does, however, happen that one or more planets do not receive or make any major aspects. They stand apart, and are therefore unintegrated. They have no direct influence on other planets (or psychic dynamics), and are themselves also not influenced, so they can exhibit extremes in their effects. We notice this particularly in an all-or-nothing attitude: quick to exaggerate, or precisely the opposite: not responsive in the least.
"Unaspected Moon- People with an unaspected Moon, men in particular have feminine qualities and relate well with women. Usually it is diffiuclt to control the abundant energy of Moon but these people can be managed well and they develop a kind nature. Louis Pasteur had an unaspected Moon in his birth chart." Unaspected moon: Horoscope is permeated by the specific need energies formulated in the symbol of the Moon; can tend toward emotional hypersensitivity quote: UNASPECTED PLANETS The term "unaspected" can be misleading, since a planet will invariably make some aspect pattern...either through minor aspects, connection with the angles of the chart, midpoints of or thru harmonics.[AND parallels] Perhaps the finest resource available offering a selection of various astrological opinions concerning unaspected planets is Geoffrey Dean's Recent Advances In Natal Astrology (published by The Astrological Association, England, 1977. Dean devotes an entire chapter discussing this phenomenon. In general, astrologers feel that while not necessarily weak, an unaspected planet does not integrate itself easily with other components of the psyche (represented by the other planets). This is also my attitude concerning unaspected planets. Yet although these planets may not interrelate very well, their prime distinction is that they can at least retain their truer nature more markedly so than aspected planets, for better or worse.An unaspected planet can appear quite intense and one-pointed in its expression, since its energy is not colored by other planets functioning thru other signs. And since other houses are not involved, this planet is apt to concentrate its circumstantial manifestation in one emphasized area. There are no blending of principles found, and thus no apparent modification of the innate expression of that planet. Yet without aspects, planets are not encouraged to express themselves in the multifaceted manner of aspected planets. Dr. Dean, in a personal two year study, established that while unaspected planets do express themselves in an individual's character (he disclaims that they are "dumb notes" in the chart), they seem much harder to control in their expression than aspected planets. He also states that "the principle of an unaspected planet tends to be either switched on or off with no halfway measures allowed,and the native oscillates between on and off. Hence, "all or nothing" is another fair general discription. He concludes that because of this oscillation feature, the unaspected planet's strength is very difficult to ascertain.
In simple terms unaspected venus like any unaspected WILL get triggered by transits and progressions and even solar arcs...Now this can go two ways by making themselves more attractive, going overboard with hair, facials etc. Second expression is withdrawing and becoming introspective and not bothering with appearance. unaspected sun is quite common. Lack direction in life, need guiding and inspiring and somtimes ppushing in the right direction... unaspected mercury, communications sometimes erratic. Talking ten to the dozen and not realising when to stop. then going to the other extreme. unaspected mars. either inactive or overactive, from one extreme to the other. If in first house could be placid most of the time and then explode when triggered by a passing transit. uanspected uranus. easily shocked or unshockable.
------------------ I love the parable, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, BUT if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for life.” IP: Logged |
SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 24, 2012 03:49 PM
Unaspected Planets When a planet makes an aspect with another planet, their combined energies blend and are forced to work together. A planet that does not form any of the major seven aspects is said to be unaspected and it operates on its own pure energy. The abundance of the natural energy of an unaspected planet often dominates the birth chart. It is quite common for a planet to form only one weak or minor aspect like a quincunx or semi-sextile and therefore it can be taken as unaspected. Unaspected planets are nearly always overtly expressed in a person's nature and they often dominate his chart. When unaspected planets occur ina birthchart, they should be observed closely as they have the capacity of changing the entire pysche of the individual.Unaspected Sun- The effect of Sun being unaspected in ones birthchart would be either good or the native might turn out to be egocentric and selfish. Most of the people with this configuration turn out to be successful or famous. King Louis X1V of France and Vincent Van Gogh possessed an unaspected Sun. Unaspected Moon- People with an unaspected Moon, men in particular have feminine qualities and relate well with women. Usually it is diffiuclt to control the abundant energy of Moon but these people can be managed well and they develop a kind nature. Louis Pasteur had an unaspected Moon in his birth chart. Unaspected Mercury- Those with an unaspected Mercury tend to be likeable, intelligent and adaptable. But they flirt from one thing to another. They also exhibit lots of confidence , humor and are sociable. The subjects are usually highly popular like Mahatma Gandhi who had an unaspected Mercury. Unaspected Venus- Venus unaspected in a chart is very rare and those who have it are very passive, peaceful and lazy ones. Very few of them become famous or successful. Such people are loving and giving and often well-loved and pampered in childhood. But they should take care that the materialistic side of Venus does not preceed the love element of Venus. Unaspected Mars- The raw energy of Mars when unaspected is capable of both physcial acheivement and destruction. The unaspected Mars produces great athletic ability and deeds of bravery. War heroes and high ranking military officers have an unaspected Mars in their charts. Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Boy Scout Movement had an unaspected Mars. Unaspected Jupiter- Only a few have an unaspected Jupiter in their chart. They are lucky and have optimism and good fortune.Such natives shine no matter what the rest of the chart tells. The subjects usually have a good sense of humor and lots of self-confidence. They are likeable by all and find luck and fortune in what others think as misfortune. Famed Singer Janis Joplin had an unaspected Jupiter in Cancer. Unaspected Saturn- The positive qualities of seriousness, conformity, practicality and responsibility are projected in the character of an individual who possesses an unaspected Saturn. Though they may not be overly charming or popular, they are usually well-trusted and respected. Unaspected Uranus- It is very rare to spot an unaspected Uranus in birthcharts. But its weak aspects cannot be taken for personal levels. Unaspected Uranus does not seem to engender the same dynamic, rebellious or eccentric qualities which are often apparent when aspects do occur. Unaspected Uranus is quietly unique and independent. It is less excitable and more stable than an aspected one. Unaspected Neptune- This enables the subject to consolidate talents and intuitive abilities while leading a constructive life.Unaspected Neptune does not have to face the challenges of difficult aspects and is therefore allowed more freedom to utilize imagination and inspiration. Unaspected Pluto- Those who have this uncommon placement are intense, well-balanced people who lack the usual Plutonian need to exert power over others.They are magnetic and forceful without overbearing. Powerful people are born with dominant Pluto and great is its presence in their lives that they are remembered even centuries after their death. Unapsected Pluto possesses the remarkable capacity for fame or infamy. Queen Elizabeth II, Pop star Madoona and German Composer Beethoven have a dominant Pluto in their birthcharts. ------------------ I love the parable, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, BUT if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for life.” IP: Logged |
SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 24, 2012 04:09 PM
(1)"Occasionally a planet is found to receive no aspects whatsoever. (The student should be wary of failing to notice the semi-square and the sesquiquadrate.) This does not seem to have been the object of much research. The idea is expressed here that such a planet will not be weak or ineffective (unless otherwise so adjudged), but, failing the interchanges with other planets, its principles, and especially its drive or urge when considered as an instinct or a force in the unconscious self, will not be properly integrated into the wholeness of the person. If a forceful planet, it will lack ways of using its drive. If a more receptive planet, it will at times be as if left out of the scheme altogether. For instance, a person with an unaspected Mercury will have moments of acting from sheer emotion, without the inclusion of any reasoning whatsoever."(2) "This does not mean the planet is a weak actor in the chart. Usually it is indicative, according to the planet, sign and house involved, of characteristics or a feature in the life of the person which it is difficult, or perhaps not attempted, to integrate with the rest of the nature or life-pattern." (3) "An unaspected planet is said to indicate an area (the planet, the sign, and the house) that you are trying to express but find it difficult to do, because the planet doesn't have the necessary "energy" to make it operate." quote:
Merely because the unaspected Planet isn't well-integrated with the rest of the chart doesn't suggest that it must remain on the sidelines as a quiet observer. Rather than being content with this Astrological isolation, the Planet is often driven to "makes some noise" in order to gain notice and make its point as suggested by its Sign and House placement. We routinely see that these unaspected "renegades" — by virtue of the fact that they aren't intimately wired into the circuitry with the rest of the Planets — may have to fight for recognition.Interpretive techniques that help with understanding of unaspected planets include utilization of minor aspects, House Rulerships, Midpoint pictures, and (at times) mutual receptions. These somewhat less obvious connections represent mechanisms by which the Planet can become involved in the chart dynamics. For example, an unaspected Sun in Leo located in and ruling the 10th could easily describe a situation where the abundant ego energy is desperately searching for a suitable public forum to "strut his stuff". like with your unaspected venus in gemini Ami when we look a little deeper into someone's charts it should become necessary to look at midpoints and parallels. As with your own chart I found venus/jupiter parallel --- which is excellent news. It's like adding another natal aspect. now with midpoints the most important and widely used are Asc/MC which you need a valid TOB and sun/moon. With moon being fastest moving, again without a valid, rectified TOB moon degree could well move or even change signs altogether.... Basic astrology forum, Learn Midpoints To enter this forum you need an extra password – astrology…. basic astrology forum, parallels in declination To enter this forum you need an extra password – astrology…. Feels like you are going over old ground "Unaspected Planets----Please Tell Me How it Feels " I do hope other member however who have an unaspected will contribute, to increase all our knowledge base.. ------------------ I love the parable, “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, BUT if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for life.” IP: Logged |
Anglerfish Knowflake Posts: 505 From: Registered: Jan 2011
posted February 24, 2012 11:32 PM
Nice!!!------------------ 12.5% of the planets have 71% of the mass. #OccupyJupiter. (I'd totally post the pic in my siggy if I could) IP: Logged |
sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted February 24, 2012 11:54 PM
"uanspected uranus. easily shocked or unshockable."perhaps the latter for me.. what if an unaspected is also a singleton? i have parallels to mine. it's also my jupiter/saturn midpoint. IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 25, 2012 07:57 AM
ike with your unaspected venus in gemini Ami when we look a little deeper into someone's charts it should become necessary to look at midpoints and parallels. As with your own chart I found venus/jupiter parallel --- which is excellent news. It's like adding another natal aspect. _______________________________________________Thank you Saggi MC Does this make like a Venus/Jupiter conjunction, would you say? ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 25, 2012 09:59 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: "uanspected uranus. easily shocked or unshockable."perhaps the latter for me.. what if an unaspected is also a singleton? i have parallels to mine. it's also my jupiter/saturn midpoint.
Someone in one of my study groups is gonna research Singeltons. How about YOU do that on LL. We can make a new thread and you put up info on it  ------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 25, 2012 10:06 AM
quote: Originally posted by Ami Anne: ike with your unaspected venus in gemini Ami when we look a little deeper into someone's charts it should become necessary to look at midpoints and parallels. As with your own chart I found venus/jupiter parallel --- which is excellent news. It's like adding another natal aspect. _______________________________________________Thank you Saggi MC Does this make like a Venus/Jupiter conjunction, would you say?
yes basically, but please feel free to research for yourself.. basic astrology forum, parallels in declination it's upto you, IF you feel that when you get into a relationship, do you go a little OTT? all or nothing would be the unaspected part, but jupiter is like a close friend benefic to venus...
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SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 25, 2012 10:10 AM
quote: Originally posted by sand: "uanspected uranus. easily shocked or unshockable."perhaps the latter for me.. what if an unaspected is also a singleton? i have parallels to mine. it's also my jupiter/saturn midpoint.
So, like on one of your other threads, why not try building sentences using key words? unaspected uranus - you said - unshockable your Uranus is not a true singleton, but only planet in mutuable quadruplicity. So how flexible to you see yourself?? You were born to the generation where uranus was in Saggi. Do you perhaps enjoy learning unsual things (other than astrology) something bit weird even? Would higher educations and 9th house matters add to your self esteem?? So 2nd house is self esteem, earning money, possessions, spending money. Are you perhaps fiercely independent connected to 2nd house issues, like possesions etc? How about you have a go?? IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 25, 2012 10:13 AM
All or nothing---hmmm-- I give people space. I love them very much but do not demand time etc. People can come and go but I do get attached to certain people, very strongly. I think an Unaspected Venus needs to understand love and how it functions between people---all kinds of relationships.------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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sand Knowflake Posts: 10270 From: Registered: May 2011
posted February 25, 2012 12:33 PM
quote: your Uranus is not a true singleton, but only planet in mutuable quadruplicity. So how flexible to you see yourself??
wait does it even work that way? i asked that question before.. that if you were a singleton by modality does that mean you express that modality more? so iz semi singletones? i connect with most of the uranus singleton reading. i am not flexible in general. i'm half fixed. perhaps in the area the house rules? but then i will have to think more about that whether or not i am flexible in that area.. IP: Logged |
carl Knowflake Posts: 1126 From: My soul is all over the world! (aka vagabond) Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 25, 2012 01:56 PM
I kind of skimmed but I did not see any real mention of unaspected Mercury.IP: Logged |
SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 25, 2012 03:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by carl: I kind of skimmed but I did not see any real mention of unaspected Mercury.
well try not to skim,go back and read third post in...from top IP: Logged |
SaggiMC unregistered
posted February 25, 2012 03:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by sand: wait does it even work that way? i asked that question before.. that if you were a singleton by modality does that mean you express that modality more? so iz semi singletones? i connect with most of the uranus singleton reading. i am not flexible in general. i'm half fixed. perhaps in the area the house rules? but then i will have to think more about that whether or not i am flexible in that area..
takes alot of hard work, all this self analysis doesn't it. You may well find that these two could cancel each other out...thing is with astrology you never stop learning, it's a process IP: Logged |
Moonfish Moderator Posts: 5223 From: Tropical Ocean Registered: Jul 2011
posted February 25, 2012 04:04 PM
my Venus doesn't have in major aspects with in 5 degs, but it has tight orbs with minor aspects. Would this technically be considered as unaspected?IP: Logged |
Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted February 25, 2012 05:40 PM
Moon-- With unaspected planets--- minor aspects don't count but 8 degrees is prolly the smallest orb that can count, imo------------------ Passion, Lust, Desire. Check out my journal
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carl Knowflake Posts: 1126 From: My soul is all over the world! (aka vagabond) Registered: Apr 2009
posted February 26, 2012 01:02 AM
quote: Originally posted by SaggiMC: well try not to skim,go back and read third post in...from top
Not talking about the 3rd post. Talking about the OP. sigh. IP: Logged |
twinflame1914 Knowflake Posts: 328 From: Registered: Mar 2013
posted May 16, 2015 12:16 PM
Interesting.My boyfriend has 3 unaspected planets: venus, uranus, pluto IP: Logged |
Gabby Moderator Posts: 8902 From: Registered: Sep 2012
posted May 16, 2015 12:21 PM
Awesome Ami!!!  IP: Logged |
Seimei unregistered
posted May 16, 2015 01:10 PM
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Ami Anne Moderator Posts: 72131 From: Pluto/house next to NickiG Registered: Sep 2010
posted May 16, 2015 01:17 PM
quote: Originally posted by Gabby: Awesome Ami!!! 
Thanks, Gabby! ------------------ Want to Read Simple, Fun,Sexy Articles on Astrology? Check Me Out, DUDE.
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Seimei unregistered
posted May 16, 2015 02:22 PM
.thing is with astrology you never stop learning, it's a process <eggzakly[/B][/QUOTE] ------------------ Seimei, Jupiter Nadir IP: Logged |
Seimei unregistered
posted July 26, 2015 09:56 PM
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Seimei unregistered
posted July 26, 2015 09:58 PM
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