Topic: sun sq moon in synastry
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1694 From: Registered: May 2011
posted March 27, 2012 10:40 PM
So I've read on many sites that sun sq moon in synastry can create unbearable friction in relationships. But then I've also read how the 2 r very drawn to each other, esp if its a double whammy. So is this a positive or negative aspect? Esp the DW with close orbs.IP: Logged |
Diana Knowflake Posts: 2620 From: Registered: May 2009
posted March 27, 2012 10:52 PM
It's going to make for a very passionate relationship if other attraction aspects support it, but your ego's and emotions may clash terribly. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 28, 2012 02:57 AM
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Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 28, 2012 10:48 AM
All sun moon aspects in synastry are an indication that the potential for “Heiros Gamos” or “sacred marriage” is present. In other words there is a potential for yin/yang to unite in a wordless union of purpose. It represents the coming together of all that we are and have been in one partner (moon) with all that we are becoming (sun) in the other. The Sun/Moon link is the place where one partners consciousness meets up with the other persons purpose. The Moon person normally takes the supportive role whilst the sun person takes the inspirational one. Moon helps sun to create; sun inspires moon to become more.From what I have seen in practice, when sun square moon occurs in synastry it is very hard for the two parties to ignore one another. This is especially true if both parties have many squares in their own charts and are familiar with “square energy” as this hard energy is natural driving factor in their psyche. A very “triny” kind of person may shy away from a sun square moon relationship as this kind of energy is quite foreign to them. Sun square moon in synastry may play out in a negative way because of the tension inherent in the square, with much conflict and resistance to one another. Although attraction and passion is present, the couple may push each other’s buttons constantly or resist the partner’s attempts to support/inspire each other. Competitive influences are strongly intertwined, with contentious burning needs at odds with one another which are difficult to repress and can create a lot of problems. It is for this reason, that sun square moon synastry usually only begins to “work” if the couple has attained a certain level of maturity in their individual psychological development. A mature sun/moon square can work positively and wonderfully. This is because a positively expressed square relationship opens the couple up to limitless possibilities. They have the potential to support and inspire each other to the point of union inherent in the symbolism of the yin/yang. This takes the form of a journey of joint exploration where old rules are constantly being questioned and outdated values broken, destroyed and re-shaped into new images. The relationship is characterized by a feeling of freedom, tinged with a strange combination of fear and anticipation of the unknown territory into which they venture together. This couple needs to trust one another implicitly as the thrust of this aspect is to propel them to pioneer new levels of being and destroy in themselves that which is blocking the next step in their growth. There are always some obstacles and challenges present in the process. New boundaries constantly have to be formed as the old ones fall away, and the challenge is to remain centered and open throughout this process. The square aspect between the luminaries is a very vulnerable one; much can go wrong and the potential to slip into resistance and conflict is always there, but if this can be overcome this aspect can break boundaries and be quite exhilarating. This is why the square aspect is known as a growth aspect. Growth can be difficult, uncomfortable and painful at time as it means both parties have to adjust and change in order to work together. If you want a relationship that is easy, comfortable and complacent, forget about trying to have one with someone whose sun squares your moon or vice versa. But if you want a shot at growing with someone in an environment where there will almost certainly be challenges which have the potential to either split you apart explosively or cement you together creatively in conscious growth, then go for it. The key to working with synastry squares is to learn how to remain centered in the present moment at the same time as tapping into higher levels of guidance to discover different and more supportive ways of releasing stress and pressure through taking action.
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athenegoddess Knowflake Posts: 352 From: us Registered: Sep 2018
posted March 28, 2012 11:08 AM
I've experienced this his Sun is Libra 9 my Moon Capricorn 8.. Yum.IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 28, 2012 11:21 AM
Wow, that's a tight orb. It sound yum to me!IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1694 From: Registered: May 2011
posted March 28, 2012 11:46 AM
That makes sense. Thank u for the explanation just wasn't sure which way to look at it.IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 28, 2012 12:03 PM
You are welcome.  IP: Logged |
JoJo Knowflake Posts: 543 From: West Linn, OR Registered: Mar 2011
posted March 30, 2012 09:11 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: All sun moon aspects in synastry are an indication that the potential for “Heiros Gamos” or “sacred marriage” is present. In other words there is a potential for yin/yang to unite in a wordless union of purpose. It represents the coming together of all that we are and have been in one partner (moon) with all that we are becoming (sun) in the other. The Sun/Moon link is the place where one partners consciousness meets up with the other persons purpose. The Moon person normally takes the supportive role whilst the sun person takes the inspirational one. Moon helps sun to create; sun inspires moon to become more.From what I have seen in practice, when sun square moon occurs in synastry it is very hard for the two parties to ignore one another. This is especially true if both parties have many squares in their own charts and are familiar with “square energy” as this hard energy is natural driving factor in their psyche. A very “triny” kind of person may shy away from a sun square moon relationship as this kind of energy is quite foreign to them. Sun square moon in synastry may play out in a negative way because of the tension inherent in the square, with much conflict and resistance to one another. Although attraction and passion is present, the couple may push each other’s buttons constantly or resist the partner’s attempts to support/inspire each other. Competitive influences are strongly intertwined, with contentious burning needs at odds with one another which are difficult to repress and can create a lot of problems. It is for this reason, that sun square moon synastry usually only begins to “work” if the couple has attained a certain level of maturity in their individual psychological development. A mature sun/moon square can work positively and wonderfully. This is because a positively expressed square relationship opens the couple up to limitless possibilities. They have the potential to support and inspire each other to the point of union inherent in the symbolism of the yin/yang. This takes the form of a journey of joint exploration where old rules are constantly being questioned and outdated values broken, destroyed and re-shaped into new images. The relationship is characterized by a feeling of freedom, tinged with a strange combination of fear and anticipation of the unknown territory into which they venture together. This couple needs to trust one another implicitly as the thrust of this aspect is to propel them to pioneer new levels of being and destroy in themselves that which is blocking the next step in their growth. There are always some obstacles and challenges present in the process. New boundaries constantly have to be formed as the old ones fall away, and the challenge is to remain centered and open throughout this process. The square aspect between the luminaries is a very vulnerable one; much can go wrong and the potential to slip into resistance and conflict is always there, but if this can be overcome this aspect can break boundaries and be quite exhilarating. This is why the square aspect is known as a growth aspect. Growth can be difficult, uncomfortable and painful at time as it means both parties have to adjust and change in order to work together. If you want a relationship that is easy, comfortable and complacent, forget about trying to have one with someone whose sun squares your moon or vice versa. But if you want a shot at growing with someone in an environment where there will almost certainly be challenges which have the potential to either split you apart explosively or cement you together creatively in conscious growth, then go for it. The key to working with synastry squares is to learn how to remain centered in the present moment at the same time as tapping into higher levels of guidance to discover different and more supportive ways of releasing stress and pressure through taking action.
Interesting... My man and I have Sun (me) sq Moon (him) at 1.43 degrees and Sun (him) trine moon (me) at 1.48 degrees. We are in our 40's and were both in 15 year marriages that taught us so much. We decided from the start to do this one right (having learned from previous mistakes), and our relationship is so amazing that literally everyone who knows us well has commented about it. The best part is we both realize how blessed we are and what a gift we have in each other. Your post completely validates what we both feel. IP: Logged |
Taineberry Knowflake Posts: 939 From: Registered: Jun 2011
posted March 30, 2012 09:53 AM
Oh Jojo ... I am soooo envious of your synastry! It sounds just like my cup of tea. The best of both worlds with a trine AND a square between the luminaries.  IP: Logged |
RunAroundScreaming Knowflake Posts: 8223 From: Registered: Oct 2010
posted March 30, 2012 06:31 PM
Yeah, I was going to say the same thing. It's wonderful that a consensus about this seems to have been reached because it shows astrology is true. Everyone seems to have had a similar experience of the sun moon square in synastry. That's it's actually quite wonderful  Even though sometimes you have to confront family lifestyles and values that are not your own, it is still inspiring, and there's just this fascination there that I love. IP: Logged |
ShyVirgo1979 Knowflake Posts: 1694 From: Registered: May 2011
posted March 30, 2012 09:43 PM
Awww well that makes it sound so wonderful eh apparently we weren't at that maturity lol it was sun sq moon both ways, one orb was 1.90 the other was .84. But I'll keep all that good stuff in mind for the next person I encounter with this synastry aspect. Cuz it has a positive side too.IP: Logged |
Linda Jones Knowflake Posts: 1974 From: Registered: Jan 2012
posted March 30, 2012 10:50 PM
Fantastic, Taineberry!  You've explained it beautifully, thank you. I have the square in synastry and agree with everything you've said. IP: Logged |
Mystic Melody Knowflake Posts: 878 From: IL Registered: Dec 2010
posted April 24, 2012 01:17 AM
Exceptional info, Taineberry. Thank you.IP: Logged |
LeoSagRisingTaurusMoon Knowflake Posts: 108 From: Quintiles land, next to Neptune conjunct Asc Registered: Nov 2019
posted May 25, 2020 11:25 AM
quote: Originally posted by Taineberry: All sun moon aspects in synastry are an indication that the potential for “Heiros Gamos” or “sacred marriage” is present. In other words there is a potential for yin/yang to unite in a wordless union of purpose. It represents the coming together of all that we are and have been in one partner (moon) with all that we are becoming (sun) in the other. The Sun/Moon link is the place where one partners consciousness meets up with the other persons purpose. The Moon person normally takes the supportive role whilst the sun person takes the inspirational one. Moon helps sun to create; sun inspires moon to become more.From what I have seen in practice, when sun square moon occurs in synastry it is very hard for the two parties to ignore one another. This is especially true if both parties have many squares in their own charts and are familiar with “square energy” as this hard energy is natural driving factor in their psyche. A very “triny” kind of person may shy away from a sun square moon relationship as this kind of energy is quite foreign to them. Sun square moon in synastry may play out in a negative way because of the tension inherent in the square, with much conflict and resistance to one another. Although attraction and passion is present, the couple may push each other’s buttons constantly or resist the partner’s attempts to support/inspire each other. Competitive influences are strongly intertwined, with contentious burning needs at odds with one another which are difficult to repress and can create a lot of problems. It is for this reason, that sun square moon synastry usually only begins to “work” if the couple has attained a certain level of maturity in their individual psychological development. A mature sun/moon square can work positively and wonderfully. This is because a positively expressed square relationship opens the couple up to limitless possibilities. They have the potential to support and inspire each other to the point of union inherent in the symbolism of the yin/yang. This takes the form of a journey of joint exploration where old rules are constantly being questioned and outdated values broken, destroyed and re-shaped into new images. The relationship is characterized by a feeling of freedom, tinged with a strange combination of fear and anticipation of the unknown territory into which they venture together. This couple needs to trust one another implicitly as the thrust of this aspect is to propel them to pioneer new levels of being and destroy in themselves that which is blocking the next step in their growth. There are always some obstacles and challenges present in the process. New boundaries constantly have to be formed as the old ones fall away, and the challenge is to remain centered and open throughout this process. The square aspect between the luminaries is a very vulnerable one; much can go wrong and the potential to slip into resistance and conflict is always there, but if this can be overcome this aspect can break boundaries and be quite exhilarating. This is why the square aspect is known as a growth aspect. Growth can be difficult, uncomfortable and painful at time as it means both parties have to adjust and change in order to work together. If you want a relationship that is easy, comfortable and complacent, forget about trying to have one with someone whose sun squares your moon or vice versa. But if you want a shot at growing with someone in an environment where there will almost certainly be challenges which have the potential to either split you apart explosively or cement you together creatively in conscious growth, then go for it. The key to working with synastry squares is to learn how to remain centered in the present moment at the same time as tapping into higher levels of guidance to discover different and more supportive ways of releasing stress and pressure through taking action.
Thank you for this lovely post. My Leo Sun (8H) squares his Scorpio Moon (12H) luckily with a quite loose orb (8°) since I second all the growth talk, but I love me some comfort and peace 
------------------ My natal chart with asteroids and without asteroids Sappho biquintile Sun Mercury biquintile Uranus Venus quintile Saturn MC quintile Neptune Juno biquintile North Node Vertex quintile MC IP: Logged |
Kannon McAfee Moderator Posts: 4364 From: Portland, OR - USA Registered: Oct 2011
posted May 25, 2020 01:42 PM
This belongs in Interpersonal Astrology. I'm moving it there now.------------------ Soul Stars Astrology by The Declinations Guy Expert birth chart rectification The birth chart is a starting place not a pre-determiner of fate. IP: Logged |