Topic: Magnetic aspects in a natal chart
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 3732 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted March 24, 2012 02:27 PM
I also wished everyone would like everyone else for who they are and what they stand for, not what they wear, where they are from, what they do, what they like to do, how they smell, etc. This morning, my wife stopped at a traffic light to greet a homeless guy on the street corner. She hugged him and gave him four Andrews. The others at the stop light were disgusted. One called the cops. It didn't matter what she was wearing and what she was driving. The concept was to show affection for everyone equally. Sorry for the rant. Back to the thread  IP: Logged |
YoursTrulyAlways Knowflake Posts: 3732 From: Registered: Oct 2011
posted March 24, 2012 02:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Geminisquared: So you're rich? Howdy!
Glad I'm not the only one with a sense of humor. Live in the City? (hopefully you are a guy and I can carry out a normal conversation without being pushed through the deli meat slicer. Ok, if you are female, I preface with a disclaimer by annoucing that I have zero sexual intent. What am I saying? If you are a guy, I definitely have zero sexual intent rofl :P) IP: Logged |
naturalbeige Knowflake Posts: 158 From: Portland, OR Registered: Jul 2010
posted March 24, 2012 02:59 PM
I have plenty of Scorpio/Pluto influences that are magnetic. My Sun in Virgo is in the 8th house, and my Venus and Pluto are both in Scorpio conjunct Midheaven.With my Capricorn rising, I used to feel awkward and like the ugly duckling. From the time I started college, I got hit on a lot. At first, it was weird. Now, I'm used to it. I'm still hit on today, even when I'm not wearing make-up! I do have boundaries, though, and keep everything in perspective. I'm fine with people complimenting me, but if their remarks get overly sexual I walk away. I don't dress over-the-top, and also am aware that outer beauty is not as important and permanent as inner beauty. Thanks to my Capricorn rising, I'm practical about what I am and what my limits are. IP: Logged |
Adam Knowflake Posts: 86 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 25, 2012 02:34 PM
Uranus in the first ? IP: Logged |
alaz7200 Knowflake Posts: 264 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 25, 2012 08:00 PM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: Yeah but I'm not deformed looking or anything. I'm easy enough on the eye lmfao. I also have jupiter square asc. Wonder what that does?
Haha, you've misconstrued how I intended "striking." Think striking a la Angelina Jolie... at the very least, Uranus/Asc aspects give you a look that catches others' attention- others will usually notice something distinguish/electric about your baring. Because it's a square you've got, they may not know whether they like your vibe or loathe it, but if nothing else, makes for an eye-catcher. I myself am Uranus square Asc as well... IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 2331 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted March 25, 2012 08:05 PM
quote: Originally posted by alaz7200: Haha, you've misconstrued how I intended "striking." Think striking a la Angelina Jolie... at the very least, Uranus/Asc aspects give you a look that catches others' attention- others will usually notice something distinguish/electric about your baring. Because it's a square you've got, they may not know whether they like your vibe or loathe it, but if nothing else, makes for an eye-catcher.I myself am Uranus square Asc as well...
What kind of appearance would Mars conj. ASC give? A masculine one? IP: Logged |
alaz7200 Knowflake Posts: 264 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 25, 2012 08:10 PM
The word "magnetic" implies an ability to attract without effort -- others are attracted to a "magnetic" individual simply by virtue of his/her energy, aura, or bearing. "Magnetic" is synonymous with the terms "radio-active" and "nuclear". This immediately brings to mind 2 planetary energies: Uranus and Pluto.Prominent Uranus and Pluto are always striking. That guy/gal that made you turn your head at the grocery store this morning? Most likely a Venus/Uranus or Venus/Pluto aspect in their chart. That, or Mars/Uranus or Mars/Pluto. Traditionally, Venus and Mars are indicators of attraction, so this comes as no surprise. Uranus and Pluto contacting AC, and to a lesser extent, MC, should also taken into account when discerning "magnetism". In particular, there is a noteworthy effervescence inherent in individuals with Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Aquarius. Anyone concur? :-) IP: Logged |
aquaguy91 Moderator Posts: 4153 From: tennessee Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 25, 2012 08:10 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: I also wished everyone would like everyone else for who they are and what they stand for, not what they wear, where they are from, what they do, what they like to do, how they smell, etc. This morning, my wife stopped at a traffic light to greet a homeless guy on the street corner. She hugged him and gave him four Andrews. The others at the stop light were disgusted. One called the cops. It didn't matter what she was wearing and what she was driving. The concept was to show affection for everyone equally. Sorry for the rant. Back to the thread 
i dont see how people get so worked up over a joke,i knew when i first saw your post that it was a joke ,it was actually quiet funny,so learn to laugh people XD IP: Logged |
Planet Queen Knowflake Posts: 301 From: Portlandia Registered: Jul 2011
posted March 25, 2012 08:11 PM
I don't care about being magnetic, I'd rather be a loner. Yet I have plenty of friends... The best part is no one really knows how mean spirited I am, because I'm just so nice & bubbly... IP: Logged |
alaz7200 Knowflake Posts: 264 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 25, 2012 08:18 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: What kind of appearance would Mars conj. ASC give? A masculine one?
Although this is the traditional cookbook description of Mars in the 1st, I've found more of a "robust", "athletic" look, even if the native is not sporty at all. There is the impression that he/she is unmovable, or in other words, not easy to take down. There's an unmistakable posture and bearing to the native with Mars in the 1st that suggest "solidity" - even if it's not the case, the native appears to be someone who remains unfettered by much. The cheeks are also rosy. IP: Logged |
scrappydog Knowflake Posts: 1048 From: Texas Registered: May 2009
posted March 25, 2012 08:34 PM
People tell me I am magnetic and charismatic, I have actaully attracted followers(and stalkers!)I believe my natal factors that cause this are:Sun conj pluto 1* Venus parallel pluto Libra stellium Chiron in 1st conj asc in taurus 2* venus in 5th squaring neptune in 8th Black moon lilith also conj my sun pluto conj right in the middle, they are in the libra stellium all within 1* Chiron i 1st has a bad rap because it can be so painful, but it is very, very magnetic and fascinating if u have never read any info on it from Zein Stein or Barbara Hand Clow u need to. IP: Logged |
hannaramaa Knowflake Posts: 2331 From: Registered: Nov 2011
posted March 25, 2012 09:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by alaz7200: Although this is the traditional cookbook description of Mars in the 1st, I've found more of a "robust", "athletic" look, even if the native is not sporty at all. There is the impression that he/she is unmovable, or in other words, not easy to take down. There's an unmistakable posture and bearing to the native with Mars in the 1st that suggest "solidity" - even if it's not the case, the native appears to be someone who remains unfettered by much. The cheeks are also rosy.
Proves true this time as well. I'm very robust and not sporty (although I did weights and ran when I was younger.) Sigh... GREAT aspect for a girly girl like me. IP: Logged |
Melodie Knowflake Posts: 52 From: USA Registered: Feb 2012
posted March 25, 2012 09:39 PM
quote: Originally posted by alaz7200: The word "magnetic" implies an ability to attract without effort -- others are attracted to a "magnetic" individual simply by virtue of his/her energy, aura, or bearing. "Magnetic" is synonymous with the terms "radio-active" and "nuclear". This immediately brings to mind 2 planetary energies: Uranus and Pluto.Prominent Uranus and Pluto are always striking. That guy/gal that made you turn your head at the grocery store this morning? Most likely a Venus/Uranus or Venus/Pluto aspect in their chart. That, or Mars/Uranus or Mars/Pluto. Traditionally, Venus and Mars are indicators of attraction, so this comes as no surprise. Uranus and Pluto contacting AC, and to a lesser extent, MC, should also taken into account when discerning "magnetism". In particular, there is a noteworthy effervescence inherent in individuals with Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Aquarius. Anyone concur? :-)
I still don't understand what different aspects mean (so confusing!), but based on what you said, I agree.My best friend has - Venus sextile Uranus - Venus trine Pluto - Venus conjunct Ascendant - Mars sextile Midheaven - Pluto trine Ascendant She isn't stunningly beautiful, but definitely very pretty with a sweet charm. I remember the first time I saw her, she stood out in a room of 20+ people. Male and female gravitate towards her like bees to a flower. I love the girl, but I admit, I am envious of her effortless attraction. I on the other hand have - Venus sextile Mars - Venus conjunct Uranus - Mars conjunct Pluto - Mars sextile Midheaven - Uranus conjunct Midheaven I wouldn't say I'm unattractive, but I definitely blend in compared to my friend. I feel like I have to put in a bit more effort and I don't make friends quite as easily . IP: Logged |
VenusDiSirius Knowflake Posts: 4215 From: Surfing Kite. Seriously. Registered: Aug 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:08 PM
quote: Originally posted by alaz7200: The word "magnetic" implies an ability to attract without effort -- others are attracted to a "magnetic" individual simply by virtue of his/her energy, aura, or bearing. "Magnetic" is synonymous with the terms "radio-active" and "nuclear". This immediately brings to mind 2 planetary energies: Uranus and Pluto.Prominent Uranus and Pluto are always striking. That guy/gal that made you turn your head at the grocery store this morning? Most likely a Venus/Uranus or Venus/Pluto aspect in their chart. That, or Mars/Uranus or Mars/Pluto. Traditionally, Venus and Mars are indicators of attraction, so this comes as no surprise. Uranus and Pluto contacting AC, and to a lesser extent, MC, should also taken into account when discerning "magnetism". In particular, there is a noteworthy effervescence inherent in individuals with Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Aquarius. Anyone concur? :-)
You can't not bring up Uranus,Pluto without mentioning Neptune,you simply can not! As far as effortless attracting goes,Moon conj Asc is very worthy noting. IP: Logged |
Lonake Moderator Posts: 8686 From: Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 25, 2012 10:15 PM
^ Makes sense, Moon is the public.IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:36 PM
quote: Originally posted by Moonfish: Really? that's gotta be the work of the Venus-pluto alone. Because i have Sun-pluto and Mars-Pluto. I'm not magnetic to ppl at all lol
I think it is the whole combination. Venus conj Mars prolly has someone oozing sexuality, that combined with Pluto to add intensity and mystery. I would say WOW. Of course all of that in 1st H (the observable self)...Born human magnet. IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:40 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: I mean, I understand all the signs are magnetic in their own way but the kind of "magnetism" I'm envisioning is those people who others are naturally drawn to, and whom they can be fascinated by for a long period of time. The mysteriousness mixed with a quiet confidence that is unimposing. That's a healthy kind of magnetism to me that I don't think I possess as an Fire/Air girl lol. To me, others are drawn to me simply because I'm outgoing. I don't believe I'm mysterious to others at all, although I do bottle up my emotions a lot others (re: WATER SIGNS! LOL) can read them/care about them.
I think many scorpio/pluto strong (with easy/conjunct aspects) have the characteristics you are looking for. I am fire/air gal too and I've found quite a few people I know who I think magnetic have this (esp my Dsc is Scorpio). IP: Logged |
athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 1523 From: Registered: Aug 2011
posted March 25, 2012 10:41 PM
Hmm. I'm an energetic power house.Pluto Scorpio 9 in 1st house Psyche Scorpio 8 Sun Cancer 8 Valentine Cancer 8 Moon Capricorn 8 Neptune Capricorn 8 IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:43 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: Not to be cynical but I'm an earth sign after all. The green magnets are usually cliped to a pin or placed inside a wallet. They can make the most ugly or boring guy very charming.
True. But I think we are more interested in the exceptions, ie how come someone could still be very magnetic without the green thingy IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:46 PM
quote: Originally posted by YoursTrulyAlways: This is the truth. I'm not making this up. I was walking down the sidewalk in Manhattan one day when a psychic sitting at a table on the sidewalk on the beautiful day invited me to sit down. Sure. It was lunch time and I needed some entertainment. So, she said she could improve my aura and popularity. I asked how. She said I was deficient in the color gold. And that she can help me become more popular. She said everyone would like me more and I would be more prosperous in my business. OK. But she said that there's a price. She needs four ounces of gold. Except that gold back then was $1,800 an ounce I got my entertainment for the day 
I see you've got the green magnet (or have that look).  IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:54 PM
quote: Originally posted by MillyX: I have the ***** face syndrome =\ I have saturn in my 1st house so I look really serious. People are afraid to talk to me but I'm actually really nice & sensitive [pisces moon] People mistake my shyness for being mean. lol that's why I've been forever alone since birth!!
Oh! I have Saturn in 1H too. B**** faced :P But then I have Sun conj Venue, with Eros and Psyche also nearby (sign conj though not in orb) opposing Mars. So I have noticed I trigger strong reaction from people, esp when I was younger (they either love me or hate me). And yes, I scared away most guys  IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 10:57 PM
quote: Originally posted by mintgirl123: ^ lol YTAShe wasn't ****** off. She was just making a point. Don't worry. Anyway my dad is pretty magnetic I guess. He knows everyone, and everyone knows his name from other people or are friends with him. Kinda 'infamous' at times I guess, cos I guess people get jealous/envious. Dad's very generous and seems to treat others better than he treats the family. -_-
He's an aqua rising uranus conjunct desc (2ish degrees) scorpio sun scorpio/sag cusp moon (literally on the cusp line 30 degrees-1 degrees sag) scorpio mercury Cap venus Cancer mars.
Scorpio/plutonic and Aqua/uranian = lethal combination, mysterious and unpredictable  IP: Logged |
yuting Knowflake Posts: 645 From: Hong Kong Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 25, 2012 11:21 PM
quote: Originally posted by hannaramaa: I'm really glad you brought this up, because lately I've been seeing an Aquarius pattern. I've met and work with a lot of people who are Aquarius/Pisces. These people are mysterious but not in the same way as Scorpio, and I'm intrigued in the difference between the two. I didn't know Aquarius was such a magnetic sign (usually thought it to represent detached and aloof). And I'm starting to think it's magnetic BECAUSE they are aloof. Scorpio is like walking around with an open flesh wound - very intense, raw emotion. It can overwhelm others. I think others find the aloofness intriguing because as a society we're trained/used to attention mongers.So... Aquarius plays a big part in the ability to draw others in without engaging them first? My Dad is an Aquarius sun and sounds similar to your dad. He's well liked and respected with his employees and throughout his career. Really stand up guy.
I see Aqua/Uranus influence as cool, a bit eccentric and unpredictable. Scorpio are true magnets, sucking people in with their intensity. While Aqua/Uranus appeals to our curiosity (kills the cat or people ) People relish the challenge of winning the trust and recognition of someone deep and demanding as a Scorpio, while the fun challenge element with Aqua is in succeeding in getting close to these detached and cool ones (eg competing to see who could get closer to/be better friend with the Aquarian). IP: Logged |
mercuranian Knowflake Posts: 642 From: the future Registered: Apr 2009
posted March 25, 2012 11:31 PM
quote: Originally posted by yuting: I think it is the whole combination. Venus conj Mars prolly has someone oozing sexuality, that combined with Pluto to add intensity and mystery. I would say WOW. Of course all of that in 1st H (the observable self)...Born human magnet.
that's meeee (except pluto squares from h4) privy to much unwanted attention, and i don't think i'm even that pretty. it's all energy baby!  IP: Logged |
alaz7200 Knowflake Posts: 264 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 25, 2012 11:34 PM
quote: Originally posted by Melodie: [QUOTE]Originally posted by alaz7200: [b]The word "magnetic" implies an ability to attract without effort -- others are attracted to a "magnetic" individual simply by virtue of his/her energy, aura, or bearing. "Magnetic" is synonymous with the terms "radio-active" and "nuclear". This immediately brings to mind 2 planetary energies: Uranus and Pluto.Prominent Uranus and Pluto are always striking. That guy/gal that made you turn your head at the grocery store this morning? Most likely a Venus/Uranus or Venus/Pluto aspect in their chart. That, or Mars/Uranus or Mars/Pluto. Traditionally, Venus and Mars are indicators of attraction, so this comes as no surprise. Uranus and Pluto contacting AC, and to a lesser extent, MC, should also taken into account when discerning "magnetism". In particular, there is a noteworthy effervescence inherent in individuals with Venus in Scorpio and Venus in Aquarius. Anyone concur? :-)
I still don't understand what different aspects mean (so confusing!), but based on what you said, I agree.My best friend has - Venus sextile Uranus - Venus trine Pluto - Venus conjunct Ascendant - Mars sextile Midheaven - Pluto trine Ascendant She isn't stunningly beautiful, but definitely very pretty with a sweet charm. I remember the first time I saw her, she stood out in a room of 20+ people. Male and female gravitate towards her like bees to a flower. I love the girl, but I admit, I am envious of her effortless attraction. I on the other hand have - Venus sextile Mars - Venus conjunct Uranus - Mars conjunct Pluto - Mars sextile Midheaven - Uranus conjunct Midheaven I wouldn't say I'm unattractive, but I definitely blend in compared to my friend. I feel like I have to put in a bit more effort and I don't make friends quite as easily .[/B][/QUOTE] Perhaps it's all in your head- Venus/Uranus/MC conjunction should yield some interesting results! Also, what sign is your Venus, and what sign is your friend's? IP: Logged |