posted March 14, 2012 10:24 PM
As my birthday is March 12th, I’ve been doing a bit of analysis regarding my solar return. I check my return yearly and carefully note the house placement of each planet as it pertains to my natal. I’ve also read that progressions activate aspects formed between the solar return and the natal. Frankly, I’ve seen so many theories regarding solar return charts that I’ve sort of taken bits and pieces from each that I see actually unfold before me and begun to tuck them back for the next year.
You can imagine my surprise when I came across this page about using Astrodienst to create a precessed solar return chart. I’m sure many of you who frequent Linda Land have probably already noticed this method and possibly even discussed it. If so, I apologize for the repost. I was actually amazed by this and have started to review past solar return charts using this method to check for correlations to major life events. If you haven’t taken a look at this, it only takes a few minutes and, at least for me, provides a rather interesting slant on your run-of-the-mill solar return chart.
How to create a Precession-Corrected Solar Return:
1. Go to the Astrodienst extended chart selection.
2. Do the Solar Return as a Fagan/Bradley sidereal chart.
3. Note the date (as of this post, the one ending in 2012) and time (self-explanatory) of the Fagan/Bradley sidereal chart.
4. Then redo the chart as a normal tropical natal chart using the time and date from the Fagan/Bradley solar return sidereal chart (You won’t be able to look at it individually).
5. Run a synastry chart between the chart created in step 4 and your normal natal chart.
Some of you may remember me. Although I tend to be a bit “charismatic” from time to time, a reader can definitely never claim they aren’t given a show (although its quality may not be so absolute
). Often, a certain lovely lady tends to leave the second ‘R’ out of my user name. Either way, I began posting in 2010 and got some interesting opinions in addition to feedback on conclusions I’d already drawn. I explained that I was leaving the most long-term, stable job I had ever had to move eight hours north for a better paying job in the same career field but with a different company. Between then and now, I completed the eight hour move north. I kept the job for three months then transferred to a different location within the same company three hours east which required a second move. On February 27th, I was laid-off. Uranus has been sitting at the top of my chart for around three years now so I wasn’t overly surprised (once I screamed on the inside for about two days).
When I was laid off, I knew somewhere inside myself that I was finished with that particular career field for the rest of my life. For me, this signaled the close of a six year long chapter in my work history (which is very important to me, considering that my sun, venus, and mercury are in the tenth house) as well as the bulk of my twenties. My career hasn’t been the only change in my life since November of 2010. In addition to my career change and two major moves of house, I hope to have my associates by the end of 2012 and I have also quit smoking (and gained fifty pounds - Puke). I could never have imagined the all-encompassing scope of the changes inspired by Uranus as it transits my tenth house. In my natal, Uranus actually makes a tight square to my sun, which I suspect adds weight to this already potent planet.
So, here I am. I’m in a town where I don’t know anyone. I’m in a different state from anyone I’m related to. I just took a job in mortgage finance support with a national lending company and feel that I have been all but forced abandon my career of six years (that’s quite a while for me). My financial future seems all but stable and I feel as though I’m sitting at the convergence of thirty-seven proverbial forks-in-the-road. I’m going to school for my bachelors in computer science, thinking about getting LASIK surgery, and still single at twenty-six. For the most part, I’m okay with what happens as long as I know I’ve done my best.
As I mentioned earlier, I’ve taken a look at my solar return chart (charts, if you count the precessed). Prior to losing my communications job, I’d actually planned to spend it in Pittsburgh in an effort to tilt the scale more in my favor. Unfortunately, those plans had to take a back-seat to my electric bill once received word that my store was closing. I’d like any feedback anyone is willing to offer (though, please understand that I don’t feel entitled to anything). Also, if you’ve cast your precessed solar return using the instructions above, did you find it more or less accurate?
Precession-corrected Solar Return/Natal Comparison:
Here is a link to the corresponding aspect tables.
Normal Solar Return/Natal comparison:
Here is a link to the corresponding aspect tables.
As always, I appreciate any feedback anyone is willing to offer and I have my faith to support me through what I know will be a great year. 
PS: I’ve decided that I like radishes if I have humus to eat with them. Something about the oniony taste.